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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by PegasisterTaco

  1. Jaide's pupils grew small after hearing what Blossom Bloom said. "I'm not used to kissing just so you know. The kiss Tune Twist gave me was my first. And I don't know if I have enough courage to do so," (when is ThatGuyWhoAteTheCookies going to get on? D:)
  2. Never comment on a status unless you want your notifications button to get raped.

    1. Lady Rarity Pony

      Lady Rarity Pony

      inb4 "don't use 'rape' like that comment.

    2. lardbobobo


      inb4 your notification status gets raped by this status update


  3. Jaide noticed that some ponies were looking over at them and snickering. She blushed a bright red and replied, "Well where should I? Maybe the gala? In the garden? But I need an incident to make that happen,"
  4. (0.o)Jaide looked up as Blossom Bloom flew around. She started to back away slowly. "Yeah, awsome isn't it? I don't know what to do now," Jaide shuffled her hooves around trying to hide her blushing..
  5. (Like that woman thing) After the shaking, Jaide's eyes went derp. "All right! All right! I'll tell you!" she said after she recovered. "Tune Twist got happy and... Kissed me." Jaide quickly pulled away to see how Blossom Bloom reacted.
  6. Jaide looked around to see if anyone was around to hear. "Okay," she said in a sort of hushed voice. "So yesterday, Tune Twist was looking for me because he said that he couldn't afford the tickets or his suit. Then I smiled and told him that I already had some tickets. One for him and one for me. And I told him that I could buy him his suit. With that, Tune Twist got happy and..." she stopped there to see what Blossom Bloom's reaction was.
  7. Jaide laughed. "I'm not really doing much. Just walking around while listening to music. There's not much to do. And I'm too excited ffor the gala to do anything," she replied to Blossom Bloom's question. "Guess what happened yesterday," Jaide said as she started to hop.
  8. I thought mods didn't even post in the general silliness section of the forum! On topic: Dang.. That's one freaky clown...
  9. Jaide took off her headphones to she could hear better. She looked up and saw Blossom Bloom. "Oh hey Blossom Bloom. How's it going? You looking for something to eat again aren't you?" she asked Blossom.
  10. Dang I'm bored... I think it's time for Amnesia! :3

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Derpy Dash

      Derpy Dash

      Amnesia isn't that scary, compared to other horror games.

    3. Derpy Dash

      Derpy Dash

      Some other horror games*

    4. PegasisterTaco


      Thing is I don't even own Amnesia. I'm playing it on my cousin's computer.

  11. There is nothing wrong with you. You just don't really like what other people like. That's normal. It's what makes you.. Well you. I personally didn't find anything sad about MLD. It's a good fic. A bit overrated but still good. I don't really get why a lot of people get sad over that too. (please don't hate me for this people who cried over the fic)
  12. Jaide took out her Ipod nd headphones that were in her sack. She put them on and cranked them up. She started to bob her head to the beat of the song. Jaide smiled as she looked around Canterlot. "Just a few more days until the gala," she said to herself.
  13. Just waiting for a notification... Again...

  14. Jaide finished up her snack and threw the bag in the trash. "Now where to go," she asked herself. "I don't know if Vinyl is available or f Blossom Bloom is around here somewhere. Meh, I'll just walk around seeing what I could find,"
  15. Dat banner... Squee!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. PegasisterTaco


      Lol I didn't even noticed. :D Nice banner. I really like it becasue of the cute filly Rainbow Dash. Does wings...

    3. Speedy Transition
    4. Nas


      I love the wings on fillies...they're so tiny and cuuuuuute x3x

  16. Awsome! Gives me that chilly feeling whenever you listen to a really good song. Welcome to the forum Andrew. Hope you have fun.
  17. Jaide exited the hotel lobby as she bit into a small, powdered donut. She headed over to a bench near the castle to enjoy her unique treat. While Jaide ate her donut, she watched as some elegant ponies pass by.
  18. Jaide stepped out of the boat and set hoof on the sandy beach. She looked around to see all seashells and tiny crabs. She looked into the jungle with an emotionless expression. "Alright captain, where to?" she asked while reaching into her bag to take out a tiny knife.
  19. Going to bed now. See you all tommorow. Taco out!

  20. Jaide got up from the place she was sitting down on. She was never kissed by anyone. Espicially Tune Twist. She thought they were only going to be friends but after the kiss, she started to develop a feeling. A feeling in her heart. Jaide started to hopping around saying, "Yes, yes, yes,yes,yes,yes!" A few ponies looked over at her confused. "Hehe. Guess I got a bit carried away," she said.
  21. Jaide gave Tune Twist a slight wave as she saw that he was leaving for his home. After he went out of sight, she sat down. She still didn't reove her hoof from the place Tune Twist kissed her. Jaide began to slowly smile as she realized that it was her first time getting kissed.
  22. Jaide froze in place upon getting kissed by Tune Twist. Her cheeks began to flush the many different shades of pink and red. She quietly replie while rubbing her cheek, "Y-your welcome. It's the least I could do,"
  23. Jaide quickly jumped onto to the lifeboats. "Weapons ready and ready to move on, captain," Jaide replied. She looked out to the island wondering what kind of challenges and wondors they might come across.
  24. Upon hearing this, Jaide's face lit up. "Well that's why I've been looking for you. Vinyl said that she can give us some tickets for the Grand Galloping Gala. Two for each. And I brought enough money with me to Canterlot so maybe I can buy you your suit,"
  25. Jaide laughed at Tune Twist's comment. Still smiling she replied, "Yeah, I know how we are going to the Grand Galloping Gala together. What about it?" she quickly stopped her smiling and her face expression grew with seriousness and concern.
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