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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by BlossomBloom

  1. "Hm? What is it?" she asked, wanting to know before actually agreeing with anything.
  2. (I couldnt post much at all today. That's why the response was so late. Sorry!) Blossom Bloom nodded as she cradled the delicate flower in her arms. "Mhmm..It has these special chemicals in the petals that can heal anything and anyone. All you really have to do is take one of the petals and rub it over your wounded spots. Then in no time it will be healed. It's quite magical." she replied as she looked down at the flower.
  3. "the thing you want is to fix your wing...come here, for I have just the thing!" Zecora answered as Splinter went into the hut. "I'll just wait out here for you!" Blossom Bloom called to Splinter. Blossom Bloom stood outside of Zecora's hut quietly as she waited for Splinter. Suddenly she heard a noise. Her ears perked up and she looked around. It sounded like hoofsteps...and they were coming closer! Blossom Bloom quickly flew up and hid in a tree, waiting for the oncoming predator. She eyed the ground and kept a look out. Out of the corner of her eye she saw something moving and quickly gave her full attention to it. "Oh. It's just a colt." she sighed with relief. She zoomed down and landed next to the colt "Hey!" she yelled.
  4. uuuummmm...I didn't give you permission to post in the thread...but you're accepted anyway so...yea...Anyway, next time please be patient. You're accepted though.
  5. Blossom Bloom stretched her wings out a little and looked back at them "Yea, I guess I do have pretty steady wings. Hm..." she looked back at him. "Oh? What is it?" Blossom Bloom watched quietly as he began to form something. Once the aura was done forming, she gasped. "Darkhearts love!" she said at the same time Razor said did. Blossom looked at it in awe and listened to him as he presented it to her. "I-I know absolutely everything about it! I've been studying it ever since I was a filly! E-ever since I even knew what a flower was! I thought it was just a myth...!" she stammered, tripping over her words. She was so happy and excited as she carefully took the flower in her hooves. "This is so great..Thank you!" Blossom smiled at him softly. Once the food was brought to them, they each said their thanks to the owner and looked at their food. "My...This is looks delicious..." she said as she looked at the beautiful plate of food in front of her. "Well I'm glad you like it... Anyway, dig in!" Razor said as he began to eat. They ate and conversed about many things such as what they liked and what they didnt. Blossom Bloom smiled and blushed as she ate. She was having a fun time and she was glad that she had decided to stay at the party. Soon they were finished eating, and they sipped on their drinks as they continued to talk and look over Ponyville. About an hour passed and once their stomachas were full, they decided to go back to the party to see what everypony else was doing.
  6. Blossom Bloom sat under a tree in the park, enjoying the donuts that Jaide had given to her. She was so immersed in her yummy treat and the project that she was working on at the same time,that she didnt even notice the day go by. When she looked up from her flower creation, she realized that the sun was shining brightly and it was already the afternoon...of the next day! She sat there for a minute in awe and wondered about how she could sit there for so long without her rump hurting. After a few minutes, she shrugged and got up, tucking her project into her wings like a pocket. Once she dusted herself off, Blossom walked into Canterlot Square and looked around. "Well for once I'm not hungry...soooo...what to do..what to do.." she wondered aloud.
  7. Why do we even have these badges in the first place? Just a question..
  8. i deleted my pic. too scary ;~;
  9. "That sounds amazing" she smiled as he ordered. "Yea I bet it's really good. Oh anyway... Um...Let's see...Well I was born in Canterlot and lived there for about 2 years but of course I don't really remember it. Then something happened and my mom and I moved to Ponyville and that's where we've lived ever since. I'm not really sure what happened... She won't tell me much." Blossom Bloom shrugged "I got my cutie mark as soon as I learned how to fly. I don't really know how to explain why I got my cutie mark. Um..what else..." Blossom Bloom thought about what else she could talk about "Oh I have a knack for making things out of flowers using my wings. The biggest thing I've done is a replica of the eiffel tower. It's a bit smaller but it's big at the same time. Does that make sense?" she asked, hoping that she wasnt just babbling and boring him. (Oh ok. Night night.)
  10. "R-Really...?" she realized that she hadnt stopped blushing since they got there. When the owner came she looked at Razor "Again, I'll have what you're having. You've been here more than me and you'll probably pick something very good." Blossom Bloom smiled shyly again.
  11. That's amazing...AUGH WHY CAN'T I DRAW LIKE THAT?! You mam have all my jelly...ALL OF IT.
  12. "Um.. Well... I'm not really sure how to tell you about myself.. Uuummm...I like flowers a lot and sort of have a power...? Well it's not really a power...Sort of? It's like, I can help plants grow better by talking to them in a special way. So say that there is a wilting flower...If I talk to it and give it a splash of water, it will begin to regrow quickly. Um...Sorry if this is boring for you...I-I'm pretty boring...." Blossom Bloom hid her face again and was scared that he was going to start thinking bad about her.
