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midnight turned around as soon as he heard wind yell. "look on the bright side, now you can get an earring if you want" he said, making an expression similar to that which would one day be know as the 'bad poker face' meme. "anyway, I'm glad you came, these bandits are smarter than the ones I normally encounter" 

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"Screw that, imma get a name tag that says 'Gasta Sexy'. Anyway, I think we should both take a bow, and. Just snipe these bastards. Wait let me gt a bow first." He left and choked out the archer who shot the arrow through his ear. When he finished, he went back up to Modnight with his new bow. "Now it will be difficult, mostly for me, but I do believe we can so this."

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"you know why I think it will be difficult? because I don't have any bloody arrows" midnight said. the aiming part would have been no problem, him being a Pegasus and all. he ran straight into the camp and smacked a bandit across the face with his bow "oww, no fair" the bandit exclaimed. midnight sighed and under his breath said "f*cking pu$$y" before knocking him out with a buck to the face. he just then remembered that he had made swords for everyone, including himself, and mentally facehoofed.

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"What so the 136 arrows I pilfered ain't worth shit?" Wind said, holding up a big bag of said arrows, ranging from steel to normal. "Whatever I'll just snipe my damn self." Wind said, taking the bow and aiming with his two front hooves, seeing as he was standing on his back hooves. "Thank heavens that I used read about hoo-mans." He took aim and shot his arrow. Saidarrow almost caving it self into Midnights head. "Sorry." His second shot went right into the eye of the archer who shot his ear. "Take that ya female dog!"

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Midnight turned his head to little wind after an arrow came dangerously close to meeting his skull. He replied with a "sorry" and shot one of the archers in the eye. "Huh, how did I miss that?" midnight thought to himself, just now seeing the bag of arrows wind had acquired... Somehow. He turned and engaged in battle with a bandit that had been breathing down his neck. "Well you're rather polite, waiting for me to turn before attacking, would you happen to be from the far north?" He asked as their swords clashed "why yes, actually" he replied, lowering his weapon "the others mock me for it actually" midnight was surprised to find another northern pony this far out "it's crazy how harsh it is oot here, eh?" Midnight said, going into the stereotypical accent some did when he told them of his home "yeah, it took me aboot 5 seconds to figure oot it was going to be a tough place to settle in to" he said "but seriously though, I'm sorta raiding your bandit camp, sooo..." "Alright, you do what you gotta do" midnight stabbed him in the face "sorry, eh" he said


((I dunno why I did that, I sorta wanted an excuse to have a Canadian-ish conversation with somepony))

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"Well, this is fairly interesting" Drakk said as he watched his two friends from the sidelines, invisibility still active. He had watched them since he saw that they were his friends, and not some filthy bandits(Like Vampires are any better...). Anyway, he had taken his saddlebag and struggled to put it on due to the broken straps, but he made do by placing it on his withers(Shoulders). He had waited for Shadow to show up, but she apparently didnt, so after a good quarter of time he just left after Midnight and Wind. Right now, he was standing on one of the bandit camp's walls watching his two buddies bloody murder everyone.


"Maybe i wasnt so bad as a vampire..." He muttered to himself. Then, right at that moment, the worst thing possible to him happened. He heard a sound around him and some sort of feeling he didnt notice on his body disappeared. Fearing the worst, he took one of his hoofs up... Yup, there it is. And yup, there's a dozen bandits staring at him. He quickly reached for the dagger in the leather strap he had on his hoof, and brought it up to a defensive position. This isnt going to be enough, is it? So, he did what he had to. Drakk looked through his mind to find the Zombie spell, and used it on a few corpses, all going up. 


"Grrbrlgllg" A reanimated corpse said to his 'Master'.


Drakk stared around him as the dozen bandits rushing him, panicking, he yelled out. "KILL THEM YOU FOOLS!" That was probably loud enough to hear from the entire camp, even from the inside.


