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Everything posted by MiStErUnMeRry

  1. Known for his unrefined but lulzy internet commentary at random intervals.
  2. Known for slaying the fearsome Jabber wocky...wait... No you are known for his rainbow dash likeness at least to me. I know then when I see that avatar I immediatly like "ahh yeah. Dash loyalty" without even reading the name.
  3. Known for...his....totally....kick ass signature and the iconic avatar from the Do the Evolution?
  4. Lightning fluttershy x Ragland Tiger your good with animals right?
  5. Whats this, Unmerry made a topic. No, it cannot be. It shouldn't be. It mustn't be. I isn't be...wait that doesn't work. Well, I should make at least one topic at some point, eh. So, it might as well be one to kill some time and be fun. There been alot of raging at twilicorn, "I'm brony but I'm not a brony", derpy hooves, politics and various other topics and talks that I think I should contribute a little something to make the atmosphere a little less tense. Now. Basically this is a thread where you pick out a fictional character that you think resembles you or at least resembles qualities that you admire or relate too very well. The character can be from MLP, anime, cartoons, obscure movies or comics-WHATEVER, as long as they are fictional. You may use up to 3 characters if you so chose but bonus points if you can find one character that you would want to stick with that describes you or at least strongly relates to you in some way, the reasons you pick them can be deep and dear to you or around basic trivialities like you both enjoying cold baths and hating the smell of perfume. There is no word requirement. Pictures and videos are encouraged of your character to give us an example of who they are but you can keep it bare basic. Hell, if you feel you can say what you need in a line or two, go for it. I shall go first: My character that I think resembles me and the qualities I relate would have to be Arakune: Arakune: Arakune or rather Carmine, is an blob of unknown super natural liquid that hosts itself to the bodies of a thousands insects both foreign and strange to the known and mundane, it also utilizes them as a defense and in fact display the ability to control them if he can magically curse his enemies. Capable of total morphic abilities to the point hardening and softening along with the gift of teleportation and producing extra skeletal limbs out of nothing. Originally a scientist working under a genius and gifted master he became obsessed with the azure and his fixation on it led him to crossing the boundry-the after life- the result is that his body and mind have totally eroded. Arakune insanity knows very little bounds to the point that his memory has been shattered, forgetting face and names or places and when he recalls them it is common for him to forget important facts to it later. His obsession of the Azure has totally eaten his focus along with his random mood swings of mania and he expresses his release by screams and laughter mostly. Marginally unable to communicate due to Word salading-where insanity cause incoherent speech patterns- to a point that it literally slices chunks out of his words although unlike word salading he clearly understands the word he is using and is using them in correct order...though he still makes little sense. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKskRQiLesc "Mister unmerry. Why would you make a crazy blob your choice?"-random audience member. I tell you why. We both are something that should of eroded away years ago due to our own vices, those who are effected with sethir tend to just melt away but Arakune moves about and master his condition, the fact he can even retain some sort of worldly presence is a triumph. Like Arakune, I am haunted by my personal demons, most of them are of my making and some are cobbled from my sins which is once again me by proxy. I shift moods alot and lash out at other because I forget who my friends are, just as arakune forgets those who care about him even when staring him in the face. Arakune reminds me what I could be if I lose myself and he shows me what I AM when I fall into bad patterns...albeit a much more extreme version. But he is determined, insanity conjured or not its that kind of determination that will get you places even when every one else-as they do to arakune in blazblue- is telling each other and you that you are rotten, a lost cause or a worthless pile of trash despite relationships. Arakune exhibits traits in a way I want, granted those are few but they are there. He also exhibit traits I must accept and avoid or I am no better than him in a lot of ways. -wer both really hard and press ourselves to get something, rushing and not looking to see what it does to us. -we both laugh alot constantly to let loose steam. -We both set our betters against us rather than admitting their skill and learning from them (especially when I meet artist that are younger than me but are miles better....which is alot because I'm a generic artist at best although I only do this when I'm at my worst) -We both get really paranoid and get convinced everyone around us is there to cause some sort of harm emotional or otherwise at times. -We both see things we probably shouldn't, sometimes we wish we hadn't and it changes us...he reminds me that I shouldn't let it change me into what he has become. He reminds me that I can't let it turn me into a monster and if it does that I must continue on with my life and make the best out of what I am none the less, even if it seem hopeless to do so. Arakune is sort of a post me, the next step of a failed me in a way but that doesn't change the fact him and I are more alike than I would appreciate to admit. Arakune is my only submission, I won't be using my 3 max.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4AtBBVZ73U @ember "I must leave now...my people need me"
  7. "I'm Snortmuzzle, the greatest pony ranger in all the land"
  8. Staring at one another visitor. I'll eat you if you'll drink me.

