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private Journey to the Higher Plane

Jack Baker

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@, @,


(OOC Ok, I guess we can take this to the mountains now? Sorry if I push it ahead now since I'm tired of waiting for replies of one person...)


The group finally were beyond the city limits and into open country, heading north towards the mountains. As the miles and hours ticked behind them, the tempatures slowly began to drop...and the winds started to pick up. The cold sent a shiver from the tip of Blissy's nose all the way down to the tip of her tail. She pulled her cloak up and wrapped it around her arms as she continued to flutter next to Hurricane. She could feel her nose was starting to drip a bit, and turning a light annoying pink.



"Guess...we're on the right path...A...ah....ACHOO!" She sneezed so violently it thrusted her downward, making her crash land on her rump next to Everlast. "Ouch...*sniff sniff* yup...defiently on the right path..."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss

Blaze laughed a bit as he looked towards Lightning Bliss. "Think you should've packed a bit more than just a cloak for these temperatures?" He asked her playfully. His horn glowed a bit as a flame circle surrounded his feet and melted some of the snow around him. "You're welcome to enter the circle if you want. Same goes for the rest of you too." Blaze stated as he began trotting in the snow once more. He was a bit worried the others might not warm up to him so quickly or at all. What if they didn't like him? Then this journey would seem a bit longer for Blaze especially. He liked to think of his best quality being to help others in what ever way he could, this time being to offer up a bit of warmth to his acquaintances.

@, @, @@purple.teal


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Bliss's eyes dazzled at the amazing use of Blaze's magic to warm himself and gladly got up and leapt into the circle next to him gratefully.


"Only if you don't mind me sticking to you like glue! Buurrr it's cold!" She squeeed and cushioned up to the male alicorn's side, not so much for affection but for more warmth. "Sorry if I seem clingy, I just don't want to risk getting sick again. I mean this cloak is helping...it's just...well..." She looked at her legs that were openly exposed to the cold, "It seems I should have bought some booties too...gah I hate booties..." She levitated her hood up and firmly planted it over her thick big ears and continued trotting with Blaze through the snow.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Hurricane seemed really on edge ever since they entered the snowy mountains. Her eyes darted up to the sky occasionally, her muscles were tense, and she stayed closer to the ground near the group. She stayed pretty warm in her jacket. Her hood was pulled up, but her wings and front of her face were still cold. She could see her breath in front of her. When she heard Blaze's offer, she quickly darted to the ground as if the warm circle would vanish at any second. When she was in the circle, she felt herself relax a little bit as she pulled down her hood to let the heat touch her face.

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Clover was grateful to Blaze for his warm circle. While she herself could perform a similar spell, hers would sap her energy quickly due to the fact that making fire wasn't her talent, whereas fire appeared to be Blaze's nature. She smiled at the alicorn stallion.


"Thanks, Blaze," she said to him. It was warm within the circle, and Clover was glad she'd bought hoof coverings as the ground was very cold. She fluffed up her scarf to get the most out of it and trotted on.



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 Everlast had been dragging his feet through the snow, making little swirls that trailed behind. As Everyone else bundled up against the cold and joined Blaze's circle, so did he. "Thank you." Without any snow to play with in the circle, he began focusing on more important matters. He made sure that he had his supplies, including food this time, since he didn't know when he was next going to be seeing a place they could resupply. "I believe it should be a calm trip from here on out, most of our troubles behind us." He shrugged. "Of course speaking of trouble just brings it along."

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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"I don't think we have long wait for trouble Mr.Everlast..." Bliss suddenly stopped next to the others and pointed at what was not more then awhile away in their path. A series of large snowy mountains. Their tops were so high up in the atmosphere that they couldn't be told how high they went due to what seemed to be a constant blizzard going on above them.


