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open Feet first into hell (A halo/MLP crossover)

Shadow Dancer

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@@Star Racer,

"Well this is another fine mess you've gotten us into, brother..." Calsor said, activating his sword as other wolves exited the bushes. "A fine mess indeed! Hahaha!" He said. The idea of a great battle amused him. He enjoyed it. He fit the Sangheili stereotype perfectly.

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"Why do you think i prefer to work alone?" Z said as he readied his second energy sword with his other hand, and went back to back with his fellow sangheili brother, waiting for the wolves to make the first strike attempt, which he planned on countering. Every voice was screaming at him to do different things, so he silenced them and focused on the wooden wolves. "Haha, we could call them timber wolves" he said softly.

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@@Star Racer,

"Timber wolves... I like it. And like timber they shall fall! What are you waiting for!? Kill me! KILL ME!" He couldn't contain himself. He loved a good fight, and he loved a challenge. A strange planet with strange, seemingly invincible inhabitants? What more of a challenge could there be? And he was fighting along with his brother in combat.

"Just remember brother, I will be keeping score!"

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@Comet Starflash,

A "timber wolf" lunged at Z, and quickly met his blade, a green fog pouring out of the wound. "But you always add ridiculous amounts of bonus points to yourself! I should keep score." He said as he decapitated another of the demonic looking wolves.

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@@Star Racer,

"I always added bonus points because I got the better kills!" He shouted behind him as he grabbed the snout of one of the wolves and lifted it up. He stabbed it through the abdomen, and green fog and sap poured from the wound. "Hahaha! Just like back on Halo with the parasitic beings, the flood! They fall apart like a hammer to a lego house!"

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@Comet Starflash,

Z stabbed a wolf through the sides of its chest using both energy swords, then began speaking again as the being fell. "But you didnt do it with efficiency. Remember when i once had to throw you a spare blade because you would attack a single enemy two or five times?" The wolves seemed to be regrouping, then they stacked on each other and made a huge version of themselves. "Ok, thats just not fair, yet it reminds me of what the power rangers did in that ancient tv show for little kids." He readied a plasma gernade and threw it at the huge wolfs chest.

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@@Star Racer,

"You threw me a spare blade because you joined the fight HALFWAY THROUGH!" Calsor shouted, staring at the small glowing ball as it stuck to the beast's chest and exploded shortly after. Wooden chunks and splinters flew from the wolf that it once was and showered the area around it. Farehk placed a small bubble shield around them both, and timber remains bounced off of it. "A short, but fine battle. I counted six, and you?"

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(Im going to act as if I was always here) (im back)


I let the splinter bounce off my shield, "Any more of these little wooden bastards?" I asked looking at the remains of the wood wolf and hoping it did not reform like last time. That was when I saw a ten foot high chirma that I later related to a manticore. "FUCK Manticore!"

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Z stared at the manticore, silently going into a rage. He clinched a fist and yelled in his helmet. "Ahh! Why must every planet we go to have to have giant freaking freakers!? Im tired of getting pumeled by the-" his sentence got cut short when the manticore used its scorpion stinger to throw him over several trees, and he slammed into one of them. He fell to the ground and fell unconsious from the blow, the last he saw was his energy sword lodged into the tree high above him, and the voices screaming at his incompetence.

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I looked at Z and muffled a laugh, I got my Magnum out and started shooting at the Offender aiming for any soft flesh. eventually hitting an eye and emptying my Magnum's magazine. It roared and charged at me, I shouted at the other Elite "Fucking help me here." I rolled out of the way and activated my own energy sword that I was thankful to bring.

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Z awoke when he heard an energy blade be activated. He tried to stand, but he had a deep gash in his side, where his blade hit him as they hit the tree. With a grunt, he sat up and turned off his other energy sword. Seeing the spartan in need of assistance, he pulled his carbine rifle over his shoulder and aimed for the giant beast, hitting it in the chest, neck, and skull. He emptied the rifles charge before his consiousness left him again, and he couldnt tell if the beast died from the new wounds.

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I saw the carbine rounds hit diverting the beasts attention away from me, this gave me the chance to stab the Manticore in the leg sending it tumbling down, I finished it by cutting its neck open with the energy sword. Once the beast was dead I deactivated the energy sword and put it on my hip going to check my squadmate.

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Z was having a dream about hitting giant pork chops with bananas when the spartan woke him. He opened his eyes and saw him standing over him. "Did i get the gold trophy for acvuracy?" He asked, tired from the fight and a little more tired from his recent blood donation to the grass under him.

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I sighed, and replied, "No you get a thanks for saving my ass. Lets make camp and get ready for tomorrow. Today we can feast on the manticore I can take care of the venom in the meat." I carried him to a clearing making sure the others followed, and began to cook the meat of the Manticore. 

