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Ask Fluttershy

Old Fluttershy

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a tree?


Well, um not anymore Discord turned me into one.


were you surprised that Discord asked you out?

Um...I guess, a little bit.


How're them animals treatin you

Oh, well Angel still is pretty demanding at times but I'm working on that. Everypony else is treating me fine.

  • Brohoof 2
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I take it you didn't like your date either hmm?

Was it really a date? I...I just thought it was a regular picnic like we always have.


What would you do if you saw another parasprite?

Oh...I wouldn't keep it...I'd probably just let Pinkie handle it.


What would you do if I asked you on a date?

A...a...date?! Oh...um...I would...um, no. I'm sorry.

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I'm sorry; I know you probably get asked this a lot, but I've been unsuccessful in finding the answer on my own...


Just how much wood can a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck can chuck wood?


Also, does chuck mean throw/toss, or something else entirely?

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What's your thoughts on Spike the dragon?

Oh Spike, the little baby dragon. :)

He's just so nice and helpful...I-I can't think of one bad thing about him.


I-I understand. *smiles*

Oh...that, doesn't mean we can't be friends.


How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

does chuck mean throw/toss, or something else entirely?

Oh, woodchuck's? Well, it...depends on the woodchuck, the most I've seen one chuck is 1,000 holes before dropping from exhaustion, the poor dear I had to take care of him for a week.

Um...I-I think chuck means to...um...break...or something.

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Would you ever befriend a changeling that turned out to be nice?

Of course! Everypony deserves a second chance.


Does Spike still help at your cottage?

Oh not really, he's much to busy helping Twilight with her new duties. Spreading friendship around Equestria isn't easy.


I just stepped on a caterpillar.

Noooooooo! *runs over and throws him off the caterpillar*

Wh-Why? *starts to cry*

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