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open Code Lyoko 2.0 v2 -On hold-


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Tempest glanced at the oversized bees, and smirked. "This is going to be fun." He thought, as he flew towards the insects. The teen then drew his swords, and stabbed two of them directly in the eye. "No one threatens my friends and gets away with it." He thought, as he pulled back. He wouldn't let Dan or Amber get harmed, and felt a surge of adrenaline course through him. "Come get me." He yelled, before flying away from the insects and the other two teens.

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Rush quickly followed the instructions to the best of his ability, at least to the extent that he understood what the guy meant. He tried to pull him away by the arm, although what this would accomplish he wasn't sure. "Is this what you mean? I don't get it."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Amber had quick reactions and for some reason opened her hands. A shield appeared around her that the bugs began to run into. "Hey Dan get into the shield now if you are so afraid of bugs, they won't ignore you over there." Amber began to move over with the shield over to Dan.


((this is a dome shield not a flat one))



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@,@@child of the night, @,  


After the two Hornets de-virtualized, most of them followed Tempests' taunt. Some stayed behind clattering into Ambers shield. One decided to torment Dan, spitting acid on the boy's cover and exposing him.  The Hornets shot a barrage of lasers while chasing Tempest, a few just whizzing past his wing. The rest didn't relent on Amber, attacking the shield mercilessly with spouts of acid.

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( :P Rush should have gotten shocked pretty bad, Ricks right arm is holding Meghan. Falling back and pulling should slide us, downside electricity through Rick's heart... He hopes doing it a second time will restart it)


Rick felt his heart fluttering as the current decided to follow its new path, but he felt himself sliding and his right arm pulled Meghan a couple of feet. When Rush let go and the current stopped so did his heart, he laid on the ground, electricity still keeping his body tense so his right arm remained clamped on Meghan and his left arm stayed out stretched but everything started start to go dark.

Edited by Torrent505
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@@Torrent505,@@Alex Kennedy, @,


Whisper finally let go, curling into  ball of pain, all her muscles making it difficult to move. But the worst of the shock was over. 


The electricity was left in Meghans heart, squeezing it.



@@child of the night,@, @,  


Genesis was staring at the screen, watching the bunch of red dots chase the three green ones. If she knew anything from video games, bad guys were usually red. But another symbol appeared on the map, a tower of some sort.


Her voice unintentionally broadcasted into Lyoko "There's a weird tower in front of you guys, don't know what the hell it's for."

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@@Torrent505, @@RunsWithSquirlz, @@Alex Kennedy

Meghan groaned in pain and forced the boy to let go of her arm. She held his hand tightly and concentrated, redirecting the electricity in her body to go towards his heart. She felt his electric signals get weaker so she tried to jumpstart it using herself as a conduit. She gasped as she felt her heart skip a few beats due to the effort.

Edited by XANA



What else am I meant to put here?


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@@RunsWithSquirlz,@@child of the night,


When his cover got blown, Dan went into full panic mode. He knew on some level that the hornets were toying with him, but was too scared to acknowledge it. His speed ability then kicked into full gear as he soon became a blur, avoiding the hornets at all costs. He then heard Genesis's voice coming from the sky as she said something about a tower. "Is it safe there?" He asked hurriedly as he was pursued.


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Tempest smirked as he flew from the hornets. "Ok, this is getting boring." He said, as he quickly turned and flew towards the insects with his swords drawn. The teen then launched a flurry of stabs and slashes at the main eye on the monsters head. For some reason, he felt a sense of anger build within him, and it was mainly directed at these creatures. "Where's the tower." 

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Rick had always imagined dying would be painful but once the electricity faded he just tingled all over, it didn't hurt or feel good it just tingled. Everyone says your life flashes before your eyes but his eyes were open and everything just got hazy and dark.


Then the girl was over him and she touched his heart and it fluttered then beat once, then twice. The electricity seemed to settle in fading away and his heart returned to a steady rhythm. His sight became crystal clear, and he drew in a sharp shuttering breath. There was a thousand one liners he would have loved to say but the pain came rushing back into, so he just gave a weak groan and start to cough...

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Amber started to walk in the direction of the tower, her hands were still open but she could feel her energy draining. "Have you considered," she yelled to the others, "that this game could kill us in the real world if we are not careful, maybe the tower is safe but look at these bees they are clearly against us so perhaps we should be a bit more careful then running at them swords drawn." Amber then closed her hands and got into a full sprint towards the tower. She opened her hands to cover her from the bees that were chasing her.

Edited by child of the night



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@@child of the night,@, @,


"Oh shit" Genesis said to herself, surprised they could answer back. "Hell if I know it's safe but it's the only thing on the map besides you and the bad guys. Looks like it's about a mile west from Dan."


The Hornets all spat on the thin path before Amber, acid eating away at the ground. One slip and she would fall into the white nothingness below; never to be seen again. An enemy swerved around Tempest; shooting him in the hand with it's beam.