*Yay, its actually alive! I thought it was gone forever!*

Edited by Bradley

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Little Wind heard a groan and a yell an saw a bunch of bandits converge on a group of Pmbies. Fear and the words 'Zombie Apocalypse' went through his mind and he dropped one with a head shot. Than he saw Drakk and two an two clicked and he realized that those might be his zombies. Of course Little Wind was sad about the zombies not know true peace, but he knew that sometimes its either you or them. And right now, it was him and his friends.

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You couldn't say midnight wasn't afraid of the zombies, but there WERE quite a few necromancers that had joined bandit clans so he definetly knew how to deal with them... He screamed like a filly, ran, and hid behind little wind "works every time" he said to himself

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Little Wind looked at Midnight with the biggest what the hell face ever on. "Come on dude, it ain't like a Frostbite Spider or a Chaurus randomly wandered into the camp." He said as a bandit ran over with a war hammer. Wind dropped, rolled, appeared behind the bandit, and choked him out with the bow he had. The string snapped and Little Wind almost lost the bandit, but he knew that if he let him go, his face wouldn't be a face anymore. It'd be mush. So he snagged his one Daedric arrow and stabbed it right into his left eye. When he pulled it out, cause you just don't leave Daedric arrows in a corpse, the arrow pulled the eye out, which dissolved into a blood mist into the arrow, which glowed red before settling. "What the fuck." Said Wind, his face overly surprised.


((O_O)<-- That Is what his face looked like)

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((When I learn to animate I must get you guys to voice act in a skyrim RP animation :P )

midnight stood up and dusted himself off from hiding behind little wind. "Well, zombies scare me" he said (to be honest mice sort of did too, but he felt like that wasn't something they needed to know) he looked back over at the earth pony, his face had gone... Strange to say the least. He charged inside while the zombies were taking care of everything outside. He was greeted by two bandits, painting each other's faces. He expected them to look like other war paints he had seen, maybe half of the face painted in blood red or a vague skull shape. Nope, they had painted swirly patterns in blue. He had no idea who those were ment to scare, but he didn't really care. He slashed one across the chest and the next he stabbed through the head. As he walked outside his steps seemed to shake the very ground. He checked to make sure he hadn't turned into a werewolf, he hadn't. He flew up to see what it was that was shaking the ground and was filled with terror when he saw it. "GIAAAAAAANT!!!" He yelled. As if they didn't already have enough to worry about.

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Drakk cut and slashed through the few bandits that managed to escape the living dead. One suddenly appeared out of nowhere and charged him with a scimitar in his mouth, yelling a messed up war cry. Drakk didn't botice him coming at first, so when he turned and the bandit was just a few feet from cutting his head off he put the dagger up infront of his face and closed his eyes, preparing for the worst... When nothing happened, he opened one eye slowly and saw that the bandit was trying to cut him by waving his head around intensely. I removed the dagger from infront of my face and stared at him for a bit in amusement. Once he had his fair share of laughter, he just hit the base end of the dagger with the side of bandits head, making him drop his scimitar and look around shakily for a second, before dropping down cold on the floor. Drakk dismissed the sleeping, and snoring, bandit and continued to watch his soldiers of death annihilate everything else.


Just as Drakk finished decapitating a bandit, the ground started shaking, followed by a loud yell of "GIANT!". Cursing their luck, he eyed the several dozen new corpses that were increasing in numbers every second. He sighed, followed by a silent promise to kill them all once it's done, he prepared for a giant surge of necro-magic. After an awkward minute of standing around with his eyes closed, he opened his eyes to show that they were glowing with what can only be described as 'death'. Suddenly, a huge dome of death Magic exploded from Drakk's position, increasing fast and going through the whole camp. Every bodies it touched stood up and tried to reach its master. Every living thing it touched felt a cold feeling going through their body followed by a slight whisper of "Not Ready..." With the voice being unknown to mortal beings.


