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private Life in Equestria

Lightning Bliss

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Bliss could only muster a happy smile and gave Rag another hug. "Well, if you insist I won't stop you. Aside from the black eye, how are you feeling? You able to walk yet? I fear that I've left my booth long enough and I'm worried I've missed out on poltential traders... If you want, you can come back with me and fix my doll there if you want?"


-- Otherside of the festivel --


Chase woke up, dazed and batted, with a good show of his black eye and bruised cheek where he was injured from the earth pony's wrench. He then felt a tender hoof on his chest, that made him jump and look up. "WHO ARE YOU? WHERE AM I? ...Ouch..." he groaned, realizing he was badly bruised and beat up, and laid back on his bed.


"Oh good your awake," a nurse spoke. She wore her nurse inform over her brown coat and pink mane and tail, "Mr. Chase Razor is it? I took liberty of looking up your information. You teleported here out of nowhere looking like this. But dont' worry your just a little beat up, with a black eye to boost and a cut cheek. We'll take care of that with some ice."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Rag gave a light grunt when Bliss hugged him, but he kept his smile. "I'm alright. A little sore but alright. And that sounds alright to me." She slowly gets up with a few more grunts .When he was standing he was panting a little. "I feel like my body is drained of energy. Yet my brain still wants it to move."

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"Hey don't move till you're ready," she smiled and waited for him to stand on his own, "if you want I can carry you again. You weren't so heavy the first time. I can't see why I can't do it again." She grinned happily and flexed her wings, displaying she was very proud of her flight abilities and was more then eager to help him out.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


 Rag shook his head with a smile. "That's alright. I'm use to this when I haven't had food for a while. But still pretty tough even though I only haven't eaten in five days."He started walking around the till he got enough strength. Soon he got enough of it back that he could put his bags on along with Dishcloths carrier. 

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Patches stepped off the train into Rainbow Falls. The ride had been surprising fast for the time it took to normally go by train. A few hundred feet away the sea of tents and stalls began along with crowds of ponies bags in hoof. Patches was pushed aside as other ponies got off the train in a rush.

"Hey! Watch it!" He called to the pony who had bummed him aside with no result. Patches sighed and walked out himself into the crowd to do some trading of his own. Maybe meet some ponies. Maybe get stuck in another "apple cart incident" Hopefully not the later.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"You...haven't eaten...in five DAYS??!!!" Bliss's jaw gaped open in shock, not only was Rag all beaten up and weak, but to top the fact he hadn't eaten in days was just too much for her to bare. "Right that's it..." she took his hoof in her own and attempted to drag him out of the clinic tent. "You're coming with me, we're going to fix that no food for 5 days thing right now...! Hmm... think I saw a hotdog stand or a burger tent not far from here. Luckily they take bits and I got plenty of that!"


She continued to pull him onward till she spotted the hotdog she mentioned. It was modest tent with a wooden foundation and shelf. It had a large sign that said 'Hotponies eat Hotdogs!' along with a menu of their food items. They even went through the trouble to decorate their tent and foundation with stickers of their items. It was enough to make even Blissy's stomach rummble. Though to her frustration, there was already a line of hungry ponies waiting. She sighed and came to a stop at the back, at least 20ponies behind and nudged Rag to be in front of her. "This will perk you up straight away, hopefully me too, I'm actually a bit hungry myself." She smiled and beamed happily. Not only was she getting a new doll today, but she was going to have a nice lunch with a new friend.

Edited by Lightning Bliss

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss@@Gloomfury,


Anala and Riley were quite surprised at the whole scrap that had gone on just a few minutes prior, and it only extended when they heard that Rag Stitch hadn't eaten in five whole days.


"I know just what to do!" said Riley. He rushed over to a booth selling fancy dress costumes, and came back with a police officer's uniform. He put it on, and walked around the line straight to the front.


He looked at the food and nodded while making 'hm' sounds, pretending to inspect the stock.


"Seems fine. Four jumbo hotdogs, please," he said, placing Bits on the counter.


