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Posts posted by DarligPegasi

  1. Sweet Melody laughed softly at her husbands' response, and smiled fondly when her eldest daughter 'called' the third room. She had figured that would happen and was glad it did. Arctic was extremely talented and did need more space to be honest. She entered her and Forests' room, grinning at the space and began putting up some lavender curtains as well as arranging where the furniture was to go. She stopped mid-organized and poked her head out of her room to call down to everyone else. "Get settled kids and then we'll go to the local restaurant to have lunch!" 

  2. A Letter from the Headmistress

    At the academy we are not indecisive. 

    At the academy we stay true to our calling. 

    At the academy weakness is not tolerated. 

    Will never be tolerated

    And any source of weakness will be removed. 


    That is the pledge that all freshman who attend the Academy must memorize, and be able to recite on cue. Failure to recite the pledge will result in the loss of stars. Each student starts out with five stars, if all are lost then they will be removed from the school and shunned by all who attend or teach at the Academy. That is the way of like. You'll do very well to get used to it. 


    The Academy was founded by a strict scholarly alicorn named Stone Carver the Wise. He was not always an alicorn. He was born as a simple earth pony. But by following strict rules and guidelines, he transcended to an alicorn and became one of the greatest ponies of them all. 


    Every student who attends the Academy wishes to become an alicorn, but so far only twelve have achieved success. If you wish to prove us wrong, respond to this letter with a check or an x. Or don't respond at all. It's your loss. 




    History of the School and Founder

    Mythical and Magical Creatures

    Structures of Magic

    Potion Making

    Bed Time (9:00 PM)

    *Of course on the first day there is only orientation.



    A Warning from an Alumni

    I attended this academy and I am begging you to not attend! This school is horrible, if you're an earth pony you're treated like dirt. If you're a pegasus you're treated better but still belittled and treated as if you're an idiot! Only unicorns and alicorns are treated fairly! Please don't go! It's not worth the pain. 



    General Role play Information

    For this rp, there will only be freshman. 

    There are four levels when it comes to rank in this school; Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors. Upperclassmen are automatically treated better than freshmen, but unicorns and pegasi are treated better than earth ponies. 

    As freshmen, only unicorns no magic, but nothing too extreme. They only know the basics. 

    Earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi are separated for dorms. 

    No royalty. No pets/mascots/companions. 

    For a uniform all freshman where a brooch, but earth ponies have bronze, pegasi have silver and unicorns have gold. 

    No Godmodding.

    Site rules apply.

    Each post must be at least five sentences, third person, past tense. No cheating with short sentences like 'He said./She laughed./They ran.'

    No cheating the post limit with OOC chat.

    Small OOC messages are fine, but put them in parentheses or brackets. 

    So I know you read the rules put a picture of a mane six pet in your post in a spoiler. 


    Character Sheet

    [unless you have a link to the database, just put the asterix marked parts]


    Age (15-19)



    Short Bio:

    *Reason for attending:



    Bronze Dorm:

    - Sound Thought









    Silver Dorm










    Gold Dorm

    - Eventide









  3. OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/79235-a-loving-home/#entry2037509


    Sweet Melody burst in through the front door of her family's new cottage. She breathed in the fresh, sweet smelling air and took in just about every nook and cranny of their new home. Her personal belongings as well as some groceries were floating behind her in single file, and as she walked through the house they dropped gently into wherever they were supposed to go. 


    "Oh this is just wonderful! Everything's so close by! There's a school for when Angel gets older and everyone so friendly!" She said to herself as she trotted up the spiral staircase. There were five doors going down the hall. One for her and her husband. One for Repsol, one for Arctic and one for Angel! She then turned around quickly and glowered down at the first floor, pointing her voice towards the door. "Now kids, do not fight over the rooms okay? Every room is just about the same, except for a few inches and a reading nook in the third one." She said, saying that last part quickly. 

  4. I do agree that Celestia and Luna should have been a lot stronger and maybe when Ce-Ce was show being kidnapped, a bigger vine should have done the deed, but I think they were taken so easily because the vines were originally meant for them. I mean if you think about it, Discord said that the vines should have gotten them ages ago, but the tree was blocking them with a current/force field of magic. So if a force is constantly pushing up and up and trying to get out and suddenly the thing holding them back disappears? All of that force and energy is going to cause them to shoot up, move very quickly towards their original and main target while simultaneously infesting and polluting the nearby surroundings. Plus they were seeds from a creature that basically represents powerful chaos. So I don't think it was that unbelievable that the vines were strong enough to take the Princesses down. 


    Plus the tree might have something to do with it too. I would be mad as all get out if the things that were keeping me grounded and powerful were taken away from me. 

  5. No not really, I mean I wish they gave her character some more depth and maybe a different background story and well rounded occupation, but she's basically an expected African stereotype. They didn't give her enough background, she has no family that they know of, her place of origin is 'a far away land', and all of the things in her cottage/hut are from various cultures and tribes.


    She's basically Equestria's version of Africa shoved into one being. So no, her voodoo 'stuff' isn't disturbing, it's what's expected. 

