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private [CLOSED] Equestria: 28 Days Later


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                         Equestria: 28 Days Later


                   Canterlot City Centre-1 day and 10 hours after outbreak


                                        Link to OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/104246-equestria-28-days-later/#entry2851864


Artorius woke up some several hours after the life that he knew had come to a horrific and bloody end. He had holed up in a flower shop, which wasn't necessarily the best protection, but it had worked as none of the rioters had found him. As quietly as he could, the aqua blue Earth pony got on his all-fours and moved to the door, which he had reinforced with corrugated iron and struts made of wood which helped them to block the door effectively, granting Artorius a good night's sleep. Carefully, so as not to attract attention, Artorius removed the struts and lowered the sheets of iron before opening the door to take a look around. From his point of view, the areas to his right and centre were clear, however Artorius heard a frothy, raspy growl to his left. Shifting his head to take a look, Artorius could make out the figure of a unicorn, stumbling and toppling about without any sense of balance or direction. Despite the distance between them, Artorius could make out the unicorn's appearance. His coat was coloured emerald green, however his body was covered in blood, and there was a bite mark visible on the back of his neck. His mouth was open, bearing his teeth which were complete with incisors comparable to fangs. His nose and eyes were flowing rivers of blood. Artorius recognized the unicorn as a rioter, however there was something wrong with him. Still, remembering that he didn't have time to dawdle, Artorius quietly tried to sneak out of the flower shop, however one of his hooves stepped on an iron sheet, forcing it to the floor with a loud clang, which was easily audible to the infected unicorn. The latter snapped his head to face Artorius, before screeching a bloodthirsty roar. Leaving Artorius little time to react, the infected turned on a dime and charged at the Earth pony, intent on turning him as well. However, Artorius was able to react even quicker, taking one of the wooden struts and smashing it against the infected's skull, temporarily grounding him. Seizing the advantage, Artorius began galloping for his life, as behind him an entire swarm of infected joined the pursuit. 

Edited by Firebolt Blitz


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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Aces High had been in a coma for two years now. (Not that it particularly matters to this roleplay as to what caused his coma, but it was cuased by a failed attempt at a combat spell to create arcane liightning which backfired and sent him smashong into a brick wall head first). He had finnaly stirred into concousness to find the hospital deserted on the day after infection began. He looked of his hosptital room window to see that Canterlot, the crown jewel of Equestria had become some kind of nightmare. Hordes of ponies were chasing down other ponies and... devouring them. "Why couldn't I have just stayed in my little oblivous coma?" he asked himself as he grabbed his playing cards off the table and pocketed them. Then he slowly, slinked out of the hospital to search for others and/or escape. As he races through the streets, he saw a downed unicorn and a pony racing away from a horde. He drew the 9 of diamonds and cast his spell to create a 9ftx9ft wall in front of the horde. "Oh man..." he moaned as realized he had just trapped himself with the horde.

Edited by Dusk Shade
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"Ace! Ace!" He heard a voice call from behind him. He turned around to greet his long time friend. "Hey, Spitfire. What's going on? Why are you so riled up?" He asked. "You got some major Wonderbolt training today or someth-" before he was quickly interrupted. "No, no no no no no no!" Spitfire repeated. "Canterlot is under attack!" "Under attack?" He asked. "What? How? Why?" "We don't know." Said Spitfire. "All we know, is that yesterday. some ponies started going mad with rage, and some aren't even able to walk properly! I'm planning to gather the rest of the Wonderbolts, but first I wanted to inform you." She said. "Come along with us and I'll keep you safe." But Ace shook his head. "I'm sorry Spitfire. But... if Canterlot is under attack as you say, then I have to help them!" "What?" Spitfire inquired. "But, if you do that, you'll be putting yourself at risk, a-and... and... I-I don't want to lose my favorite pony..." She started to tear up, but not before being pulled into a hug. "Listen, Spitfire." Ace said. "You know me better then anypony. You raised me, you took care of me, and now it's time I give that back to somepony else, and going with you just to ensure my own protection, just doesn't feel right..." He said. "I can take care of myself." He let Spitfire take the time to cry, it looked like it was a trying time for everyone, and even Ace could admit he never expected such a strong pony like Spitfire to actually cry like that. Who could blame her, though? The two were practically family. "There, are you all better now?" He asked. Spitfire wiped away a tear.