Once Drakk shaked of his dizziness and the though of how he managed to do that despite not being too skilled in Magic in general, he yelled to his army of dead infront of him."KILL EVERYTHING IN SIGHT, ONLY EXCEPTIONS BEING ME, AND THOSE TWO!" He said the last part by pointing o himself and then Midnight and Wind. "GO!" He yelled once again, only for nothing to move. A zombie raised its hoof. With a sigh, Drakk answered. "Yes, you! In the tutu!" The zombie took down into hoof "MHHLLRFGRRR!" The zombie yelled, followed the entirety of the army yelling with him. Drakk stared at them, then raised his voice with a sound amplifier. "SILENCE!" And so the army did. "NO, YOU ARE NOT TO DESTROY AND EAT THE TWO THAT KILLED THE MOST OF YOU!" He yelled out. A lone zombie stepped out of the army and stared at Drakk. It didn't have a face. It was literally just a mush of flesh, completely destroyed. "GGRBLGr!" He yelled out, pointing a hoof, at Wind and Midnight. Drakk flinched at the look of his face. "I-I'm sorry, man. But i can't let you hurt them. Would you be happy with just getting put out of your misery and move on to Sovngarde?" With a nod from the zombie, Drakk stepped forward, and decapitated the zombie with his dagger, making it fall on to its side. He looked back at the zombies. "NOW GO!" He yelled, making the army move in the direction of the Giants with various war cry's. "They'll get there someday..." He said to the incredibly slow moving zombies shambling towards the gate of the camp.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Midnight watched drakk get the zombie army and tell them to attack the giant. When they let out their war crys he watched in awe as the zombies.... Sloooowly approached the target. "Why don't I offer a bit of assistance?" He said and flew at the giant with his sword in his

mouth, pointed forward and let out a cry "RAHHHHHH- he was immediatly cut short as the giants club rushed up to meet his rib cage with a *crunch*. Needless to say he was flung through the air and landed with a soft *thud* in the distance. Some cursing could be heard, followed by "It's fine. I'm like... 26 percent okay" then some stumbling noises, then what sounded like a face connecting with a tree, then more cursing.

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Little Wind just arched in utter hilarity when Midnight got launched. It didn't help Amy when he hit a tree. "26% ok. I can't even." He said chuckling. A bandit was nearby, holding her sides with laughter. Still laughing, Wind went over and sent his sword through her sides, causing her to cease laughing. "Jesus that was brutal." He took his bow and shot five arrows in the giants back. It turned, picked him up with its giant hooves and threw him in the sky. The whole time he thought karma you bitch. When he landed he blacked out in Whiterun. And when he woke up he was behind an inn. "How the hell did I get here!" "I take it you don't get to the cloud district often." Wind turned and looked at a prissy pony trotting away. "You die first."

(We kinda need to get to Whiterun. Just chalk that up to their OP clubs.)

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Midnight stood up and tried to walk. He had... A bit of trouble, meaning, the other 84 percent of him was still broken except for his wings and face. He could still fly so that was a plus, he had to hover over the ground. He checked to make sure he had everything and got himself into the sky just in time to see something about the same shape and color of little wind get flung through the sky. After about 30 seconds of wondering what it was he realized that little wind had just been launched through the air. He facehoofed and flew after him. He came to a city with crumbling walls all around and landed at the highest point at a castle. He entered and found pony he assumed was the jarl doing some sort of a show where he repeated the word "ballin" quite a bit. He slowly drifted out of the room and bumped into a guard "I used to be an adventurer like you... Then I took an arrow to the knee" he told him "and so it begins" midnight said

((Please tell me I'm not the only one who watched skyrim gamerpoop and knows the jarl ballin' rap))

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Drakk watched his two friend fly away, the few zombies he had chosen as guards watching them aswell. After they had dissapeared from view, he let out a deep sigh. "Well, guess I'm going too, then." He said as he looked at a nearby sign, pointing to a place called 'Whiterun'. "Convenient" Drakk muttered, before he looked back at his army of zombies getting crushed by the giant. "They'll make a nice distraction" He muttered once again, and trotted in the direction of 'Whiterun', drinking a bottle of blood on the way.


