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open Skyrim


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((I like you observation of how to open doors, I don't see why you can't just burn down wooden doors instead of breaking 6 lock picks to get in in skyrim))


Midnight saw Re chasing misery and little wind find a secret room he held up his hooves like a scale to decide what partner to help "treasure, or chasing some crazy bitch I met last night. Treasure, crazy bitch. Treeeeaaasssure, crazy bitch. TREASURE!" He entered the room little wind just bucked down

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Wind saw Midnight coming and sorted out 25 bits and the magic potion. He set it on the ground and said it was for him. He looked around and saw nothing but an old mare sleeping. When he got close the mare got up. "I've been cleaning for these bandits for years." Wind just stared at her for a minute. "Shut the hell up. You don't do anything except sweep the same damn spot over and over again. You literally don't go and do anytthing else except sleep, sit, eat, and sweep one spot." he said. The mare was unfazed. "You got spunk I'll give you that." he said. 

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Midnight took the bits "well if there isn't anything else in this room I guess we'll have to go with Re to find misery" midnight said and looked out into the hall. He could see a trail of blood from misery's wound on the ground "it looks like she's gonna bleed out pretty quickly if she dosnt get help"

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"Bumbumbum. bumbumbum. bumbumbum." Re walked into place grabbing as many arrows as he could find but still running after Misery. When hhe caught up he started healing her with some gauze and healing potions.


"If I didn't care by the slightest you'd be bled out by now. So be care Misery."



"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Little Wind came out the room and looked around. There was a lot of blood on the floor. And there was a lot of foor in the other room across from him. He went in there and saw wheels of cheese and wine and a bandit cooking. He snuck up on him and stabbed him through with his sword. The bandit fell, and Wind searched him. He didn't have much. Just some arrows and a potion. "Well, I guess that was kinda worth it right?" he asked himself. He got his saddlebag out and began collecting all the food and wine. When all that was done, he saw a doorway leading up and went over to it. "This should be interesting." he said, climbing the stairs. 

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((I refuse to see this RP die!))


Midnight saw little wind climbing the stairs "... Or we could just let misery be Re's problem and keep exploring this part of the stronghold" he went to the room across and climbed the steps.


((Not much of a post but at least it will give it an extra bump))

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(I found our theme song!)



"Oh come on Midnight, I'm sure there fine! Now come here, help me search out these rooms." Wind trotted into the room and looked around. There wasn't much. Just some fallen stone. But he went through a door and saw a wardrobe. "Well, it's probably not even worth the try." he went out the room, and saw a pegasi archer. he saw Wind, and an arrow flew past his left ear. Wind ducked into a room and checked his sword. "Yep, nice and sharp."

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((Ah, that song brings back memories))


Midnight flew to the archer and stabbed him, the pegasus kneeled in surrender "yeah-NOPE" midnight said and finished him off with a swift decapitation. At the sight of the bandit's blood midnight's normally aqua eyes got a slightly red tinge, just light enough that it wasn't noticeable... Yet


((mystery lord may recognize the eye thing and know what I'm going to start doing or he may not. I don't know))

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Little Wind came out of the room, sword ready, when he saw that Midnight had already taken care of the archer. "Alright, let's get some progress then!" Wind galloped at fast as he could and found three doors. The far right door led to a room with beds and a dresser. He checked the dresser, and found a bit. He then came out and checked the door on the far left. He found nothing but foor, wine, and a health potion. "Adding to the stash!" he exclaimed. He then tried the middle door but it was locked. He tried to nuck it, but it barely budged. Little help here Mid?" 

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"Shure" midnight flew back down and tried to pick the lock, he broke the first 4 lockpicks but finally got it open on the 5th. Words appeared on the top part of his vision, they said "lockpicking increased to 6"


"Well that was weird"


"What was weird?"



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((C'mon guys, I'm getting to be too impatient for this RP!))


Midnight went through the door and looked around, he was immediately shocked and fell to the ground. There was a unicorn Mage hiding around the corner, she bucked him in the face and everything started fading to black. The last thing he saw was her turning to little wind "yiou bidtch" he said to her with a broken jaw

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Midnight was unconscious on the ground and was beggining to dream, well it was more a memory than a dream. He saw himself wandering through the forest at night, holding a torch to light the way. The moon was full and he was out late looking for ores to smelt into swords and other things. He saw something red shinning in the moon light. he ran towards it to find a deer carcass, is blood was what was shining. Not metal. He did realise ,however, that the antlers were still on it. He could take those and sell them, it would be a fairly easy way to make money. But he then realised that a couple of wolves had found it too, and something told him that they wanted it more than him. He wasn't going to let himself get pushed around by a couple of wolves though, he was younger at the time and apparently wasn't smart enough to know that when wolves started showing their teeth and growling at you because they want something, you're supposed to let them have it, not fight them over it. So he charged at them, dagger in hoof, and cut the first one pretty good, but he didn't see the other coming fast enough, he got a wolf bite in the shoulder and a very rare mutation as a result of his stupidity that night. And had to be helped back by his sister, who hasn't let him forget it since.