  9. Hes a scientist who crossed the boundry- after life- and as such has suffered sethir erosion of the mind and body. Causing him to have mental fragmentation and being able to "observe" past our time line and reality. Most people just fade away but arakune is a remarkable case. Hes obsessed with getting a powerful object called the azure. He also house thousands of insects and fragmented speech along with manic episodes and paranoia. In English he complains about his brains melting, chokes himself randomly, screams at people and tells them "don't you understand, wer all being watched" the scary part is...he is right. Now kiss me you fool! @ ProjectRKA I don't understand, why do people keep wandering into my bed. Did I do a want it need spell on myself by mistake?
  10. I'm a black puddle of biohazard and insects....I see you came dressed for the occasion. ----just to elaborate on what the hell my quickly sketched avatar is -
  11. "...You like ponies...don't you hater?" *cue your avatar grin*
  12. I want Tager and Arakune Past relationship development and I want it now ARCSY!...please.

  13. Its just one of those days.

    1. Harmonic Revelations
    2. MiStErUnMeRry


      THOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE daaaaays....*lets the acid leak of his lips*

  14. So sick of misanthropy, so sick of thinly self appointed moral mastery within the fandom. What happened to love and tolerate?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MiStErUnMeRry


      One doesn't need to have emotional fuel to dislike something. You can be apathetic to it but still have misanthropic attitude and views upon something. Stating humans are a corrupt breed is an act of misanthropy.

    3. The Stranger

      The Stranger

      whatever, I'm not going to explain myself to someone's status update.

    4. MiStErUnMeRry
  15. "I look nothing like other dragons....of course...I am a Canadian dragon..."
  16. Offend me. No. I understand that the internet nature is one of total freedom from responsibilities both social and beyond. There is no punishment here because is a totally shared environment where all ideas are equal and the only thing that separates there worth is numbers that stand behind said idea. The net is a sea of shouting voices and when I look it that way I know that there is no right nor is there a wrong here. People don't like having certain ideas shouted at them and this is what generates our haters "your brony stuff is everywhere" (that is of course a claim not an argument and I don't want it as such) but it is a claim I hear a lot. The fact is, you are not getting rid of what you don't like when it comes to the net, there isn't going to suddenly be a massive flood of people clambering towards your ideas to make you the internet moral administration and if you continue to act in such a way then your ignorance and over self indulgence of your charisma and importance as a person would make you deservant of being rankled in such a way. We are not nature nor the universe, we are not apathy waiting to be bent to your will, we are the thousands of the wills clashing to one another trying to find our enlightenment our inspiration, our stories and our entertainment within the humble mental abodes of other people...most who will never meet in real life. Because we are filled to the brim with a thousand different active goals there will be no one active goal of the internet and if there is it is most likely a single action and not a long term project such as reforming an internet community, ideas and concept or the production of said concept cannot be genocide or forced out. Deal with it...even though in some rare cases we really shouldn't have to. Also anyone that believes in rape culture doesn't pay attention to the culture around them since we actively socially rebel against rape, to the point that accusations of rape alone can get people to beat the accused to death. That like me saying that whenever I produce a comic where people jokingly have a competitive relationship that normally involves slap stick that I'm promoting people to return to the ideals of dueling to sort out their issues. Jokes do not promote any sort of culture, the whole thesis of a joke is that it is not serious and its there to produce comedy. Unless its a political satire joke I guess. I doubt the artist of molestia been secretly drawing the whole series because he actually believes he making stunning commentary on the benefits of allowing sexual rampancy and madness over take the land. now...I don't get offended but there are a few things that I generally get bored or annoyed at times in the fandom. One would be the those who constantly feel that the internet has to regulate it behavior. the other would be the genericnesss of all the human in equestria stories. Its always: Normal brony dude (typically a self insert)-OMG I killed myself (or teleported) to equesteria- I can't believe me eyes. Oh I love you "insert character here"-saves world-buggers off. come on guys...your humans...be creative...say something...like humans created ponies...or humans are actually a direct race from discord that was lifted out of the pony realm in his own dimension but he was unable to look after it being turned into stone and hence why it is magicless.
  17. Men appearing in my bed again...why do I attract boys to me so much...I'm not even pretty!
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