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"Great!" Midnight said "I'll go next, the sooner were all out of this town the better!" He jumped down the hole, he saw a pair of dead ponys on the ground and he felt like crying. It wasn't the fact that they were dead, he saw that all the time, it was the position the two were dead in, a mare and a stallion, huddled together. He ran out of the house and met little wind

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Drakk didnt want to go down, he'd rather rest, seeing as he just made a hole in a wall with a heavy chest, and jumped down from a tower without anything to cushion the fall. But it seemed he didnt have another choice. Drakk slowly and silently stumbled over to the door, and threw himself down. It wasnt as painful as the fall from the tower, so he recovered from it quickly. Drakk noticed two dead ponies beside eachother. He followed his instincs and began to search the dead ponies, incase there was anything to loot. He found a small pouch under the dead Stallion, so he proceeded to pick it up and search it, finding some common flowers and ingredients used in Alchemy."This'll come in handy" He mumbled to himself. He then proceeded to exit the door, and trot over to Midnight and Wind. Drakk looked around for the dragon, seeing it burning down a house in the short distance."That the way out?"Drakk asked, looking at the door.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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"Yeah, that looks like it. But let's wait a minute, sit in the house and rest for a minute. Gods know Drakk needs it, and we could probably wait till that dragon goes to rest for a minute." He said, heading to a seat in the house. He looked at the bodies, and noticed a bed nearby. he began to move them into the bed, making them look like they were sleeping. "May Arkay watch over you in death, as he did in life." he chanted. He may not have done this much, but he always carried an Arkay amulet with him when he so needed it. Weather it be for luck, or to put souls to rest in his eyes. He closed his eyes, and slipped the amulet back onto his neck, taking a chair and sitting by the couples bed. Praying for them. 

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As everypony went down, shadow explored the top part of the ruined house that was in flames. She found a broom and picked it up. She laughed and thought how funny it would be to kill someone with a broom. She went down where everyone else was and saw 2 dead ponies. Shadow pretended that she was murdering the ponies on the ground. Then she stopped and realized that everypony was  coming back in the house. "Hey guys I found a broom!" She said with a positive attitude. "Maybe we can clean the dragon and he'll go away!" She said with a laugh. She took a deep breath. Everypony seemed tired to, so she sat down and tried to think about what happened and how fast it passed.

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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Little Wind watched Shadow with her broom, and was amazed. ​Such a dark Pegasus, yet so cheery. Interesting, how does she keep such a light head in this type of situation, he thought. He went back to plarying, giving the last blessings before taking a blanket and draping it across them. He took his chair and set it aside, deciding to sit on the floor and think.  

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Midnight walked back inside the house and saw everypony taking a break "you guys are lazy" he said and explored the bottom floor of the house, there was nothing noteworthy anywhere. Then he saw a book that looked rather interesting, he tried to pull it from the bookshelf but instead it came out halfway then made a *click* sound, at first he was confused but then he saw a stairway open up in the floor. He descended the stairs and found a few shelves. one shelf had a few stamina and magica potions on it, another had another dagger and helmet, the last had a large amount of metal ingots in piles."hey guys! I found some stuff!" He called up the stairs, He ran over to the ingot shelf and took a fair amount of iron and steel ingots, once they found a forge he could make them all some gear.

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((Isnt that a bit too OP at this stage?))

Drakk trotted to inside the house, happy to be able to finally rest. He went over to a corner and layed down. He looked at everypony else. He noticed Wind doing some kind of blessing on the dead couple. Shadow sitting down somewhere in the room. Midnight looking at books at the bookshelf. Then he realised that one of them was missing."Hey, where's Re?"Drakk asked loudly.

Edited by Bradley-MysteryLord

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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((Well if we were playing the actual game, you just keep going for like, 5 more minutes and you've already got full armour, swords, and raid a room full of potions, so I don't see it as OP))


Midnight climbed back up the stairs with an armful of ingots "we may need somewhere to put these" he said as he saw an empty sack on the ground "perfect!" He said

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Little Wind looked around when he heard Drakk speak. "I think he's still up there.Think one of should go get him, seeing as theres a dragon flying around?" he said. He was standing now, looking around. he found a coin purse containg 23 gold in a pot, and he took it. I'll split it later, he thought.

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"Ugh, i'll get him"Drakk said as he stood up, and trotted over to some conveniently stacked bookcases. He took a deep breath and started to slowly climb them, and at one occasion, nearly falling down. Once he reached the top he noticed @MisterRe standing around."Hey, Re. Come on, you gotta come down."Drakk said, looking at Re.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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"Wait... for me.. I'm not that fast..." Re started into a run toward them. "My muscles suck right now and I'm still confused where I am."


Re met with the other ponies inside the house, where he started searching around looking for stuff. He couldn't believe that he could've died back there in the castle, but he was alive nontheless. Once stocked up on some wooden sticks, he sat down on some furnishing rug on the floor.


"Whew. Dam, I keep blacking out."

