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private Phoenix Wing (Fairy Tail RP)


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Glitter nodded at him, giving him a smile. "That's a good idea. Magnolia is pretty packed with buildings, so we should try to get out of the area and into the surrounding hills so that we don't wreck anything...already have a bit of a reputation for that..." She laughed nervously at the end, knowing she was (in all honesty) part of that problem.


@ @

"I'm sure we can get up near him, that's not a problem. I have some defensive and trapping tricks up my sleeve with my own magic, so we'll figure something out for you two to give him a good bonking," she said in reply to the pair before addressing Kenji. "What does the Dragon armour do?"


@@Bada3oom Box

Glitter eyed him thoughtfully. "What sort of spells do you know? If you don't mind saying," she added hastily.



She didn't have time to reply to the Celestial Spirit Mage before the train arrived, and she hopped on, finding a seat. She didn't expect the others to want to sit with her, so she stared out the window and waited for it to get going.

So far, not so good.

Onyx seemed smart and polite and Ahiko and Kenji seemed harmless and friendly, but the Wind and Celestial Spirit Mages didn't seem to...belong. There was something cold about them she didn't like and that was definitely NOT Phoenix, and while she usually trusted the Masters judgement she was expecting a knife in the back any second.

Edited by Cirrostratus


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Tabris put his attention to Ishu as he spoke out as well, and was relieved to hear that he may be useful defensively. Glitter soon again cycled the other team members with comments, but laid a question on Tabris and Kenji, but as the train had arrived she quickly departed to be the first onto the train. She took a seat near the window leaving an open one next to her. Being that Glitter had asked a legitimate question it gave Tabris an invitation to occupy the spot, but instead he just stood by the seat for a few moments.


"Well... I'm sure you overheard that I use Wind Based Maker Magic." He said this without making eye contact. However realizing it was probably specifics she wanted he turned to look directly at her. "A varied mix of skills. Close and long ranged offensive, a single defensive one...and my favorite would be mobility. Overall fairly well rounded, and all of which I'm sure you'll see soon enough, eventually at the very least. We are a team after all." Tabris was exceptionally nervous at this point, even if his words may have not sounded so this time. He decided to end the conversation at that figuring the others woukd be boardin right behind them, and took a chair near the back of the car.

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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Onyx watched as the train pulled up, Glitter and Tabris were the first two on-board with him in third. Deciding it was better for them to stay in the same area in-case someone thought up an idea, heading into the same car as the other two he sat down one row behind glitter and on the opposite side of the car.


Over-hearing what Tabris had said to Glitter, Onyx Watched as Tabris moved to a seat near the rear end of the car.


Turning back to Glitter, Onyx spoke up. "While it doesn't seem like you two mix very well I would like to point out that you are not the only one with an elemental advantage here, fire does not move against the wind. I realize it is not my place to tell you who to get along with and I am not telling you you should try to get along with him, but giving how dangerous this mission is and Because the odds are high you will be fighting beside him I think it would be best to try and find the reason he is in Phoenix Wing, after all each of us must have had a reason as to why we were accepted into the guild in the first place."


leaning back into his seat Onyx took out one of his books about magic and proceeded to flip it open and begin reading its contents a small smile forming on his lips.

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Watching Onyx Ahiko decided that Onyx had done what he himself had meant to do. He sat back whispering "Good job." to Onyx as he pulled out his revolver and started cleaning it. As he did he thought about his spell that he did not reveal to them: Marksman's Eye. He really did not like to use it because it left him drained, but that spell was the reason he got into Phoenix. 

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Ishu took a breath before entering the train and sat down the furthest away he could from his team while still being able to hear anything they say. As he was waiting on the train to start moving he looked at his keys and started cleaning them after awhile whilst smiling and thinking about before when he and glitter had a fight.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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  On 2014-08-13 at 5:20 AM, spyke said:
While it doesn't seem like you two mix very well I would like to point out that you are not the only one with an elemental advantage here, fire does not move against the wind. I realize it is not my place to tell you who to get along with and I am not telling you you should try to get along with him

(OoC: Uh, Glitter never did anything to Tabris?... I'm not sure why he would say this when she only has a problem with the guy who was an asshole to her after she made an attempt at being friendly. Twice. In fact, I'm hoping that Boom's character is willing to get along with Glitter, seeing as we could do some interesting combinations with their magic, though it won't happen since she's already despised by everyone and I'm taking her out of the RP.)


As Glitter suspected, she was not well-liked so far, as the Onyx persons smug little speech to her demonstrated though she had never said anything unkind about Tabris. Apparently her cutting comments about the Celestial Spirit mage had made them think she was some sort of crazy rampaging monster. While this wasn't TOTALLY inaccurate, it stung to see that none of them seemed to care that the other mage had been the unkind one in the first place and that it was obvious he wouldn't respond to more friendly behaviour if he already hated her on sight. He was siting near the others, cleaning his keys with some weird smile, as though he was happy that others were unhappy. That wasn't right. Glitter felt anger at all of them rise in her throat like bile.

This was not what Glitter had wanted. She knew that Phoenix Tail had many mages, and that it was doubtful she would get along with all of them, but this was more than she had expected there to be.

It was time she left the guild. Her mother was right. It was a bad idea to ever get involved, especially with Glitter's heritage. Reagan knew, but she wasn't sure any others did, and it was wise to keep it that way.

She made up her mind. She would complete this job and be on her way. There was no point in staying in an area where she was not welcome. There were many other things Glitter could do, and this didn't have to be one of them.