"Okay, but promise me you won't go and die out there." She said as she started to take flight. "I have confidence in you and your archery skills, Ace, but... Be careful." Before he could respond to Spitfire, she flew away.

"I'll be as careful as I can be." Ace said as he unwrapped his bow and arrows from his vest and flew towards Canterlot.

Edited by Shadowking58


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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Dam is held up in the local cafe in Canterlot, with it all barricaded and re-enforced while the infected are raging by, consuming of what is left outside. Dam is sitting down in silence at one of the tables in the cafe, staring at a half eaten hayburger. One other survivor that was with Dam in the cafe approached him slightly and put his hoof on his back saying very quietly. "Look, we can't hold up in here Dam... I know you can figure a way out of this... Remember Umbrella's Lab? We made it out that..." Dam kept staring at the hayburger through his dark grey aviators and said, "This is something different from Umbrella, Dimitri... Something that looks to be worse... more infectious and deadly than the T-Virus..." He took of his aviators and kept looking down... One eye is completely missing but healed over and the other is fine. "Dimitri, whats the ammo like?" he said with his deep tone. "Nearly out, we basically used it all trying to hold off the infected charging at us... while losing some others of course that were once with us." Dimitri replied. The only light started to flicker. Dam goes and checks his ammo on his PPSH-41 and his Colt M1911. He has 1 drum mag spare of 71 bullets and half of one loaded in his PPSH-41. His Colt M1911 has 3 mags left. But he has one extra bullet hidden under his gun if he ever wanted to 'end the pain'  "If this wasn't the work of umbrella... then who or what caused this mess..."

Dimitri went up to the roof of the Cafe, he looked down to see all the infected, "Poor bastards... What could have caused such chaos?" He thought to himself as he looked at the infected either walking or running around.  He comes back down and says to Dam, "I am going to go scout for any signs of life, or perhaps even some supply's" Dam looked up at him, "...Don't get yourself killed..." he replied. Now normally he would say, "WHAT, ARE YOU DUMB? ITS TO DANGEROUS OUTSIDE!" But he really had no other choice but to say what he said, they need whatever they can find, the cafe was extremely low on food and water supply once they secured it. Dimitri flies up and starts to scout away through Canterlot for any signs of life and supply's" Dimitri only carries a M4 with one mag and a MP412 Rex with 6 shots.

Ammo count for Dam (This list will be in every action I do so I don't lose track of my ammo):

PPSH-41 - 35/71

Colt M1911 - 8/17

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Having smbeen sitting at his forge when all hell breaks loose, Stronghammer just ignored the riot, assuming it was normal, when he saw his first infected, he didnt realize how bad it was. After dispatching it with his hammer, he looked outside to check on the riot that had been yranspiring for over a day now and saw the horde. "Oh my gods, what happened? These ponies look, well just plain psychotic" as he contemplates his choices, he decides to sneak into a local cafe.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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((It's all good. I just like to stay up late and I sometimes sleep during the day.))


Trench Club looked over the city from atop the building he decided to make his base. He sealed the doors and windows on the ground floor with prick and cement so no one could get in. The only way to get in and out is by hopping over the roofs an going down a fire escape that leads to an ally, where he also sealed off with dumpsters, trash and furniture from the other buildings. It didn't seem likely that one pony could do this in a span of a day. But the truth is, Trench was already setting this up before hell happen. 


Trench could feel something was going to happen so he got to work find the right place to set up that was near the docks, food sources and tool shops. Trench was a smart pony when it came to survival. 


Trench just kept looking out over the city, wishing he was back in his homeland.

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Artorius kept running, a whole horde of infected still rampaging after him. He tried screaming out for help, but all that did was attract more infected to his location. Despite the fact he was still armed with his plank, Artorius knew it was pretty substandard protection, and that he needed to retreat elsewhere, somewhere with survivors. There had to be some, he knew it. "Help me! Somepony!" Artorius screamed out, before setting his eyes on a cafe that wasn't too far from the castle. From the looks of it, it had been barricaded and fortified only recently. Knowing what that meant, Artorius galloped to the door before banging on it frantically. "Help! Let me in!" However, no one was there, so Artorius, assuming the cafe was abandoned, instead ran towards the castle in hopes of finding sanctuary there. Unfortunately, the infected blocked the route, forcing him to detour towards another fortified building. The door and walls were sealed off with concrete, and the alleyways next to it were also sealed off. Not wanting to die a cornered pony, Artorius attempted to jump over the dumpster that blocked his path. He just barely made it, skinning his hindquarters. Praying to the Creator the bastards couldn't jump over the barricades either, Artorius dug in next to the dumpster, lying on his hooves to avoid being seen. "Creator above! What happened to these guys?!" Cried Artorius in shock. Indeed, what kind of virus drove a pony so mad with rage? "Rage......." Said Artorius, until it finally clicked in his head. What was rumored to be an urban legend turned out to be true. A Changeling's venom did indeed contain the rage virus, and by Celestia, it didn't take long for the virus to go full-on rampant.

