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Standard User

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Status Updates posted by Standard User

  1. I saw you visit my profile, don't try and hide

  2. Think I might reread Fallout: Equestria sometime soon.


  3. boy I saw you visitin' my profile

    1. Swick (ded)

      Swick (ded)

      lol what are you talking about nobody gets on this site anymore

  4. @admins please buy FiMFiction and fulfill all of my MLP-related dreams kthxbye.

  5. I used to run roleplays here, not to mention my lovely Writing Centre...my, how times have changed. If I could start the WC again, I would in a heartbeat.

  6. Miss seeing you around, broham.

  7. Woah, I'm back. 'sup, Forums.

    1. Standard User

      Standard User

      Hardly recognize anyone, much less the site. *sniff* They grow up so fast. :(

  8. I'm out, Forums. It's been a good 3.5-year long ride.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Taialin


      Aww. It's been nice having you around

    3. Mr Unknown

      Mr Unknown

      See you Kolth, you were one of my favorite people on the forums :(

    4. TailsIsNotAlone


      You were always a cool guy, Kolth. Take care of yourself.

  9. Don't think I didn't see you browsing my profile. :P

  10. I never noticed that we share the same birthday. Regardless, it is our birthday in my time zone, so happy day to you!

  11. *looks back at last status* Well, that was a thing.

  12. New Year, hopefully new vested interest in actually being active on this site.

  13. Weirdmageddon Part 2 might be my new favorite Gravity Falls episode.

    1. Bojo


      I need to watch Gravity Falls! Might do after I'm done with Samurai Jack :)

    2. Mr Unknown

      Mr Unknown

      Yep, it's certainly an awesome episode! I can't wait for Part 3, and I hope the rumor that it's gonna be an hour long is true :D

    3. Obsolete


      I thought you hated Gravity Falls

  14. Safely in Hawaii! The ocean is so mysterious and majestic and all that crap.

    1. Bojo


      Awesome! Wish I was there :3 Have fun!

  15. Haven't been around a whole bunch due to finals and closing stuff for university. But now I'm free!...as soon as my flight arrives. :P

    1. Mr Unknown

      Mr Unknown

      That's great! Hopefully you nailed all the finals :D

  16. Hello hello, welcome to the site! I read through your welcoming thread...I feel like you and I will get along juuuust fine. Hope you enjoy yourself around here.

    1. Vocal Analyst

      Vocal Analyst

      Thank you for the nice welcome. Already enjoying myself here!

    2. Standard User

      Standard User

      Great to hear! In case you haven't heard it enough: if you have any questions or feel like chatting, drop me a line. My office door is always open (as well as imaginary).

  17. In about 20 hours, I'm basically done with this semester. Then I get to sit around campus for about nine days twiddling my thumbs and watching pastel horses.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bojo


      I like the part where you'll be watching pastel horses. Hope you enjoy your vacation!

    3. Taialin
    4. Mr Unknown

      Mr Unknown

      Well there ya go :D

  18. Been very busy lately, not to mention dealing with...ugh..."feelings" and all that garbage. It's been a long two weeks.

  19. Officially reached the rank of Pony. Been on this site for over three years. I'm not sure what to think about this.

    1. Dark Horse

      Dark Horse

      Well, congrats all the same. It's a milestone not too many reach. :P

  20. The past week has been incredibly busy, but things are looking very up right now. :D

  21. One more post and I achieve the rank of Pony. What thread shall I grace with this momentous accomplishment?

    1. Chara


      How are you feeling thread, it's quick and easy to post in.


    2. Standard User

      Standard User

      Nah, I'd like a post with substance. I'm not worried about ranking up quick. ;)

  22. Hello hello, welcome to the Forums! Hope you enjoy yourself here. ^_^

  23. Five more posts until I finally rank up once again--it'll be nice to have a new badge after all this time.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Is that a wild Jeric appearing?

    3. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      *Throws Master Ball at Jeric*

    4. Standard User

      Standard User

      Jeric, you master troll, you.

  24. Still haven't had a chance to apply for Public Relations...bleh. Been so gosh darn busy this past weekend. :/

  25. My tentative schedule for next semester includes Reconnaissance. :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      Okay bruh, how's that treating you?

    3. Standard User

      Standard User

      Great! Always busy. Gotta love it.

    4. Lunar Echo

      Lunar Echo

      What are you busy doing?

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