My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rarity How did you find MLP Forums?: Google and boredom.
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I'd herd about it a few times on gameinformer, so I decided to check it out and see why these cute equines were considered relevant on a gaming site. Two episodes and a few pmvs later and I was hooked.
I'm not the best at first impressions, but here goes nothing. I'm IndomiPhoenix, though most people simply call me Indomi. This is actually my first time being on a site focused around FiM in quite awhile, the last time being last year when I tried Ponychan and wow was that not a pleasant time. So I'm not too certain what to expect as I'm used to the daily trolling and such of the last forum I frequented.
In any case, I hope this will be as fun as I'd like it to be.
Oh, and Luna is best pony.