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open Dawn of the Nightfury (RP)

Drago Ryder

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Tempest sighed as he walked through the forest near the village. Ever since he and the others had defeated the Red Death, there didn't really seem to be a lot for him to do. Sure the others had dragon racing and were able to spend time with their dragons, but he had been unable to fly with Gale for the past two weeks and the stress was beginning to take it's toll on him. He missed being free to do as he pleased before Jourmador's death, despite how selfish it sounded. The teen then came to a cliff overlooking the ocean and sat down. "I know that Gale won't fly without me, but what will that do to her?" He thought.


(Sign up thread:http://mlpforums.com/topic/104058-dawn-of-the-nightfury-planning-and-ooc-thread/#entry2842317)

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Clayton sighed as he laid on Orion, who was lying on the grassy hill beside their house. "I wonder how Tempest is doing?" The teen thought to himself. "I know he's been busy, but all that work can't be good for either him or Gale." Clayton then shook his head to clear his thoughts, not wanting to interfere with Tempest's personal life, and scratched Orion behind the horn. "What do you think, Orion. Should we go flying?"


The large dragon glanced at his rider and gave a sly smirk, along with a huff a smoke, as he stood up. He then waited for his rider to get into position before he flew into the air.

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Gale woke up in the cove she had met Tempest in and walked towards the village. "I wonder what Tempest is up to? He's probably busy, but it's not like I don't like spending time with him." She thought. The dragoness then began to think about what had happened over the past few years, along with her relationship with Tempest. "I hope he can fly with me soon."

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(Sorry if this feels rushed)


Hydran was currently making his way through what seemed like an endless forest. 'Ugh, why did I ever decide to come out of the water.' He thought to himself. He was pretty big for a dragon, being around 50 feet long when on all fours, and that tall when upright. Though that size and power does come at a price for his species of dragon, for they have no wings. Even so, Hydran never felt the urge to fly like other dragons, or be around others in general. He was always alone, and never felt strongly enough to change that. It was only very recently that he decided to travel on land and see what it had to offer, but all he seemed to be running into was more and more trees. 'I swear, if I don't see something interesting soon, i'm turning back.' his wishes were granted, for when he climbed the last hill in a range, he could spy...something. 'What is that?' he asked himself. He couldn't have known that what he saw was a human settlement, having absolutely no contact with them his entire life. All he saw was a group of strange structures, clustered together. He then spied a large lake not too far away from the settlement. 'That looks like a good place to fish.' He thought. Hydran soon made his way over and inspected it. He walked all around it, his footsteps echoing in the distance. He then waded out into the water and discovered that it was a lot deeper than he thought, it being around twice his height, not that it mattered to him. The deeper the better. There was even a cavern, leading him to believe that the lake was connected to another, larger body of water. He decided to call off his exploration for now and stay there for the time being. He made his way out of the water and proceeded to mark his new territory the only way he knew how, burning everything around. His dragon-fire reduced the trees around the lake to ash and sent up a pretty good sized plume of smoke, visible from a distance. Now all that was left was to warn whatever creature was around that this was now his territory. He let loose a loud roar and proceed back into the water, where he rested for bit. Maybe he would go look at those structures later. 


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Orion groaned in annoyance as a loud roar filled his ears. "Some dragon needs to learn to keep their mouth shut." He thought.


Clayton barely held on with his legs as he covered his ears to block out the roar. He then noticed a large plume of smoke and sighed. "Come on, Orion. We had better go investigate." He said, before the dragon changed course. The fire itself wasn't a threat to the main village, but it did mean a new dragon might be on Equestria.


The dragon came to a stop over the lake the fire had surrounded and peered into the murky depths. "Something isn't right."

Edited by Dire Miralis
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Hydran was roused out of his rest by approaching footsteps. From the bottom of the lake, he could spy two creatures sniffing about. One was obviously a dragon, but the other...he wasn't sure about. 'They must be looking for what made the smoke.' He thought to himself. Hydran couldn't just ignore them. That might lead others to believe that there was nothing calling this lake home. That being said, he went to go see what they wanted. Right in front of Orion and Clayton, a large head broke the surface of the water. Hydran after observing them for a minute, Hydran asked simply, "What do you want?" knowing that the other dragon would understand him, and assuming that the creature riding the dragon would as well.


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Orion was surprised by the dragon that came out of the water and stopped flying, only hovering in the air. "Not many dragons live close to the village. I guess you could consider us the welcoming committee." He said. "The humans around here won't harm you, as long as you do the same. By the way, only one of the can understand us, but you'll probably meet him later."


Clayton was surprised by the dragon in the lake and felt a bit uneasy. "I haven't seen a dragon that big since Tempest took down Journador (The red death and previous ruler of the dragons of Equestria)."

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Hydran simply looked at the two of them "So...humans. That's what they're called." He said to Orion. 'That must have been what I saw earlier, a human settlement.' he thought. 


"Why haven't you eaten that one. Do humans not taste good?" He asked as he brought a giant claw out of the water and gestured to Clayton.


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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The two could see a Nightfury in the distance flying towards them. "hurry up Tenebra i want to see this enormous dragon without getting eaten alive " Ruby said Tenebra nodded and picked up the speed til they reached Orion and Hydran. 

(yea what a way to join a rp sorry but i'm just really bad at introduction post).


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Orion simply rolled his eyes and sighed. "One, humans don't taste that good. Even if they did, I wouldn't eat any." He said. "The humans and dragons around here work together in order to ensure their survival. You can thank Tempest and his Nightfury, Gale."


Clayton glanced at Ruby and smiled slightly. "Hey. Have you seen Tempest or Gale?" He asked. "They should know about this."

