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private Thread and Needle


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In the mean time Anne had ascended up to the ship helm, she tested the wheel finding the rudders response odd, it was sluggish in random intervals. Yes this ship certainly had a mind of its own, well plotting and staying on course would certainly be interesting. Well that was enough with the ship.


Her eyes refocused on Captain London, she called down to the Captain, "so Cap what happened to the old crew? I liked the old crew, right now this ship look's like a circus. You better shape them up and quick, gods know you fixed me up into a proper sailor over the years but we'll all be dead before a weeks end at sea if this continues." She pulled out a wicked looking dagger, the blade seemed to be a serrated tooth and narcotic looking fleshy hide lined its haft, jutting from the end of the hilt was bone not bleached white but live and broken with its raw center exposed. She twirled it about her finger lazily "if any of them interfere with my duties I'll kill them myself... Oh and Captain a lot has changed in the time since I've been gone, don't call me little anymore."


With that Anne spun the knife on the tip of her finger balancing the blades own sharp point on just the finest bit of her fingernail. Then she let it drop and sheathed it in one swift motion, next she hopped over the rail landing close to London, "you look the same by the way, Ma'am. I'll be below claiming my bunk." She turned to head down the stairs under the deck.

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"You stay right there Annie." London staed before going back into her cabin. A few minutes later she came back out in full attire; raising a pistol in the air.


She shot into the sky; glaring at them angrily "Listen up!"


London waited for them to calm down "I am Captain London and you've all come here for a reason." She really could have cared less about the fire, it wasn't like the damned tub would go down. Stubborn as it is.


"I don't really care what your reasons are or who you are for that matter but once you join my crew, you leave that behind. I know my reputation is shit...and so is this ship. But if I can turn you sorry excuses into real sailors, then we can reap plently a bounty."


London rested the gun against her shoulder, keeping her finger on the trigger and her hand on her belt. Her whip was coiled and gleaming silver, also not too far from her reach.


"Claim your bunks and then ready yourselves, we're going for a trial run. Annie to me if you please."

Edited by RunsWithSquirlz
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Annie huffed, "fine, I'll take the last pick in bunks. I don't sleep much anymore anyways." She lifted the dead Tinkerer's cup and drank deeply from it, that bitter flavor putting a smile back on her lips. A twinkle seem to sparkle in her eyes and she chewed on a fingernail. "Truth be told your side might be the only place for me captain, I don't trust any of them." She quietly admitted to her and with a near silent mumble, "don't trust anyone anymore." The moment of self inflection passed and Anne's cocky grin returned, "what can I do for you ma'am?"

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Blake sighed and clapped his hand over his ears when he heard the gunshot. It may not sound deafening to the others but it definitely did to him. 'Okay ... bunks. They are ... this way ... I think.' Blake thought as he felt an empty space where he heard that Anne girl about to go into. He scratched his head in confusion and decided to risk asking the captain where the bunks were. Pushing himself off the wall, he moved to the captain's side with the help of his staff to ask the question. "Captain, where are the bunks?" He asked, hoping she won't take offense.

Edited by Dji



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Edward shook his head and headed below decks to claim a bunk. At least the captain seemed to be stern and disciplined. He liked that. Although, he wasn't sure what it would be like serving under a woman. Still, it was a fair sight better serving a talented woman than serving an incompetent man.

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"I don't think that 'Little Annie' likes us very much... more the pity. Shall we?"


The sailor smirked, bowing slightly to indicate for his employer to step forward first. Loud and violent: he got the feeling that London might be trying too hard to impress them. Hooking a hand against the bottle by his side, he flicked it into the air and caught it deftly - pulling the cork and taking a drink before allowing it to fall back into place.


There wasn't really a time when Arellion was completely sober - not of his own free will anyway. The bottle was of whatever he had swiped most recently but it was only one if many tiny supplies that he carried on his person: some far more valuable and potent. A 'connoisseur of inebriation' he had once called himself, and the title had stuck in his mind.