Edited by Firebolt Blitz
  • Brohoof 1


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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(OCC)- sorry I have not been posting guys, bit as Sage stated i have been busy studying for the asvab but hey.. i passed.)

Aces High had trapped himself with the horde of infected ponies. "I just had to wake up, didn't I?" He pulled two aces (which are bombs) from his deck and tossed them into the horde and casting a shield spell. After a satisfying "BOOM!", he hefted a pipe that had been blown out of a wall and bolted, picking up his aces as he ran with one destination ... a fortified building.

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Flying away from Cloudsdale and towards Ponyville, Ace glanced upon in horror at the disorderly disorder that was going on down there. "Just exactly what the hell is going on here?" He asked, trying to focus on his flying.

"Oh, I say. children, I do believe we're in quite a spot of bother." An unknown voice said, and then Ace was like "Really!? What tipped you off, genius!?" But then another random pony starting flying beside him and was all like "HEEEY, BE NICE!". "Okay..." Ace commented. "This is getting reallllly weird..."

But then the unknown voice spoke again. "I mean, you got these voodoo nightmare princess thingies, easily the biggest crocks of sh... STUFF I've ever heard in my entire life, but I'm the dumb one, that's fine! And not just anyone can don the hat, you know? It calls out to those who embody the exemplary qualities required! Charity, bravery, handsomeness, gentle-manity, inoffensive smell, etc... And of course, proper head size. Guess that explains why cats can't wear it. Plus, who ever heard of a cat in the hat, that's preposterous."
Okay, look, Ace, I know your probably weirded out right now, and I know things may look bleak, but look on the bright side. Even the word hopeless has the word hope in it! Plus, if you rearrange the letters it spells PEE SLOSH!
Ace facehoofed. "Narrator, I mean, your funny and all, but I don't have time for your Bullsss... Nonsense!" That last part I said was probably unnecessary, I'm sorry.

After that, Ace realized he was now in Canterlot, time sure flies when your listening to a hilarious narrator.

He realized that Canterlot was the most infested. "Well, time to find out what's going on!" He said as his eyes scanned the area from his stationary position in the sky.




"Someone please get this narrator out of here... it's distracting..." Ace said.





All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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@@dusk shade,


Trench was still looking out over the city when he heard some loud booms. Thinking that it could be survivors, He tossed down a metal rope latter and climb down it with his club. He then took off running towards he heard the bombs. Making sure to go though short cuts he knew that had less infected.  When he mad it to where he heard the booms he say a pony running pretty quickly towards where he was. Trench banged the metal studs of his club on the ground to get the ponies attention. "This way!"

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Dam heard the commotion going on outside. Seeming it was a cry for help, he rushed upstairs and up onto the roof. He saw the blue pony running for his life. "Oh no you don't you bastards..." He said to himself as he took several shots at the infected chasing the poor pony. The infected look up at Dam and started to bash against the walls and barriers. The infected broke through one weak points and started to charge in after him. "Oh sh.... shish, SHISH!.... yeah... thats what I was going to say..." He exclaimed as turned his direction to the stairs the infected were charging at. Fortunately, there was a few gas bottles on the roof, it must have been used for the heating inside the place... Well, thats what Dam thought. He rolls down the gas bottles down the stairs and takes a shot at the bottle and makes a fairly big explosion. It sends Dam flying onto the streets of the infected Canterlot and the whole building collapsed.


