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@@Eloquence@@Loud Opinion,@



He smiled at her and gave the mare a slight bow. 


"Dark Star, at your service Ma'am.


Still being a bit dull after the teleport he decided to turn to his appearance. He fixed his bow-tie and his gentelcolt-y posture, putting a hoof behind his back. 


"So, how is everyone enjoying this gala so far?


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@@Lightning Bliss


Antler noticed the blush on the alicorn cheeks. His compliment was successful. Perhaps he just needed a bit more confidence.


He heard Lightning question, noticing that she was doing her best to don't push it. Perhaps by opening himself he could help the alicorn get more comfortable?


"Yeah, miss. It's pretty challenging." He answered with a nod, before continuing: "The tundra is tough, but we are tougher. My father always told me this. The tundra made us tough, just so that we could survive in her embrace."


"We are all fighters. And we like fighting. We like challenges." Little Antler said, now feeling kinda proud. "I may be small, but my father said that I am thicker than everyone from my age. And I guess... that is part of me?"


"So don't feel uncomfortable by asking this." Little Antler answered with a smile, all his previous shyness leaving him. "I am satisfied with my roots, with the things I did... and there is still a lot more I want to accomplish too."


He stopped talking for a bit, before continuing: "Share things from pony life? Okay. Let me see..."


He thought for a bit, trying to figure out something interesting to say. He finally remembered something that was bugging him for some time. He asked: "Miss, what is a train?"

Edited by Little Antler

Little Antler Profile: here

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@@Little Antler,


Oh wow, he really isn't from around here, she told herself as he asked the question.


"A train? Well um," she rubbed her head, wondering how to phrase the definition of 'train' without overwhelming him, "a train is a moving vehicle, on wheels, that runs on a track. It's made of metal and wood, and runs on...um, these black stones called coal, and wood. Sometimes they run on steam too. And alot of trains are cargo holders, but in most cases they are a form of transportation. Some ponies here have to travel a great distance...and sometimes have to take these trains, in order to save time."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


"Hmm, I think I got it.", he said, giving her a nod. "I was wondering because I saw some metal and wood lines in at the base of the snowy mountains. My father told me that they belonged to a train, saying it was some kind of metal transport. He didn't tell me how it moved through."


He shrugged a bit, before continuing. "Then I saw a train here. It seemed like a huge monster made of metal squares. I wondered if it was something alive or possibly animated."


"From what you told me, it's kinda like a lantern? It does something as long it's has fuel?", he asked.

Little Antler Profile: here

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@@Little Antler,


"Exactly," Bliss nodded, "if you understand that concept easier. It's like that yes, long as it has fuel, and its meant to carry passengers and cargo. Maybe you could take one back to your homelands when you want to head back." She pawed the ground some, then quickly levitated two drinks filled with fruit punch and handed a glass to him.


"I wish I could go to the Tundra, but... let's just say I love the cold, but it doesn't love me very much... I get sick really easy in the cold." She grinned a bit cheekily, not feeling too ashamed of that disability. "I think it was because I was raised one half of my young live in Cloudsdale, the rest in Appleloosa. But anyways, on the topic of trains. I suppose I don't use them too often myself. I got these after all *she flexed her wings* and I have a husband who has a...well a particular magic that enables us to travel long distances... But I won't go into that just yet."


Now that she was thinking about it more and more in the back of her mind, Bliss couldn't help but wonder how the Caribu tribes didn't know about the Equestrians. Did Princess Celestia even have rule reach in their areas? I wonder what kind of government they have?


"So your people still live in tribes... what form of leadership, or government do you all follow? Who is your lead or Princess I should say." She asked not realizing she just opened a door slightly.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


"Got it, miss.", he answered with a nod.


'Taking a train?', he thought. While the idea sounded pretty cool, his father would probably have an attack if he arrived with that thing. He wasn't sure if a huge metal vehicle would be useful in the snow, either. It seemed... kinda cumbersome.


"Miss? Taking a train?" He asked. "We use coal for making metal tools... but I think that it would take a really big amount of coal to make that thing walk."


Hearing about her cold sickness, he saw a connection. "Really? You cannot take the cold? My father told me that we caribou work the opposite: it's the warm weather that hurts us. I usually don't feel much cold, really. My body is always pretty warm."


"Right." He said, admiring her wings. "I guess those really help. Flying must be so awesome."


