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Status Updates posted by kirbyboi

  1. I keep disapearing and reappearing on the forums X< Been way busy....arrghhh I miss this place, and the people here

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kirbyboi


      Thanks, Crispy ^_^ Im always trying to come back on whenever I can

    3. Crispy


      Same. 60 hour weeks and I still manage to pop in and out. You're fine. :)

    4. kirbyboi


      Haha ok, thanks again!!! Wish you luck in everything too!

  2. "Fairy tales are more than true...not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can beaten" --G.K Chesterton

  3. Pre-ordered Pokemon X...CAN'T WAIT!!! X3

  4. Finished Equestria Girls...won't say spoilers, but...it was pretty good! Loads of plot-holes, but still very good!

  5. Pokemon X and Y...I needd more inffooo on youu...and I want Sylveon's type!! XP

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. SilverStarApple


      > That awkward moment when doublepost x11.

    3. SilverStarApple


      > That awkward moment when doublepost x11.

    4. SilverStarApple


      > That awkward moment when doublepost x11.

  6. Just finished reading......ugh...Cupcakes... e_o Yuck....there goes my appetite....

  7. EEEK! Havn't been here for what seems like forever...been so busy!! :( But hopefully I'll be able to post more!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kirbyboi


      Thanks! ^_^ I'll try my best to continue posting!

    3. Scootalove


      Doing your best is what counts. :3

    4. Key Gear

      Key Gear

      Hey! I remember you! Wb, Pixie! :3

  8. HAPPY EASTER EVERYPONY! :3 Hope it's filled with chocolate and peeps! :P

  9. Anypony know where I can find the English Sailor Moon anime (season one) collection for a decent price?

  10. Been so busy lately, and I havn't been able to post much! But now I have time for posting, so...YAY!

    1. Scootalove


      WELCOME BACK! ;)

    2. kirbyboi


      Thanks!! ^_^ Hoping to stay active again!

    3. Scootalove


      You will be!! ^_^

  11. I recently got two MLP comics. It's amazing how different it is from the show. :3

    1. Twiliscael


      Better than season 3 for sure.

  12. Ponymon, gotta herd 'em all! :P

  13. Just heard about Equestria girls...and I must be honest, I'm worried that Hasbro is using this as a new marketing scheme for dolls. But hey, I'll have to trust the writers. This might end up being a good show. :3 But still...why do we need a spin-off?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kirbyboi


      Yeah, and although I don't mind Twilight Alicorn, I think hasbro's using it for a marketing scheme as well...

    3. Scootalove


      They always do, in my opinion.

    4. Skullbuster


      maybe to make up for the short season? *shrugs* i dont know


  14. Pokemon X and Y...y u no come sooner! D:

  15. Pokemon X and Y...y u no come sooner! D:

  16. Hmph..just erd about the whole Hasbro-issue. To be honest, it's not the end of the world for me. :P I never really payed attention to Fighting is Magic. :P

  17. For school, I can choose a speech to do...anypony know a humorous brony speech that I can do that also explains the brony culture?

  18. I've never created a blog here before....one day, I will. :P Need to think of a topic to write about, though! :P

  19. I saw the new PPG style for the remake of the show...and my reaction is: Not sure if gusta. :P I shouldn't judge the show based on it's style though. Hopefully it'll turn out good! :3

  20. Auuuuuggghhh! Can't wait for the finale!!!!!!

  21. Darn it...havn't been able to come here often..my life has gotten way busier! I'll try to post more!

  22. Wore my Luna Hot Topic T-shirt today in school...everyone was amazed and curious about the show! :D Hopefully I'll ring in some more bronies! ;3

  23. Pretty good, but felt a bit rushed. That's just what I think. But it was still pretty good, and we saw lots of Fluttershy!

  24. Only two minutes 'til the premiere...so excited, everypony!!

  25. Yaaay! Tommorow's the premiere of Keep Calm Flutter on!! SO excited!!!!

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