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private A Temporal Odyssey

Umbral Noir

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"Hurry, DJ! We're here!"


DJ chuckled as he watched his marefriend dash out of their room on the carriage. The chance of visitng the greatest city in Equestria had reduced Vinyl to a giggling filly, and in honesty, DJ was just as excited. He still wasn't sure how Princess Celestia had known to invite him, as he was pretty sure that not even his friends knew he was still alive. "That sure was one crazy adventure of mine..." he thought to himself, "I guess it'll take a lot more than frigid northern waters to be rid of me!"


As the Ponyville Express pulled up at Canterlot station, DJ collected their luggage and hurried to keep up with his marefriend in the rush of other ponies, fighting his way through the crowds to where she was now waiting on the platform.


"What took you so long?" she asked him with a grin. Laughing, the two of them trotted away from the platform and into the stunning metropolis.


"Not long now guys... I'm back...



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Sterling was just beginning to awake from his house of freedom, his house of joy, and his house of comfort. He had never felt this sort of comfort since his first adventure began after a ship careened into a stony patch of the seas. Since then, he went on numerous journeys aboard an old, abandoned ship in working condition. He had met many friends aboard the ship and even defeated a tyrannical pony who loved to wreak havoc with his machinery and mass production. Most of all, he met his wife there, a young, yet beautiful purplish mare named Evening Glory. It represented a huge change in his life, from one of hopelessness to one of pure adulation. 


He thought of all this as thanked Celestia and the Equestrians gods for another glorious day. He then looked out the window as he awoke, giving himself some time to meditate on another sunny, peaceful day in the bustling city of Manehattan, waiting for Evening... 

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Evening Glory awoke, first little by little, then all at once. She tiredly groaned as she saw light in the room, and an arm over her eyes to shield them. Her mind was overflowing with melatonin, trying to lull her back to sleep.


"Sterling.. What time is it?" the mare moaned groggily, hardly moving a muscle.


(I have writers block.. D: Wish I could make a better first post but Evening aint the only tired one 'ere)

Edited by Budding Night
  • Brohoof 3

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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Sterling looked at the clock that hung above their bedroom as he looked out the window. It was never said, even to his closest friends... but really, Sterling was hurt deeply by the ruined wedding. Especially with DJ being blown up on the ship when the menacing creatures from the North struck at them. He looked at the clock and towards Evening, feigning a smile when he could. Sure he was meditating and thankful. But he could never have the thought of DJ off his back...


"It's 8:00 am in the morn Evie. Don't worry. You didn't sleep in." Sterling responded to Evening's question with a nod. He then gave out a sigh, wishing that DJ were back... it would make everything perfect... He couldn't help it. DJ was Sterling's first friend really, aside from Evening. He did a lot for him in establishing Sterling's confidence and helping him become that much more stallionly. 

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Blue Note was not particularly happy to find herself living again in Canterlot. Manehatten was what she considered home, and she much preferred her dumpy apartment there to the dumpy apartment she was renting here. She missed the city and all of her friends that lived there. Canterlot was much more hostile towards her. 


However, a job was a job. The Canterlot Youth Orchestra had not only hired her to work with their woodwind section, but also had commissioned a piece from her. That offer had yet to come from anypony else, so she didn't have much choice in the matter. As she walked down the streets of Canterlot, she found herself wondering where her life was going and what she was doing. She did not dwell on it for too long, because all of the activity in the streets were taking up her attention. A coronation was set to occur, and Blue Note knew from experience that Canterlot could throw an excellent coronation. She rarely found the bright side in life, but even she was looking forward to the royal event.

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@@Sterling Crimson


A small smile rose from Evening's face, but then dropped as she heard her husband sigh. She slowly opened her eyes and lowered her hoof, and looked at him. He was looking out the window and meditating. A part of her was telling her not to disturb his meditation, but she knew that sigh, and knew it well.


She propped herself up and looked at Sterling with a bit of concern in her eye.


"Are you okay, Sterlie?"

  • Brohoof 3

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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Sterling tried to hide his concerns to Evie, but it wasn't possible. Mares sure knew how to pick up on sadness and concern real quick don't they?


