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Acoustic Cloud

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Everything posted by Acoustic Cloud

  1. *while dizzy and clover talked "so diehard... when and where did you meet her before this?" she asked "and she is the one who took your arm??" Diehard stays quiet "well i hope he knows what he's doing too." she said.
  2. "i see..." said lightning "well we need to either knock her out or kill her diehard if we are going to have a chance to surive." she finished saying as another bombardment of icicles flew at the ponies. "okay i have a plan... we need to split up though." she said nervously.
  3. "diehard..." lightning said "who is that? and what does she mean bye 'the target?' " "yeah diehard" fire force said "who is that pony? and why does she want to kill us all?" *more screams of two more soldiers meeting their demise.
  4. Lightning looked up and pointed "There!!!" she said pointing at a floating pony one hundred yards away. Just as the words left her mouth the pony turned to them, and smiled eerily. "What the bu..." fireforce said as an icicle whizzed by his head nearly killing him and smashed into the wall behind him. "Take cover!" shouted lightning as they dove behind barrels and walls or whatever they could find to protect them from the onslaught. "Diehard any ideas?" asked fire force as another shout could be heard from a dying soldier.
  5. Lightning, Fire Force, Diehard and Dizzy hear the screams from the soldiers outside. "What on earth?" lightning said "Get me out of this bed!" shouted dizzy "no you're staying there and resting..." fire force said as the trio left the room *But dizzy is too stubborn Dizzy gets out of the ward and tries to find the source of the commotion.
  6. a few ponies outside the medical ward saw something emerge from the everfree forest walking towards the remaining mist of fogsdale. "What is that?" a lunar warrior asked "i don't know..." another replied. A scout looked through his binoculars. "I think we have a friendly" he shouted. *but boy was he wrong...
  7. *Lightning and Fire Force enter the room Diehard leaves his bedside to speak with fire force Lightning goes up to dizzy "hey how are you doin' dizzy?" "So when do we go to see flare diehard?" fireforce asked.
  8. Nova sat silent for a minute then decided... "alright diehard, you idiot. I'll let you know where she is." nova said meekly "just follow me and i'll lead you right to her..." *everyone was shocked by the easy defeat.
  9. "And what makes you think i'll ever let you know where my sister is diehard???" nova said with a grin "you and me both know what this prophecy requires... and what if i'm not willing to play this game?"
  10. Nova's eyes shifted from side to side as murmurs spread around the large group of ponies. He bit his lip while looking for a response... he had none. *Read more! some pony shouted *yeah let's hear this another one agreed. "i don't think it's a good idea diehard..." nova said with a gulp.
  11. It was as if all eyes were on him.... solare, lunar, and everypony inbetween "I question your sanity diehard" nova said "you've been going about this prophecy far too long..." His heart pace quickened "You must be mistaken..."
  12. "relax diehard" said fire force "yeah" agreed lightning "who do we need???" the group beginning to get a little bit nervous *diehard still catching his breath "oh for crying outloud!!! Who???" lightning shouted.
  13. lightning and fire force hear diehard shouting for their attention "What is it diehard???" they both replied in unison *Diehard sprints into town full speed to tell the two the news "woah slow down big guy" lightning said. "so what is it, pray tell?" said fire force.
  14. "Diehard you're better than this!!!" shouted lightning "He doesn't have anything to lose, we've already won. Let his memories be the source of his suffering..." "come on diehard!!" fire force pleaded.
  15. "like i said earlier diehard... you can't win, and there is only one thing i can't do... die" nova said to diehard sneering. "you see what this has cost you diehard? everything, you are now completely alone in this world."
  16. Hitting the hay... so to speak.

    1. Neikos


      What did it do to you :(

    2. Acoustic Cloud
  17. well last i checked, i do believe i scored around a 142... Though since this forum isn't a test you can't judge my poor writing quality and yes if your above 150 your mostly likely a liar... sorry but your not all an Einstein (unless in sarcasm
  18. Lightning and fire force look up after an explosion was heard above, She saw nova and razor wing falling at incredible speed towards the ground "No..." lightning and fire force said lightning turns to diehard "Diehard!" she shouted "your brother!!!" as she points to the 2 falling ponies in the background.
  19. "razor!!!" nova shouted "What do you think your doing!??" "don't you realize we will both be killed???" "stand down now!!! that's an order!!!" he screamed as he slammed his hoof into the side of razor's head.
  20. definitely the robot unicorn attacks from Adult swim games "especially the heavy metal version" it is "pony" related. but i haven't seen an official or fan game yet that exceeds those.
  21. It's on TV that's where... but really it couldn't be another dimension, i studied the mathematics between dimensions. I conclude it isn'tanother dimension here is why... they would be living in the 3rd D in the 1st D they wouldn't be able to see anything but a dot. the 2nd D which is infinite 1st D's they would see line segments in the 3D composed of infinite 2nd D's (our dimension) We actually only see true 2D, only due to lighting, size, do we get a sense of depth 4D would see true 3D and is composed of infinite 3D's (seeing all sides of an object at once) represented by a tesseract. now judging they see like us... have "similar" physics aren't omnipresent (except pinkie pie) i would suggest they are just on another planet or undiscovered galaxy of sorts. (Time is not the 4th dimension!) it is not in anyway bound to one dimension.
  22. actually watch "my little physics presentation" on youtube... he mathematically shows using kinematics she is exceeding 13g's or something like that which would kill her and that she is going about 1200meters/second It's a good watch i recommend it!
  23. Well I like this show for a few reasons Well I still have depression, but sometimes this show can turn it around for a few days... another thing is it brought back my creative outlet. I lot it a while back but now i enjoy making fan art. It is inspirational... by no means an obsession. But i at least consider it life changing. I don't have any brony friends in real life. I get hate, but i could careless.
  24. well i'm not that old, but even when i was younger we had all the fun stuff! merry go rounds metal slides and i remember at my elementary school we had these two 15ft poles that we could race to the top. but of course a 15ft drop isn't healthy for a 3rd grader... so they took it out. probably replaced it with packing peanuts.
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