Once he had reached the border of the city, he kept trotting, the gate his goal. Ponies were looking at him funny and some were even running, making him wonder if he actually was that ugly. Then, he heard a moan behind him, making him turn around instantly. Five zombies were standing there, slowly rotting away."...How the hell are they still here? He thiugh, confusion evident in his face. Shouldn't the zombies have turned to ash the first few minutes of the journey? And how the hell didn't he notice them. He shrugged after a bit and kept trotting to the gate. Mass panic could actually be kind of fun.


Once he reached the gate, ten guards came out of nowhere and stared at him, weapon in their mouths."Yhu Hghave Cchomnitted Crhimes Aganst Skhrim and hyr Phonyes! Whgat do Yhu ghave to shay in yur difence?!" He shouted, incredibly hard to understand him with a warhammer in his mouth.


Drakk raised and eyebrow?"What did I do?" He asked the guard.


The guard spit the hammer out of his mouth. "We don't like you nor your zombies." She stated as it was a fact" Basically, pay us thousand bits and hoof over everything you have, go to prison and we'll take everything you have, or die and we'll take everything you have" she said with a straight face.


Drakk stared at the guard, wide eyed. No way he was going to give them everything he had, and he wasn't strong enough to take all of them on. He sighed as he took the only option left. Atleast he had his cash when he came out... And his unlife."Fine, take me to your prison" He said.


The guard smirked. "Oh, that hagraven is gonna love you! Boys, take 'em" The guard said as the others swiftly killed the zombies and took Drakk away, bringing him through town, showing it off to absolutely everyone currently there... Absolutely everyone.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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midnight was engaged in conversation with this guard that told him about the unfortunate mishap regarding his knee and an arrow. "so, how exactly did you get an arrow in the knee?" he asked "my cousin's out fighting giants, and what do I get? guard duty" he replied "so you're one of those kinds, eh?" he walked over to another guard "is that... fur... coming out of your ears?" they asked "yeah it is, we're ponies. we have fur all over the place" "but yours is different, it doesn't match your coat at all" midnight looked around for a way to change the subject, just then he saw drakk being dragged up the stairs "oh oh! I know that guy! hiiii drakkkkk!!!" he started waving his hoof in the air like a maniac "wait, I know you!" the guard said from behind "you're making a mistake..." he said back "there's no mistake, you're a wanted stallion" "wanted for what!?" "for being an accomplice to whatever this unicorn did" "I said I knew him, not that i was involved in his crime!" 


about 12 seconds later he was being dragged next to drakk

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Little Wind was browsing the stalls in the market when he noticed two stallions being dragged through the streets. Then he realized that he knew them. "You got to be kidding." He was about to walk over and ask why their in trouble when a guard arrested an old mare under the crimes of being too old. So he has to act like a pony he wasn't. He took a deep breath and sauntered over to the guards, making them stop. He said "Guards! Release those stallions at once! Thy are the last of an ancient tribe from deep within the depths of the Everfree, and my wife desired them for her last dying wish." The guards looked at each other, and then the lead guard stepped up. "Ok, we'll release them, but only if you give us all your gold." She said. "Fine." He said fishing out his bit bag and hoofing it over. All the while thinking of the slow death this mare will achieve. The mare unchained the two ponies and walked trotted off. "I take it you don't get to the cloud district often?" He looks to his right and saw the stallion from before. "You realize how much of a dick you look like right?"

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"thanks for the bail" midnight said. "I take it you don't come to the cloud district very often?" he turned and saw a stallion that, for some reason, was imitating a mare. little wind seemed quite annoyed at this and asked the pony if he "realized how much of a 'dick' he looked like". "oh what am I saying? of course you don't" he replied, and walked away.  "awk-ward" a guard yelled from somewhere in the background

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Little Wind watched the annoying pony leave and said to Midnight "Jold my spot" and followed him the pony went behind the inn and Wind smiled. His bow came out and an arrow was notched. He let it fly into the ponies head and he crumpled into a heap. He went to inspect his kill and found that it wasn't him. It was a guard. "Damn it all."