"Well... It's just that... DJ's gone... How can it be? He was on the ship, and then... the explosion..." Sterling couldn't hide it anymore. He missed DJ. He tried his best not to shed a tear, but he struggled to do so. It was just too hard. He just wanted to be able to see DJ at least once more... Once more... 


Sterling continued to sit on the bed looking out his apartment's window. He wasn't sure how to deal with this feeling that kept coming back over and over... if only there was a way for him to forget it... or hope that DJ was alive...

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Sterling tried to hide his concerns to Evie, but it wasn't possible. Mares sure knew how to pick up on sadness and concern real quick don't they?


"Well... It's just that... DJ's gone... How can it be? He was on the ship, and then... the explosion..." Sterling couldn't hide it anymore. He missed DJ. He tried his best not to shed a tear, but he struggled to do so. It was just too hard. He just wanted to be able to see DJ at least once more... Once more... 


Sterling continued to sit on the bed looking out his apartment's window. He wasn't sure how to deal with this feeling that kept coming back over and over... if only there was a way for him to forget it... or hope that DJ was alive...


Evening frowned, went up to Sterling and gave him a warm wifey hug.


"I know my darling, I miss him too.." she said, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. She wiped his tears away delicately, smiling all the while.


"Our friend may not live on, but he will live on in our stories and our hearts. He wouldn't us to be sad, not forever" She gave him another quick kiss on the cheek. She didn't like seeing her husband sad, she didn't like seeing anybody sad


(Annd school. Be back soon)

  • Brohoof 3

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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The Princess' sun rose slowly above the horizon, blooming through the half-opened window, and onto Red Talon's sleeping face. Irritating the groggy pegasus, he turned his pillow over his face and grumbled.

"Damn sun," he grumbled, "Doesn't Celestia know just how important sleep is, especially before a day like today?"

Fortunately, he found himself drifting back into dreamland, blocking out the alarm that rang an hour later. As the dream dimension slowly began to fade, the physical realm took its place as he opened his eyes, the alarm still going off. He rolled over to the bedside table to shut it off, when he glanced at the time. It was 9:30! About 15 minutes before his train would depart!


"You kidding me?!" Red shouted in frustration, frantically grabbing his luggage. He quickly grabbed a protein bar, and dashed out the door at nearly race speed as he darted for the station.



(plays during this scene)


MLP Forums proudly presents

A DJ BRONI3 roleplay

"A Temporal Odyssey"


DJ BRONI3 as himself

Sterling Crimson as himself

~Drunken Pelipper~ as Red Talon

Lincolnshirepony as Blue Note

Pripyat Pony as Clover

Steel Accord as himself

Budding Night as Evening Glory

Zhooves at North

Screenplay by DJ BRONI3

Music by whoever



He frantically rushed through the streets of Ponyville, blistering through the air and weaving between buildings, stands, and random pedestrians.

"You better pay for that ice cream ya just knocked over, moron!"


"Hey, I can manage walkin' AND talkin' at the same time, bucko!"

"Ah! You'll get my new petticoat dirty!"

"Hey Red, wanna race me to- nevermind."

Red was never a rude character, and felt badly within himself for blasting past the denizens of Ponyville, but right now, this was the least of his worries. He made his way to the train station, finally, with a trail of angry ponies death-glaring the pegasus.

"Conductor, conductor!" Red shouted, nearly in his face, "When does the Royal Trotsman arrive?"

The conductor replied with a chuckle, clearly seeing the sense of urgency that surrounded Red.

"Silly lad," he responded, "Not arriving for another hour!"

The response elicited a facehoof from Red, who slumped down onto the bench.

"Oh... thanks for the info," he replied, slinging his head backwards.

Edited by ~Drunken Pelipper~
  • Brohoof 7

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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One of North's ears perked up, right before he quickly stood up. Staring around, nothing was out of the ordinary, yet something had awoken him. Taking a look from his viewpoint above the fjord where Trotheim lied, he watched as they were making the few final touches on the repairs after what had happened a little while back. Since then, growing pains had become quite frequent to him, and one could see he had grown at least an inch or so since their last adventure.


The sun was setting as he was about to turn around to walk back down, when he noticed a certain grey mail-mare's hind quarters poking out of the snow next to him.

After digging her out, she gave him a letter, and a thank you in the form of a muffin before flying off again.


