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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Replies posted by HanPolo

  1. I am dating a real life Fluttershy. *Squee*

  2. Ive finally SNAPPED! Spent most of the school day walking around with my brony freind pretending we had fillies following us. *sigh* Im gonna have to take a break...

  3. I am dating a real life Fluttershy. *Squee*

  4. I downloaded that Amnesia game. Have you guys ever played it?

  5. Aight cmon baby, only 2 more likes till 100 :3

  6. I had a good day today... now I'm going to watch some MLP:FiM episodes. Any suggestions?

  7. Aight cmon baby, only 2 more likes till 100 :3

  8. Hmmm... Watch the new leaked episode or not....

  9. Im off for my afternoon nap. Ill let the comments on this status decided wether or not I watch the leaked episode when I wake up <3

  10. Im off for my afternoon nap. Ill let the comments on this status decided wether or not I watch the leaked episode when I wake up <3

  11. Hmmm... Watch the new leaked episode or not....

  12. Hmmm... Watch the new leaked episode or not....

  13. Hmmm... Watch the new leaked episode or not....

  14. This is the BEST community I've ever been in. You guys have welcomed me with open arms and a warm greeting. MLP FiM FTW!!! :D I love ALL of you guys!!!

  15. Hmmm... Watch the new leaked episode or not....

  16. Hmmm... Watch the new leaked episode or not....

  17. Hmmm... Watch the new leaked episode or not....

  18. Hmmm... Watch the new leaked episode or not....

  19. Note to Everypony; Trixie is srius bisnis yo

    1. HanPolo




      (And on that note im gonna rush off to bed... *runs*)

    2. (See 45 other replies to this status update)

  20. Note to Everypony; Trixie is srius bisnis yo

    1. HanPolo


      Trixe? Pfft. Shes not that cool.


      Huh? Strange... My door bell is ringing at this hour. Brb.

    2. (See 45 other replies to this status update)

  21. Just heard that my sister got diagnosed with cancer D:

  22. I think im starting to like Trixie...... oh my gosh, what the hay is wrong with me?

  23. So everypony, what pony would you want to see turned into a human?

  24. Monday was a day of Joy! Tuesday was a day of Sadness! Today was a day of Rage! I wonder what emotion will be the theme of tomorrow?

  25. I think im starting to like Trixie...... oh my gosh, what the hay is wrong with me?

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