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Everything posted by Jinx

  1. I'm not too fond of my current cat, he just seems to want to eat and sleep. He's got a king's bed, because anything smaller and he wouldn't fit on it. We're trying to find someone to take the cat, but no luck so far. I had a cat from long ago, he escaped the house and met his end. It was quite sad. Then I had another cat who was with us for most of my life, more sad stuff. Cats are awesome, the end.
  2. Reading bad character sheets before bedtime is a no no. Some people like to be the greatest hero the world has ever seen, and I bet they're not afraid of anything either. Just let them be, and pray that you never run into them.
  3. I think I'll just leave this mix of Black/Viking/Folk metal here. I tend to stray away from Black metal, but this band piques my interest very much so.
  4. Everything in the Cloudsdale Colosseum sub-forum doesn't count towards post count.
  5. There's music out there coming out to this very day, you just have to search harder for it. The diamonds in the rough do exist, I can guarantee you that. Most of the music I listen to is from the late 80's to the current day. American music has declined a bit yes, but there's so much more out there than that.
  6. I had to vote for Folk Metal as my sole favorite metal genre. It's followed up by Power Metal, but I do branch out a bit from there.
  7. My arm hurts for some reason now. Although if I got punctured there, it would probably go through the entire arm. Anything is possible when the patient is strapped down onto a table, or into a chair. Teeth wouldn't work so well, the needle at least has a point of some sort. When in doubt, stick them with the pointy end.
  8. Too big to penetrate skin eh? You're just not pressing hard enough. It would be a shame to waste any blood, we need to get it all out of there. I see, I see.
  9. Is anyone afraid of needles? If you are then this will probably give you nightmares. Even if you aren't it might have the same effect. Spoilered for your own safety. If it's messed up, I can fix it. Just lead me to an image you want to use.
  10. I have to be, besides just meeting and hanging out is enough for me. I'm scared of heights and therefore I'm scared of planes. You can go traveling if you want to, straight to the moon.
  11. Not exactly, we could set up a meeting place at the airport or something. Making one person do all of that is a bit much.
  12. Whatever you say. Or we could make it easier and cheaper by shipping Star straight to us. 2 plane tickets are cheaper than multiple plane tickets.
  13. You better watch out Haven, I can think quite a bit.
  14. People get annoyed all of the time, not much I can do about avoiding that.
  15. Actually, Haven already said it. I just like beating around the bush.
  16. There's too much sadness in the world already, don't go seeking it out. There's no spiders anywhere, I wiped their existence off of the face of the earth. And I thought we were friends. It wouldn't have flowed together very well if I had continued it any longer.
  17. You make it sound like there's a balance between the poles, it's clearly shifted in one direction. I don't like that name, come up with something better. Too long to remember, too tired to care.
  18. Analogies and expressions are for those who can't comprehend something in the logical sense. I would put my reasoning, but I don't want to sadden you. I would put my reasoning, but I don't want to sadden you. @@DJRainbowDash, Welcome to our quaint little corner of the internet, enjoy yourself and only take Haven seriously 20% of the time. It's your job to figure out when he's being serious, and when he's not. Good luck.
  19. This day has been one of the most boring days in a long time. But that way isn't any fun, now they're just sounding like humans from a different planet. As easy as hugging Pinkie Pie huh, well then we're completely screwed.
  20. I may have an intelligent mind, but I'm terrible with directions. If you want me to lead we'd end up dead before the day was over, or at least end up in a terrible situation.
  21. You're saddened by that? I doubt I'd remember it anyways, I'm sure they have some sort of mind wiping or brainwashing technology. I mean they're aliens, right?
  22. I swear I saw a UFO when I was younger, it was so very very vivid. Other than that, I've got absolutely nothing.
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