Reading the letter as he munched on the muffin, he seemed a little happy.

"Invitert nok en gang... Jeg tror vi burde møtes på en mer hverdagslig måte en gang, eh?" he spoke to himself.

("Invited once again... I believe we should meet more casually sometime...")


"Jeg fikk den i tide i det minste denne gangen... Har en uke på meg. Kanskje jeg skal ta med noen denne gangen?" he said, looking up with a smile.

("At least I got it in time now... I have a week on me. Maybe I should bring somepony along this time?")


"Gjør som du vil." he continued, with a chuckle, before heading for town to pick up whatever he would need on his trip.

("Do as you please.")




A week later, he had arrived at Canterlot. His mane ruffled, and his fur overall being a mess, despite him taking it way more slowly and careful than last time, and it being about half the distance than when he had glided all the way to Manehattan.


A quick shake, and his mane returned to its regular self. Now he only had to look for any of his friends whom he suspected also had been invited - seeing as he just like last time had no plan the moment he had set foot in town.


"Oops." he said to himself in a low tone, before entering the city...

  • Brohoof 5

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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Evening frowned, went up to Sterling and gave him a warm wifey hug.


"I know my darling, I miss him too.." she said, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. She wiped his tears away delicately, smiling all the while.


"Our friend may not live on, but he will live on in our stories and our hearts. He wouldn't us to be sad, not forever" She gave him another quick kiss on the cheek. She didn't like seeing her husband sad, she didn't like seeing anybody sad


(Annd school. Be back soon)

Sterling felt the loving kiss and hug Evening was giving him. It helped him to remember... that even if DJ was indeed gone, that he had a wonderful wife to hold onto. She was already becoming his ultimate source of comfort. She was right. DJ lived on regardless in his heart and in his memories. Nothing would ever wipe that away from him, especially with Evening around.


"Thanks Evie... I'm so glad I have you in my life... You're right. We can make DJ live on in our actions and in our memories. It's just still sad that he had to be gone that way..." Sterling replied as positively as he could. But he was right. The way DJ left the world... it was downright cruel. If only his death were more peaceful... 

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The stallion yawned. It was a grand day for a coronation.

Swinging on his best vest and sliding his weapons into their scabbards, flew off the castle.

This stallion's name was STEEL ACCORD

*awesome Borderlands style pose shot*

((OOC: Sorry for the poor post, I'm busy with family, sneaking this out.))

One of North's ears perked up, right before he quickly stood up. Staring around, nothing was out of the ordinary, yet something had awoken him. Taking a look from his viewpoint above the fjord where Trotheim lied, he watched as they were making the few final touches on the repairs after what had happened a little while back. Since then, growing pains had become quite frequent to him, and one could see he had grown at least an inch or so since their last adventure.

The sun was setting as he was about to turn around to walk back down, when he noticed a certain grey mail-mare's hind quarters poking out of the snow next to him.
After digging her out, she gave him a letter, and a thank you in the form of a muffin before flying off again.

Reading the letter as he munched on the muffin, he seemed a little happy.
"Invitert nok en gang... Jeg tror vi burde møtes på en mer hverdagslig måte en gang, eh?" he spoke to himself.
("Invited once again... I believe we should meet more casually sometime...")

"Jeg fikk den i tide i det minste denne gangen... Har en uke på meg. Kanskje jeg skal ta med noen denne gangen?" he said, looking up with a smile.
("At least I got it in time now... I have a week on me. Maybe I should bring somepony along this time?")

"Gjør som du vil." he continued, with a chuckle, before heading for town to pick up whatever he would need on his trip.
("Do as you please.")


A week later, he had arrived at Canterlot. His mane ruffled, and his fur overall being a mess, despite him taking it way more slowly and careful than last time, and it being about half the distance than when he had glided all the way to Manehattan.

A quick shake, and his mane returned to its regular self. Now he only had to look for any of his friends whom he suspected also had been invited - seeing as he just like last time had no plan the moment he had set foot in town.

"Oops." he said to himself in a low tone, before entering the city...

Luckily Steep spotted the young colt entering the city.

"North my cuddly sidekick!" Steel called with a chuckle as he landed before him. "Good to see you all the way from Trotheim. How are you?"

