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private Grand Galloping Gala Role-play

Your Nightly Spectre

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@@@Lightning Bliss,


Eloquence furrowed her brow at the tension between the two, then stepped out somewhat between the two ponies. 


"I think your magic is very noble, Lightning Bliss. I could feel the peace it brought, the warmth and joy it could give. If Chase refused such a thing, then I don't think it could be forced, or should."


She then turned to Dark Star. "Your desire to befriend the troubled stallion is noble as well. I cannot say whether his heart would ever yield to your friendship, the heart is a stubborn thing, but if Discord could open up to friendship, then perhaps he could too." She looked down with a sigh. "Even if I can't say I want to forgive him now, I do have hope that he will find peace."


She considered the two ponies before her, the self-unassured mare and the prideful stallion. She wondered if she would get any sort of acknowledgement from Star for what she had done, but she decided not to worry about it. He had other things on his mind. Instead, she briefly rested a hoof on his shoulder, doing her best to respect his personal space. "You were very brave Star." She placed her other hoof on Bliss' shoulder, "As were you, Lightning Bliss. I don't doubt that when the time comes that you must face Chase once and for all, or any enemy for that matter, you will succeed."

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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@@Eloquence,@@Lightning Bliss,  


"I didn't mean to offend you, Princess. It was meant to be a joke. "


He faced both of them. 


"Bliss is his target, a target reaching its assassin to ask for friendship is a stupid thing. But, I am a 3rd party, the only quarrel he has with me is that I am a friend of Bliss, but, I managed to get a draw in the duel, meaning we might find each other as equals... We are also both of nobility. I hope it makes some sense, I am feeling tired from the night and the pain isn't helping in thinking."


A guard came up around the corner and to Dark Star, he was very alerted by his state but he found it that Star had everything under control at the moment and was in good hands. Many of the guards knew Star from his rouge justice missions where he assisted the City Guard. But, he still had a worried look on his face as he handed Dark Star a letter and spoke. 


"Important letter for you, I was asked to deliver this straight from Captain Shining Armor. He also asked that you open it once you leave the Gala. " 


Dark Star grew concerned with what was written inside, but at his current state and Shinings warning he just tucked it under his bow-tie, but still kept thinking about it. 


"Alright, Soldier, thank you, I believe you are dismissed. " 


The soldier moved away and Star kept his hoof on the letter, really wanting to open it but still taking the warning seriously. He turned back to Bliss and Eloquence. 


"Bliss, you need to help me find Chase. "


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@, @@Eloquence,


(OOC, NO I am NOT leaving this RP as long as its still going, so what I say now is just for the atmosphere and Bliss's own reactions, feel free to follow or stop her.)


Bliss's eyes watched the solider with interest as he spoke of Prince Shining Armor and handing the note to DarkStar. She was just as curious to read what the Prince had to say to her newest addition of a friend..but knew better then to question his own business. But then when she heard him say "We must find Chase," her eyes went wide with shock...then quickly turned into a firm frown.


"No way, no how sir," she stomped her hoof firmly and turned away. "I am tired...I'm fed up with this night...I've watched ponies get hurt and you nearly broke every bone in your body because of a situation that's between me and a formal school bully. I want to go home...not go on some adventure to find some rogue stallion who has it out for me!"


She started towards where the guard came from, every word she meant lingered in her mind.


All she wanted to do was to get home, and see her beloeved Nights Hoopla...take a warm silky bubble bath and curl up in bed. She did stop however for a moment to turn to Eloquence.


"If you have anything to say on this Eloquence, it should be to just come with me. Luna had an escort carry me home, I'm sure you could come with me. The pegasus guards can fly you home in hop, skip and a jump."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@@Lightning Bliss,  


((I'm not exactly sure what to do about this. I was under the impression we were ending things, at least it seemed like we were all implying as much, not to mention our cast of characters now sits at just us three, and has for a while. I don't know what you two want here, if you want to keep going for this apparent whole other arc or make a quick resolution with Chase or what, but it might be good if we all got on the same page, I think)


Eloquence turned her head from Star to Bliss as they spoke, listening to each of them with concern.