He went back to the group, giving Anala, Lightning Bliss, and Rag Stitch each a hotdog, and kept one for himself. "It's on me," he said kindly.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse, @Gloomfury,

(OOC That's totally cheating you realize... lol. Heck I didn't even use my Princess bid to cheat my way to the line lol)


Bliss frowned at Riley in his getup of a police pony's uniform, but her stomach rummbled at the sight of the dogs made of esparagus and carrots and...without able to stop herself, grabbed two of them and quickly began haulking down the first. "I don't...*munches* approfes of lying...buts...thanks... verys hungry nom nom..." she munched continuely, then swallowed and gave the other two to Rag, "here Rags, try it! It's really good."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


(OOC: I gave one to each of us, not two to you and Rag Stitch...)


"What? Would you rather your friend starve?" said Riley to Lightning Bliss as he stuffed his face.


"He has a point there," said Anala. "For once," she added with a smirk.


Riley blinked. "What do you mean, Anala?" he asked.


"Nothing," replied Anala quickly.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse, (OOC You seriously eat one hotdog in real life? I eat at least 2! LOL)


She swallowed her last bad and beltched a little. "Oops scuse'me," she licked and smacked her lips, "I know he's hungry, but we could have waited like everypony else here, it would have probably only taken a few minutes, the line was moving after all. But...heh I can't really complain." She rubbed her belly and licked some mustard that fell on her wing somehow. Really need to work on my manners when I'm hungry...


"So Anala, Riley, what brings you here to the Festivel? I really should be getting back to my booth now that I realize it, but I'm sure it will be fine for the time being. You two trading stuff too?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


(OOC: Our OCs live in Equestria, not crappy real life. Let's assume that Equestria's hotdogs are bigger, because plot convenience)


"Yeah, we wanted to trade stuff," said Anala. She took out some arrows. "I wanted to get some metal arrows in exchange for these old wooden ones."


"I heard you'd be here, Blissy!" said Riley peppily. "Also..." Riley took out some Super Neightendo games from when he was a colt. "Do you know a stall that trades video games? There's a few I've always wanted."

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Lightning Bliss,@@Rainbow Eclipse,

(( They have a carrots on a hot dog bun with mustard and and what not. That sounds nasty to me))



Rag kept grunting as Bliss lead him to the hot dog stand. He didn't really care for hot dogs. He also didn't see the big deal about not eating for five day either. Sure he was hungry but he could last longer till he needed to eat. He looks at the hot dogs he was given, for some reason he didn't feel like eating. He looked around a little till he say a dog wondering around the stand who seemed to be looking for food. Rag then waked over to the dog and gives him his hot dogs. The wags his tail as he eats. 


Rag smiles and pets the dog as it kept eating.

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@@Lightning Bliss@@Gloomfury,


"The stall I got this outfit from is freaky..." commented Riley, putting the hat, shirt, tie, and sunglasses into his saddlebag. "They wanted my tail for it."


He turned around to show that where his tail once was only remained a short, blonde bush of tail protruding from his rear end.


"It'll grow back eventually, right?" he guessed optimistically.

OCs: RileyAnala

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Patches looked at the item he had just traded a pocket knife for. Why did he want a lamp in the shape of Discord? "Cause it looked cool, that's why" he told himself. He flouted it into his saddle bags and moved on. He had been wandering for a while now mostly just looking at all the strange items brought to the fair. Statues, antiques, antique statues, everything! If you want'd something it was here. His stomach let out a thundering growl. 

"I am a bit hungry" He said to himself. He shrugged and made off for the nearest hay burger stand.


Patches took his burgers in frustration. It had taken him five minutes for the mare running the stand to get that he could buy a burger rather than trade for it. Why the burger pony wanted a bear whistle he'd never know. I mean really now. Who says one day "I want a bear call" No one! Who even makes those?! 

@@Gloomfury,@@Lightning Bliss, @@Rainbow Eclipse,  

He kept bantering to himself in his head he didn't even look where he was going. He smacked face-first into a small white mare his magic imploding dropping his burgers. 

