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private Life in Equestria

Lightning Bliss

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-- In Ponyville, Time: late morning --


The air was crisp and sweet as Nights Hoopla floated out of the mushroom house. It was chores day and he didn't want to miss out on tending the flower garden. It was Lightning Bliss's favorite flowers that grew there, and he loved nothing more then to make sure they were showing their best colors. Stretching his bat and pegasi wings out, he gave out along stretch followed by a glorfied yawn before flying to the side of the lovely home to check on the sweet red and purple roses.


"Hmm...how are we doing today little ones?" He asked the gentle flowers as he snapped his fingers. Immediatly a red water pale appeared, floating in front of him, to which he took in his eagle claw and began sprinkling the little flowers. "You all seem to be in happy spirits this morning! Our Blissy will be happy to see that! But wait what's this?"


He pulled up the water pale as he noticed one of the purple roses was actually dropping over, almost touching the dirt outside the garden fence.


"Aww...why so sad little one?" He lowered his serpent body down to get head to flower level, "did I not give you enough water last night? Is the sun too hot maybe?" He gently lifted the rose up in his snow lepoard paw, a slight purring sound echoing out of his throat, "please don't be sad...Here I'll help you some!" He then lifted his long stag head and inspected to make sure no pony was around. Typically no ponies went outside Ponyville this far out, but he always wanted to make sure before he performed any...special chaotic magic in an open area. "Alright...the coast is clear. Don't worry this should hurt at all."


He snapped his fingers once more...and instantly the purple rose began to perk up on its own...it was an instant glorified green thumb effect...and once again the rose was returned to its former glory, maybe even better then the others.


Nights smiled at his work and patted the rose with one hand as he reached for the water pale with the other.



"Eww gag!" A familiar sarcastic voice echoed out from the waterpale, startling the young draconequus, "that has got to be the most disgusting display of chaos magic I've ever seen!" 


Nights looked up in shock as the water pale abonocktiously darted away from his hand, flew up into the air and exploded outward, revealing the infamous draconequus spirit...


"Discord..." Nights Hoopla growled and darted up into the air, snapping his fingers in the process. Immideatly the mushroom house of his and wife's home, was carefully shielded under by a giant fish bowl, "what are you doing here... I ain't got time for you..."


"Really now, is that how you treat your dear and loving uncle?" Discord snickered and snapped his own fingers, revealing a cup of milkshake and a pale of cookies, "I even brought your favorite, double chocolate chip!"


"You're not my uncle...we're not even related," Hoopla shrugged, pushing the floating plate of cookies away.


"Ah yes right we're not, but we are both draconequus...surely you've not forgotten that?" Discord smiled and snapped the cookies away, then hovered closer to Hoopla's face, "so how's life here in the sticks with your precious little white alicorn wife? Good I hope? She's been busting your little clove sheep hoof on keeping up with her plants?"


"They aren't her plants...they are our plants...Don't tell me you came all this way to lecture me about how I live my life with my wife?" Hoopla growled again, turning away from his countrydragon.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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"Aww Hoopla...Hoopla...so cold to his friend Discord. I only came here to see how you were doing and getting on. After all... It must be so lonely with the one and...only...pony gone, that can tolerate you in your real form, not being here with you. So how long has it been? How long has your precious Princess wife been out to the Trading Fair in Rainbow Falls?" Discord walked litterally on the air towards Hoopla, a mocking smile on his face.


"She's...not the only one who knows what I am... My friends Polaris and Seth, Doctor Volt, NightStrike and-" Hoopla continued but was quickly inturrupted.


"Yes yes and your cute little mare pegasus friend, SlowStorm was it?"


"Skystorm..." Hoopla snorted.


"Yes that's right, she can cause rapid destructive tornados as a talent. I always knew I liked her out of all your friends... The others just seem to be a little...well dull and boring. I mean, it's one thing for you to be a spirt of chaos and only having the reverse effects of magic... But to be married to an alicorn who strives on the magic of peace-"


Nights Hoopla suddenly swung around and grabbed Discord by the neck with his leapoard paw, "Don't you DARE talk about my wife that way!"


"Oh calm down now, you're making such a ruckus...after all...don't want to be spotted by other ponies do you?" Discord smirked.


Nights Hoopla instantly let go of him then and darted around making sure there were no ponies around. Soon as he felt secure, he snapped his fingers, turning into his pegasus form, sighing in relief.


"Buwahahahaha!!!" Discord bellowed out laughing, "You're hillarious Nights Hoopla! And so cute too! No wonder why Princess Lightning Bliss married you! Sucha handsome cutsey stallion you make!"


"Are you finished?" Nights snorted, "if you are qutie done with your visit...get out...I have chores to do."