Steel was also wearing a broad rimmed hat with a feather through it.

Edited by Akavi
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"Wow! Wow! Look at this place! It's gotten bigger since last time I was here, I'm sure of it!" Vinyl cried ecstatically. DJ couldn't help but smile at how his marefriend's giddiness upon their arrival.


"Cool it, Vi!" he said with a chuckle. "You don't want to go overboard here! This is a place of 'class and distinction'!" he added, while doing his best Octavia impression.


"Ahahahaha! That's scarily good!" Vinyl replied, giggling. "Anyway, we'd better get going! What's the name of the hotel we're staying in?"


DJ smiled. "That's the thing..." he winked. "We're not staying in a hotel... we're staying..." He paused for effect before pointing with his hoof dramatically at the top of the hill. "AT THE PALACE!"

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Sterling nodded at everything Evening said. It was all true. DJ connected the two of them together. He even recalled how DJ helped him understand that it was Princess Luna calling out to him so that he'd be foretold to marry Evening for their sake. 


Eventually, the mechanized alarm clock rang 8:15 am. It looked like the two ponies had woken up before the alarm told them to. Sterling them remembered... the Canterlot Coronation... it was to happen tomorrow! And they weren't even there to celebrate it yet!


"Evie... I just realized something... we've got to pack up... Do you still have the invitation to Clover's coronation with you?! it's tomorrow!" Sterling quickly jumped up from his bed and rushed towards his closet to get some clothes for the Coronation ceremony... 

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"North my cuddly sidekick!" Steel called with a chuckle as he landed before him. "Good to see you all the way from Trotheim. How are you?"


Steel was also wearing a broad rimmed hat with a feather through it. (Filler)


He watched with big eyes as Steel suddenly had almost appeared out of nowhere.


Tilting his head, he spoke: "Steel? Ah, hallo. I was hoping to see someone I knew... And I have been fine. In pain, but fine... Been growing a tiny bit.".


He straightened his head. "And what about you? You look... Or at least, dress a bit different... I think I like the hat, as far as I can see right now." he said, tilting forward to see better.

Edited by Zhooves
  • Brohoof 2

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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"Oh why thank you, yes it's part of my outfit for the coronation but I thought I would give it a wear today. In pain you say though? Are you all right? Do you think you need a doctor?" Steel asked. "If we are lucky, maybe we can track down Sterling and he can have a look at you."

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@@Steel Accord

He chuckled a little at Steel's reaction.

"Nay, I am well. We already had a doctor peek at it... 'Voksesmerter' I believe she called it... Or as I believe ye south around here would call it: 'Growing pains'. At least that means I might not be stuck being all that little forever." he said, giving his wings and legs a stretch.

  • Brohoof 2

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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"Well, as long as you are all right . . ." Steel said. "Anyway, since we have access to the castle suite for the coronation tomorrow, would you like to head there?" A thought struck Steel. "In fact, have you ever been to Canterlot before this my friend?" Steel asked his friend.

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@@Steel Accord

"Aye, we could go there. I be a little... Ruffled... I guess one could call it."


"I saw some lights when I was on my way to Manehattan for that wedding... That would be my only sighting of the city before now." he said, looking around. "Quite a big city, and I like how it sits on this mountain here... Makes for a great view and maybe some good breezes..."

  • Brohoof 2

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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As DJ and Vinyl trotted through Canterlot towards the castle, they kept looking around them excitedly. Lots of ponies were bustling to and fro, and the area was full of wonderful sights and smells.


"I've never actually been inside the castle!" Vinyl cried ecstatically. "And you mean we actually get to STAY there?"


DJ grinned. "Yep! We've each been given a luxury suite in the castle! How cool is that? I can't wait to see everypony and the Princesses!"

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"Indeed my home is desirably placed, most pegasi prefer the clouds to the mountains but home is home. Surely you of all ponies can understand that having been raised in a ground bound village yourself. On our way to the castle, would you like a brief tour of Canterlot?" 

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@@Steel Accord

"Aye, I can appreciate a good mountain as much as clouds, if not more..." he said, seeming to think for a bit.

"And yeah, a tour would be nice. With all this light and all these ponies, I would have gotten lost fairly soon if ye had not come..." he continued, looking around again.