"Well, each of our houses have chieftains... or jarls, if you prefer. They all answer to the high king. The high king is usually the most able, wise and stronger between all of us, his house being the strongest one too.", he explained. "He mostly takes care of his own house however, only stepping in when there is a conflict or a menace that affects all of us."

Edited by Little Antler

Little Antler Profile: here

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@@Little Antler,


"A King, a King of the Caribu, it sounds like a fairy tale," she smiled and sipped her punch, unknowingly beginning to day dream about visiting one of the tribes he described.


She wondered what their life style was like...Free and strong, running from place to place in a big migration similar to that of the buffalo.


"That is interesting, I guess the Caribu people own their own lands then...no wonder Princess Celestia and Luna probably didn't mention it... I guess the caribu like their privacy." She smiled, "A shame you can't handle the heat so well, in Ponyville, when it's spring, it's one of the most beautiful places in Equestria."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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"A teleporting pony, an alicorn with enemies, what the hell is next? Like what is a deer? I would laugh, because knowing how this is going on, it will probably happen. Well, you have missed the interesting parts, other than that I am freaking out, my magic has recharged enough to perform the show." (I was gonna shedvthe second show, but a friend of mine is reading.it and convinced me to keep it.)

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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@@Lightning Bliss

"Huh huh, miss. I guess so.", he frowned. "The chieftain once said that foreigners were usually followed by trouble. He told me that it's better that everyone stay in their own territories."


Little Antler noticed that he hadn't started drinking the glass that the alicorn had gave him. He hadn't even noticed it, just putting it on a nearby table. He looked at it: it seemed a little thin for someone who didn't have fingers. His people knew how to make glasses, but they were usually thick. That helped them a lot with grabbing with their hooves.

'Well, those without horns and wings can do it...', he thought to himself. He picked the glass with his two front hooves and stared at it for a few seconds. Normally he would use his tongue to drink the contents, but he hasn't sure that would be very polished. He decided to just quickly turn it on his mouth, drinking the contents on a single gulp. The taste was pretty good, clearly beating snow berry wine.


Resting the glass on the table, he answered: "Spring? Hmm... where I live there are some plants who only sprout on spring. The tundra gets pretty beautiful too. Now I wonder how your spring look like?"


"Everything is so beautiful here." He smiled.

Little Antler Profile: here

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@@Little Antler,


She smiled back, seeing he had clearly enjoyed the new drink.


"You don't have to call me Miss you know," she winked at him, "in fact I insist you refer to me as Blissy. I prefer it, most of my friends call me that rather then Prin-" she caught herself, pretending to cough on her drink some. "I mean, I just prefer to be called that in general. But anyways, so..."


She pondered for a moment, and levitated a seat over for her to sit better to make the conversation continue more comfortably.


"I guess then... your leaders don't approve of ponies visiting...they seem very...shy or...fearful almost?" She asked in a wondering why question. "I guess... it's understandable if you want to protect your ways. But now that I know this, why is it that you ventured out then? Don't you believe what your leaders say? What your father says?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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Belle Slowly got up. "I-I'm fine." She said with her face still read. "It's been a long time since I've been in a scrap like that." She chuckles lightly. Then she looked at the dried mud on her body. He rubs a little of it in her hoof.  He faces twitched a bit. "I hope you're not mad at me for starting that fight. I-Shit! I can get really mad sometimes when someone bothers my friends. And sometimes my anger gets the better of me."

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@@Lightning Bliss


"Ah yes, miss. No, I mean Blissy." He quickly corrected himself. "I am kinda of used at saying miss... but I will remember to call you Blissy."


"At least I will try." He nodded.


"Well, I think they are used in living on our territory alone. I had heard some stories about bad blood, something from much time ago..." He said, trying to recollect. "But I am not very familiar with them. I just know that my elders said that the tundra belonged to us, the green belonging to others. Some kind of deal or pact I guess."


When she asked why he was away from home, he jumped a bit. He didn't necessarily want to answer that question... but decided that it was better to just spill the beans. "I just... I guess I just wanted to see something different. I wanted to see how the green looked like. So I left."


"I knew it could be dangerous, but I am confident in myself, miss... no, I mean Blissy." He said, giving another nod. "I really didn't know what to expect here... but I am not afraid of getting hurt either!"


"I just like the feeling of adventure.", he smiled. "If the green is as dangerous as they said, I want to face it."