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Gale found Tempest on the edge of a cliff and walked towards him. "Hey. Is everything ok?" She said, before looking towards the plume of smoke. "I think the others need us."


The teen glanced back at the dragoness he had come to call a friend and gave a fake smile. "Yeah, I was just thinking about everything that had happened so far." He said. "Anyway, we should go see what all the commotion is about." With that, Tempest got on Gale's back and the dragoness flew into the air. A feeling of excitement that Tempest had been yearning for filled up the void in his chest and he smiled. "I missed flying with you, Gale."


The dragoness gave a content purr and continued to fly on.

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Hydran saw another dragon approaching and decided to climb out of the water. All 50 meters of him climbed out at once and decided to rest on all fours at the shoreline. "So you work together with humans? Must be nice." He said as he relaxed, soaking in the sun. "This is probably the most contact I've had with my own kind, let alone another species that i'm not currently eating."


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Ruby shook her head "no i haven't seen him or gale for a while now i'm guessing their just busy or something like that" 




Tenebra frowned "You remind me of The Red Death or should i say former queen of dragons and i hate her  plus i don't like your tone nor like the idea of you eating other dragons" Tenebra said sourly. 


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"What are you, my mother?" Hyran said in a slightly peeved, but otherwise disinterested tone. "I don't eat other dragons, taste bad anyway. I do, however, eat most everything else." He then rolled onto his side, enjoying the feel of the sun on his scales, and got a got a good look at Tenebra. 'Huh, she looks old enough to be my mother.' He thought and snickered briefly at the thought, before resuming his relaxed state.

Edited by Lord Megatron


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Clayton mentally cursed and sighed. "It certainly has been a long time since those two have gotten out." He thought. The teen then shook his head to clear his thoughts and turned his attention back to Hydran. He didn't know what to do about this new dragon.

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"Seems like you two need some help." Tempest said, as Gale came up from behind the two dragon riding teens. He then glanced at Hydran and smirked. "So, you're the dragon that caused all of this destruction." There was a hint a sarcasm in Tempest's voice and he wasn't in the mood to fight. Thankfully, the dragon settled in one of the unused lakes, so there wouldn't be any other Vikings fishing in his territory. "Anyway, my name is Tempest. Who are you?"


Gale glanced at the dragon and got ready to duck out of the way of any attacks that might come their way.

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@, @,  @,


Tenebra rolled her eyes "so anyways whats your name? mines Tenebra" she then glanced at Gale "and thats Gale my daughter".


"Speaking of tempest looks like he's here hey Tempest how ya and Gale been doing? havent seen you in a while we really need to go on some kind of adventure sometimes" Ruby said.


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The teen glanced at Ruby and smirked slightly. "Yeah. I've been busy for the past few weeks, so I don't really have any time to myself anymore, I could do with some excitement." He said. Tempest then noticed a storm gathering in the distance and felt a bit uneasy. They weren't due for rain until a month later.

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@@Moonbacon,@, @,


"You must be that human that can talk to dragons." Hydran said with interest. "Your friends told me about you. The name I have given myself is Hydran." He then noticed out of the corner of his eyes, a gathering of deer. 'I am kind of hungry.' he thought to himself as he stood up on all fours, turning his back on the others and proceeded to chase his meal, in the direction of the village. 


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Tempest nodded slightly decided to simply hold on. "Looks like we may have a hungry dragon." He whispered.


Gale noticed that Hydran was heading straight for the village and fired a few warning shots to get his attention. "Be careful. A dragon your size could easily destroy our home, and it's not like we haven't worked our tails off to try and bring peace between humans and dragons." She said, flying next to his head. "If you want food, then head to the other side of the island."

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Tempest nodded slightly decided to simply hold on. "Looks like we may have a hungry dragon." He whispered.


Gale noticed that Hydran was heading straight for the village and fired a few warning shots to get his attention. "Be careful. A dragon your size could easily destroy our home, and it's not like we haven't worked our tails off to try and bring peace between humans and dragons." She said, flying next to his head. "If you want food, then head to the other side of the island."

In response to the warning shots, Hydran sent his own steam of yellow fire at Gale, not enough to harm, but enough to say 'you're bothering me, go away'. He didn't really hear whatever she was saying, too focused on hunting. In his wake were toppled trees and scorched earth. By the time he reached the outskirts of the village, he had the group of deer herded into one spot and ate them all in one go. When he came out of his 'hunting mode,' he noticed that he was right outside the human settlement, and there were a bunch of them looking at him.


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Tenebra quickly few in front of Hydran "me and Ruby don't care how big you are or how intimidating you are we will not hesitate to try and kill you if you so much destroy a home in this village we've already dealt with the red death so really i suggest listening to what Gale said".


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Tenebra quickly few in front of Hydran "me and Ruby don't care how big you are or how intimidating you are we will not hesitate to try and kill you if you so much destroy a home in this village we've already dealt with the red death so really i suggest listening to what Gale said".

Hydran would have just ignored her and did his own thing, but the glare she gave him made him decide against it. "Yes ma'am." He replied a bit warily. He had to admit, Tenebra was scary. Since he just finished eating, he decided to lay down right there outside the town.


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Orion came up and hovered in the air next to Tenebra. "Well, it looks like we have a new dragon." He said, before glancing at the dragoness. "Remind me never to get you angry." The dragon then smiled slightly.


Clayton sighed as he watched Hydran lay down. He then glanced at Ruby. "So, what do you want to do now?"

Edited by Dire Miralis
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(alright mates I'm here didn't know we started Megatron found my post and informed me that we had already started)


(Ignore this had to fill in the space because of the minimum character limit why is it always at bloody 200... still have to keep typing words)


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