"I think we've been through a lot tonight as it is, more than our fair share to be certain. It is very generous of you to offer me a ride home, Lightning Bliss. However, I am not one to leave without hearing a pony out. Dark Star, why is it that you are suggesting we return to where we left an extremely angry vengeful stallion humiliated and sprawled upon the pavement?"

Edited by Eloquence

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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"Well, the.name Mirror Image, it is nice to meet, Miss?" He asks, extending his hoof, and dipping his head in a bow. "Honestly im surprised they let a stage performer from ponyville even do his act here at tje grand galloping gala." He laughs a light little chuckle.

Clockwork glanced at the two ponies having fun. Then she glared at every other high class mare and stallion noticing them just standing there making themselves seem fancy. "Next up on the stage is Wild Spade!" yelled the announcer. "I guess it's your time to shine Spade! Do your best!" Clockwork said trying to do some pep talk. Instead, Wild ran on stage without saying goodbye. She glanced back at the two ponies and finally built up the courage to go talk to them. "Hello m- I mean m-ma'm and sir. My name is Clockwork McTickery and I am a very high c-class mare from P-p-pon-yvil-lle. Please don't think that I-I am filthy!" Clockwork said trying to make the best impression. The mare chuckled at the sight of her work uniform but this time, Clockwork noticed. "Hey um you don't mind if I ask? Do you think you have a suit I can borrow?" Mirror asked awkwardly. "Nah, I don't have one. My uncle has a whole closet full of them stored in the castle! If you would like, K could go get one for you?!" Clockwork asked hoping for an immediate answer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Eloquence,@@Lightning Bliss,  


"Actually, I was pointing out something we should do in the future. " 


He lost his energy filled aura and getting a bit depressed. 


"I keep getting misunderstood, I believe Bliss-y has been thought a lot tpday. I believe I will leave the Gala too... before I hurt someone again by accident. " 


He turned towards the path that led to the exit. 


"Was my honor. Have a nice year. " 


He lit up his horn and materialized a black cloak with a hood around himself. Putting the hood over his head he faced back to Eloquence, gave her a bow and slowly begun backing away towards the entrance, since he found that turning around would be rude. 

Edited by TheDarkStar
  • Brohoof 1


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"Wait...please wait!" Bliss turned and fluttered over to Dark, blocking his way, spreading her wings out to block further for insurence. "I don't want this night to end like this...It's not exactly been a...best night ever for anypony here I think..." She sighed and folded her wings down.


"If you want to leave I won't stop you, I just wish...there was a better way for us to depart...then like this..." She pointed to Dark then to herself and Eloquence. "Feelings of regret and dispair...remorse and...misunderstood." Her large ears gave way and flopped next to her cheeks, "Is there nothing we can do to make up for this evening before we go back to our normal lives?"

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@, @@Lightning Bliss


Eloquence stared sadly at the two downtrodden ponies for a moment, but soon perked up her ears as an idea struck her. "I think I know just the thing! That is, if you would both be so kind as to follow me. It's a bit of a walk, but I promise it's worth it."


((Pardon me for taking a bit of control of your characters for a moment. If either of you don't approve I'll go back and change it))


She led them through the gardens, over winding paths or sometimes no paths at all, eventually ducking into the trees entirely and coming out in a small clearing. The clearing was surrounded by trees so that it felt secluded and enclosed, but above opened up so that the night sky could be seen unobstructed. The ground was covered in thick grass and beautiful flowers, and the whole area looked as if a garden had been meticulously planted and then allowed to spread and grow wild to its heart's content for generations. Birds and other small creatures could be heard all around, and in the center stood a marble statue of Princess Luna.