Edited by Little Antler

Little Antler Profile: here

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@@Little Antler,


"The green? The lands of Equestria? Dangerous?" She giggled some, "well we aren't without our occassional chimera or dragon that come up now and again. I know the Everfree forest has timberwolves and diamond dogs, but they tend to keep to the woods. Long as you don't venture in you should be fine." She lapped at her drink then continued, "of course... Equestria has seen its day of terrainy and threats. In fact not too long ago, a creature known as Tirek, invaded our lands, and tried to take it over... He absorbed all the magic from the unicorns...the ability of flight from the pegasi, and the strength of the earth ponies... I even heard rumor he somehow absorbed all the alicorn princesses magic at once..."


She hadn't caught herself that time, she was too indepth with the story to realize she'd actually acknowledged that alicorns were Princesses.


"I was away overseas at the time he invaded. But thankfully our own Princess Twilight and her friends, found a magical power to defeat Tirek and send him back to a place call "Tartarus". I know now the town known as Ponyville, is a kingdom sight of Friendship from what I was told." She nodded and sipped again. "But don't take heed in thinking our lands are constantly under threat. We are mostly a very peaceful place."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss 


"Dragons... well, I am familiar with ice drakes. They usually give a lot of trouble before being moved." He giggled. "Where is this Everfree Forest? It could be interesting give a look at it. Also, is this 'Tartarus' some kind of prison?"


"That really seems very challenging Blissy." He smiled. "I couldn't suspect this, by watching those colorful buildings and roads. You guys must do a lot of work to keep this place safe."


It was then that something caught his mind. "Wait... are you a princess too?" Antler asked. "You did say that you were an alicorn. Do you have our own kingdom... or are you the daughter of a king?"

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@@Little Antler,


Bliss went wide eyed in shock, then her face slowly turned to dissapointment and sadness, her face turning a cute shade of pink.


"Gah...I slipped up..." she sighed, "I didn't want to say anything...But...yes I am... I'm Princess Lightning Bliss...Alicorn of Peace...it was supposedly why I ascended in the first place." She rubbed her head, feeling awkward and out of place now that she told the little caribu this fact.


"I don't like to talk about it...because I don't want to be treated differently." She explained, "I'm sorry I wasn't truthful with you earlier...I just...didn't want you to see me as some big pony who commands more respect then others... I don't really." She again rubbed her head, a bit harder this time, feeling more awkward by the second. "My father isn't a King, he was just a regular pegasi, like I used to be...Then during a serious of events involving war, and my marriage, I managed to stop a battle between two peoples, between the gryphons and the draconequus...Somehow that apparently forced me to ascend." She then lightly tilted her rump to the caribu, not in a flirting way, but for display purposes only.


"You see...this is my cutiemark," she pointed at the rainbow heart with a lightning bolt going down the middle, "it represents my spontanious love of many things and beings...but not so much as my love for peace and equality amongst all of us beings that live in our world... I can't stand hate and segregation... Probably why I'm a little saddened that your people aren't interested in meeting Equestrians."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


"Princess of peace?" He repeated, before continuing: "I see... that is your title because of what you do. Those from my clan also get their titles because of their deeds. My father for example is known as the Bane of Anthropoids... because he managed to defeat a frostbite spider all by himself."


"So you don't have subjects? Your nobility remains on title?", he asked, before adding with a smile: "A princess... even if you have no kingdom, what you told me is a pretty big feat. You shouldn't be worried about it, you deserved it."


Looking at Bliss' cutie-mark, he added: "I noticed that you guys had those stamps on your backs some time ago... I take that it's like our tattoos. When I get older I hope to get a pretty cool one."


"I think that perhaps they enjoy being for themselves. I am not so sure the reason of why through.", he answered with a frown, then continuing: "But I really wish that didn't make you sad, Blissy."

Little Antler Profile: here

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@@Little Antler,


"I suppose it's becaues I'm afraid of being treated differently..." she tried to explain, "I was treated differently since I was born...because I was born with large ears and a tail. Other fillies and colts made fun of me for them."


"But don't take it the wrong way, I didn't let it get to me! I just, found ways to get through it that's all, like finding many loves in hobbies." She smiled, trying to cover the fact her past did hurt her some. "But becoming a princess to add to the fact...kinda made things a bit harder for me. Now I'm kinda standing out more then I like to. Granted....I don't necissarly have a Kingdom, or a Castle like the other Princesses...My duty as a royal is needed where I'm needed or wanted. Equestria is my castle and kingdom I guess you could say."


