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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by The-Master

  1. House Earthborn @@Windbreaker “I’ll be holding you to that.” Long Stride chuckled, no real intension of upholding such a debt. In the world they lived a promise held no meaning, not if you could die any day. “You look like you’ve seen battle before then.” He finally spoke up. “How long have you been a Pony at Arms? It is uncommon for one of our position to have such charisma for killing, even if it is unicorns.” House Stormwing @ Master Guardian Thunderlane pulled Dash around, his suspicion immediately aroused. “Non possiamo fidarci della sporcizia da sud, you need our protection for this meeting.” Dash shrugged him off. “Calmati. I doubt Applejack will try to kill me. If I die all Stormwing goes to war. Applejack, however, isn’t stupid enough to make that move. Your concern is appreciated but not necessary, just make sure that the rest of this rabble don’t leave this place.” “Understood Commander.” He gave a quick salute before falling back in with the troops. Rainbow Dash signalled for her guard to remain on watch, gesturing Applejack and her “assistant” or whatever to follow. She led them towards a small outcrop in the fields before Cloudsdale, a small clump of rocks where no other pony was around to hear whatever was spoken. Rainbow Dash kept her sword with her, indeed, she would not go anywhere without it. When the senate deemed she could not bring it into the assembly she changed the law so she could. It was better to be safe than sorry, in this instance more than many. She did not trust Applejack, that much was clear. “We’re alone now Applejack,” Rainbow the first to speak. “You can drop the façade now; what do you want from me?” House Stormwing @, @ One of their accompanying guard entered the tent along with the group, presenting the new evidence discovered by Selune in a clear bag. “This mare here has found something believed to be of use to your research. Care to have a look?” Instantly, the mare’s eye began to widen upon this discovery. “Yes yes yes, thank you! Alright, now we can get some proper results to work with. You may leave now sir.” The guard did as he was asked, handed over the bag and departing for his post. She took the bag and instantly began to place its contents on her work bench, shuffling over various chemicals and dishes to work with. “I won’t be a second, just hold on.” She placed a fragment of the shell casing onto the laid out dish, a few drops of some kind of dark fluid dripped onto its surface. Immediately there was some clear separation in the compound, the darker fluid split from the oilier base. After a few more tests similar to this she wrote down her results and prepared to present them. “Alright, well thanks to your friend here I was able to come up with an analysis for the compounds found within the bomb itself. The results, however, are quite surprising.” She flicked through her notes till she came to the right page. “This bomb was defiantly chemically based, not magical, part of the mixture a form of crude oil or fossil fuel. The fuel was heated rapidly before being added to some kind of soapy mixture. This soap caused it to thicken, making it easier to place in the bomb and giving it more of a kick.” She flicked through to another page. “This bomb is actually commonly referred to as a Napalm Bomb, easily made with common household items to create an impressive fireball with an intense heat. It wasn’t surprising how many ponies died with the concentration of this mixture. The amount of heat this gave off could have easily given third or even forth degree burns.”
  2. For all you people who can't read. What is required when posting - A character profile link that can be provided in the character database What is required when posting - A character profile link that can be provided in the character database What is required when posting - A character profile link that can be provided in the character database
  3. While I'd love the opportunity to participate in a Doctor Whooves themed RP, especially one that carries on through episodes, I sense a lack of pre-planning actually going into this role-play. After the buzz of the 50th Anniversary we probably need to sit down and come up with a solid story line to follow, preferably individual episodes rather than great story arcs (it is unlikely everyone will stay for the entire RP). Once all the players know what lies ahead of them we can actually begin to make solid decisions concerning characters characters and the role they'll play into he RP itself. Either me or Rascal would be more than happy to assist with any writing, as I know she is more than capable. For now consider me interested, but not confirmed.
  4. Well, I've shown up. Stay away from my character! Aside from that, I'd love to get involved somehow. Let me know of any progress and updates.
  5. After hours on the live stream. Prepare your jimmies. http://www.livestream.com/tartarusproductions?t=137394

  6. This banner is one of the greatest things to have happened to this site.

  7. I hope everyone has a wonderful "Pick on the Master" week. Happy holidays everyone!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The-Master
    3. A Jewel of Rarity

      A Jewel of Rarity

      nah its really nice


    4. aRegularPony


      The grass is always greener on the other side.

  8. Get off my profile Rascal!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. A Jewel of Rarity

      A Jewel of Rarity

      its realy nice though you never care about me being on it


    3. The-Master


      Damn it jewel!

    4. A Jewel of Rarity

      A Jewel of Rarity

      i like the smell of rascal


  9. House Stormwing @ Star Keeper tilted his head to the side in curiosity. “The cult?” It couldn’t be true, not here. Cloudsdale had remained free of their plague, they couldn’t have gotten in. “What you’re suggesting is unlikely, nay, impossible. You’re going to need more than a hunch to support this claim.” Upon Selune’s gesture, Star left the conversation and moved to join them. “If you want to see the forensics expert then follow me. Hopefully she has some results for us.” He directed them towards a small tent pitched up just outside the market square, the entrance flanked by two guards. On Scootaloo’s word they allowed the group to pass. Inside was a cluttered arrangement of notes, tools and random items. Sitting at a desk was a young mare with a red mane and light grey coat, her cutie mark in the shape of three red crosses. When she noticed the group enter she made a sudden frantic effort to clean the place up. “Sorry, it’s not usually this disorganised.” Brushing aside some papers she gave them some room to sit down. “So, the commander her tells me that you are Rainbow’s company. It’s good to have some extra hooves available. Unfortunately… I don’t have anything for you. There’s no trace of the reactant that caused the explosion, meaning that it was probably in a liquid state. I’d need a fragment of the casing to have any chance if identifying it, but we haven’t been so lucky just yet.”
  10. Yay, my two years of Media Studies in Uni are finally paying off! Application sent and fingers crossed.

