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Everything posted by MiStErUnMeRry

  1. *Dark and angsty personal life message* Am I cool yet?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MiStErUnMeRry


      I still drop silent tears at the memory of it all.

    3. Feather Spiral

      Feather Spiral

      Been there, we all go through that. Stop whining.

    4. MiStErUnMeRry



  2. 10/10 Oh, yes. Buck, YES. Tom! Best temp character ever.
  3. Girl, you are leaving me in a cold disposition.... hahaha... oh...I'm sorry.
  4. I just noticed that I'm named Misterunmerry but I don't recall making one sad/ angry blog or status update at all yet.

  5. You are the most female looking man I've ever had in my bed...your the closest thing to a female I've ever had in my bed. stay a while.
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Borlaug http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIvNopv9Pa8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a9D1VtdvbA Most people who proclaim about humanity supposedly destroy and marauding the earth as if it was some sort of aggrieved rape victim have not done anything or will never hope to do anything as much as the people who make said technologies of man and that technology to help life, ALL LIFE comes not from a pretentious desires to preserve some form of traditional order of nature, which frankly is becoming victim to its own rules of evolution and extinction to a much more benign, focused and overall superior force made by man to meet the demands not only of humanity but the demands for safety and higher quality for all living on the planet, if what neighsayer are declaring is true. Once again, as I stated in my previous post. If nature had its way, it is most likely that most of us here would be dead, it is most likely that half of the writers of MLP would be dead, it is most likely that LAUREN would be dead. Correct me if I am wrong but doesn't she have a disabled son. I am pretty damn sure he would be dead or if not dead struggling to survive. Poets, writers, media students and artist and tech guys don't tend to flourish in nature dominatrix centered placed order. The world won't be destroyed and if it is then it will most likely be caused by natural issue and not man made issues. We won't run out of resources because we will find a way in the end to draw resources and double it from absolute minimums if need be or totally make new ones from a endless supply. We won't bomb the Earth because that overall totally retarded AND insane, anyone with any tactical mind and even a shred of respect for his fellow man would know that the only reason you make a nuke is purely to threaten people with M.A.D politics and to show off your financial and military muscle, you can't actually use it and even if you have a mini-nuke or one that capable of destroying a specific area there no reason because even if you are totally evil you still do sieges of other countries to take its components and assets, which a nuke would totally ruin and make un-inhabitable for the next god knows how many years. Plus, using a "safe" nuke would immediate make every other country scared of you and pile drive you into the ground. Humans are not populating so much that the Earth is getting over crowded and even if we do manage to effectively populate too much of the Earth we won't be floundering about. We'll realize the issue and start to rectify it long before we get to a end of the world scenario. We are sentient, the whole idea of being sentient is we can analyze future errors and outcomes then prepare and alternate our actions based on them. Just because the guys around you everyday don't go into a dramatic speech about animals are fantastic and that nature is so awesome, all that jazz doesn't mean they have a disregard for life. They might not consider live equal to a human which is totally natural since they EAT most other live-being omnivores by nature-and that as someone stated earlier that none sentient creatures cannot comprehend things on the same level as an sentient one. The world isn't doing it job. It isn't helping us, it isn't giving us anything new or actually merciful. It just a big rock that happened to meet the right conditions for life, mother nature in that respect is just a whore. All it does is produce new life, either microscopic or huge and when its done it apathetically goes to sleep while the offspring of its conditions fight among each other and beg her for food, best case scenario she wakes up and beats us with a natural disaster . Humans learn to take care of themselves first, we earn the right to rule because we crawled our way out of the existential ghetto. I fail to see the wonders of it, I like to walk in the woods. I like to enjoy the silence of a un-tampered world but beyond pretty scenery nature doesn't offer us anything specially fantastic or important that we can't replace right now or cultivate again or make new. also silverhoof space travel is definitely the next step but I think it will take a very long time for us to travel across the galaxy without taking years. We either need to find a way to travel faster than light-black holes have a gravitational pull stronger than light so there is a force of some sort more stronger than light, or we need to discover portals. Or just out right stasis or to increase human life span long enough for the trips.
  7. I'm flattered, honestly I am but I don't date birds. ------------another bad pun to my list.
  8. Goodbye Horses make me sad for some reason.

    1. Feather Spiral

      Feather Spiral

      Good thing this forum is about ponies and not horses. c:

  9. I deserve that after that pun, @Toxicentitiy Yes, I happy with this arrangement.
  10. "DOOM, Equesterias folly. Battle the monstrous leagues of discord minions with a double barrel shot gun all thanks to some unicorns stupid project to harvest the power of chaos. Buy now while we still haven't been forced to censor the boobs and gore!"
  11. "Its the god of knowledge being traumatized by all the forbidden secrets he has for he know the suffering of all and everything both in future, past and present and because of that the world is a blur of confusing mixed lines, haunted by the screams of other to save them but is unable to bless them with the answers to rescue themselves due to a lack of a mouth."-me a few pages back. My previous avatar was the same guy but more clear and actually drawn 9/10 nice war gear actually, he looks cool. But it lacks any sort of background.
  12. 8/10 I like the character herself, I like the smoke effect a lot. It so smooth and live, Perhaps just a little too much purple going on there, its all a little samey but it dosen't stand out so bad that I would say it totally desecrates the picture. Some shadowing going on, nice eyes. Lack of a background though is bad. If you cut out her smoking face and use that as a portrait along with a interesting background it would make a wicked avatar.
  13. Wow...jeez...why don't you.... Lighten up! *YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!* also, aww. Kissy, kissy.
  14. Comrade, what a forward proposal but I think our kindred companionship should stay in the bar and the battle field, not the bedroom, eh?
  15. One lone pony wondering in the dark, looking for companionship. Ok, I'll give this a shot.
  16. Yes. I don't know you but a date would fix that
  17. "The sleeping pills knocked her out, the strangling knocked me out. I call this a draw of will and wits"
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