  13. Blossom Bloom's eyes grew wide "What? Really? Thank you!" she exclaimed as she immediately took a donut out of the bag and began to eat it. Once she was done with one donut, she sighed "Ah..Much better. Thanks again! Anyway, about the gala, yea I don't think I can go." Blossom half frowned.
  14. Blossom Bloom listened to him as she continued to look over the menu. With each dish he listed, her stomach growled more. She grew more embarrassed then she already was and hoped that he couldnt hear her unsatisfied stomach. When the owner came, she looked up from her menu. "that sounds good...I-I think I'll have the same as you..." she answered Razor.
  15. Blossom Bloom shrugged a little "Well I don't have a date to go with. And even if I did, I wouldnt have a nice dress. I could go alone but I don't know if I would really be welcomed..." she replied quietly. "Hey are those powdered donuts?! I love those! Lucky..." Blossom Bloom licked her lips and eyed her bag full of the delicious treats. "I don't mean to be rude...But may I please have one?" she smiled big and stood up straight as she blinked a few times.
  16. Blossom Bloom blushed again at what he said "Th-thank you...Oh, um...No not yet." she picked up the menu and hid her face as she began to look over the options.
  17. "That's the spirit!" she jumped up and did a backflip. "Oh this is so exciting! You MUST tell me all about it once the gala is over! unless you're gonna spend the night at Tune's house~...Oh I wish I could go to the gala! This is going to be the best!" Blossom Bloom giggled and clapped her hoofs.
  18. Zecora opened the door to her hut "Hello my splinter friend! Come in come in and your suffering shall end!" she said with a smile as she waved Splinter and Blossom Bloom inside the hut.
  19. "Well I'm sure he's not used to it either. It just makes it more romantic! You guys are each others firsts! You just gotta trrryyy!!" she curled her wings into two small balls and shook them as if she were shaking fists. "You'll do fine! Don't worry!"
  20. "Oh...Really? How nice.." she smiled a little. Blossom Bloom gasped when he burst through the kitchen door and shouted for "Uncle Aries" as he caught her off guard. She watched them quietly and continued to hide behind Razor as they greeted each other then flew up to Razor's table. When they landed on the top floor of the building, she heard the owner talk to her and take her hood. She blushed when he kissed her hoof and her face went completely red when she heard what Razor said about being friends for now. Blossom Bloom tried her hardest to hide her red face with her mane. "n-nice to meet you too....thank you..." She replied with her head low again. Once he was gone, she lifted her head again and looked at Razor "It's really nice..." she smiled.
  21. As Jaide spoke, Blossom Bloom took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. Finally she stopped bouncing and she folded her wings back in. "Yes that's perfect! You don't really need an incident. Just say that you want to check out the garden and ask for his company. Once you're both in the garden, start talking about how beautiful the flowers are...Then! He'll says that you're more beautiful! and then! You'll be all 'Oh Tuney!" then! Smoooooooooch~!" she brought a hoof to her chest and swooned as she laid down. "Oh it will be perfect!"
  22. Blossom Bloom immediately crashed down next to Jaide. As soon as the dust cleared, Jaide could see that Blossom Bloom was bouncing while sitting and flapping her wings wildly. "Well-Well you gotta-! I mean you need to-! Oh my gosh was that your first kiss? What was it like? You should kiss him back!" she shouted excitedly.
  23. Blossom Bloom froze, her wings still stretched out as if she was still grabbing her and stared straight ahead as she finished her sentence. It was silent for a few seconds. Her mouth dropped the same time her wings did. "..........SERIOUSLY?!" Blossom Bloom shot up into the air and began to spin around in circles above Jaide "OH MY GOODNESS. NOWAYNOWAYNOWAYNOWAYNOWAYNOWAYNOWAYNOWAYNOWAY!" she shouted with much glee.
  24. "C-cute..?!" Blossom Bloom grew quiet and blushed. She listened to Razor talk "Wow! Really? I've always passed by it and never saw it! Crazy..." landing next to Razor, she began to follow him inside. Blossom Bloom hid behind Razor as he greeted someone. As they passed by the colt that greeted him, she bowed her head low and spoke in her soft voice "n-nice to meet you..." Once they were passed him she sighed with relief. "Your table? It seems you visit often."
  25. Blossom Bloom tilted her head in and perked her ears up to hear better since Jaide was whispering. She listened intently and her expression turned from worried to happy as the mare talked. Suddenly she noticed that Jaide stopped talking. Blossom Bloom lifted her head "and what? and what?!" Blossom Bloom grabbed Jaide shoulders with her wings and shook her a little "Tell me woman!!!"
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