"I hope you won't tell on me Bliss, but I, well, I used to sneak into the gardens when I was a filly. They were just so beautiful, and I loved exploring them and finding inspiration in what I found. When I came across this place, it quickly became my favorite place in the garden, and maybe even in all of Equestria. It always made me feel so safe and serene." She regarded the statue. "I can't say for sure why that statue is there, but I do have an idea. I think Princess Celestia must have brought it here shortly after Luna's banishment. I think it must have been too hard for her to see it every day, but, she wanted it to be in a good place, a peaceful place, just like she wanted her sister to find peace. Thinking that, it made me feel like there must be something special in this place, like that act of love after being so betrayed sewed its own seeds here."


She turned back to them. "It isn't much, but it's quiet and peaceful, and I thought maybe it would help."

  • Brohoof 2

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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@@Eloquence,@@Lightning Bliss,  


At this point he was still downed, and all he could think about was leaving, but stopping for a second he decided to give in one last time and go along. Besides, Bliss made somewhat a point, even if making this night a good one didn't really matter to him at this point. 


Following Eloquence he found the path confusing, but after a short while he understood where he was going, after all he knew whole Canterlot better then he knew himself. The Gardens he know of but never really visited himself, just like everyone else in the city, or at least so he thought. 


Upon entering he didn't find any sort of excitement. Plants never amused him much, same with birds. He just looked around but decided to stay quiet. He still had his cloak on, and was not in any way more filled with joy. The wild Garden made him feel somewhat uncomfortable, but he tried to not give it away. 


"So, as a foal you snuck inside here? You surprise me Mrs. Eloquence. "

Edited by TheDarkStar
  • Brohoof 1


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Eloquence tilted her head and gave a small smile. "Not much of a nature pony, are you Star? Well, at least I could surprise you a little. I just hope you don't mind being here, I would be happy to walk you back to the castle if you would like." Ellipsis hopped off her head and flew into a nearby tree. Eloquence watched him and let out a light snort. "While I'm confessing things..." she started. "I came into and left the garden alone every time, except the last one, when I was about to start my first job as a columnist and felt I shouldn't be sneaking around here anymore. I came in alone as usual, but someone came out with me..." She nodded towards the bird buzzing around his former home.

  • Brohoof 1

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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@, @@Eloquence,


Bliss followed the two into this secret little wild garden and took in its sweet aroma. This indeed was a relaxing place and she was going to lay and soak in every inch of it. She laid down a few feet from the other two on a fluffier patch of grass sniffing a rose next to her while she listened to the other two talk. Upon conclusion of Eloquence explaining how she came to know of this place, and her so called pet, she couldn't help but giggle.


"I see...so this is where you found your little bird friend?" She smiled to the beauitful humming bird as he looked to be trying to find an old nest of his. "I don't have a unique story about my pets, other then I lost three of them some time ago due to age. But my other three, well I adopted them from a local animal shelter, or home I should say...The pony was Fluttershy. She rescued two of my pets from a ravenous fat serpent when they were too sick to flee. She just SWOOPED IN and snatched them up! Quite the hero she was."


She fiddled with the ground a little.


"My pets are actually rats. My cute little pocket animals." She smiled.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Eloquence,@@Lightning Bliss,

"You won't need to escort me back to the castle, as much as I am not a fan of nature. When I think about what this place is to you, it makes it feel a bit more special. "

He actually did feel it a bit more now, but not because of the nature but because of what it can be and was for ponies. 

"Also, on the topic of animals. As a foal the family that brought me in after my parents "incident" didn't have any animals. I used to find favor in a cat that sometimes visited our backyard guard. I would observe it and leave food. Then, one time I decided to aproach the animal, maybe show him to my parents, try to bring him in. The darn thing decided that instead of running away he would attack me first, which was unusual for one of those beasts. He hurt me and my father shoo'd him off. The cat never came back again, and I was a bit disappointed. "

Dark Star was slowly getting tired of standing from all the walking and his past wounds that still caused him pain. He decided to sit down on the grass.

"Then I just didn't have time for an animal, Academy and all, then my life as a Watchman and exile, and then now I just didn't get around to even thinking about getting an animal. "

Star sighed.