  11. http://www.livestream.com/tartarusproductions?t=137394 Livestream with the lovely rascal61, should be fun! Come join us!
  12. @, if you need any help then don't hesitate to ask. You don't need to deal with all the crap.
  13. Ignore my last status link, we were flooded with idiots.

  14. House Earthborn @@Windbreaker To be honest Long Stride was quite happy to simply listen to Poppy Seed’s story. It set his mind at ease, a rare opportunity just to forget and listen. “He sounds like a good pony.” He finally spoke up. “One of a rare breed unfortunately. Maybe in another time, but not anymore” The more time he spent in his mellow state the clearer his usual façade became. Diverting his gaze from the road ahead, Long Stride looked towards his travel companion with a look assurance. “I hope you get the chance to repay the favour. Best not to give up hope while you still have it. Some of us aren't so fortunate.” House Stormwing @, The guard in question looked to his superior for orders, to which Scootaloo returned a subtle nod. “I was on duty at the time of the explosion, me and my company. We were to patrol the perimeter before making a cross route through the market place and returning to the barracks. That’s when things took a dark turn. “There was a loud crack, deafening to the untrained ear. Everypony felt the air crushed out of their lungs and the impact that followed. The centre of the market was filled with fire, the flames reaching some twenty feet into the sky before settling. Ponies were screaming in terror at the sight.” “In the blast I had fallen to the ground, taking a bit of a bang to the head.” Taking of his helmet he revealed a line of stitches reaching from his forehead to the crown on his skull. “Bit of a knock. Once things had settled down we began to clear the area of civilians in case another bomb were go detonate. We were the last to leave the scene. “The smell? I could recall it from somewhere. Almost like the polish we use on our armour, a strong chemical smell that lingered in the air. Just breathing it felt toxic. The explosion itself caused more destruction with the fire and shrapnel it created. “We’ve begun investigation of the nearby buildings, but the owners have been hard to track down after the confusion. Some have just packed up and left. Here’s the information we’ve been issued currently.” He pulled out another set of files, similar to the ones given to North Arrow moments before. “We have a mare working on the chemical analysis right now actually. Once she identifies the components of the bomb then we should have our lead. However, we have yet to locate the bomb casing itself.” The guard placed his helmet back on his head and returned to his post with no information left to give. Star Keeper sat down on his haunches as he continued to delve back into his memory of the day. “Threats? Threats these days are empty. Few come within Cloudsdale itself these days, mainly by those in the colonies who feel ‘oppressed’ by Stormwing rule. Then there’s also the cult.” The sudden recollection of events sent a slight shiver down his spine. “About a month ago they left a corpse outside the assembly, skinned and mutilated, with their trademark smile carved into its face. Bastards. Whatever message they were trying to send the council saw it fit to ignore. If we were to take every threat seriously then we would be in a constant state of panic.” Star scratched his heads at the next few questions. “Aren’t politicians always being cursed in the streets? I’ve had a few Pegasi ask for my head on a spear in public. We don’t walk around the streets with guards, however. We are more than capable of holding our own should the need arise. Why should a pony fear walking down his own streets? If this was a direct attack against the council then they did their part. We lost a few of our own to that blast, a few more injured. All in broad daylight. Maybe we were just unlucky.”
  15. House Earthborn @ The Element of Honesty, a truly fitting title for a mare of Applejack's calibre. Just like her to drip honey onto the tongues of her enemies, her true agenda hidden behind good intentions. They talk of diplomacy and return only with smoke and gunpowder. This did not change Rainbow's obligation to her House and her citizens. Dash eyes down the Earthborn ranks as they lowered their guard, she could already see them luring her into a false sense of security. "Accidenti a loro." She took a brief pause to compose herself, lifting her head high to enforce her superiority. "I will make this clear for you, Applejack. I do not trust you, no more than the filth that crawls out of Manehattan. Your ideals are distorted and your methods border on insanity." Taking a breath Rainbow pressed on. "If you truly mean to talk diplomacy, then it will only be under my terms. Any trickery or deceit then I will bring this to a swift conclusion. And don't get me wrong; we. are not. friends." The spite in her tone had become obvious by this point, all formality abandoned so that Dash may clearly show who is in control. She raised her hoof in command and all at once her Royal Lancers broke phalanx, but still at the ready should the need arise.
  16. House Earthborn @@Windbreaker Long Stride found it rather difficult to hold back a small chuckle. "I never would have guessed." This was... nice, a way to take your mind off the coming battle and just relax a bit. It seems these moments come in fewer moments these days. "I had a friends like you, years ago however. She was rather stubborn, impatient, but her heart and mind were in the right place. Quite a team we turned out to be. But that was a long time ago." He looked back to Poppy with a slightly concerning gaze. "What became of Blunt Force?" House Stormwing @, @ The Hoplite let his guard fall for the mean time, allowing the chance for him to answer the commander's questions. "As far as we know, there has been no strange activity from that building. Many of those staying were tradesponies selling their goods in the market place before the winter season. The information surrendered by the owners has been filled into a report. Feel free to examine it for anything you may find helpful." The guard pulled out a collection of papers with bold letters spelling Classified on the front and bound with string. *I am fully aware that β actually means Beta. I needed a way of showing the currency of bits without looking like an idiot.
  17. @, we have become the Stormwing Investigations Bureau.
  18. Yorrick's at it again! Yorrick's at it again! http://pooryorickda.deviantart.com/art/Everfree-Path-of-the-Forest-units-414037719 Also, Yorrick has officially renamed House Everfree the Everfree Tribes.
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