(Come on people. Let it live!)

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midnight watched little wind walk behind the inn and soon after heard the sound of an arrow being let loose from a bow. he walked over and peeked to see wind looking down at a guard with an arrow in his head. he walked over to him "well at least you didn't accidentally take an apple and get the entire town on your tail" he said "plus he has a helmet on, nopony will be able to see his eyes are shut" he slung one of the body's front legs over his shoulder "let's go toss him under a bridge"

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Drakk stayed still for a little bit, not moving an muscle for some reason. After that, he blinked and looked around, seeing his friends was gone. With a sigh, he looked for his bag which had his stuff in. It was nowhere to be found. With another sigh, he started making his way towards the inn. A drink would be well appreciated right now. Then, out of nowhere, a thirst returned. His eyes widened. His bag was gone, and so was the bottles of blood. And so, he started to panic, silently of course. Looking around quickly, he tried to see if anyone was going home. And that he did find, a pony with a orange-ish robe with a necklace around his neck.


Quickly stalking the dude, watching the pony in robe go into his home from behind a building. Once the dude went in, he sprinted across, put a lockpick into the lock and pic-... He didnt have any lockpicks. Sighing, he put his hoof and just bashed the door open. Looking around, he was completely ignored, guards just walking around. "Stupid guards" He thought as he went into the house and tried to close the door to the best of his abilities. Once it was properly closed, he turned around to see the pony in robe awkwardly sitting on a chair, repeatedly putting and removing a piece of bread from his muzzle. He didnt even bite, he just bashed his face with bread. Ignoring that, i sneak up behind him and tried something. Going into my mind, i found a little spell and used it on the pony in robe. Almost immediately afterwards he fell down to the floor, not moving a muscle from his original position. With him paralyzed, Drakk trotted up to him and put his overly large canine's to his neck and started going at it.


After a good five minutes, he pulled away and sighed with content. And then he noticed the pony wasnt moving, despite the spell had worn off. Drakk slowly pushed him with a hoof, and the body rolled over. Yep, blank eyes. He sucked the life out of the poor sucker. Sighing, not with content, Drakk made his way to the poor pony's bedroom. Surely no one would come in to check, and Drakk was tired. And so, Drakk lied down on the bed and went to dreamland. After a bit of staring at the wall, of course.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Midnight began walking around town with the guard "by the eight, What happened?" a pony asked "he wanted to be a lot warmer and a lot happier and ended up drunk so I'm escorting him to the barracks" midnight explained "also there are nine divines" he added under his breath


(( I just bought some dlc for the actual skyrim so I might be inactive for a bit ))

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Little Wind heard Midnight talking about the nine divines and snickered. "Love that fight. There's only eight, no there's nine!" He shook his head and went to pick up the body with Midnight. "Ok let's get him to the di- I mean inn." He corrected, looking shady as all heck.

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"okay then" midnight and wind dragged the body up some stairs and ended up at a large castle "look at how high up that goes, quite dangerous these days if you ask me, it's within dragon's reach" after that he noticed a large hole filled with water and a bridge that went to the castle's front doors. "this spot looks good" he thought and dumped the body off, strangely none of the guards seemed to notice that they were dumping one of their comrades under a bridge.

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  • 4 weeks later...

((Tries to use skyrim necromancy spells to revive RP))


After dumping the guard midnight went to explore, wind was in some sort of trance-like state so he decided to leave him. He trotted into the castle and saw a very fancy looking pony arguing with another less fancy one, the fancier addressed the other as proventus, and the less fancy addressed the more fancy as jarl balgruuf. He waited at the door to see if anyone in his group wanted to join him in speaking to "balgruuf"

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