"There, here I go again, talking all about myself and how sad my past was. I can't help it, I just sometimes do it around trusted people. "

Edited by TheDarkStar


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@@Lightning Bliss@,


((Just a side note Bliss, I happen to have a rat too :) ))


"I'm sure your pets are lovely Bliss. Rats are very smart and affectionate creatures, I may have one myself, but given my constant travels I am mainly limited to creatures that can keep up with me, or out-speed me in my pet's case. As for you Star, I understand your decision. A pet is quite the commitment, they need care and attention, and if you feel unable to provide that than not having a pet is really the best choice. And, it's alright to talk about yourself a bit you know. Personally I am honored to be one of your trusted ponies, as you put it."


Eloquence, feeling very much at ease in her surroundings, gave up all interest in proper posture and flopped over in the grass, laying on her back. Ellipsis returned to her and perched on one of her hind-hooves.

  • Brohoof 1

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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@, @@Eloquence,


Bliss giggled as the bird perched itself on its owners hoof as she turned to DarkStar and spread a gentle smile.


"It's alright to talk about the past if it still hurts you DarkStar," she added in after Eloquence finished, "my mother always told me that talking about what makes you sad, helps to get it all out. That way, more happier thoughts can move in to fill up that space. So by all means, get it all out. I hope once you do, you'll start to feel better."


Feeling the need to be just as eased as Eloquence, Bliss rolled to her side, then scratched her back against the grass like pigs would do in the mud. Yawning quite boastfully, she flipped to her other side and shook her mane, now it sticking here and there with blades of grass tangled in her rainbow highlights.


"Maybe one day though you may find that perfect pet?" She added in hopefully, "that perfect pet that can keep up with your lifestyle and emotions."

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,@@Eloquence,  


"I doubt there is any pet that can keep up with my life style exempt a Honey Badger... You should get one to fight off Chase for you. He'd stand no chance. " 


He gave away a short laugh. Not really sure if the other ponies understood the joke. 


Seeing that everyone was just lying down he decided to do it to. Making his cloak into a pillow he carefully lied himself down since anything too drastic would hurt a lot. 


"So, any of you got families of your own? "


He felt a bit awkward asking that question, but it passed since he got to the fact that it was a very normal question to ask. 


"Also, doing anything this Hearths Warming Eve(This is how I would call Christmas in Equestria : ) Since we really don't know what it is.) ? " 


[About the honey badger, in case you didn't get it. ]


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@, @@Lightning Bliss,  


"I do, though I don't see as much of them any more. I... don't get along as well as other ponies might with the other members of my family, exempting my father that is. We don't fight or anything but, there's just some estrangement that I don't think we are likely to get past. As for Hearth's Warming Eve, I usually have a party to go to. Champagne Wishes, my best friend that is, she throws amazing Hearth's Warming Eve parties. Why do you ask?"

Fluttershy - Eloquence - Chamomile - Ginseng - Lovestruck

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@, @@Eloquence,


"I wish my father would be here on Hearth's Warming Eve...he died when was younger, when I was still a pegasus..." She pawed the ground she laid on for a moment, then abruptly changed the subject back. "I have my pets, and my husband Nights Hoopla. In theory we would start our own Hearth's Warming Eve traditions but...since we don't have children of our own...Most likely he and I will travel down to Appleloosa to spend with my mother and stepfather, Gentle Feather and Shy Hammer. More likely my sisters and brothers will come down for the holiday as well. Least I hope it will!"


She spotted a lovely looking lily flower, and happily levitated off its stem and swallowed it whole.


"Why do you ask DarkStar?" She added in with Eloquence, "you have plans?"

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,@@Eloquence,  


"Reason why I am asking is actually because I actually don't have any plans, am thinking of them, especially since the holiday is quite near. " 


Star looked around at the birds, they were relatively silent. Then again it was night after all, and not really their season.

Some of them were sleeping, some still flew around from tree to tree somewhat disturbed by his presence.