"Very well, very well, but I will be in touch...cousion..." With that Discord snapped his fingers, and in an instant Nights Hoopla was on the ground with his water pale in his pony mouth and Discord nowhere to be found. He placed the pale down and stared at his reflection in his home window.


"Gah...well I'm in my pony form...might as well get some shopping done..." He quickly snapped his tail, revealing a grocery list along with several saddle bags and a small wooden wagon for him to harness into. Once he was set, he slowly and shyly flew to Ponyville.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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  • 3 weeks later...

@@Lightning Bliss,


Riley and Anala looked at Lightning Bliss, in disbelief of the question they had just been asked.


"You? A weak alicorn?" restated Riley. "Lightning Bliss, Princess Celestia didn't paste those wings on you because she thought they looked pretty. You achieved Alicorn status for a reason."


Anala turned to look at Rags. "So you couldn't stop this from happening on this one occasion," she said. "But Blissy, none of us are perfect beings. We all make mistakes."


"If Rags has a good heart, I know he'll forgive us," said Riley. "The fact that you made a mistake just this once is not enough to deem you unworthy of your position. You're the Alicorn of Peace, Lightning Bliss. And you earned your way there."


He smiled and wrapped a wing around her.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


-- Rainbow Fair --


"Celestia never gave me these wings...she was just a witnesss," Bliss shrugged, not really interested in talking about the Sun Butt right now, "I never wanted to be an alicorn...But I've accepted what has become of me."


She sighed and slumped down.


"You two are good friends Riley and Anala," she smiled and wiped a tear from her cheek, "I just wish I had as much confidence in myself as you two see in me."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


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@@Lightning Bliss,


Riley and Anala hugged Blissy back.


They would have happily enjoyed the moment longer, but a voice sounded over the intercom:


"Attention traders. We have had reports of a pony impersonating a police officer. Male, early twenties, Pegasus, red fur, blonde mane and very short tail, directional arrow cutie mark."


Riley's face went pale.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Well that's new" I thought aloud as the intercom went off. Didn't that Riley guy with Lighting Bliss look like that? What did he do? It's no concern of mine. I just want to leave this Celestia forsaken fair. With another sigh I kept on my trot to the train station.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Bliss stared for a moment after the intercom announced, then looked to Riley and Anala...before rightfully taking her left hoof and facinghoofing herself bodly onthe forward.


"Really Riley..." she sighed and slowly slid her hoof down her face, "you couldn't keep out of trouble at a trading festivel?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Bliss shook her head in response and got up.


"Hang on you two, I'll sort this little mix up out...Just...stay here with Rags till I get back..." she turned and headed outside the tent, stopping just a few feet away, "please...please PLEASE!!! Stay out of trouble Riley!" She snorted then hasitly galloped away towards the announcing booth where Princess Cadence was stationed.


The trip may have took a shorter time if she flew, knowing that, but running helped her to think, not to mention delay the inevitable of what she was going to say in order to get her friends out of this jam.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Anala stayed to look after Rags, but Riley stopped in front of Lightning Bliss. "Nuh-uh," he said. "I'm the one who got myself into this mess, so I need to get myself out of it."


He went over to Cadence. "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza," he said as he took a bow. "Yes, I am the pony who dressed up as a cop," he admitted as if it wasn't obvious. "However! I have a medical condition that causes me to believe that I have a certain occupation when I wear the outfit of said occupation. For example, if I wore a Royal Guard uniform, I would believe myself to be a Royal Guard. My doctor says I can still wear outfits and be okay during a certain hour of the day, so I tried to take advantage of that, but it turned out, my watch was wrong."


Realising he wasn't wearing a watch, he added, "I traded my watch afterwards."

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Bliss was about to levitate Riley back but it was already too late...seeming he somehow beat her to the royal booth throne where Cadence was present. As Riley composed his story...she herself couldn't tell if he was making a joke or being truthful.


She looked to Cadence and noticed the princess had a surprised look on her face, it was blank as well as comical. She then noticed her eyes dart to her direction and a soft smile came on her muzzle.


"Well then, I take it, that it was Princess Lightning Bliss who had you escorted to me?" Cadence said without looking at Riley as she spoke, still staring at the white alicorn.


"I..." Bliss blushed and rubbed her head, "it's a little of a complicated story Princess Cadence..."


"Oh Lightning Bliss we don't have to be so formal with each other." She nodded to her guards to take a step back and relax, then rose to approach Riley and Bliss thoughtfully. "It's just I heard some compliants about a red pegasus going around in a false police uniform, I had to investigate after all. So what's the story on you two?"


Bliss at down, feeling forced to having to be royal again.