"We...really have to climb that?" She gulped and turned to Everlast and the others. "Did Star Swirl the Bearded really take this exact same trek?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss

Blaze watched as the others joined him in his fiery circle of flames. He was happy that everyone was able to use his skill set, even if it was something small like offering warmth. "Honestly I can't believe how much some of you despise the cold and snow." He said with a slight smile as he stopped behind Lightning to look at the path that was ahead of them. "Well you think Starswirl would come this far do be stopped by a simple snow storm?" Blaze started walking up the mountain trail with his circle of fire.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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Hurricane turned to Blaze. "Well not all ponies were blessed by powerful alicorns to shield them from any weather catastrophe." She said getting defensive. She then turned to the mountains with a hint of dread and terror in her eyes. She shook her head and replaced the look on her face with a look if determination. "This mountain isn't stopping us or slowing me down in anyway." She said sounding slightly angry. Hurricane continued to walk on and looking at the mountain with annoyance and frustration.

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Blaze looked at Hurricane as he began trotting next to her. "Well that's probably because some ponies don't need to be blessed by Alicorns. Some are born strong and determined." Blaze said to her trying to ease the tension between them. The last thing he wanted was for some pony to be mad at him during rough conditions like these, especially Hurricane.


Adventurer:Blaze Party Animal:Rye Bad-ass Silent Leader:Blue Optyx Female Sharpshooter: DeadEdge Brawling Adventurer: Quarry

Credit To Gone Airbourne For My Signature

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@@Lightning Bliss

"I don't see any efficient ways around it, so it would seem that the only way is to go over it.. Being so skilled in magic, Starswirl could probably could make the trek alot easier. Easy enough at least, that his old body could keep up with his plans. So if one old man could do it, I'm sure a group of adventurers can." Everlast looked about the group and smiled broadly. "With the power and skill each of you have shown, I don't know if there is anything we can't do. Not that I want to test our limits." Everlast waved a hoof. "I would still rather have a peaceful adventure."

Edited by purple.teal

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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@, @, @@purple.teal,


As the others walked passed her, seeming confident as they treked the mountain trail slope...the wind seemed to push and nip at her flanks to proceed as well...but it only sent a shiver down her spine. Her lioness tail tucked under her flanks with a sense of dread and cold as she looked up from her friends, all the way up a mountain trail that never seemed to end. A thought corssed her mind that maybe she could simply fly over the beastly mountain tops...but form the look of the snow storm going above them...she knew her wings would be shreaded or frozen solid by ice...


She gulped down her fear and slowly and shivering all the way...followed the others, taking up the rear.


"Well...here goes nothing..." she murmured to herself as she trotted up behind the others. The howling wind of the mountain tops following them all upward.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Hurricane smiled at at Blaze when she heard his comment. "Thanks" she said. "I know I shouldn't be upset. You can't help what magic you have." She said starting to loosen up. Her head was hung kind if low as she trudged along obviously looking upset about something "I guess I'm just jealous. Ponies like you and Lightning Bliss and Clover have all done something incredibly important. You all are special. That's why you got your special alicorn magic. Normal ponies like me don't get to do stuff like that. All I've done all my life is steal and get into fights. I can't even show my face to Cloudsdale anymore!"

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@, Clover overheard Hurricane and trotted to catch up with her. "Perhaps you'll reach that summit yourself one day," she said to her friend. "After all, you have already performed a heroic deed; you were the catylyst which saved Blaze from the Entity. Sure, Lightning and I were helping, but at the crucial part, you came in and saved Blaze. Let me tell you now, it's never just one single deed which brings a pony the honour of alicornhood. Each good thing you do is but a single stepping stone to your destiny. Not all ponies have the potential to make it as far as becoming a Princess, but who's to say that you don't? My journey to ascension began when I was just a little blank flanked filly and ended not very long ago. Trust me when I say that nopony was more surprised than I. Perhaps it might happen to you one day, and when it does, you can trust that I, Lightning and Blaze will be there to welcome the Princess Hurricane."


Clover smiled at her friend. She wasn't just saying this to make Hurricane feel better, she truly believed what she said.



