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private Outbreak(zombie RP)


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"Thanks" he says he takes the lighter to and lights the cigarette. "The names Silver as you might know I'm a doctor." Silver sits up. "So who are the rest of you guys?" he says to the group. If he was gonna stay with them he better get to know them. He tapped the burnt part of the cigarette off and smoke on it some more.

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"Like I said, soldier. Had a ton of troops under my command. We mainky were meant to break through heavy resistance and fortifications. Wait until I find my hammers, ten ypu will see why. As if now, I guess I am just a big ass ponybwith a lit f strength and military kniwledge. And creepy little voices in my head." He looks seriously.

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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"Alright that's.....normal" Silver says nervously. He was gonna stray away from this pony. "So what about the rest of you. Who are you all?" he asks the group. "And who's that pony?" he says pointing to Oreo. The group wasn't the best but it was a group that already seemed to look over each other.

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(I fell asleep like a noob so I stuck with Silver and came to then mansion.)

Winter finally shakes herself out of the shock of what just happened.


"Hey... everyone, I'm Winter, paramedic from unit 7." Surveying the room and it's occupants. She looks at Silver smoking and rolls her eyes slightly.


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" we need medics. And did you actually beleive that? I don't hear voices. Well except when somepony is talking. I am just slightly off my rocker. Thats reason number two I am on charge of smashing stuff. After all, who smashes better than a pony whos cutie.mark is a broken.object?"

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Winter looks slightly confused at Mirror's remarks about smashing, but shortly shrugs it off as a simple joke.

"Well I can help with the minor stuff, cuts, broken limbs, but you best leave the serious stuff like deep or mortal wounds to Silver, here."


She coughs the last few words and clutches her throat massaging it gently.

"Is there any water I could have? If Its not too much trouble?"


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"Oh well sorry." Silver said. "You didn't make it sound like a joke." Silver Bolt smashed the cigarette on the ground before laying back down. "Now I feel calm." he said. "I guess I might rest a little bit. And by that I mean I'm not sleeping." Silver put his front hooves behind his head and stared at the ceiling.

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"Well, I never was funny. Sigh, what the hel happened to this world? Why did it get so bad? Like really? Zombies? And here we are, in a buolding surrounded by those feaks. Not fun in.my opinion. But seriously, I do noy yrust this place, not one bit. Although mayne jumping through the window was stupid."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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((Wow you guys post fast, I was playing skyrim for two hours and you've pretty much filled out an entire page))


Well sorry but i was too panicked to find a polite way to enter, and on the earlier question of is anypony hurt I've got a few glass shards stuck in me from smashing through said window, they dont hurt too bad but the undead might be able to smell blood" midnight said "wow, they've actually left us alone for a while" he heard banging on the door "just jinx'n everything today, arn't you?" He said to himself

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"Would you like me to patch you up?" Silver said to Midnight. Silver thought it was pretty stupid to jump through a window. "So you got a name?" Silver Bolt said to Midnight. He still didn't know everyone in his group and he really wanted to know their names.


(Yeah I guess I do post fast. I just love to RP)

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"Midnight, midnight flash" midnight said to silver, impersonating the introduction of

James Bond. one of his favorite action movie Heros. "And, yes I would like you to patch me up. Just be careful pulling out the shards"



Ignore this: this is to tell you that this is to tell you that this is to tell you that this is to tell you to

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"Alright Midnight Flash. The names Silver Bolt." Silver got some guaze. "Alright I'll pull the glass out in a minute." Silver walked over to his doctor coat and put it on. He reached into the pocker and got some tweezers. "Alright stay still" Silver pulled the glass shards out. He took the rubbing achoal and rub it on the wound before wrapping the wounds in guaze.

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Re-Boot stood there with a angry look.


"Guys hate to break up the awesome meet and greet you got going but can we ya'know patch that massive bite wound that Oreo has and then move him to one of the sofas, seems kind of rude for you to burst in and then forget about him"


Re-Boot walks over to Oreo and sighs.


"Come on buddy, don't go dying on me"


Re-Boot then come up with an idea, and leans down to whisper in Oreo's ear


"Hey Oreo, I've still got about ninety million left, if you get up now I'll take you to los Pegasus, think of all the mares you'll meet"

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Oreo suddenly woke up and got up slowly. "We can't stay here... there's no way I'm gonna go down like this. The door through the garden is probably the safest way to get out..." he got up carefully, leaning against the wall.


Oreo turned to Re-Boot's direction and let out a chuckle, "...Heh, you know I'm bad with relationships..."


He grabbed his pizza delivery bag and started limping towards a door. "I say we head for the mall, since it was closed today. If anyone else has a better idea..."