"ACK!" He fell down over the pony. "I'm so sorry, ma'am" He said worried as he recovered. "Let me help you" He said as he put his hoof out for her to grab.

Wait... Wings?  And a horn? ... "P-Princess!" He shouted. "I'm SO sorry, your highness! I didn't mean it! Really!" Of all the ponies...

 ((I will forcefully inject myself in an awkward manner if need be!))

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@Rainbow Eclipse, @@Gloomfury,


Bliss frowned watching Rag give his own food to the dog, but it didn't last, and merely brought a soft smile to her face. She wasn't about to make Rag eat, but she felt bad regardless that he was such a skinny stallion. She sighed, and turned back to Riley's urgent question as he revealed his missing tail. She mustered a giggle as it reminded her of a bunny tail.


"Aww it's cute!" she giggled again, "well I'm sure it will grow back. Try not to worry, I just hope you got what you wanted out of it."



At that she was about to take another bite out of her hotdog, when she felt a painful smack of another unicorn stallion, hit her face, and forcing her to drop her last bite on the ground. She stubbled back as the gray stallion with a blue mane and tail, gripped her from falling and pulled her up, apologizing repeatly. "Gah," she rubbed her face, "it's ok really I-" she was about to finish when the unicorn cut her off, exclaiming she was a 'Princess'. "It's fine...really," she sighed seeing she wasn't going to escape the wretched horn and wings bid. Rubbing her cheek that was now a good shade of pink, she noticed he had been levitating several hambugers up and they were now waisted on the ground and filthy. "Oh no I made you drop your burgers... I should be apologzing! Mr.?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss

"Patches" He answered his name still in shock he had just run into royalty. "No, it was truly my fault your highness. I wasn't looking where I was going" He gave a small bow as he chucked his ruined food into the nearest trashcan. 

I just ran into royalty?! Why in Celestia's name did this have to happen?! 

"Once again, I'm so very sorry. You have no need to apologize, ma'am. It was entirely my fault" He had a nervous smile on his face and was sweating bullets.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"Well..." she blushed a bit, "at least let me give you some money back to replace those burgers? It's no trouble at all, and please," she added with a bit of encouragement, "call me Lightning Bliss, or Blissy if you prefer. Blissy is so much easier then Princess Lightning Bliss...quite a mouthful even for me!"


She levitated her saddle bag open and pulled out a small pocket of bits that she kept for safe keeping. She didn't feel too bad about replacing his food since she had plenty of money to spare. She happily levitated it to him and smiled. "Well Mr. Patches, I take it your here for the festivities as well. I as well as some of my comrades here, were just off to tour the booths, while I head back to my own. I'm currently trying to trade off some paintings I made."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,

Okay, Patches. Think Canterlot. Think polite and high class.

"Why yes Lighting Bliss. A friend told me the event was happening and I had no where to be" He looked over at the others. Why was that one missing a tail? 

"Paintings? Interesting. May I see them?" Patches asked with some true interest. He then remembered all he had was medical items and a lamp. Not exactly prime trading items but something. The way he was speaking felt foreign to him. To suave. Too sophisticated. But this was a princess. He had to act like that.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@Firehearted, @@Gloomfury,


Bliss cocked her head at Patches, realizing he was talking in a more 'classy' tone of voice then he first started out with. Is he trying to impress me? She giggled at this to herself and wondered how she could lower the tension. Then it came to her quite abruptly with the earge to scratch one of her floppy ears.


"Gah! Pardon me a second!" She darted to a sitting position, stuck out one of her back legs like a dog would, and eagerly began using it to scratch her left large ear, trying to get the irritation out. It was both a comical sight and one that would throw any high class unicorn for a loop, it was by far the most unroyal thing she could have done, though it was completely normal to her. It was the best way to her to satisfy an itch. "Ah...there, ahem," she chuckled and stood up again, shaking the grass and dirt off her rump, "well if you would like to come, by all means, just...stop talking fancy." She eyed him and giggled, "a new friend of mine here Rag Stitch here, was just accompanying me back to my booth," she gestured to the still beaten and ruffin up earth pony stallion, "he was making me a special doll when we had a...um...ugly encounter with a former school mate of mine when I was a filly. Hopefully he won't tag into us again. Course I could...understand if you don't want to fix the doll anymore Rag?" She asked him polietly, then turned to Riley and Anala.