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Hurricane let out a small laugh. "Princess Hurricane" she repeated. "I'm not sure I like the sound of that. I can't imagine having to act with any kind of regalness. I'm not saying I want to be a princess, I'm just saying that there other ponies like you guys who do things that are recognized by the princesses." She then shrugged. "But I guess it's not too big of a deal. Nothing I can do to change it."

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"Belive me, you don't have to act regal," Clover replied. "I don't. I told Princess Celestia very firmly that I didn't want to leave my friends in Trottingham and live in a castle, and that I wanted to carry on doing what I was doing; in other words, writing spell books and giving magic lessons. She agreed with me, saying that since I was the Princess of Magic, what I was doing was fufilling my role better than anything she could give me to do.


"I've never been to Cloudsdale," Clover added, curiously. "Since, as you know, I didn't dare to fly there after I got my wings, I never visited. What's it like? Maybe you could show me when we get back. Don't worry about anything that happened there before; I'll go up there with you and so will my friend Lightning. He's a member of the Wonderbolts and to be honest, it will be refreshing to tell him why I never flew before, so that he can help me along with you. Also, after we return from our adventure, you'll find that other ponies admire you."



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@, @@Pripyat Pony,


"Gah!" Bliss whinnied as a small icy rock came loose under her hoof, making her slip some. It startled her enough to kick off the ground and flutter up to land and sandwich Hurricane between Clover and herself. "Ahem, sorry, slipped erm..." She blushed feeling she got too overly excited from the scare.


"But Clover is right," she chimed in, "there's nothing regal about me at all. I was a pegasus pony in Clousdale, raised in Appleloosa. Far as I knew I was a regular, dirt back, run of the herd pony who loved animals, to draw, and pick apples with my family in the orchird...That is before I got lonely and wanted to seek out my true love. Who'd of thought following that need...that goal...that dream...would lead me to this...long pointy thing on my dang head!" She tapped her horn, giving off an annoying impression. "Let's just say, as its well known by now, magic didn't come naturally to me and it still doesn't! Nor do becoming a royal either...Clover may have had it easy with Princess Celestia, but not me. She expected me to move out of the cave me and my Hoopla were living in above Ponyville and stay with her and Luna in Canterlot, where I'd have better protection, proper magic training, and be able to 'forfill' my diplomatic duties as Equestria's Princess of Peace."


She shrugged and snorted. A unintended line of snot flew out of her left nostril, turning to ice near instantly and disappeared onto the ground.


"I wanted nothing of it, I wanted to live my life as a normal pony in society. I just got married! I wasn't ready for any of this!" She flapped her wings, getting enraged the more she thought about it. "But Princess Luna managed to calm us both down and come to middle grounds. So Princess Celestia showed me a spell, which granted the ability for all leaders in Equestria to be able to send scrolls through my horn, so they can contact me on any treaties or diplomas for peace, while I can still remain at home. Only travel when needed. And my Nights Hoopla, my sweet husband..." she sighed as she went on, "He was made my personal private royal guard. He's both my lover and body guard. Quite honestly the best one any royal could have I suppose. Can't exactly challenge a draconequus easily and win." She grinned a bit, "But still...Celestia expects me to show up for some royal events here and there...I never do like it...It's a life style I fight every day."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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After hearing Clover talk about being a princess and the things she had done made Hurricane a little uneasy. Clover had done good things to become a princess. Hurricane hadn't. She was a thief and a criminal. She didn't even want to a be a princess. Deep down, all she wanted was to be noticed for something good by other ponies. After Clover mentioned Cloudsdale, Hurricane was about to speak up before being run into by Lightning Bliss. After hearing her story, she couldn't take it anymore. "Please just stop." She insisted with a raised voice. "I don't want to talk about this anymore." She started walking walking faster ahead of the group. Her mind was filling with thoughts. She wanted to forget her past. She just wanted some time alone. So she flew up high above the group in hopes to clear her mind.

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@, @@Pripyat Pony,


Bliss blinked in confusion which quickly turned to guilt as she watched Hurricane fly up ahead of the others. A burst of wind flew up Bliss's cloak, making her stop for a moment to cover up and shiver with annoyance...She was getting tired...and the day was growing darker.