Now, being one tough S.O.B (ITS NOT BEING OP FOR FAAF SAKES) He gets and slowly and limps away from the fired up building where the infected were swarming too. His wings are injured and probably cannot fly for sometime. "Argh.... dammit...." He said while limping away from the explosion and into an allyway. He saw two infected right infront of him, charging furiously... "Oh you... got *cough* to be kidding me..." He said while taking some more shots from his PPSH-41. After the two infected fell to their deaths, the gun clicked.... He had to reload... but he had no time... more infected were behind him chasing him down. He tryed to pull out his Colt M1911 but he couldn't, he is too injured to equip another weapon. "Ow ow ow..." He said and he turned around and started limping frantically for his life. Some infected were obviously gaining on him but luckily he saw the blue pony pass by. "Oh my Celestia this is going to hurt me..." He tried to jump and flap his wings, just barely making it over. He hurt his legs and wings even more, Dam is just bearly able to walk and fly after that. "OWWWWWwww! Madachucker!" He saw the blue pony, hoping the he would not bash his head in because of being mistaken for being one of them. "I'm *cough* not infected!" he said as he holds his hoof out to kind of shield himself

Ammo count for Dam

PPSH-41 - 0/71 (needs reloading)

Colt M1911 - 8/17

Edited by Damonater
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Stronghammer, clearly seeing the diner and the hoard, "damn, this crap is serious". He runs towards the diner, smashing the zombies with his hammer, barreling twoards the diner and yelling at the zombies for trying ti eat him. At one point he hits a zombie so hard it flies to the clouds.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Artorius peeked over the dumpster to see the brown pony, armed with two strange devices he had never seen before, limp over to him, calling out he wasn't infected. "I've got you! Come on!" Yelled Artorius, trying to stretch out his body so that his hoof could grab the pony's own. Eventually, as the infected loomed close, Artorius latched onto the pony and dragged him over the barricade, never for a moment intending to let the infected hordes have him for dinner. "There you go now, stay there. Are you hurt?" Asked Artorius, ensuring his rescue was fit for the inevitable resistance they'd have to form. At least his beliefs held out: there were survivors in Canterlot, now it was just a matter of rescuing those he could and fleeing the city with them. "My name's Artorius. I was a former paramedic at the hospital. Funny this whole thing started the day after I retired, or else, not so fortunate". Suddenly, there was a loud bang as the infected rammed against the dumpster, trying to smash the barricade open. Down the street, Artorius noticed a fire escape door, which he ran over to. Thinking quickly, he tried to open the door, only to find it locked. Fortunately, he had a Plan B; buck the door open. Throwing away his now-severed plank, Artorius turned his body until his flank faced the door, before suddenly retracting his rear hooves and smashing them into the door, which flew open. His mission complete, Artorius turned to face the wounded pegasus, standing him up on his all-fours before helping him to the door. "I'm not leaving anypony to die, don't you worry".


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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Aces High quickly changed course to the direction he heard tje pony calling from. He vould tell from about 20 feet away that the new ponywas not infected so he increased his speef to meet up with his new ally. "My name's Aces High... best gambler this side of anywhere. And you are.."?

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Ace looked down to see two ponies talking to each other, one of them looked like he was wearing a poker chip around his neck.
"Is that someone else like me who's skilled in card games?" He asked, flying down to greet them. Ace hoped these ponies would give him more answers as to what was going on, and why everyone was rioting with rage. He closed the distance and landed on the ground, slowing down to a halt as he switched to walking on his strong hooves. Ace rarely flew, so his hooves were as strong as an Earth Pony.

Edited by Shadowking58


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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Dam could not say anything as he was beginning to feel slightly dizzy. Not due to any infection, just from the explosion. His ears were ringing due to the explosion from that cafe and the noise of his weapons weren't helping at all. He hobbled over to fire door and began to follow Artorius. "Just keep going, I will follow and cover you!" He said while trying to equip his pistol.

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Stronghammer kept swinging his hammer tobget through the hoard, eventually seinga blue pony carrying an injured pegasus. Yelling to them and fighting his way over, he gets bucked, rigjt in the chest. "Ok that ain't funny, I think O cracked a rib." Ad he says this, he two hands his hammer and sends the attacker flying, the attacker landing next to the blue pony in a mangled heap. "Now it hurts to breath, but I have to catch up. Hey wait up, Im ot one of these freaks."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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@@dusk shade,


"No time to talk. Run!" Trench said as he slammed his club into an infected that almost attacked Aces from behind. He then grabbed Aces and hoisted him on his back. He knew he would out run the stallion along with the infected. He then took off running as fast as he could back to his safe house. After booking though they he did before he could see that he was almost to his safe house.