Edited by MisterRe

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Drakk started to slowly climb down the same bookshelfs again, not wanting to jump down again. He took each step with caution, ready to catch on to something if he fell. But the one moment he let his guard down, he stepped on a loose book, which then fell down. Drakk then lost his balance and fell down, right on his back."I...Hate this day"Drakk said, still laying down on he same spot he fell on. Slowly standing up, he made his way over to a wall, and sat down.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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(Alright, let's get this rp going)


"Hey guys, i know you're ALL tired, but the dragon is very distracted by some mage and we might be able to rush to a different shelter without a, well, DRAGON! Anybody agree with the plan?" Shadow looked around the room at the weary ponies. She felt kinda bad for rushing them, but this may be their only chance to get away.

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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"Am I the only other one here that thinks that we should get out of this house?" Midnight asked, trying to help the mare attempting to get them all out of the house, his bag of ingots resting on his back "becauuuuuuse, I case nopony else has noticed, THERE IS A GIGANTIC DRAGON ATTACKING THE TOWN!!!" "But it seems to be leaving us alone" said somepony "wanna bet?" Midnight said, looking out the window at the dragon beginning to fly at the house "WE NEED TO GO, NOW!!!"

Edited by Rainbro dash 16
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Drakk looked at Shadow."I would love to, but im more than just tired, falling down from three different places.*Sigh* But, i guess its the only option we have, really."Drakk said, then trying to stand up."Fine, I'm in. The less chance of being killed by a dragon, the better."Drakk said, sorting out the items he got in a empty saddlebag he found on the floor, then trotting over to the door, peeking out to see if it was safe to go.

Edited by Bradley-MysteryLord

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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"You know what, fuck this, Shadow and Minight are righ, we gotta go. Shadow and Midnight can carry Drakk, I'll get Re. Everyone ready? No? Too bad we're going." he said, picking Re up and putting him on his back. He saw Shadow and Midnight picking up Drakk, and turned towards the door. "Alright, whenever you two are ready, we'll get going."

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Midnight looked around a wall. the dragon was right there, its back was turned and it was breathing fire on somepony, midnight decided that it was too dangerous to go just yet. After a few seconds the dragon flew away to another part of the village "lets go" he said

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"Alright, you ready Re? Cause it's about to be a bumpy ride. Oh, and we'll all meet up at a nearby town got it. I think I heard a guard talking about Riverwood, so make your way there. Ok, ready, set GO!" he busted out of the door, Re on his back, his eyes steely. He saw the door and he ran full speed at it, not bothering to stop. One of the many perks of being an Earth Pony is that you got incredible strength, which is very useful when busting a door down. He ran straight into the woods, Re on his back. He didn;'t take a look back, but he didn't think that the dragon heard or saw him. He kept running for a couple minutes, and after making sure that they were a fair way away's from the town, he sat down, along with Re.

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Shadow help Midnight carry drakk. They took the same path little wind did, just a bit slower though. After it seemed like forever, they reach a spot where the dragon probably couldn't see or find them. "Let's take a break".  Shadow said to Midnight while taking a deep breath. As they took a break, shadow saw the dragon fly over them leaving Helgen, most likely in flames.

Everyone has a clever signature... NOT ME   :(

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"Thanks, I was too tired too move. Most of my mind brain was paralyzed from the thinking I'm currently doing." Re said with a smile as layed down next to him "Its much appreciated."


"Hey, where are the others?" Mister Re said. "I am kind of worried for them. That dragon got some mean breath." He sat down with his sticks and began rubbing them together, trying to make a fire. "This will be our beacon."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"Good idea, I don't think I detailed my plan too well. You start that fire, I'll see if I can find some game." he said, taking his sword out. He crouched low, spotting a rabbit a little bit away from their makeshift camp. Sword in his mouth, he made a run at the rabbit, startling it. It gave him a bit of a run, but he took it down. He sheathed his sword and picked it up. "Well, I think this will give me both a good price, and allow me to feed Re and myself a little." he said, turning towards the camp. He trotted away, observing scenery, and picking flowers for Alchemy. Maybe somepony in the group can use these, he thought. 

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Midnight sat down and took a break. He took an ingot out of the sack he had on his back and examined the metal, then put it back in the bag. "of all the places for shrapnel to fly one has to slice my wing" midnight said to himself and began cursing under his breath, looking at the cut on his wing "unless some random healing potion comes falling out of the sky, I don't think I'm going to be flying anytime soon" he said

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"Thanks for carrying me..."Drakk said, getting put down"Didnt think i would be able to run all this way" Drakk continued, as he looked around for any flowers that might get handy in creating potions."Also, Where are the others? Little Wind and Re?"Drakk asked.


"Also, Midnight. Eat this, it'l help your cuts a little."Drakk said, giving Midnight a flower from the alchemy pouch he had found earlier.

Edited by Bradley-MysteryLord

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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"Haven't done these in awhile. I used to get torches from other peoples houses." Re struck the wooden stick as if the matches and started rubbing them to catch them on fire. He tried once, twice, a third until it ignited.


"We're over here!" Re yelled waving a flaming stick as he rested on the floor because the slight injury he had gotten ion the fall.

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Drakk looked around, looking for flowers for later use, when he heard a voice in the distance."Huh?"Drakk said, looking in the direction of the voice. He noticed something, holding fire or something similiar."Are those the others?"Drakk mumbled to himself."Hey, Guys! There's somepony in the distance, i think it might be Wind or Re"Drakk told the others.

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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