Right now though, was one of his more clearheaded moments. Eleanor had insisted that he cut down the drinking for the duration of their contract and he had done so. Mostly.






Eleanor recoiled a little at the over dramatic greeting, holding out a hand to the flickering serpent as it crackled uneasily, the warm heat flaring up to an uncomfortable level. Wasn't one blustering fool enough, did she really need to be surrounded by them?


Thankfully, she was spared replying by the thunderous entrance of the pirate captain.


'Yeah, very bad idea. Very bad indeed...'




With Arellion in tow and Nef suitably calmed (and cooled) down, she made her way up on deck and stepping in behind the more sensible looking of the new 'crew'. Guest or not, she supposed that when travelling this way, some sacrifices needed to be made.


'Ugh, like privacy and basic hygiene...'


No matter: she would treat life here just as she had on the road: an inconvenience that would be over soon enough. Selecting a bunk as far from the others as she could, she waited as her bodyguard made eyes at the captain for a moment and then went about inspecting the integrity of the ship below decks. At least, that's what it looked like - he was probably just shirking responsibility or something for all she knew of him...

Never quite forgotten.

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"I want a bunk with a window!" Rondra yelled jumping her way past everyone to below deck where she ran into every room she saw. "Oh my bombs! Sooooo many cannons! The bombs I can make the bombs I can destroy.....ehhhh I'm bored of cannons now. I wonder what else they got!" Rondra continued her rampage of the lower deck.

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'Claiming bunks? Trial run? We haven't even discussed payment yet... We haven't even discussed anything yet... Duncan thought as everyone got on deck and started scuttling around. The amount of crewmembers wasn't very substantial yet, certainly not to a ship, and it seemed the captain was interpreting the word 'crew' very loosely. This was a band of madmen. Misfits. Hopelessly doomed to fail.


Duncan was about to object, having his mouth already opened, and perhaps even reconsiders joining this 'crew' at all. But then his instincts told him to tap along for at least a little longer. Something told him that this adventure could become very interesting. So instead of starting to complain, he said "Right then..." and moved on to the lower deck to select a bunk.


None of it looked very impressing, but I would have to do. He took the bunk closest to the exit and dropped his heavy bag right on it. He didn't really care for it all anyway, since he would spend most if his time up top in the crow's nest. He left his stuff there and immediately went upstairs again, not wanting to waste the slightest bit of time.


"Now I am no captain..." He started as he jumped back on deck and faced the captain once more. He tried to act a little innocent, though he was definitely implying the captain's lack of preparation. "But shouldn't we be discussing things such as positions, obligations, shifts, rules, names first before we set sail? I mean, now is a time as good as ever! Speaking of business, how well-armed is this ship? As a gunner I want to know how much firepower I have before I set sail on an adventure like this..."


Suddendly a look of astonishment appeared on Duncan's face. As he was scanning the ship he saw something on the Bow. A strange metal construction. A contraption of devious sort. A mechanism. A weapon! No, a piece of art... He recognized the item immediately, but only after getting excited he saw the terrible condition it was in. "I... Is that what I think it is?" He said, now slightly uncertain of himself. If it was, he would definitely join this crew.

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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"It seems that the Captain has a temper on her." John said to no one in particular as he opened the book he brought out of his crate. He proceeded to read while scoping out the ship. 'Not the best looking ship by any means, but it's sturdy, I can tell that much.' He thought. "I might actually be able to investigate my findings now...that is, if the others can stomach crypt diving." He said with a chuckle.


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Still waiting for an answer from the captain, Blake heard someone else come up to her. He then heard what the person was interested in and judging from how much pain he could feel the ship in, Blake decided to answer him. "Judging from how much pain the ship is in ... I'd say it's armed but not really sure how well. That's for the Captain to say. What are you looking at?" Blake inquired, frustrated at his inability to see.