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Amber stumbled so she reactivated her shield and began to create a walkway, she may have been a good fighter but this was just too much. Amber turned to tempest and yelled, "I get that you want to fight but there really is too much and we are only human, our best bet is too get to the tower and hope it is safe within it. Hey you up there, can you do anything to help us with these bees or are you just our own little mini map?"



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Tempest felt a stinging pain in his hand, and dropped one of his swords. "Bloody hell." He muttered to himself. The teen then turned to Amber and nodded. "See you there." With that, Tempest flew in the direction of the tower and was able to see it in the distance. "I'm not dying in this world." He thought to himself. He didn't know what his aunt and uncle would think of this, but he knew he couldn't tell them.

Edited by Majestic Nightfury
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@@Torrent505, @@Alex Kennedy, @@RunsWithSquirlz

Minx sighed in relief as she felt the boy's heart get back to a normal rhythm. She rolled off him and then smacked her chest, feeling her heart constrict. She gasped at the way her heart was beating eratically and tried to voice her condition but was interrupted by the boy's coughing. Instead of saying anyhig, she just breathed heavily and hoped she wasn't having a heart attack.



What else am I meant to put here?


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@@RunsWithSquirlz,@, @@child of the night,


"One mile west, got it." Dan said as he turned and sped off, leaving a trail of dust in his wake. He then noticed Amber still dealing with the Hornets right in front of him. He dashed in and picked her up, saying, "Forget the bugs, lets not deal with them if we don't have to, okay?" He then sped off to the tower, with Amber still in his arms.


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Amber looked back and with the last bit of her energy at the time constructed a force field behind them before passing out from over extending with her magic abilities. The last thing she saw was a bee hitting the wall she had just made.


((Le post is too short))



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@@RunsWithSquirlz, @ @@Alex Kennedy


Rick finally got his lungs under control and simply laid on his back staring at the ceiling taking deep slow breaths. But from beside him he heard quick heavy hard breathing, he remembered the girl being over him and restarting his heart before roll that way. He turned his head to look at her, his whole body ached so he didn't bother to move anymore. "Thank you." his voice was a little harsh and croaky. He noticed something seemed to be wrong with her, he'd thought the breathing was maybe because if what they had just gone through but she looked like she was in pain and seemed pale. Fear crept into his voice "Are you all right?" he winced as he tried to roll over to face her.

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@@Alex Kennedy, @@RunsWithSquirlz, @@Torrent505
Meghan closed her eyes and tried to get her breathing under control. Once she thought she had done so, she tried to answer him. "No p-p-problem, I think I'm-" She couldn't finish her sentence as her heart began to beat extremely fast. "GAH!" Meghan shouted as she felt her heart give a massive leap and begin to slowly shut down. Her hands clenched from the sudden amount of pain and she gritted her teeth.

Edited by XANA



What else am I meant to put here?


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@@child of the night,@, @,


When Amber passed out, the program automatically de-virtualized her. When she came to, Amber found herself sitting in the tube again.


"Hell, whoever got hit just lost some HP. What the...? Guess you blokes have hitpoints." Genesis explained, quite confused.


Most of the Hornets had crashed into the wall; exploding. One escaped and flew as fast as it could after Dan, finally taking to the skies and spitting acid down on him. Tempest was getting too close to the tower, the Hornet from before charged it's laser; aiming for his wing. 

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There was no way for Tempest to see the laser, and searing pain coursed through his wing. He screamed as he hit the ground, and came to a stop in front of the entrance to the tower. "I'm not giving up." He said, as he slowly stood up. His body was beaten and in a good deal of pain, but he pushed through it, and limped to the tower. He picked up the sword he had dropped when he crashed along the way. One more hit, and he was done.

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Amber got up dazed and somehow got out of the tube and stumbled over to Genesis, "How did I get out of here? actually how are they doing in there?" Amber fell over but got up rather quickly and pulled over a chair so she could sit down. She looked at the screen and watched the dots moving around. "Can we pull him out, he looks really damaged."

Edited by child of the night



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Once Amber devirtualized, Dan was in a bit of a panic. After all, someone seemingly just died in his arms. Even so, he kept running, a white and yellow contrail behind him. He then saw Tempest get shot down and attempted to get him out of the line of fire. By attempted, I mean tackle, full speed, into the tower.


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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@@child of the night,


"No, tried poking the damn thing but nothing pops up. Guess you have to die there to come back or some shit" Genesis replied, hand propping her cheek up.


@, @,

"Oi, your lifebar's down. One more hit and you're blown, mate" Genesis remarked. The tower glowed in front of Tempest; if he couldn't make it or if Dan couldn't get there in time,  people in the real world would die. Luckily, Dan had saved Tempest; throwing them both into the tower. They found themselves surrounded by glowing blue and binary running along the walls. The floor underneath them shifted and they both began to rise up until it came to a solitary console:


"CODE:" it blinked.

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Tempest groaned as he stood up in the tower. "You might want to warn a guy before you plow into them." He said, laughing slightly. The teen then noticed the console, and walked up to it. "What is this?" Tempest then placed a hand on the screen, and felt somewhat weird. It was like he had done this before, but he didn't know why.

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