  6. I loved loved LOVED the episode! And the flashbacks oooh yesss, I adored those! the fight between Ce-Ce and Lulu was epic! And then when Twi-Twi realized that it was a flashback was awesome too! And oh my gosh, Discord's seeds! Yesss so he wasn't that reformed just afraid of losing Fluttershy's friendship. 


    The only thing that I didn't like was the villain. I mean it was a great plot. Like really really great but, I feel like there should have been something about Sombra in there. I mean he was the crappiest most underdeveloped villain in my opinion, and they just kicked his non existent story to the curb. 

  7. @@Mint Drop@@@repsol rave,  


    Because I have found that even if people say there isn't going to be drama, there still is drama and the rp goes off course. A lot of my rps have died because of 'drama magnet' characters.


    And often times I make rps where someone brings in a character with some type of disability then get upset with me when no one interacts with them for a long time or at all. 


    @@@repsol rave,  

    Also 'edit' wouldn't work for a bit, but now the rules have been properly changed.  

  8. RP: http://mlpforums.com/topic/79447-a-loving-home/#entry2040400

    A role play that is essentially playing house. 


    A small family moves to Ponyville and creates a life there. Even though the family members don't always get along they always manage to get through the day without killing each other. 



    Site Rules Apply

    This rp is rated PG - 13 for language.  

    No Godmodding. No Gary Stus/Mary Sues

    Grammar and Spelling really do count for this rp. 

    No Alicorns. No non ponies. (Unless you are a neighbor or something)

    Depending on how many people want to join, I will add more family members or neighbors. 

    No canon characters. 

    This rp is supposed to be a comedy not a drama. 

    All rp members MUST follow the OOC thread and the RP thread. 

    Third person, past tense. At least five sentences per post. No cheating with short sentences like 'He said./She responded. They laughed. etc' No OOC cheating either. (On the rp post)


    Mother - Sweet Melody


    Father - Forest Wind


    Son - Repsol Rave


    Daughter - Arctic Soul


    Baby/Youngest Foal - Angel Light

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Paint Splatter was running out of supplies. She had ponies with various injuries lying left and right but her pain relieving herbs were disappearing fast. She held her head in her hooves. "I had so many the other day!" She wailed, as the moans and groans increased. I have to go retrieve some more! She thought. 


    Flying quickly to the tent of her supervising commander she informed him of the dilemma and was given permission to go search for some more in the surrounding forests. Before leaving however, she told her fellow medics of the problem and to 'hold down the fort' while she was away. She would have sent one of them in her place, but the majority of them were new and didn't know what the plant looked like. And the senior medics needed to supervise the junior medics! 


    Why doesn't the Government spend more energy finding potential medics instead of filling and refilling the ranks of the army! She thought in frustration. 


    Upon entering the forest she went straight to wherever she saw clumps of roots and rocks. The plant grew beneath rocks and often wrapped around the roots. "Ah-Ha!" She yell whispered triumphantly when she a sparkly yellow hue half covered by a moss covered rock. She scrabbled in the dirt around it before yanking it up--


    "Wha?" She exclaimed at the necklace she was holding in her hooves. She had thought it was the pain relieving plant, which happened to be shiny and yellow as well. "Maybe somepony dropped it..." She thought  as she stared at the piece of jewelry. It looked kind of like the half of the sun, but she couldn't find the rest of it. She dropped it into her saddle bag with the intent of handing it off to her supervising commander. 


    She then continued to look for the pain relieving plant. She managed to find three bunches before she had to return to camp. Her heart dropped. "This isn't nearly enough..." She whispered, as she slowly flew back to the base. 

  10. Hope its not too late but I changed my mind! I would like to join with my OC: 


    Name: Paint Splatter


    Age: 21


    Gender: Female


    Cutie Mark: A paintbrush in a twister.


    Image/Appearance: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/paint-splatter-r5097


    Personality: Outgoing and optimistic, she likes to believe that the Governments rule won't last forever. 


    Backstory: Paint Splatter was born to a pegasus and a unicorn, but raised by her older sister as her parents were sent to work five months after her birth. Her father went to the army and her mother to the factory in another area. Her sister worked in a factory as well, but she was able to stay close to home so she could care for Paint Splatter. Because she was almost always alone, Paint Splatter amused herself by using various materials to make art. Her favorite game was to go outside behind her house, cover her wings in mud and then flap them rapidly until the mud splattered everywhere, making funny looking shapes all over the walls. Her sister saw her doing that one day, and the following night when she came home from work she had a small bucket of blue paint with her. She gave it to her sister, not telling her how she acquired it, but at the time Paint Splatter didn't think to ask. She covered her wings in it and did the same that she did with the mud, and covered the walls with beautiful artwork. When her sister managed to get her into the bath after that, they saw that she had gotten her cutie mark, a paintbrush in a twister. 

    After that, Paint Splatter's sister kept bringing her sibling more paint and encouraging her sister to make art, until Paint Splatter reached the age in which she would be eligible to work. However, instead of working in the factory with her sister she was sent to a base on the edge of (starting place) where she was trained to become an army medic. Before she was sent off though, her sister gave her a locket with both of a lock of her hair in it, so she would never feel alone. (Is that okay?)








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