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Before Artorius could go through the fire escape door, behind the pegasus he saw a minotaur coming towards them, smashing the oncoming infected away with his hammer. He too was shouting that he was uninfected, which was obvious to Artorius. But what was even more important was that Artorius's resistance could use a minotaur. His strength would have great use against the hordes. "Come this way, quickly!" Artorius opened the dumpster, frantically scouring for whatever projectiles he could use against the infected that were piling their way towards the barricade. Unfortunately there were none, but Artorius, being the intelligent he was, had a Plan B. He disengaged the dumpster's wheel locks in order to use it as a battering ram. "Heeeeere's Arty!" Yelled Artorius, before charging at the infected hordes. Behind the dumpster, there was a series of loud thumps and bangs as the infected got smashed into oblivion. The plan worked; Artorius had managed to buy the minotaur valuable time to retreat into the alley. Thinking quickly, he followed behind him, intending to lock the barricade once more. The question remained however; would he survive the onslaught? Artorius would have to find out as he reached the barricade, putting the dumpster in place. "Pegasus! Cover me! I have to lock the dumpster's wheels again!"


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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"Okay pal ya' could put me down sometime", Aces High said in an irratated tone. "I don't enjoy being pony-handled and I am perfectly capable of runnin' on my own, thank ya' kindly", Aces said as he jumped the pony's back and began teleporting alongside him. "Sorry, nothin'personal, this just feels more natural ta' me".

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"I suppose they didn't hear me the FIRST TIME!" Ace whispered, a little bit aggravated. But, when he saw them being snuck upon from behind, he knew that had a good reason to run, he saw one of them hit the zombie and flee. "I suppose I'll just have to meet up with them some other way..." Ace spit on the ground and lowered his hat, trying to take in his surroundings, he knew he could be attacked from any angle, and since he still didn't know what was going on, he decided to play it safe.

"Think about it, if it wasn't for Spitfire, I probably wouldn't have as keen an eye as I do... Listen to me, talking to myself..." Strangely, on the other side of the building he was near, he could hear some commotion. "I-Is that... the sound of a dumpster moving?" Luckily for him, the back alley was full of ridiculous smells, so it'd be hard for the infected to detect him by smell.

He ran over to where he heard the dumpster, and saw a forecoming infected running the other way, but quickly picked up his scent and turned around. "OH SH-" Before he could finish, he heard a bullet fire and the infected fell onto the ground a few feet away from him. He caught a quick gimpse of a pony with a M1911 as a cutie mark.
"Whew..." Ace was shaking. But he managed to call out to the blue pony with the thunderbolt infront of him, seeing as the other one was occupied with shooting...

Edited by Shadowking58


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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((OOC: The following is apart of him, this will only be temporary and has a massive cooldown time))


Dam began to feel frustrated and somewhat angry. He thoughts of anger and pain while grunting and hobbling towards Artorius to cover his flank from attack. "You better hurry up with that! Theres alot more coming this way!!" His mane and eyes started to light up in blue and black flames slowly as he drawed out his pistol. He looked at the charging infected, "DIE YOU FLESHLESS SACK MAGGOTS!" He shouted as he shoots the infected with perfect precision and aim at the head. He lets out a mighty yet demonic 'Wargh' very loudly due to his pain and the anger inside of him. The infected slow down only just slightly due to that roar. Only by asking Dam will revel why he has done this.


Ammo Count
PPSH-41 - 0/71

Colt M1911 - 5/10

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Still running towards the blue pony,e Stronghammer keeps hitting the zombies with punishing blows. "You freaks, I thought ponies ate grass, I guess nopony told these ones." Jumping onto the dumpster, he smashes two zombies with a wide swing of his hammer. "Well hello mr. blue, the names Stronghammer and what the hell are these things?"

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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@@dusk shade,


 Trench didn't say anything else as he kept running till they reached the safe house. He ran up to the rope latter. "Up here." He quickly climbed up the latter and waited for the new pony to climb up as well. Most ponies would just leave others to find for themselves. But trench tried to help as much as possibly.

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"Greetings Stronghammer" Replied Artorius to the minotaur. "My name is Artorius and these things are, or rather they were ponies infected by a virus only I know of. I'll tell you more about it once we get inside". Just as he finished talking, Artorius noticed a black pegasus with bright green hair, armed with a bow and arrow, coming his way. "Come on, get over here!" Yelled Artorius, flagging the pegasus down so he could get inside. However, the infected were now very close, and on the verge of crowding the barricade. Not wanting to stick around, Artorius ran over to Dam, hoisting the injured pegasus on his back, planning on making a run for the fire escape door. "Come on, we gotta move. Stronghammer, help me here!". 


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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