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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by Iudex

  1. Where can I post dark humor?

  2. School all day, Ponies all night!

  3. Seeing Retro Zoop account gives me the idea we should all pick a day to revert to our original names and avatars

  4. I'm finally back! Building the shed did not take that long but I got into a heated argument with several kids at Walmart.

  5. I'm finally back! Building the shed did not take that long but I got into a heated argument with several kids at Walmart.

  6. MUST... WATCH.... SEASON 2.....

  7. MUST... WATCH.... SEASON 2.....

  8. I just noticed I'm a parasprite...TIME TO DOOM PONYVILLE.

  9. I just noticed I'm a parasprite...TIME TO DOOM PONYVILLE.

  10. Cockle doodle flipping doo everyone.

  11. I'm gonna head off to bed. Nighty night, everypony :3

  12. 10 notifications! HO LEE SHYTE!

  13. 10 notifications! HO LEE SHYTE!

  14. 10 notifications! HO LEE SHYTE!

  15. What if Big Macintosh was a pony?

  16. 10 notifications! HO LEE SHYTE!

  17. Okay I told my friend I'm a brony today and much to my surprise he asked to see an episode to see if he would like it. Any suggestions on a good episode to get him into MLP?

  18. just came back from a 10 minute break with 11 notifications...

  19. This banner is 20% cooler than all previous banners

  20. I rarity smile or laugh.

  21. I rarity smile or laugh.

  22. I rarity smile or laugh.

  23. your pic is awesome

  24. Well I was browsing Face Book and every status I saw on the front page had #YOLO on it... Good bye hope in humanity. I'm moving to Equestria.

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