"Did...*shivers* did I say something wrong Clover?" Bliss asked the gray alicorn next to her, "I did'nt mean to be offending..." :(

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss, Clover sighed as she watched Hurricane fly away from them. She didn't know what else to do to make the black pegasus mare feel better about herself. She turned to Lightning as the alicorn mare spoke to her.


"Don't worry yourself on that score," Clover replied. "I think that at the moment, there's nothing we can say or do to Hurricane to get her to understand what we mean. She has her own demons to face, as well as the fact that, deep down, she probably still believes that we lead a charmed life cuz of our status as Princesses, when nothing could be further than the truth."



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As Hurricane watched the horizons, she thought about what Lightning Bliss and Cloverhad said. It wasn't their fault Hurricane was upset. She was upset at herself. Most ponies just focused on what was bad about her. Her stealing and mischief. Not to mention the Cloudsdale ordeal when she was a filly. Sure she was a rebel and had gotten into trouble, but she knew that she wasn't all bad. She knew Clover, Lightning Bliss, and the rest of the group trusted her to some extent, but she couldn't help but wonder sometimes , after the journey was over, if they would ever take time to see her again.

As she kept on flying, her mind has started to become more positive. Theses ponies had taken the time to get to know her better than the petty criminal and street rat everypony else saw her as. This made her more happy. She smiled as she looked down at the group for a moment.

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Clover had every intention of staying in contact with Hurricane after the adventure. She still hoped also to introduce her to her friend Lightning, the Wonderbolt; Clover thought that the two of them would have a lot in common. Also, she expected, the two of them would put their heads together in order to get her flying top rate. When Hurricane smiled at the group, Clover caught it and gave the black pegasus mare a smile of her own.



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Bliss nodded to Clover and try to shrug off the emotions, besides she could see just moments later that Hurricane was smiling down on them, so that at least gave her a hint that 'they were ok'. The group trudged on to the top, the path seeming to grow less and less of a path as they headed upward...not to mention getting colder as well...


As an hour ticked by, she couldn't see the path at all anymore...it had decayed into nothing but rock, snow and ice...and the winds and snow fall was even worse. Her legs quivered as she followed the others upward to the point once again she was trailing behind the others. Just struggling to stay warm and keep up...but she was now ten feet behind everypony...


"Ah...." She groaned as she shivered, but bit her lip and tried to go faster...But the abrupt attempt made her slip on a rock, forcing her to fall on her belly. A savage sneeze eluded her nose...but she struggled back to her hooves...By the time she was upright, she could just faintly see Clover and Everlast ahead...slowly disappearing into the snow. "Come on Bliss...it's...just a little blizzard..." she took a step after them... "just sss-snow...just snow...*SNEEZES* just...snow..." She stood her ground, not even realizing that she completely lost sight of the group...Too cold and shivering as she desperatly tried to warp herself up in her cloak.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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A few moments later, Clover happened to glance behind her. A cold shiver engulfed her as she saw that Lightning Bliss was nowhere to be seen. "Stop a moment, everypony," Clover called out, raising her voice in order to be heard over the sound of the blizzard. "We've lost Lightning!"



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Though he was trying to focus on seeing through the snow, Everlast couldn't help but to overhear the bickering of the mares. Most of the conversation was lost in the wind, but he was still amused that the princesses tried to claim that their lives are less than ordinary. He perked up when Clover started shouting over the blizzard. 


"Lost Lightning? What do you mean we lost lightning?" He stopped and took a head count of the party. Sure enough, they were short one head. He shivered in cold and fear. "LIIIGHTNIIING BLIIISS!" The shout ended in a wheezing cough, and he doubted that she heard. "Did she jump ahead, or did we leave her behind?" He once again spread his magic. He could feel everyone but Lightning Bliss. "Stay within clear view of each other, but spread out enough that we can cover ground efficiently."

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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