 "I haven't really done anything for Hearths Warming Eve since the 1st year of Academy. For various reasons. My 2nd father passed away when I was in Pony High, he adopted me at a rather old age. And my 2nd mother never really liked me, I don't really know what is up with her now. But I am not too eager to find out. " 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@@Eloquence, @,


Bliss blinked in slight shock at Star's claims, then looked at Eloquence, then back to him again.


"I'm...sorry to hear that...maybe um..." She didn't like making drastic changes in her plans, especially without telling her husband of the fact either, but still... "Maybe if you like, you can spend it with my family. We always have loads of food on the table and presents. It's never a dull moment there. I'm sure they'd love to have you! Not often we get a unicorn hanging with us on special occassions."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


"Oh, no. I couldn't. Would be way too awkward for me and probably for your family too. " 


He started to feel a bit uncomfortable, at first he knew he couldn't but slowly the idea started becoming more and more appealing. But still he had a huge barrier of new found shyness and awkwardness that he wasn't still used to. 


"Or, maybe... it... ugh...  " 


He didn't know how to react or what to say, this was very kind but he really didn't want to abuse her hospitality.  


"I'll have to... think... about it... yeah..." he managed to stammer out. 

Edited by TheDarkStar
  • Brohoof 1


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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(OOC feels like its just us lol)


She smiled and nodded, respecting his shyness.


"It's ok, you don't have to decide tonight, we have plenty of time to figure it all out." She stretched her wings out and flickered her tail back and forth to wake it up, before laying back down and laid her head on the grass. "There will be pumpkin pie...and my special apple pie!" She tried to lure him in.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


He was still hit with shy-ness. But was calming down. Slowly he was regaining his cool. 


"I can't say I like pumpkin pie all that much... but I must say that apple pie does sound appealing... way too much appealing "


He didn't want to admit to it, but he really liked apple pie. It reminded him of his old home and the calm days. And he always enjoyed the taste of it. 


"So, who else would be there if I did accept this most humble invitation?"


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"So glad you asked!" She beamed with delight, "well there will be my husband Nights Hoopla, he's a draconquus, hope you don't mind that factor?" She rubbed her head and blushed knowing at some point she'd have to explain that story, "there's my mother Gentle Feather and my step father Shy Hammer. Most likely my sister Fire Heart, her husband and four foals will be there. There's also my sister Rosie Lips and her colt Audio Drums, he's just a young colt though. There's so many names here though I'd hate to bore you!"


She was clearly excited to talk about her family. Her wings kept flexing up and down and her tail continued to wag back and forth.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss


"The more ponies you name the scarier it seems to be. " 


He gave a short laugh. 


"Anyway, I remember this thing when I was way younger that I thought it would have been a cool idea to have some random person come to our Hearths Eve table because of all those stories from other people of how interesting it is. But I never expected to be the visiting pony. It seems so very awkward. " 


He thought at all those people he wouldn't know, introducing and everything. But he kept on getting more and more acquainted with the idea that it wouldn't at all be that bad. 


"Ugh... one more problem remains... I would feel like somewhat a leech of your family time. "


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"You seem to forget that we are Appleloosians in heart my friend!" She beamed again, "we love to share our hospitality with others. My mom thrives in caring and giving back to others. She practically glows when she's given the opprotunity! Then there's my step father...There's not many stallions in our family and...well heh I speak on his behalf, he'd probably love the extra stallion talk here and there if you were to come." She grinned knowing for sure Shy Hammer would love having another stallion around. When he married her mother, he practically inherited four daughters, and two more sons to go with his other two sons that have moved on to have familes of their own. They didn't visit him much, so this would be a real treat for him.


"And besides," she went on, "there won't just be food. There will be games and activities, we'll be racing each other and out flying each other. I know my brother inlaw of Fire Heart, Comic Coin, he's a unicorn too and likes to show off his little tricks to us pegasi well...and alicorn family since we don't know much about magic. Having another unicorn around would probably brighten his day too for the holiday get together."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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