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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by BlossomBloom

  1. "ooo what? what?!" she bounced up and down as she began to get excited about what Jaide was about to say. "Is it something about the gala? Tune Twist? Oh you guys are going to have so much fun! Tell me!"
  2. Blossom Bloom giggled "Sure am!" she landed on the ground softly next to Jaide. "Ooooo is it that obvious?" standing up on her hind legs, she looked down at her belly and thighs. "Do you think I'm getting fat? Eh I'll just burn it off with my flying." Blossom got back on all fours and flapped her wings a little "So what are you doing?"
  3. Blossom Bloom looked down to try and find some restaurants to eat at. She spotted a familiar mare down below and smiled "Hey Jaide!" she called out loudly as she began to float down to the ground.
  4. Wow! Great drawing! I wish I could draw like that ;~; I'm not very good. Can't wait to be in it either!
  5. Blossom Bloom shook her head "No it's ok. But maybe we should get to know each other better first. Then see what happens. Ok?" she smiled at him again. "Oh we're here." coming to a stop, she looked up at Zecora's hut. "Well time to get your wing finally fixed!"
  6. "Five star? Good Prices? Sounds awesome. I can't wait to eat there!" suddenly her stomach growled a little which cut her off from saying anything more "U-uh...eheh..." she chuckled nervously "Sorry...so should we go?"
  7. "Oh ok thats good." she breathed. "Well I'm glad that everything is fine now...Wait, huh?" Blossom Bloom turned to him,as she didnt catch half of the last part of his sentence. She realized that he was gone "Um...Ok bye!" waving, she wondered what he had said. She turned to Splinter "Well everything seems to be fine now...Anyway, let's get going to Zecora's. You need that wing fixed." Blossom Bloom began to walk in the direction that they were originally walking in before all that commotion happened. "Oh, Hope to catch you later!" she called to the new colt that had come over to help before.
  8. Yes I tried to put it in my signature but the site wont let me for some reason. I'm not sure if im doing something wrong. Can you please help? ^^;
  9. Blossom Blooms ears perked up when she heard what Splinter said "H-Huh?...Is that why you pas-" She was cut off by something hard crashing into her. "Oof!" she fell to the ground. Blossom Bloom looked up to see Scout in front of her and panicking. "Oh hey scout. Huh? Quip? Yea he just came by a few minutes ago an-WAIT WHAT?!" she jumped up. "Are you serious?! W-Well I saw him go that way but he didnt say exactly where he was going!" she pointed in the direction that he ran off to.
  10. Blossom Bloom continued on her search for food. She was hungry and didn't know what to eat...again. She flapped her wings and flew up a little to get a better view of the city. "Woooooow...It's so nice!" she whistled as she looked around.
  11. "Hm..Really? Interesting..." she giggled a little "Well then lead the way!" she said as she began to fly a little higher. "Hey so how many times have you been there?" she asked. "What do you recommend?"
  12. "mmm..." she licked her lips a little "Sounds great! Let's go!" she smiled at him. "Is it far from here?" Blossom Bloom asked.
  13. "Oh thank goodness..." she sighed as she got up and backed away to give him a little space. "You scared me!" Blossom Bloom huffed. "But at least you're ok now." smiling at him she tucked her wings back in. Finally she turned towards the new colt that came up to them "He's fine now. Thanks for helping? Sort of? Well anyway, thanks. I'm Blossom Bloom. Whoa are you?" she asked as she held her hoof out. Blossom Bloom heard Quip talking but she didnt really hear what he said. "Huh? What was that?" she turned her head towards him but found that he was gone. "Um...Ok?"
  14. She looked around "I'm not really sure...Well I'm a little hungry and there isnt any food here...Wanna go out to get some food? Then come back?" Blossom Bloom asked as she looked out.She flew up a little to get a better view of the city and to see if there were any food places around.
  15. She continues to walk with him as he talked. "Yes? What is it?" she waited for him to answer. No answer. She noticed that he just suddenly stopped talking. "Splinter?" Blossom Bloom called as she turned around to look for him. "Splinter?!" she looked around frantically. Taking one step forward, her hoof hit something kind of hard but also squishy. She looked down to see her colt friend on the ground,unconcious. "Oh my gosh!" she screamed as she quickly knelt down next to him. She flapped her wings and began to panic as she lifted his head "Oh please wake up!" she yelled. Blossom Bloom noticed another colt suddenly next to her."I-I don't know! He was walking and talking just fine and the next thing I knew, he was on the floor unconcious! We were walking to Zecoras to get his wing fixed and then suddenly..this!" she answered as she looked up at the colt. She noticed Quip come up to them "Weeeellll... Splinter just passed out and I dont know why!" she cried.
  16. Blossom Bloom looked up at Razor. "Of course.." she said softly as she smiled. "How about we just have fun for the rest of the night? To get you're mind off of it just for a bit." Blossom Bloom hoped she wasn't sounding or being rude. She didn't mean it that way. She just wanted him to be happy.
  17. IT'S PERFECT! Thank you so so so much! I love it!
  18. Blossom Bloom heard some music being played not to far from her. She looked around for a little bit and soon found where the noise was coming from. The balcony. She stepped out onto the balcony to find Razor there,along with his instrument. Watching him from behind, she stood quietly and listened to the music. He played the instrument so well that many emotions began to erupt inside Blossom. She mostly felt sadness and she knew that he felt it too. Blossom Bloom walked up to him quietly and spoke in her soft voice "You play that very nicely..." she smiled shyly.
  19. I love it! But can you please put my oc on the right side? Sorry..Thank you!
  20. "Right here? Where?" Blossom Bloom began to look around frantically. "Oh! Oh! Is it Berry Punch? Or how 'bout her over there?" she pointed to random ponies and each pony she named and pointed at made her feel more excited and anxious to know who it was. "Oh just tell me!" she giggled.
  21. Blossom Bloom was silent as she climbed into the boat, her bow strapped across her back and her arrows in a pouch that hung off her side. She looked down into the water and saw many colorful fish. Admiring their scales and they way they glowed in the water, she leaned her head closer and watched them swim. "Wow..they're so beautiful...I know what we'll be eating for dinner tonight." She thought to herself.
  22. She walked along side him and looked up at the sky "Hm...a crush? Why do you ask?" Then she realized that he tripped over his words and he couldnt really finish his sentence. Blossom Bloom looked at him and gasped "You have someone you like! Don't you?" she giggled as she began to poke him softly with her wings "So? Who is it? Come on tell me! I'll help you get with her!"
  23. Blossom Bloom stood on the beach that they had just docked on,listening to her crew talk about the plans to find the treasure that they had been after for a long time. She looked off into the big jungle that wasn't too far from them and wondered what they would encounter once they stepped hoof in it.
  24. "Oh hey look! We found her! Yaaaay!" Blossom Bloom did a backflip in the air and spun around a few times. In the midst of her celebration (for a victory that she didnt even do) she didn't notice her colt friend walk away and join Jaide at the castle steps. "Ok..See you later!" she waved a wing at him as he left.
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