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"Well, what the hell. When i get back on board a ship, i want a gold trophy sitting on my bed." He laid down when the spartan set him in the clearing. "Where is the damn medic? I need my sword out that tree." He then went on to talk to the tree, although he was a good distance from it, and then he cussed it out a few times, since it was a jerk and kept his sword.

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@@Star Racer,

Farehk watched the Spartan at work, and observed some rather random shots from within the trees. By the spacing in between where the shots landed it was obvious that Z was dizzy and disorientated. He chuckled, as the beast fell. As the Spartan dragged the Manticore he followed, pulling Z's blade from the tree and deactivating it.

"Take better care of this next time, brother. It may mean your life." He said, giving it back to the wounded Sangheili.

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The manticore meat finished cooking, "Alright boys meats finished enjoy my possibly questionable cooking... well it sure as hell is better then the shit you are fed on a ship." I laughed at my own bad joke and took my helmet off before taking some of the meat off the spit and eating it. The energy shielding preventing my armor from getting messy.

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Z took his sword handle and hooked it to his hip, opposite of his other. "Man, you should have heard that trees screams as you pulled out my blade." He said. Soon after the beast was done cooking, he wasnt feeling much pain in his side, and stood to get a hunk of the menticore. He got a few steps closer to it, when he heard the sound of feathers on the wind, he twisted around quickly, and caught a yellow feather from the air, and a glimpse of a winged, four legged creature fleeing from the area. "Hmm, any idea what that might have been?" He said as he removed his helmet and safley tucked the feather inside before getting some meat from the fire.

(OMG its tottally flutters! I called it!)

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@@Star Racer,

"I do not know, but if it got away, it will probably tell others of our presence. Either we stay, and try to communicate with whatever species it is. Or if worse comes to worse then we 'help them' to find 'peace'. Or we leave this area, cover our tracks, and begin to do some spying of our own."

And with that said, he took a piece of the meat, placing it in front of his mandibles and ripping it to pieces with his multiple jaws.

"Back in the times of the covenant, each meal was treated as our last, and thus, each meal was a glorious feast. Fit for a king, as you would say."

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@Comet Starfash,

Z ate his meat using his mandibles in the fashion human jaws worked, just out of old habit. "I remember the feasts. Tons of food, drink, and an occasional dessert. It wasnt all that great if you ask me. To social." He sighed as he sat down. "Where are our other spartan comrads? I havent heard from them since before the drop." He said as he took a bite from the delicious meat. "Hmm, juicy."

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@@Star Racer,@@Comet Starflash, I ate my own meat and smiled glad that my cooking was actually good. "Damn this is good and I this is my first time in two years." I said proud that the cooking was not shit although it could use some spices. "About the others I personally have no clue lets hope he finds us or we find him, I just hope he dose not get himself killed.

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Z silently ate the rest of his meat, then sat there a while. After about three minutes, he said, "So, spartan, what was training like for you?" He reloaded his carbine rifle and checked his other weapons and armor as he waited for a response.

(Why do they have a minimum character limit on posts? I mean, what if just wanted to post something really short?)

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@@Star Racer,

"If these beings are of feathered origin, then they should be simmilar to the Kig-yar or T'vaoan. That's Jackal and Skirmisher to you, Spartan. Frail bone strucktures due to hollow bones, but fast and agile. We may be firing much of our ammunition reserves just to hit them if this turns to a fight."

Calsor threw the large bone left over, threads of meat still attached to it. He picked a few pieces from his teeth, and sat, perched against a tree.

"I wonder of Sangheilios, of home. I have not seen it in years, and no doubt that Thel Vadam is aged to a weaker Arbiter. His wisdom, however, is ever increasing. What of you, Zamommie? What do you miss of home?"

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He picked up his helmet and stared into the glass face plate. "I have nothing to miss. No family, no lover, no friends. The only person i even remotely like is you, Calsor. And i dont mean that in any other way than i dont dislike you." He laid on his back, crossing his arms behind his head, "No one cared about me, just my skill in our military, and eventhen i failed them. I just hope to fix that and not fail the humans, and then be hated by both sides of the only thing i know." He closed his eyes, but didnt go to sleep.

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I thought of what was back on Earth for me and I remembered that I lost it all to the rebels and later the covenant, and it was one of the reasons I joined the ODST's and accepted the offer to become a Spartan regardless of the chance the augmentations may have left me crippled or dead. I just wanted to throw myself in the face of death to numb that hidden pain of loss.


I later finished eating wiped my mouth of the juices then put my helmet back on.

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