She sipped the last of her punch, sat it down, and sighed a bit, feeling like a weight was lifted off now that she wasn't hiding the fact of her status.


"So, your kind are given cutie marks too? Do they appear on your rumps like ours? You see when we're fillies or colts, we don't necissarly know what to do with our lives or destinies...we don't know what our talents are... So we go on a life journey to find them...And then one day it just happends... You realize what you're meant to do in this world...and then it appears."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


"Being treated different... I know that feel." He said with a frown. He stopped a little, remembering about his homeland... he then continued: "I got beat a lot for being small. I always were small, smaller than all the other kids... so I was a easy target for them."


"But I grew through it. My father kept teaching me how to defend, how to protect myself. They left me alone when I learned how to fend them back." He answered with a smile. "It made me strong, and they respected me for it."


"About our marks... we get them when we complete a great feat. The elder or chieftain draws them in winter dye, which makes them pretty hard to remove. It's not... as magical as you described yours, Blissy." He replied. He then looked down a little, before adding: "I don't have one of those... just like I don't have title... because I still haven't completed a deed."


"I guess that I am like your fillies and colts, on a life journey to find it." He then continued, suddenly bringing a happy smile out of nowhere: "But I think it's going pretty well. I have seen so much new stuff! I really like here a lot."

Edited by Little Antler

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@, @@Gloomfury,  


The light green mare's face softened. "It's alright. I understand how difficult it is to reign in one's emotions when one is being so antagonized. I would suggest not doing it again though, I wouldn't want any of us to get hurt."


She looked up from her now-conscious friend at Mirror and giggled. "Personally, I look forward to seeing what comes next. This night may have been strange, but strange is interesting, and I like things that are interesting."

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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"Trust me, I yave already found what interests me. And like you said, I like interesting. Then again, I wouldn't live in ponyville if I didn't, whenever that pink one comes by, dear celestia, I rlam always ready to run. But this wouldn't be a party without some craziness niw would it?"

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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@@Little Antler,


"Well I would say you're completing a deed right now!" She smiled with a beam of realization, "you are in a new land, exploring and learning more of this place. You will bring back new information to your people! If that isn't a deed I don't know what is! You can even tell them that you..." she paused a moment and blushed abit, turning her head to the side, "you could tell them you even spoke to a Princess I suppose..."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


"Hmm..." He stopped, thinking a bit about it. While it seemed like something unique, he knew that wasn't what the caribou tribe demanded.


"Thank you a lot Blissy..." He answered with a frown, adding:  "...but I don't think they would consider this a feat. The other caribous feats usually involved life threatening danger. Like getting trapped in a cavern without supplies... grappling with a yeti... facing an ice elemental."


"I dunno... I feel like it needs to be... riskier?", he completed.

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@@Little Antler,


She blinked at him...then quickly realized that the caribu weren't any ordinary folks like ponies. They symbolized their feats on real risk or heroic tasks. She nodded to him and glared down at her golden hooves, wondering what she could say. She didn't like the idea of the first outsider caribu, she ever met, tangle with risky animals like a chimera or a timber wolf...but she didn't like the idea of him going home empty hoofed on a deed he should be trying to complete.


"I'm sorry I can't help you there then..." she finally spoke, "I mean, I'm all for helping anypony or caribu...but...putting you into a life threatning situation, just so you can be granted a deed to be noble enough of your success...seems...unfair and dangerous. I just don't like the idea of you getting hurt, or me being responsible for it for that matter."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


"Ah, don't worry about it.", Antler replied. He could see in Lightning's face that she was worried, which made him feel bad. He didn't want to make her worry about his problems. "This is a path I need to take myself. I don't want to put it on you."


"Besides there is always plenty of adventure to be found. And I am in no rush to accomplish it either." He said with a smile, adding: "I also have a personal mission, so I am not actually lacking in ideas. You could say I am taking a time from it."

Little Antler Profile: here

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@@Rainbow Eclipse


Antler stares at... he had no idea who that guy was. Or where he came from. Or how he heard what they were talking about.


He looked at the stallion: he had a red coat, with gold mane and brown eyes. Scratching his antler, he wasn't sure of how he should react. Besides, why was the stallion inquiring such thing about himself? Was he a guard or something?


His father once told him: when unsure of what to do it's always better to stop and listen. After thinking for a moment he replied with a question: "Huh... who are you sir?"

Little Antler Profile: here

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