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Re-Boot follows Oreo over to the door, and gives him a light pat on the back.


"Glad to see you up man, Los pegasus wouldn't of been the same with out ya"


Re-Boot pats his jackets pockets and smiles.


"I got my phone and my tablet, I'm ready when you are, I'm sure the McDonalds there will have working wifi I can use... And I can get a Veggie Mac"

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"We need supplies, and the mall sounds as good as any. I am good with that plan. However, if we just barge in there we will be destroyed. And I am not a zombie ponies happy meal. We need a plan, do you kniw what stores there are in there? If there is a hunting store, we can get weapons."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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"There's a mickey dees at the mall, but I won't know if the wifi will help much. Alright everyone, through the kitchen and out into the garden!" Oreo started limping quickly through the kitchen and towards a screen door.


"As for weapons, we can try to scavenge the security room for handguns..."

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"Oh Speaking of!" Winter shuffles through her pocket and pulls out a scalpel.

"It won't do much in a crowd, but I can hold my own if I get one or two of them on me."


"I doubt we'd get much trouble INSIDE the mall if it's closed, but the way there will most certainly be a problem. Does anyone have a map so we can plot a route?"


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"Yeah right here." Oreo pulled out a small map from his bag and handed it over to Winter. "Gotta know where to go as a pizza boy," he smirked and continued moving around the kitchen.


"We might have to take our time getting there. Rushing all the way there will be suicide. I was thinking about going through the subway tunnels, but I don't won't know what the hell might be down there."

He opened a drawer and pulled out a kitchen knife and a flashlight from a closet.

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((Kk, I was busy playing Dead Rising 2. (How convenient. .-.) So just pretend Splinter had been dazing.))

''My name is Splinter, I worked at that crappy cafe near here.'' Splinter said, wanting to get the introduction over with. ''But anyways, we're heading to the mall? That might be a good idea.. We can go through the back door, where I came in. Hopefully there aren't too many undead out there as when I had entered..''

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(Sorry just know woke up)


Silver grabbed his crow bar. "If we get to the mall we to find food, weapons, and medical supplies." Silver said. "If we take the subway tunnels that may take longer and we do not know what's done there." Silver sighed "But if that's what we have to do then lets do it."

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"Doesn't the mall have a bunch of glass windows? These creatures have proven that a window won't stop them. Second, the streets are giid. But the subway can be used if we make a sort of battering ram. Hell, that could work above ground too. We have a strecher, we just need something deadly attached to it. If y'all kniw where a small generator ir a powerful battery is, I can hook it up to shock things in our ampath, but I don't know how long it will last."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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"The glass there is bulletproof so we won't have the same problem here, unless there are a bunch of them. As for the battering ram idea, I don't know where we could find a battery for it. I was thinking of operating of the subway cars on our way. But do whatever you want." Oreo went out the door and crouched down, looking around the premises.

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"Well we might be able to stay in the mall for a while. Considering that the stores have bulletproof glass and lockable doors." Silver said. "So are we going to the mall or what?" he asked. He walked over to a chair and sat down in it. He laened the crow bar on the chair and turned to the group. "If we are going we should leave now."

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@,@@Phony, @, @, @@Naomii, @, @,  
After running as fast as he could back to his workshop he takes a good breather, making sure that no zombies was in his home or shop. After finding no one and barring the doors and windows he took a short nap upstairs. When e was rested he looked out the window. He could still hear screaming and sound of gunfire and moaning of the zombies.  He started to feel like a real coward for not helping out anyone and just shutting himself away. He yells cause of how frustrating it was that he didn't know how he could help.
The only thing he was good at was fixing things... and building things. He just remembered that he was a school bus hin his shot that he was fixing for the high school. He quickly ran down to his shop and looked at anything and everything he could use to make a normal school bus into an armored bad-ass school bus from hell. He started welding and screwing on slabs of metal on the endows and on the body. He also puts on some barbed wire around it. along with places where others can hit, cut or shoot the zombies and where they cant get them. He also jacked up the engine in the bus so it could handle a good bit of stress.
When the bus from hell was suited up he grabbed anything that could be used as a weapon. Two power saws, a chain saw, three crowbars, two baseball bats which he put nails in, three monkey wrenches and two knives.  He also got some food and two  five gallon jugs of water. along with some med kits. When he got everything he needed he put on the finishing touches. Which was some loud speakers hooked up to a radio and a microphone. 
Then he started the buss, which made a very loud demon like roar. When the garage doors open he hit the gas and drove off to look for and help survivors.  As he looked he turned on the radio and blared a song loud enough for others to hear.




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