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(OOC: Yeah sorry for not posting. I'll officially start the class on the next day. I was busy on the fourth celebrating...)


Thunder Dash had handed out the syllabus and briefly talked about what they would cover. The next day, he would get to know everyone's names and do a small activity.   

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"Absolutely! With pleasure!" said Riley, and he skipped his way to the cafeteria, humming a little tune as he went.


When they got there, the cafeteria was obviously noisy and crowded. "So, judging by your accent, I bet you're from Germaney. Am I right?" asked Riley.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Hazmat just walked. Watching the red stallion have a 'pep-in-his-step' as his parents once said when their little 'Chemy' when he  use to skip like that. Then they entered the big lunch room. Noisy place. Many colors like a splattered rainbow. Then a question. "Vha? Oh, ja." He confirms the red stallions question.

Edited by Gamma Wave of Wubs

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Ah, I thought so," said Riley. "I'm from Manehattan." They soon joined the back end of the queue for the food. "Ooh, there's so much variety! What are you thinking of getting, man? I'm thinking some pizza, fries, ice-cream... oh, and a diet soda, 'cause I wanna lose weight!"

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Hmmm..." He looks at the options. Listening to the stallions choices. "Ich sie (I'm) gunna get... zis..." He then grabs a hay-burger and waffle fries with a side of jello. Something simple, plain, boring. The other stallions options seemed more.... vibrant... "Vhat's your name anyvay?" Hazmat asks with a slit head tilt to him.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Riley poured himself a cup of diet soda, along with the rest of his meal.


Oh, Riley, how gullible you are.


"My name is Riley! Glad to meet you, buddy!" replied Riley, shaking the stallion's hoof. "And who might you be?" He continued to gaze at the various choices of food.

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Hazmat." The Germane pony replied as he just grabs water and waits for the line to move downward. "Oh, und glad to me you to." He says softly. For some reason, it felt hot in the cafeteria. He hated being hot. He'd rather be in Antarctica right now. (Cuz forget pony names.)

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Hazmat," repeated Riley. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you!" He continued to move further down the line, alongside the pony whom he now knew to be called Hazmat. "Wanna hang out? Perhaps I could-" Riley stopped as he too felt the heat. "Man, is it hot in here or what?"

OCs: RileyAnala

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"..." He was listening to his new friend until he also felt the heat. "Ja, ich hate it..." Hazmat was slowly starting to sweat. The worst thing that he could do around a new bud, sweat. He does has an excuse, but it might scare him off. Or freak him out. Who knows, every pony  has their own way of reacting to mutated species.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Whoa, buddy, we're sweating like pigs," commented Riley, as he felt the trickles of sweat run down his fur and body.


He reached into his saddlebag, took out a flanel, and rubbed it all over his body.


"I think I had another one in here..."


He rummaged through his saddlebag and took out a second flanel, offering it to Hazmat.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Hazmat takes it gently. "Danke shone." (Thank you). Then rubs the sweat off. Only to sweat just a bit more. 






"... Vell..." Hazmat goes ahead and pays for the food, and steps outside, having to skip Riley and all the other and just paying up 26 bits by random guess of the mass of his meal. 

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"You're welcome," said Riley. He paid for his meal, and trotted over to a table.


He began shuffling his rump around, attempting to get comfortable in the chair.


"Ugh... if I just... shift it this way a little... dang, why is there so much extra weight in that end?"


The diplay attracted the attention of a group of mares sitting at a nearby table.

Edited by Green Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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Hazmat sat outside, getting his temperature down just a bit before heading back inside to sit on the other side of Riley. "Sorry about zat." He apologizes. "My biological temperature is a bit higher zan average... so.. it's a bit harder for me to withstand hot climates." He explains.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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The explanation that Hazmat gave piqued Riley's interest. The red pegasus leaned in closer. "Your biological temperature is higher than average? How does that work?"  Unless somepony warned Riley, he was going to accidentally knock over his drink.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Hazmat would've warned him about his drink but his leaning in was making him lean back. "Vell... uhhhh... mu..tation...?" Hazmat shyly mutters out, not wanting to freak the red-interested-stallion. "Just some experiment mistake, okay?"  Hazmat said more clearly this time and began eating.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Whoa! A mutation? An experiment mistake?!" exclaimed Riley. "Please, sir, do tell me more. What exactly happened?"


Riley was truly fascinated by this pony and the stories that he had to offer.


Fortunately, his drink hadn't toppled yet, but it was pretty darn close.

OCs: RileyAnala

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UN-fortunately, Hazmat still hasn't noticed.


"...." Hazmat was skeptical to show. But he had to satisfy the stallions interest. He extends his wings, showing his feathers and how they glow a faint neon red. "Vanadium Sulphrite." (Again, a name I made up, don't try to look it up.) "I mistake zat I can't undo..." He gulps a bit.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"Vanadium Sulphrite," repeated Riley. "I see." He began to lean back out.


And his drink would gave been alright if Riley's wing hadn't stuck out right at that exact moment, knocking the drink onto the floor. The soda spilt across the floor, making a stream of transparent brown liquid.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Hazmat watches the drink. "Looks like a fun vater slide for ze bacteria...." He tried changing the subject. It was embarrassing, and shameful for him to show such a thing. Especially how monotone the stallion sounded. He folded his wing back up. Still looking at the drinks and thinking of the micro-sized beings 'Weee-ing' from the instant coolness of the drink and how quickly they are sliding from one place, to another.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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"You're right. It must be fun for those bacteria!" said Riley. "But still, I'd better get this cleaned up." He took the flanel he had previously used and mopped up the spilt soda, then sat back down.


He took out his Neightendo GameColt and started playing Pokémane.

OCs: RileyAnala

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(Good Pony names.)


Hazmat vasn't one for pokemane. But his curiosity took the best of him and slowly but surly, leans over to see what the stallion was playing. A brow raised. 'Vhy play a game for foals?" He questions. "Vhy not Shining Armored 4? Or VATCH_SPRITES?" He questions a bit more.

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Riley looked up at Hazmat. "Dude, this game is, like, so totally awesome!" said Riley. "There's a mare that I have a crush on called Anala. She was, like, the best player back in school. All the fillies and colts would come flocking to her, asking for trades."


(OOC: Goin' to bed)

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Really..?" That's silly... to him at least. "Vell, does zis mare go to school here to?" He was gambling to himself that she had her own club of this 'Pokemane' and only true Pokemaners are allowed in ze club. That would be even more funny.


(OOC: I'm guessing you're not in America? :3)

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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While the young ponies enjoy their lunch the principal came and announced "hello everybody we at this school decided that a happy student is more likely to learn then a depressed one so to help out with that we have live music so we here at harmony academy present the pony with the stage name animated James and his idea of a Cheese Sandwich type of song. (yes this my excuse to share music I like).



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Thunder had also heard this. He prefered to listen to his own music, which was right on his MacBook Pro. He plugged in his earbuds and then turned on one of his favorite songs: Turbo Lover by Judas Priest. He then continued to eat, wondering what his students would think of his abilities, which he would show the next day. 

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