Edited by Dji



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"Sure, you all get that. But ive got to figure you all out first. That thing? An old butnew gattling gun that refuses to work. Sad really. Just like the rest of this ship"


London turned and touched Blakes staff "Did you feel that? The vibration?"


Delano had scurried downstairs to make sure nobody touched her corner or her various trinkets.

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Blake felt someone tap the staff he was holding and it sent vibrations through his hand to his brain. He nodded his head in way of answering. "Yeah ... I felt it. Why do you wanna know, Captain?" Blake asked hesitantly, feeling Pluto leave his perch to fly around the boat for a bit.



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"Because then you aren't truly blind and not completely useless!" she gave him a hard tap on the shoulder. London thought about crew positions as most gm of them were below deck. Based on what she observed, they were rowdy but not bad.


"Annie take the helm and prepare, I'll be up to speak with you. Duncan, I want you to take stock of all the guns and make sure nothing is hazardous. Then you can tinker away at that thing." She pointed towards the gattling gun.


"Old man, take your crates to Delano and shell set them up for you, her little lab is next to the medics station, where you will work."

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Having claimed a bunk, Edward headed back above deck to... well, to stand around, mostly. He had no further orders, and the captain appeared to be busy with others, so all he could really do was stand at attention and wait until the captain decided he was needed.

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Blake sighed and turned his head towards the floorboards. "Captain, I can 'see' as much as anyone. If I get a general layout of the kind of area I'm in, then I'll be able to move around just fine. The only reason I've been moving around very slowly or staying in one place is because I don't know what the ship's layout is. Sure, I can feel the vibratioms of the wood as people move about, as the waves go against the hull but I- you know what? I'll just walk around the ship and get a layout of it myself." Blake smirked and lifted his head. He then turned around and side-stepped a person that just came out the ship. After having done so, Blake then used his staff to help him feel where everything was by tapping it.

Edited by Dji



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"I don't think i'm that old. I still move like a younger man you know." John said as a matter of factly as he closed his book. He then picked up two crates, one for each arm , and carried them downstairs. "DELANO, Where are you?! I've got a station to set up before all my alchemy ingredients go bad!"


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Anne made her way up to the helm, she was grinning and she decided that was good, she didn't grin much anymore but seeing the captain back in action was too good not to smile.  She played with the wheel spinning it back and forth a bit again she felt that sluggish random drag of the rudder, she snorted and spit a thick wad of phlegm and saliva on the wheel's brass center; this ship would have to learn that it listened to her now.  Navigators plotted the course and the ship would follow it, Anne would settle for nothing less.

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((Sorry for the slowness))


London watched Blake for a bit, a smile tugging on the corner of her lips. That's what she intended him to do, it was nice not having to order a blind man to whack his stick everywhere. He was smart, she could tell and had a better sense of the ship then she did.


@@Alex Kennedy


"You. Who are you? No matter, a handsome lad like you..." she walked around him in a slow circle, finger thumping against her chin in thought. "You're trained already aren't you? The stance of a man waiting to be commanded...". London gave him a coy smile and propped her hands on her hips "Seeing as you know how to act as an officer already, you'll be my mate. First Mate. Or the other if you prefer."




"Here!" she skipped to him and walked him through the bunks. Her bunk was a little shack made up of various tarps and ropes, it was very small, only meant for her. But it was decorated with strange trinkets from all over the countries. Delano walked him past a door obscured by a curtain and stopped at a medium-sized medical room. It hadn't been used in many years and now all it contained were old parchments and empty dusty vials.


"Delano does alchemy too." she piped up.

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And within seconds of properly meeting the captain Edward had been reduced to a nervous wreck. He was rarely this close to a woman, and such a... shapely one at that. He tried to stammer out a response. "I... um, t-trained? Yes. Military. Several years. Many commendations. Deserted. Long story." He smiled and tried his best to look as honored as he was by her offer. "F-first mate? I'll try not to let you down, Captain. I... um... I'm sorry, I-I don't usually... spend much time around women. Never saw many in the army."