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Wind saw the mage shock Midnight and rushed her. His sword stabbed through her neck and he stood back and bucked the sword. It went even farther in and she died. Little Wind then went over to Midnight. He didn't look so good. Wind began to shake him furiously. "Come on Mid, don't die man!"

(I'm on my friends phone and I might have to keep on using it til my computer charger can get fixed)

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Midnight slowly regained consciousness

"Ihm fihn, buht ah thihnk ma jahw id brohken" midnight said "yehp, dehfinetly brohken, dooh youh hahve anehy pohtions fohr thihs?"


((Sorry if I made him too hard to understand, incase anyone found it too confusing he said:))


I'm fine, but I think my jaw is broken


Yep, definetly broken, do you have any potions for this?

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"Yeah I should have one, here it is." Little Wind gave Midnight one of his potions and looked around. He saw the mage and went and searched her. He got an iron helmet and put it on. "I'm just happy she happened to be carrying this" he said to himself.

(Didn't meet the limit til now.

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Do you come to the Cloud District very often? Oh what am I saying, of coarse you don't. I'll have you know that there's no PUSSIEEEEEE!! 


(I know that this came out of nowhere and I might get in trouble for it, but I just HAD to make the reference! Sorry if I ruined it for everybody here.)

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@Sniper-Melon, I'm not that mad at you, that was my favorite gamer poop so far :)



"I think I'm going to go and help Re with misery" midnight said. He rushed through all the rooms they had passed and began to follow the trail of blood misery had left from her open wound

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"Alright, I think I'll go to. I don't see anything else to explore anyway." Little Wind went after Midnight when he aw a different blood trail. He wondered where it went, and he followed it through a doorway and down a coridor. He found, at the end of the trail, the body of a bandit. A chest was next to him, and it looked like he was trying to lock it. He opened it and saw a whole pile of bits, a magic, stamina, and a health potion, boot armor, chestplate, pant armor, and a helmet. He put them on his back, figuring maybe Re could use it. He looked back in and saw a Pegasi sword. It was curved slightly, and had sharp, jagged edges. "Maybe Midnight will recognize the maker. It looks a bit... important." and he put the sword in his saddlebag. 


(I fixed my computer charger! Thanks to the power of tape of course. Oh, and I forgot who the Pegasus was, so If I'm wrong remind me. But I'm pretty sure it was Midnight.)

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 Oh, and I forgot who the Pegasus was, so If I'm wrong remind me. But I'm pretty sure it was Midnight.

yes it is



midnight caught up with Re and misery, she was beginning to come out of her bezerk killing mode but still she was putting up a pretty good fight. midnight helped her out a bit anyway, as he cut into each bandit's flesh his eyes got redder and redder

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Little Wind went out to look for Midnight, wondering all the time where he had seen or heard of this sword. Maybe I'm freaking out over nothing. I mean it is just a sword. But maybe it is speacial. Wind couldn't help but feel like the sword was growing hotter for some reason. I wonder why it's getting hotter. Oh well, maybe Midnight can scrap the sword and get some good material for it. Because I'm pretty sure it ain't special. he thought, still looking for the others. 

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Midnight stood in the Center of the room, the bandits were beggining to overpower him. It seemed like the room was filling up with more and more of them, he couldn't take it anymore, he began to change, his coat grew long and dark and his teeth and ears got pointier, his hooves turned into long claws and he stood up on his hind legs. Midnight resembled a wolf more than a pony now and went on attacking bandits, most of which were in awe of what they had just witnessed. Eventually he cleared most if them and turned back into a pony "witch curse" he said before anypony asked

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Little Wind was still looking for everpony else when he heard bandits screaming. He went in that direction and came into a bloodbath. With a wolf thing standing in the middle. Wind went up to it, looked at it, and started petting it. "You better not have any fleas." he said. He looked around and saw one bandit trying to drag himself away. "I guess 'sic 'em' isn't a command for you Mid?" he asked, smiling, still petting. 

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when he heard wind say "you better not have any fleas" midnight began to scratch behind his ear with his hind leg pretending that he had fleas. he stopped scratching and grabbed the bandit with broken legs, he bit his head off and immediately heard somepony retch "sorry, forgot you guys aren't used to seeing that"

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"I think my stomach is dying.", Wind said, holding his tummy. He looked at the bandit, all covered in bile. "I'd say sorry but you know, your a bandit." Wind said. He looked at all the bodies. "They had better have a shit ton of bits on them." He said quietly.

(Damn you word limit)

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Midnight reverted to a pony and coughed up a skull, all the meat missing from it. "Pony stomach can't handle a wolf diet" he said to himself "this is a well polished skull though..." He thought to himself. He picked up the skull and put it away.

(Sometimes the word limit angers me)

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