@@Rainbow Eclipse,

"You two want to come back to my booth as well? Or you two still gonna explore the booths?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss

"Gah" Was all Patches could say. His face read complete confusion. Had she just... Yeah... Yeah she had. "Er... Yes... Sorry. Just... Royalty 'n' all. Don't meet them everyday" He scratched his mane with his hoof. "Keep the bits. I've got plenty" He lied. "I wasn't too hungry anyway... Lead the way" He motioned for her to take the lead. 

"SOOOooooo. What brings Canterlot Royalty to such a humble festive? Besides your paintings of course"

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@Lightning Bliss,@@Firehearted,


Rag was playing with the dog when she addressed him. He looks up to her from the dog. "Of course I still want to fix it, silly." He said as he got up and walked over to her. The dog also followed him. Rag looks down at him and smiles. "Looks like someone else wants to come too." 


((And the dog is for everyone to control, have fun.))

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@@Lightning Bliss,


"Of course!" answered Riley. "We brought plenty of stuff to trade."


"I hope it's not more body parts," commented Anala with a scrunched-up face.


"Don't worry," replied Riley with a smile. "And besides, better my tail than yours, right? Your braids are so perfect and even, and it goes so well with your coat, and those blue thingies you hold them with stop it from looking too bland..."


Anala blushed and smiled. "Better go easy on the compliments, or they may seem fake."


"And another thing!" Riley went on. "Back in our school days, you could use it to whack colts in the face if you caught them staring at your flank."


"Pervs," added Anala.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Firehearted, @@Gloomfury, @@Rainbow Eclipse,


"Well come on then everypony, to the Lightning Bliss Booth!" She giggled as she trotted off and addressed Patches question in the process. "Canterlot Royalty? I would hardly call myself a Canterlot, let alone a Royal...ahem..." she rubbed the back of her head with her wing.


"I was born in Cloudsdale, and raised in Appleloosa, and I live in a mushroom house I...somehow made myself, with the help of my husband. It's just on the outskirts of Ponyville. I hardly ever stay in Canterlot. I don't feel...comfortable there, or a part of it for that matter. Though there are times Princess Celestia forces me to attend royal events with her..." She snorted and shrugged, unintentionally picking up her pace as they made their way through the crowds.


The homeless dog that Rag befriended seemed to have sensed her distress and ran up to her side, giving a happy bark to her and licking her face. She smiled and rubbed his head with her wing, thanking him for his kind hearted means of cheering her up.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Riley and Anala listened intently to Lightning Bliss' story.


"I've stayed away from Canterlot as much as possible ever since my last visit," said Anala. "It's filled with snobs who seem to think that they're better than everypony else just because they're wealthier, y'know?"


"At a restaurant, a waiter asked me to remove my hat. So I told him he could kiss my flank. The next thing I knew, I was being thrown straight out the door like I was the lightest thing in the world."


The dog jumped onto Riley's back. "Hey, fella!" said Riley cheerfully, nuzzling with the dog.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


"I know how you feel Anala," Bliss replied as she continued through the crowds, "I admit I never been thrown out of a joint, but it feels like everypony there is constantly watching me...They expect me to be this...classy royal...and do everything that they would considered 'normal' and right. But normal to them is not the norm for me. For instance I don't walk like this!"


She came to a hault, and stuck her head up with her nose pointed to the sun, arching her gryphon tail up in a question mark, and flexed out her wings. Then in a classy, showy prance, she walked in a circle around her friends, with her eyes closed, acting as snobby as possible. "How is walking like this normal? It hurts my neck!" She laughed.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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