"Long story short...ah..." Bliss rubbed her head, "I had a confrentation with an old...friend of mine, and Riley and his mare Anala attempted to assist me, in their own way of course." She darted an eye on Riley then, as if to say 'be truthful for ponysake!'.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Riley smiled and blushed a bit when Blissy referred to Anala as "his mare", and wondered whether or not he should point out that he and Anala weren't actually in a relationship.


He picked up Blissy's signals and decided that he should be truthful.


"Okay, so I lied..." he said to Cadence. "The truth is, the friend Blissy just mentioned apparently hadn't eaten in five days. Five days! I can't last five minutes without snacking! How the horseapples did he last five days?!"


"Conveniently, there was a hotdog stand nearby... but with a very long line. I knew that if I cut to the front of the line looking as I do now - except I had a tail back then - I would only be sent to the end."


"So I got a police officer uniform in order to cut to the front of line and buy some hotdogs so that Rags could finally eat. What was I to do, let him starve?"


He looked back to the tent. "As much as I'd like to call my good friend, Anala Elderberry, over here to get in on this discussion, she's currently looking after Rags. Because that's what friends are for."


He took a breath after all those paragraphs and hoped that Cadence would see sense and not have him arrested.

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Cadence raised an eyebrow at the store, then looked to Bliss as if she were trying to seek an equal amount of truth from the red pegasus claims, then back to Riley again.


"Well... there's no harm in cutting in line to help a friend, but I question your methods sir," Cadence frowned and walked passed him and placed a hoof on Lightning Bliss, "did you allow him to do this Bliss?"


She nodded without hesitations. "I didn't even think about the ethics of it all. Rags was in trouble, you should see him for yourself, he looks awful...especially after that incident with Chase- ERM...!" Bliss shut her mouth.


"Chase? As in Chase Razor your rival?" Cadence took a step back, "Lightning Bliss I thought you sorted him out long ago! Is he still on the grounds?"


"I'm not sure...last I saw he was at another medical tent being treated for injuries...my friends..." she gestured to Riley and behind her, "did their best to resolve the quarrel...but...*sighs*." She began pawing the ground with the tip of her hoof.


"I see..." Cadence then turned to Riley. "I wanted to thank you sir, for going above and beyond to help a fellow pony...and a fellow princess." She smiled to him, "you have my gratitude and forgiveness on the whole police uniform incident...Just please reframe from doing it agin any time soon. Won't you?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


"Well... okay," Riley answered the Princess Of Love. "Thank you for showing mercy and understanding, Princess." He brohoofed a nearby guard.


Riley had heard of Cadance's powers of love, and was nearly tempted to ask her to make Anala fall in love with him. However, he respected Anala, and as such, it wasn't right to tamper with her free will.


He took his faux uniform out of his saddlebag. "I-I understand if you expect me to relinquish this."

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


Cadence smiled and replied, "No you can keep it, long as you use it for costumes like on Nightmare Night only. You think he'll see to that Princess?" Cadence smiled to Lightning.


"I'll make sure he does, thank you Cadence." Bliss bowed and pulled Riley by his mane, "come on let's go, before we get into more trouble..."


Cadence waved goodbye just as two other ponies were approaching her to settle a trading disagreement.


"Phew..." Bliss sighed as she let go of Riley, "that was close...Come on let's get back to Anala and Rag before more trouble stirs... Hopefully they'll take care of Rag...I really need to get back to my booth though."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,


"Really?" She smirked, "and what would you be selling...BAD IDEAS??!!"


The white alicorn snorted and trotted onward back to the tent, checking on Rags one more time before turning to Anala as Riley caught up.


"Seriously Anala," bliss turned to the silver mare, "can you get better control over Riley here? Seriously! I had to strut out as a royal in front of Princess Cadence because some thick headed apple pony pegsi here *she pointed to Rilye* thought i'd be a good idea to impersonate a police officer and cut and line to help-"


She sighed and sat down, feeling selfish and arrogant.


"I'm sorry Riley...and I'm sorry Anla," she apologized, "it's just this festivel has been nothing but bad times for me so far... I'm thinking of just packing up my art booth and leaving for the day...I can understand if you two don't wish to spend time with me...Rags is ok," she darted the topic away, "so I'm going to get my booth packed up now..." She quickly darted out of the booth and flew up into the air, making great speed towards the other side of the fair.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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When did that train get here? I squirmed in the hard seat next to the station. I just wanted to get home, or as close to home as I can get, and forgot about everything that happened here. Out of sight, out of mind. If only that were true. Ah... Silver. I miss her. Last tim I'd actually seen her was... Three months ago? Maybe longer? Too long if you ask me.