  • Brohoof 2

So I took this personality-test... And apparently, I'm most like Fluttershy~
2015- edit - not too much has changed, but now I'm a wee bit more like Twilight~

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Clover was panicking. There was no other word for it; the coronation was tomorrow and she was flustered, wondering if she'd ever be ready in time. Just when she was at the zenith of her panic attack, help arrived in the shape of a yellow coated pegasus mare with a blue black mane and tail.


"Cool it, Clover!" Stargazer said with a grin that almost split her face in two. "This is no way for a Princess to act!"


Clover laughed. "I don't feel like a Princess, tho!" she replied, giving her friend a hug. "It still hasn't sunk in yet, and it should have, cuz the coronation is tomorrow! I've invited all my friends, I don't want them to see me stressing out."


"So just chill," Stargazer suggested. Her face became solemn. "Cuz after all, you deserve this honour. After what you did and all."


"I never would have done those things if my friends hadn't been around me," Clover replied. "The Raven thing; well, DJ and Steel and all the others helped. And the situation with the Windigoes... well, I don't have to tell you about that. You were there, remember!" She gave her friend a poke.


Stargazer grinned. "My memory isn't that bad!" she said. "I most certainly do remember, and one thing that sticks in my mind is the way I almost had a heart attack when you suddenly disappeared!"


Clover thought back...


It had been after she and Stargazer had captured the dark mage. Other ponies had assisted the two in getting the prisoner to Canterlot; the moment they arrived, Clover had disappeared from sight. But she had found herself floating upwards, in a strange, otherworldly place, and Princess Celestia had come to meet her.


"My dear Clover," she said, with a smile. "You have done so well. Ever since you first gained your cutie mark for inventing a spell to help a pony in need, you have come ever closer to ataining your final reward. With your latest accomplishment, you are now ready to become an alicorn."


"But... but I'm not ready!" Clover had protested. "I didn't really do anything special!"


"You did," Princess Celestia replied. "You not only leapt to fight evil for the defence of your friend, but you also performed an immense magical feat to save Equestria. This is your reward, which you deserve, truly."


Then a pale golden light had enveloped Clover. It felt warm and inviting, and she closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she was standing in front of Stargazer, and she had wings...


"Well, it was a shock to me, as well," Clover replied to her friend, bringing herself back to the present with an effort. "Just as it was when Princess Celestia told me that DJ was alive! So of course I sent him an invitation, him and Vinyl too. All my friends from that trip we took, and of course, you, Lightning, Ruby and Morning Glory, are going to be staying in the palace."


"All this luxury will go to my head," Stargazer replied, smiling happily. "I'm going to make the most of it while I can! Ruby's gonna try and get here later today, with Mitta. Morning Glory said that she just had to finish off the weatherworking to make sure that the sun shines on your coronation."


"I heard from Lightning today," Clover remarked. "He said that he and the other Wonderbolts will definitely be at the coronation tomorrow, no matter what."


"And your parents?" teased Stargazer.


"Well, my mum's already in Canterlot, buying a new hat!" laughed Clover. "My dad is with her and they're staying at the palace once Mum has made her choice."


Stargazer gave her friend another hug. "I can't wait til tomorrow! It's gonna be so exciting!"

  • Brohoof 3



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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The mighty Flying Trotsman pulled into the Canterlot station, halting with the sound of screeching steel.

"Canterlot station, bound to La Haynge, booooooooard!" the conductor called out as Red stepped off of the train and onto the platform.

He raised his head to take in the view of the somewhat archaic looking town, soaking in all of its grandeur. He clutched his bags and slowly made his way to the Grand Canterlot Hotel, which had generously been arranged for him by a fellow racer. The hotel itself, fittingly for the town, was nothing short of majestic, with a colossal atrium dotted with fountains, small shops and restaurants, a giant glass dome, and even a solo pianist to complete the mood.

  • Brohoof 3

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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And so, Steel and North, two best pegasus buddies slowly made their way to the castle. Along the way, Steel would explain the various sights and shops that they easily passed along. Apart from the usual monument tourist information, Steel gave North the knowledge only a local would know, such as the best places to eat and how the denizens acted on certain days of the year.

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