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Everything posted by MiStErUnMeRry

  1. "You...ponies..always so consumed by your... friendship...I don't need your camaraderie, I have money!"
  2. I'll watch you if you promise to watch me.

    1. Twilight Circuits

      Twilight Circuits

      What are we watching exactly?

    2. MiStErUnMeRry


      Thats the question. The answers in the present, but wer too busy keeping our promise to look for it.

  3. 10/10 because I love luna. Its all visible thanks to good difference in color, nice little fading white at the top to help make it seem none linear. Linear generally well drawn and detail with subtle difference in lighting and lively eyes.
  4. Well, you know what they say. Misery like company and looking at your face, my name and your expression are spiritual kin. But..we are not...that close.
  5. "The mysteries of the universe bend to me and so soon shall you"
  6. "Your charity wants how much money from me!?...bah..right"
  7. 8/10 Ewww. previous generation shaped ponies. Next we'll have straight people on the internet. but it well drawn and I like the changing shades in the background, also the portrait is nicely shot and its some shadowing to it.
  8. Its the god of knowledge being traumatized by all the forbidden secrets he has for he know the suffering of all and everything both in future, past and present and because of that the world is a blur of confusing mixed lines, haunted by the screams of other to save them but is unable to bless them with the answers to rescue themselves due to a lack of a mouth. 10/10
  9. I'm used to getting kisses from people with disdain for me on their face. Mixed messages.
  10. 10/10 yeah, man. Concord. I'm really digging this new avatar you have over the last one. Very good portrait of your character, nice expression. Facing text and nice dark contrasting background but not too dark.
  11. Hmm, muscular black men are appearing naked in my bed. This shouldn't be normal.
  12. "I don't even know what my name says...who cares, I'm military. Shoot first, ask names later!"
  13. Oh my god the void is sucking me in and the only existing thing in it is a brown pony!
  14. 5/10 so much empty space, blue manes just kind of dimly blends with the blue background. The background is also a very drained color that edges of gray. Pony creator which is something people kind of seen alot of to the point it kind of phases out of their mind. Pony ok, its just the set up around it is not utilizing the colors or character too much.
  15. No, we suck the Earth dry to ensure a higher quality of living, a higher quality of living ensure a much more longer and healthier live or at least a much more safer quality of live if nothing else. Its easy to say nature a wonderful thing when you have medicine to get rid of the Ebola its afflicting you with, to keep the cold and rain from killing you to take shelter from and having guns to shoot other humans and predators away with. It easy to say humans are evil when humans are effectively all you see doing all the work around you to improve you, your family and every animal-yes even animals state of life on the planet. It easy to call humans evil when as far as we know that in this entire universe we are the only ones with a damn morality, the ability to slap two thoughts together to create complications and complexities. You know, Mother nature. Space, physic. Whatever universal or wordly element that you abide your life around or idolize... DOESN'T CARE about you. It doesn't. Man care about men, man even bothered to create vets and to extend some of their medicine to animals and man even take in the considerations of trying to prolong the Earth life from our own actions or natural actions in the future. If it was up to the fate of the universe or to the fate of nature we would all be running around naked, screaming obscenely at each other while we follow a banal and barbaric routine of beating each to death with stones and chewing whatever closest mammal to death with our teeth with. Then dying at the age of 40 due to clan pack competition both in and outside our groups/worn out bodies/predators and sickness. You can't spawn anything from nothing, the universe and the world live by these rules and now so do we and nor can you maintain anything-life-without continued used of space and resources. I see taking the apathetic and cruel nature of our environment and bending it to protect everyone with altruistic technology or if nothing else, stunning ambition to be a trait very admirable and even in some cases heroic. However, if you are aiming at a much more moderate message such as why we can't try to maintain more forests in our areas.To put it frankly. People own those areas, and some do choose preserve them naturally. However we need space, for houses and factories, some people just want that space for business and other want it to set up organisations and projects of various natures. Sometimes in life it was probably more evil to keep the space natural like when over crowded population hits and poverty which is a state humanity has lived a lot of it time as. Now we got it good and its only getting better. 2000 years is a long time and theres a lot of Earth, there a lot of us. We need space, we can't hurdle people together like prisoners into cramp living conditions.Actually we do stack people together-sky scrapers and flats- so its hardly like humanity doesn't try to conserve space and to be efficient Do we take some places we don't need, sure. A lot of business will build random crap anywhere but we do need a stable economy and that factory will bring jobs and people need jobs. I personally believe humanity to be one of the only vestiges in these universe that actively doesn't just laid down, die and just not give a shit about the parading conditions that drive people to die in many horrible ways or live unfulfilled lives, even if what people consider fulfilled may be indulgent and evil in nature-most of it not- People have a right to pursue happiness, a luxury that has been denied to them. We are sentient in a aimless universe, we are thinking and conflicted in a world without signals, we are aware of our own deaths and the spirals of the souls of those around us without the intervention of a benign or malevolent higher system or being in place-at least to our own knowledge- and I think considering how apathy can be just as cruel and scary as any evil, especially when it concern your existence I find humans to be shockingly community and helpful in nature. No. We EARNED earth, we earned our space. We earned it through intelligence, scientific advancement, courage and lets face it, some mistakes too but we also earned it by facing up and taking care of those mistakes. As a whole many men have died with failed dreams, accidents and in combat so we could all one day have the issue of simply going "oh, man. We got too many people in and too many resources" and I can assure you we don't have too many people. I think if we did we would feel some effect, Heck. Personally for me I have a small woods about...half hour walk from me and I'm in a pretty big town in England and this is England. Wer tiny compared to say...Texas! You see a town and think-oh man nature could be here- I see a town and think "OH MAN. NATURE COULD BE HERE!" and then I see an old lady walking down the street with a cane and her two year old son with a leg condition and realize that if nature was here the two of them would be dead by now. Humans are the only things in this place that actually takes time to care and if we got to build over another flower or chop down a few trees then I am all for it. Other animals, what. We give them protect wild life centres, we give them protected areas, zoos and vets. We share with them our medicine and shelter when they are under our eyes. Humans care, even do in some cases halt production, stop building over things and actively preserve areas. What more can we do apart from turn around and start shooting each other to make better soil and flower growing land. humans...evil....jeez...we created evil to deter away from it. The very fact we are so worried about becoming it proves enough that we aren't evil. Although the list of the things we do daily in parts unforeseen by normal folk also contribute to that not evil rating-being that nature is apathetic, we could easily be the same..but we aren't...morality exists, hence we care- The main problem is this topic is so broad but all of it is wrong. Basically, it vaguely says: Humans are evil-why we so selfish-accusations of ego-I want me some more nature-disgusted at people and towns around me. Which really implies general expansion and general consumption of all materials from man for all the things we do and the nature of humanity. I don't really know how to tackle this topic because effectively there wasn't a stated topic. Just moaning misanthropy until you established a little later a problem with development that harms environment....which still encumbers pretty much everything we do. Which case in point read top of this post to this area again-only once, lets avoid a paradox here-
  16. *stares intently at cute flutter shy* I can taste your future from your lips. I can taste your death. *blushes and head bumps harmonic*
  17. "How the hell do I partake in a first person shooter without any hands!?"
  18. I don't know. Something tells me dating with my doom isn't a good idea. ha-cha-cha-cha!
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