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Commander Bubbles

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  1. Did anyone else not like how Five Nights at Freddy's relied too much on jumpscares instead of actual horror?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Enemy Stand

      Enemy Stand

      Ah, Night Trap. I knew there was something similar but I couldn't remember what it was. Guess I'm kinda late to the party now...

    3. kanashimi purinsesu

      kanashimi purinsesu

      Oh i didn't know you could customize them o.0 that's awesome! Makes it a bit more personal but having your friends die sounds tramatic even if it were just a game

    4. NeedsMoreGoth


      I like Five Nights at Freddy's. I don't actually consider FNAF to be a horror as much as survival. The only horror aspect was the jumpscare but it only happens when you die and the main objective is to survive. It's more about the unease and desire to not get jumpscared. BTW 6th night was damn hard. >.<

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