*Yawn* Boy, that train is taking it's time... Wonder how much... Longer... *Snore*

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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As Bliss flew over the other side of the festivel, she happen to spot a familiar unicorn stallion, seeming to hide himself as he awaited for the next train to come by. Blue unicorn defiently appeard distraught still from their previous encounter...She sighed a bit at seeing him but decided not to stop just yet...She wanted to pack up her booth quickly and have guards standing by to send it to her home back to Ponyville, then catch up with Patches soon as possible.


Luckily when she reached her booth, she had several ponies waiting ther wanting to trade something for one of her pieces. There was nothing really of value she wanted from either of them, but just to get them out of the way, she accepted several bags of candy, some quilts, a familiar looking lamp shaped like a draconequus. A cyrstal sculpture of an alicorn, a crystal necklace, and several flamboyent rainbow designed outfits. Oh the irony...she rolled her eyes as she smiled to her last booth guest.


She smiled though seeing her booth was completely empty aside from one art piece that she hummbly asked a royal guard to give to Princess Cadence as another form of apology, then packed up her things in several saddle bags, and flew back to the train station, landing with a thud, a few feet from Patches.


"OOMPH!" She gasped as she landed loudly on the wooden plateform. "I guess my bags are heavier then I thought heh..." She smiled to him, not sure if he had noticed her yet or not. She sighed and went to the ticket keeper, bought herself a ticket to Ponyville, and took a seat a bit futher away from Patches, to give him some space. "So um..." she hesitently spoke, "normally I would just fly back to Ponyville but...with my bags being so heavy..."


She awkwardly pawed the bench.


"I'm sorry..." she finally spat out, "for being so blunt...and putting you on the spot...I just...sensed you were really upset after what happened with Chase Razor...But I didn't even stop to thank you for what you did...You just...did it out of fear for others right?"

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss

I jolted awake... Oh... It was Lighting Bliss landing next to me... I huffed at it. What did she need with me still?


I sighed. My face was flat and emotionless almost tired looking.

"Just... Just don't worry about it. It's not your problem. It's my fault. I really didn't know what I did back there... I just acted without thinking, alright" I tried to blow it off. No biggie. Because almost getting someone killed is 'no biggie'. Flawless logic there, Patches.


I was hurting. The whole thing out there just hurt. It didn't matter I'd never meet the guy or it was for defense, I could have gone and killed him. I'd never done that. It broke everything I thought I'd do in a situation like that. Shows how level headed I was.


"I just want to get home now. See family 'n' friends. Stuff like that... I'm sorry if I caused you any inconvenience, your highness" Just keep it short and formal. She'll leave leave soon enough.

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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@@Lightning Bliss,


Riley just stared at Lightning Bliss after what she had said. He had gone out of his way to help, even if not exactly the best way, and look at where it had got him!


"Fine. I know where I'm not wanted, Lightning Bitch," he said coldly. This was an unusual tone for him, especially since he was normally offended at swear words.


"Let's go, Anala," he told his companion. Anala, looking worried, boarded Riley, and the Pegasus flew off.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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@@Rainbow Eclipse,

(OOC Watch the language please...)




"Oh...ok?" Bliss replied back in an almost guilty way, turning to face the train tracks instead. At this point there was a sense of tension and uncomfortable silence. More then anything she just wanted to fly away at this point, but her bags were too heavy for her to make such a trip. At this point she was cursing the fact she hadn't studied Twilight's book in teleportation and using the right amount of magical energy. Had she done so...she might even been able to teleport all the way back home.


"Well um..." she broke the silence once more, "I'm heading to Ponyville, to see my husband. I hope he's kept up on the chores and watered our rose garden." She spoke not really caring if he was listening or not at this point, she felt talking was the only way to ease the tension for herself anyway. "We live in a mushroom outside Ponyville in an open field that's surrounded by trees. I guess it's near by the Apple Farm."


Her ears perked up suddenly as she heard the familiar whistle of a train heading their way. It came to a screeching hault, it looking very familiar in apparence of the Ponyville Express.


"All aboard to Ponyville!!!" Shouted the conductor as he opened the doors to all stage coaches.


"Well um...nice meeting you Patches, hope your...trip here to Rainbow Falls...wasn't completely ruined." She bowed to him respectfully then haistly trotted to the conductor, levitating her ticket out.


"You're Highness! It's an honor to have you on my train! Would you like a first class seat?" The gray earth pony asked eagerly.


"No thank you sir, a normal seat is fine...I just...want to stay out of everypony's way." She handed him the ticket and stepped in.


"Can I take your bags at least then your Highness?" He offered to carry her abnormally large saddle bags.


"NO!" She whinnied and galloped into the cart, darting to the nearest chair in the back and curling up in a ball, waiting for the train to get underway.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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