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@@Alex Kennedy,


"Well darling, including me...there's 5 women on board. And seeing how there's only one washroom...well..." she smiled. "I have a private one, I'm sure someone could use it" the poor man was a wreck. London had to stop herself for fear of giving him a heart attack, she turned to meet Annie " Well gather the rest for me will you?"




She stood next to her old friend "I was teasing him so much I forgot to ask his name. I doubt he would have been able to remember it." For the first time, she took in the older Mary-Anne; she had left her at a young age, how many years has it been? Her yellow eyes stopped at the sword sheathed at Anne's hip, her lips pursed momentarily before she looked back at her.


"I'm guessing I was right...about him. I can already tell that you've changed. But it's a relief to see that you still have your sea legs Annie." London had a soft spot for the woman, it had been like she raised her herself. Whipping her into shape to someday take over. But Anne had left for a lover and thus, left her alone on the descent to misery.

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He nodded, now sweating. "I-I'll try my best to adjust, captain. I look forward to serving you on this voyage. And, um... I'm not sure how much you're just teasing me, but i'll admit that I think you're a beautiful woman, and I'm very much flattered by... well, just..." He trailed off, turning away before he made a fool of himself. Trying his best to stick to the orders she had just given him, he headed to the bow of the ship and called out in the fashion his superiors generally did when they needed the attention of the troops. "ALL HANDS ON DECK! NOW! FRONT AND CENTER! CAPTAIN'S ORDERS!" Having finished, he returned to his usually calm and quiet self.

Real men don't need signatures...


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Blake cringed when he heard the shout. 'Not so loud ...' Blake thought stubbornly. He tapped his staff as he walked around the boat abd fekt vibrations change in height as he walked. Sometimes the vibrations on eiter side of him would travel up, down or simply stay level. By the time he heard the shout, Blake was on the other side of the boat.


"Caw!!" Pluto called out as he circled above the boat. Blake waved in response and walked back the way he came. Once he got tere, he leaned on his staff and listened out for the Captain's orders.



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"Well then we're gonna get along well, aren't we." John said as he made his way into the room. It was big enough for his needs, he just had to clean it up a bit and salvage what was in there, like the vials. He places the crates down and opened them up. Inside were jars and jars of alchemical ingredients. "Well, time to set up."  


My OCs - Dead EyeWhite Shade, Last Shadow, Zen                Credit for my Signature goes to DJ Aeron Q.

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Anne smiled at the captain's playfulness with the newly promoted first mate, for a moment she felt like she was 17 again watching the captain chase a bit of whoever caught her fancy that day and that the last decade had just been a dream turned nightmare before waking up. She even joked back to the captain, "he'll be overboard before the day's out if his legs go all wobbly like that every time you give him a command, captain." She laughed like the short light ring of a bell.


Then London had go and do something foolish like she always would, mentioning 'him' like that and spoiling the illusion. Anne's eyes went distance and began to tear up for just the briefest second before she squeezed them shut and when they opened again their gaze was cold and empty. "Yes, you were right about Milo captain; I think that makes it only twice I've ever seen you be wrong. I should have listened but I won't make the same mistake again. But believe me travel with him only made my sea legs stronger and my sense of the ocean better, and one day I'll find him and..." Her grasp tightened on a spoke of the helm and the wood strained and groaned threatening to crack.


She released the grip on the wheel turning back to London, the darkness gone from her eyes. "What ARE we doing on our first run Ma'am?"

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Rondra bust from the lower deck a big crazed smile on her face, "Ohmygodohmygodguys!IwasrunningaroundthedecklookingforaplacetostaysoIcanplacemybombssomewhereandIfoundtonsofingredents!ThebombsIcouldmake!ThebeuitfulbeutifulbombsIcouldmake!" Rondra said in a single breath and at a speed that no one could understand. Rondra took a big gulp of air. "But, anyway this ship is reaaaaaaallly coool! It's like a fire hazard just waiting to happen!"

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