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The sun has set, so the night-owls are coming to play. Ponies are looking for love, ready to play, and in it to win it.


Rainbow Flow is hosting a party at her place, and only ponies who party hard are invited. There will be games, drinks and, of course, music! Are you in?



1. Wait for a person to speak to you.(meaning don't post until you are mentioned)

2. You may use profanity, BUT only a minimum when needed.


Other than that, have fun!!!

Edited by PoisonPegasus
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Gem arrived at the house where the invitation said it was being held at. "I really hope I followed the directions right" Gem said to herself as she walked up to the house and knocked on the door. "Please let this be the right house" Gem muttered as she waited for the door to open

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Skyla flies up to the door, and sees a mare waiting there. "Hi there," she says as she lands. "Is anyone home? I was told there was a party here," she says. "I hope I'm not too early or too late," she says to no one in particular. She waits for the door to open so she can be let into the party.

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(Kinda have to break the first rule if you are being spoken to directly)


"Oh hi" Gem said. "Um..I'm not sure if anyone is home I got invited to the party also but I haven't gotten a answer and the door hasn't opened yet....I'm not sure if we are late or not" Gem shine said

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@@Midnight Starfall,



Riley flew through the clouds, on his way to a party. Being a pretty good social guy, it would be perfect for him, "Ah, there it is!" he said, stating the obvious. He flew down to the door.


As he landed, he saw that there were two other two ponies that were present. "'Sup, homies!"

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Rainbow Flow, who had just finished setting everything up, ran to the door and opened it. Hey all! Sorry for making you guys wait. Just finished setting up. Come on in!"


Boom Box was lounging on the couch, until Rainbow Flow came back with a few others. He did a cartwheel on the couch, and sat up straight. "Hello, everypony."

Edited by PoisonPegasus
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Gem followed Rainbow Flow inside before stopping and seeing the other ponies who just arrived. "Actually the h-" Gem stopped when he heard somepony speaking inside. She turned her attention. "Oh Hi" Gem shine said seeing the pony who just said hi to them.

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Just then, another pony arrived and asked if they were here for the party. "That we are! I guess you are as well, huh?"




Just then, the party's host showed up and invited them in. So Riley gladly entered the building, wondering what he would get up to that night.

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"Hello," Skyla says as she walks into the house. "I thought I was late for a moment, how are you guys?" she says. "I'm happy to be here, I never really got invited to parties that much as a filly. This is one of my first parties. I'm glad I was actually noticed," she rambles on and on.

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Sapphire was following the other ponys, but making sure to stay a few feet behind them. She glanced around the house, wondering how she had gotten herself into such a place of partying, while she mostly read, she thoguht it would be a good chance to get out and try something new. But now....she wasnt so sure

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@@Midnight Starfall,


Riley saw a mare talking about how she'd barely been to any parties before.


"You haven't?! How is that possible?! Parties are awesome! They're fun, and a great opportunity to make new friendships, and..."


The other guests had to listen to two voices rambling at once.

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"No one ever really invited me," she explains. "I was never noticed when I was a filly. I tried, but no one ever did. So, I kept to myself and did my schoolwork. I'm surprised I was actually invited to this one, considering that no one really notices me," she explains.

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Boom Box watched sapphire, wondering why she was acting so shy. 'Parties are supposed to help get rid of your fear of other people.' He thought. He walked over to her and said, "Hello there."


Rainbow Flow plugged in her iPod and started the music. "Alright, anypony can request a song to sing or dance to. We got food and drinks in the kitchen, so help yourself. Have fun all!" And with that, the party officially began.

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@@Midnight Starfall,


A frown crept onto Riley's face as he listened to the mare's backstory. "Aw, well, I'm sorry to hear that," said Riley, placing a hoof next to the mare. "But let's make the most of this party!" He grabbed a microphone. "Alright, ponies, I wanna see you shakin' those plots!"

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Gem looked around the whole house. "This is actually the first party I have been invited" Gem Shine said as she saw other ponies join. "Well there are more ponies now...maybe I can make friends with the other ponies" Gem Shine said to herself very quietly

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Sapphire glanced over at the pony that was talking to her, she jumped alittle as she had not seen him untill he had spoken. She smiled "Oh, Hi there" She said with a slight blush, as she had not really talken to anybuddy exept her mom and dad. She then looked over at the rest of the house "Its a nice place"

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Skyla didn't really know what to do. She'd never been to a party, she was actually a little nervous, which was unlike her. What should I do? Talk to the other ponies? Dance? she thought to herself. She looked at the other ponies, and wondered what to do. She remembered one of her first birthday parties as a filly. No one noticed her, she didn't even get a slice of cake. She silently hoped it wouldn't end up like that.

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"Hey, you ponies wanna see the dance moves I can crank out?" Riley flew over to the dance floor. "Think you can dance, guys? Check this out!"


He mostly did a series of random dances such as breakdancing, shaking his rump in sync with the music, and bobbing his head about.

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Skyla watches as the pegasus dances. Okay, I am not dancing, she thinks to herself. She had stood in the same place for a few minutes, not knowing what to do or say for the first time. Why did I come here again? she thought. She knew she had bad experience with parties, yet she came anyway.

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Riley danced for a good few minutes until he became exhausted. That was one of his flaws. He'd often push himself past his limits. Time for a drink, he decided.


He trotted into the kitchen and over to a punch bowl. He made himself a cup of punch and slurped it down.


He then decided to put his plan into action. It was uncivil. It was despicable. But it sure was a lot of fun.


He discreetly reached into his shirt pocket, took out a container of vodka, and poured a little bit into the punch, casually whistling as he did so.


He went back and rejoined the party.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse
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Gem Shine just sat down after hearing the voice over the mic she sighed. She didn't know how to dance at all and she didn't want to try and dance either. "Would be nice if I could dance" Gem Shine said to herself before seeing the pony that arrived at the house after her. Gem got up and walked over to the mare. "Hello I forgot to give you my name my name is Gem Shine" Gem said introducing herself.

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Skyla looks over. "Oh hey, I'm Skyla," she says. "Nice to meet you Gem. Are you having any fun?" she asks. "To be honest, I'm really nervous. I can't dance, and this is one of my first actual parties. I don't really know what to do," she says. "I don't even know why I came, I shouldn't of."

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