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Ask the Cutie Mark Crusaders

Old Fluttershy

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Okay...we have some special guests with us today...

Yes we are the Cutie Mark Crusaders and we're glad you were able to join the Cutie Mark Crusaders with us.

I'm Apple Bloom referred to as the leader of the Cutie Mark Crusaders...Since when did we agree you were the head of this club?  I believe that I, Scootaloo, should be head of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

girls stop arguring we already tried for the arguing cutie marks besides this is for the ponies to ask us questions.

Fine Sweetie Belle but Apple Bloom this isn't over yet

Oh...girls let's leave the talking to the other ponies.

Yes Fluttershy let's let the fans take it from here.

So what do you want to know just post in the section below.

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The cutie mark we would want...we had to think long and hard but the cutie mark that I would like is one that continues the "apple"

theme like the triple apple on my big sister Applejack or the apple pie on Grannie Smith.

I love the one my big sister Rarity has, it would be nice to have a cutie mark in fashion like she does.

Give me a break you want to buck apples and make clothes for a living?...gag...I'd rather have a cutie mark like Rainbow Dashes or something else cool like lion taming.



Okay girls: which cutie marks are your favorites or which ones do you wish you had yourselves?

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if all of you could win a trip somewhere where would you want it to be


Let's see the one place that I would go is Manehattan so I could see my cousin Babs Seed and how the Manehattan Cutie Mark Crusading branch is doing.

Ooh, ooh, ooh I would also like to see Manehattan since my sister Rarity said it was really cool.

While seeing Babs would be cool seing Cloudsdale is my dream vacation since well...ahem...I still have trouble getting off the ground.

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*TARDIS APPERS ON THE FORUMS* GIRLS! GIRLS! SOME DOCTER GUY LET ME WATCH HIS BLUE BOX SO I WENT TO THE FUTURE AND FOUND OUT YOU CUTIE MARKS!!! the only catch is that you need to find out what they mean then earn them yourselves


The first is scootaloo's the second is sweetie belle's and the third is apple bloom's




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Whoa we can see our cutie marks!

How cool is that but how can we get them onto our flanks.

I know mine looks cool just like I wanted but what does it mean?

Okay we need to work together here, this is our best chance to get our cutie marks.

Alright mine is first, what does it mean? wheels? Something with wheels? Like my scooter?

Something having to do with you scooter. Alright how about those tricks you do on it?

 I'll have to see about that. Now what about Sweetie Belle's?

Hmmmm a heart, I'm nice?

Ya but it's shining, a...pretty heart?

must be something in fashion like Rarity!

Of course that makes sense. Now what about mine?

An apple cut into the shape of a heart?

I must be working on the farm like the rest of my family.

So does the heart mean you'll love other ponies or the apples?

Guess we'll have to figure it out when we test these...so see you later.

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No spoilers, if I told you I think it would do something bad with time and space or something

Well that was a bust we did everything we could think of and we still don't have our Cutie Marks!

Thanks for the ideas though.

Ya, even if they were a total bust.

Well Cutie Mark Crusaders time to get our ghost catching cutie marks!

Let's go!  Let's go! 

Edited by Old Fluttershy
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Do any of you three like video games?

Well I like games like pin the tail on the pony. But I've never heard of video games?

Video games? Are those like regular games, just cooler?

Um......never heard of them.

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Do you want Nerdy Pon-3 to show you her 3ds and explain to you what it is and what video games are?

Girls we could get our Cutie Marks in, video gaming?

Or how about knowing about stuff that nopony else does.

Like Twilight?


Whatever if there's a chance we can get our Cutie Marks let's go for it.

(all three) yes!!

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Sweetie Bell how are things with raitiy since Luna showed you that dream

Oh things have just been so awesome lately with Rarity, she was a little mad because I tried to sabotage her headdress but she quickly got over it and we've been better friends than ever!



How did it feel opening the games?

Ah, it felt awesome the way I scootered into the stadium like that!

Yes, but we didn't get our cutie Marks. :(

Oh, whatever it was still really fun to open the games, even if you Cutie Marks didn't appear.

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How exactly does one become a Crusader?

Yo! I'm Shenron00, but you can call me “Shen” if you want!


Thanks to WheatleyCore for the sig! BTW, yes, I do realize that's Carnage and not Shenron.

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cutie mark crusaders, do you think it would help you if you befriended Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?


Thanks to Rorrim'eht Retne for my awsome sig!

Was intrigued by the Johari window so... http://kevan.org/jh/alicorn+fluttershy

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2)

No using the name of God, your God, in curses or silly banter, God won't put up with irreverent use of his name (Exodus 20:7)

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. (Ephesians 4:29)

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Sweety Belle let's play video games do you guys like cider.

Video games? Okay, but can Scootaloo and Applebloom play too?

Yes, maybe we can get our Cutie Marks in game playing.

What would it look like though.

Who cares it's a chance to get our Cutie Marks, so why not take it?

I guess you have a point.

Oh and yes we all like cider, but so does everypony else in Ponyville.


cutie mark crusaders, do you think it would help  you if you befriended Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?

Befriend Diamond Tiara!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Are you insane!

Well, maybe he has a point.

Are you kidding, even if we wanted to make friends with them they wouldn't want to, probably would ridicule us for even trying.

Well, we did befriend them one time.

Ya, because they wanted to hang out with Twilight.

Oh, right.

If you could change their attitudes or get us our Cutie Marks any faster then maybe it could happen, but not at the moment.

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Ah, it felt awesome the way I scootered into the stadium like that!

Yes, but we didn't get our cutie Marks. :(

Oh, whatever it was still really fun to open the games, even if you Cutie Marks didn't appear.

Did you see Spike saved the games with his fire breath? Edited by Brainstorm
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How exactly does one become a crusader?

Are you a blank flank and just can't seem to get your Cutie Mark to appear? Then, come talk to the founding members, me, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle, and we will determine if you are worthy to join.


if you all won a thing what would you want it to be

I would love to win a daredevil race down some-kind of dangerous street!

Scootaloo you always have to be so dramatic! I'd rather win something like a beauty contest like my sister Rarity does.

If mine are to dramatic then yours are...(blech)...to mushy gushy.


Girls, quit it! We need to finish the question!

She started it.

Anyway, I would love to win a rodeo like my big sis does all the time. It would be so cool to win blue ribbons in all the contests!


Did you see Spike saved the games with his fore breath?

I thought Twilight used her magic to light the fire, cause Spike got stage fright?

No he's talking about when Spike set off the firework display at the end.

Oh,...no I didn't

Ooh, I did, I did! :) (no faces of me or Scootaloo :()

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