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Status Updates posted by Argumedies

  1. Awake at 4 am because my Tantibus really hurt me last night. I post that only because i know only here would that be understood.

    1. thegoodhen


      It's not understood cuz I dunno what Tantibus is.

  2. Is it me or have the really loosened up the rules reguarding background ponies sence ep 100

  3. Give some one a fish, and you'll feed um for a day. Teach some one to fish... and soon they'll be hogging all the best spots on the pond!!!

  4. Why is it that because im waiting for my turn to download windows 10 do i get the feeling im actually waiting on Skynet to count down?

    1. Fhaolan


      No comment...

    2. Argumedies


      Microsoft version... ARMAGEDDON!


  5. Well went to the movies and got to see the trailer for Hasbro's Jem and the Holograms movie. Looks rather interesting

  6. Am i the only one who thought that Moondancer was going to hit Twilight with that stick last episode?

    1. PoisonClaw


      It certainly looked like that.

    2. Blackened


      You're not alone on that thought.

  7. Am I the only one who thought that Moo,

  8. well its semi-official i will be moveing at the end of July, tradeing in my mobile- home in for a stationary one

  9. the lack of (more) Rarity in this season is disturbing

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      Her time may still come.

    3. CheeryFox
    4. Argumedies


      Ya, shes had moments, but thats all they've been, 8 episodes without significant fabulosity is getting annoying

  10. im highly upset today, i think i just fried my laptop.... the one with every peice of pony collection on it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Argumedies


      Brand new battery with a full charge and it just shut right off and wont reboot

    3. Argumedies


      Feels slightly better, turned out to be the power supply

    4. SilverComet


      Maybe you should consider using an external hard drive for backup of your personal colection (it is much easier than recovering data from the hard drive inside a dead laptop; or rebuilding everything from the web piece by piece).

  11. (radio schtic promo opening) The following bit is offensive to someone, let's assume it is you. this is your warning to turn away now. especially if your sensitivities. are fragile. and you just a little butterfly. this bit kills butterflys comedy is not pretty and to answer your question, is it too soon yes it is but that's never stopped them before.... sorry I always think of poor Flutters whenever I heat this

  12. for a smart phone, this damn thing is extremely stupid

    1. SilverComet


      Think about it like a lobotomized PC, with the special ability to send and receive sound without using SKYPE.

    2. Argumedies


      Every time I write something this thing wants to add in it's own words instead of the ones I write

  13. upset over missing the entire episode because of bad internet connections and streaming commercials

    1. SilverComet


      I live in Argentina, taking livestreams from amateur sources is not practical (too much buffering, pixel degradation or timeskips). I actually prefer waiting for the HD, commercial-free, subtitled versions [i can always buy the comics online to help funding DHX]

    2. Argumedies


      I can believe that

  14. y'all need to quit posting spoilers, there are those of us who are trying to get through this without any future knowledge

    1. Pastel
    2. SilverComet


      +1 , like, 5 stars and subscribed!

  15. I could use a nice big thunderstorm right about now. so relaxing

    1. SilverComet


      I like more being stimulated by "lighting storms" (bright, visible electricity in the air, at its more raw form), rather than the relaxing cacophony of sounds from the exploding plasma that surrounds it.

    2. Argumedies


      Right now I'm in the middle of Texas and their calling for tornadoes, I'm probably the only one here that's giddy right now.



  16. damm it Discord, now im going to miss the season opener

    1. The Cynical Lone Wolf

      The Cynical Lone Wolf

      You can watch it on Dailymotion or youtube later. Heck you wont be watching mindless ads on top of that.

    2. Argumedies


      I know *sighs* but everything was set up to where i could live streem it. But my vehicle has broken down at a most inconvenient time, and now i must take care of that first. Just disappointing is all

  17. (watches eclipse) Hey Luna your dark side is showing

  18. is staying away from the forums for a short while, avoiding potential S5 spoilers

    1. SilverComet


      It is becoming harder with each day (too much hype and disregard for us the "blind watchers").

    2. Argumedies


      Well this is the first season i have really made an effort to try and avoid

  19. Oh for the love of Celestia will someone PLEASE get mother nature some Prozac!!!

    1. SilverComet


      Did you know most antidepresants (and other medications for mental problems) leave traces in urine that ends into the rivers; eventually accumulating trough the food chain in the fish meat?


    2. Argumedies


      Lol. Yes that is true, but as long as all this damned ice and snow goes away, ill be one happy driver

  20. thats it, next winter I hibernate

  21. its all these damned ground hogs and their freakin shadows fault!!!!

  22. Looking for a volunteer in the pre-screening of a piece of a FF. PM if interested

    1. SilverComet


      I want to finish your story/146252/stargate-sg1-equestrian-arc in FiMFiction first (in case is something related to it).

    2. Argumedies


      Well when i made this request it was for something else that i had made. I was unaware that anyone from here was interested in my SG1 story. Ive kind of put that on the back burner temporarly but i was hopeing to get back to that soon, maybe when i take my next 34hr break. Winters been really hard on me and i just havent been able to make time. But your more then welcome to look at any of my projects if you like

  23. I am looking for a volunteer to read a small section of a fan fiction that I am writing. please PM me if interested in helping

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Argumedies


      The short version:



      The task was to take the prompt of a well known piece of pony Fan Fiction, in this case Fallout Equestia and "re-create" an original story.


      So the prompt is "futuristic post holocaust pony world"


      What I have, is the fist half of the prologue and I am looking for an opinion on it, good,bad,whatever. I'm still working on the second half


      If this turn...

    3. Argumedies


      If this turns out good, I'd like to submit it to EQD... Unless it totally sucks

    4. Argumedies


      And I would appreciate any input on this

  24. tonight we celibrate for at 11:03 pm utc the night princess solstice hath arrived and may Luna reign till dawn ;)

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