Eventually, the train pulled to a stop. Feeling defeated but not wanting to show it, Glitter exited the train on her own, not looking at the others, and headed towards the main street, hoping to find a nearby inn to stay in. However, within moments she was already lost, and she didn't want to have to talk to anyone right now. Panicking, Glitter looked around for somebody who could help her, not wanting anyone else to catch up with her first.

Edited by Shizune


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As the train came to a stop Onyx closed the book he had been reading and neatly tucked it in his bag, Glitter had already exiting the train car by the time he stood up. making his way out of the train he noticed that Glitter had already been lost to the crowd of people moving in and out of the station. Waiting for the others to exit the train behind him he turned and addressed them.

"It seems Glitter has gone off on her own. I shall be going to talk with the local guild for information before heading to the park to survey the area, if any of you wish to join me you are welcome to do so."

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(To he'll with it, I am going after Glitter.)


As the train stopped, Kenji saw Glitter run off on her own. "What is she thinking, did I do something? All I did was try to stay inconspicuous and what not." Requiping so his iato is sheathed arches waist, he runs after her. "Hey, wait up?!"

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Tabris observed the look of disappointment on Glitter's face as she quickly exited the train, almost as soon as it had come to a stop. Onyx was second to exit followed by Kenji who swiftly ran after the seemingly distrot Glitter calling after her as he did so. Tabris soon stepped off the train himself as Onyx spoke, informing those who still were on the train that he was going to go speak with the local Guild leaving an open invitation to the others. Looking down the way in which Kenji and Glitter had disappeared, Tabris returned his attention to Onyx. Though he didn't speak out, he made it obvious that he would accompany him by stepping forward off the train and stepping a little ways off to his side with a nod.

Edited by Bada3oom Box

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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Ishu saw the others leave the train and saw that Glitter ran away ''wonder what got her'' he whispered to himself before exiting the train and waiting with the others showing that he would accompany them to the guild of magnolia to not lose them and face the criminal by himself.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Great. Someone was following her. She knew it was irresponsible to be running off on her own when there was a job to do, but she was already tired of being around some of these people. However, when she turned, she saw it was the Requip guy. She was fine with him so far, he seemed nice enough.

"Kenji, right?" she said, wiping her face to make sure there weren't any tears or anything like that. "Sorry. I'm just a little...stressed. I guess we probably have a job to do, don't we?" She smiled, but it was more bitter than usual. "I suppose we should head back to the rest of the group. Can't let Phoenix Wing look bad."

However, looking at the others standing together made something in Glitter sour a little. She didn't know how to deal with people who acted like this. However, she had to do this for Phoenix, if not herself. She went to pat Kenji's shoulder awkwardly but realized her arms barely reached to the upper half of his chest, so she kind of banged him on the side about. "Ready to go?" she asked, shoving her hands in the pockets of her dress to stop herself from trying something like that again.


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"If something is bothering you you can talk to me. I may act like a braggart from time to time, but I really do care, after all, we should look after one another, right?" Kenji says smiling. "And you should do things for yourself, not for Phoenix wing. Trust me, I made a mistake in letting someone control me. But we are separate people, so if course we won't all get along and we all have our own reasons for joining. And yes it is Kenji. It isn't pleasure to meet you."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Tabris watched as Glitter and Kenji had made their way closer to rejoining the group. Glitter seemed to be a little less flustered, but something on her face showed she still wasn't as cheery as she was back at the Guild Hall. Now that the team was all together they'd be able to start the information gathering, Tabris hoped that the local Guild would be able to be helpful in that instance.


Attention moving slightly back to the train, Tabris realized that Ahiko was still on board. Delayed by gathering his belongings he guessed, either way he was sure he'd come out sooner rather than later. Tabris then looked down the way to the crowds that moved up and down the streets, for the most part they seemed quite relaxed, going about their day seemingly as usual. Another assumption past by him, figuring that the Dark Mage had yet caused a commotion this day. Which was good, as he'd no doubt be making an appearence then.

Edited by Bada3oom Box

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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Ahiko was just running off of the train in a desperate attempt to catch up with them. He saw kenji with glitter and did not see anyone else there so he ran while whooping "Hey guys! Wat up?".

As he did this he felt somthing fishy going on 

(OOC: Please dont take glitter out of the RP I liked her concept!)

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Looking about the station Onyx approached a young women who appeared to be looking around for someone.


"Excuse me miss do you know ow to get to the local guild from here?"


Being in a conversation Onyx did not notice Ahiko when he got off the train and began running after Kenji and Glitter.

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Ahiko told Kenji and Glitter to start looking, "And maybe ask others too he yelled as they walked off. As he looked he saw wreckage of a building.

He heard workers talking about a "Dark Wizard" and how he had a knack for destroying buildings. He then decided to ask some people about this and stalked off into the main street.

Edited by NighTCore

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  • 2 weeks later...


Glitter gave a bitter smile and wiped her eyes with the backs of her long sleeves, ensuring there was no moisture there. She looked up at Kenji and shrugged in a melancholy manner.

"Unfortunately, I have nothing else to live for, myself included," she said, but did not seem willing to elaborate on this fact as she heard the others calling them to look for more people.

"We should probably head back," she said, and grabbed his forearm, steering him towards the remainder of the group.



The girl just stared at him with an expression of disgust for a few moments before hurrying on her way.


@@Bada3oom Box @ @@rolle

Glitter had approached the others, who seemed to be scattering.

"I assume a representative is going to meet us here at the station," she said, and, noting Ahiko was running off, called him back before he could get too far. (OoC: I'm going to pretend he didn't leave for the sake of everyone hearing what the rep will say.)


Glitter glanced at the clock - the train had arrived at 4:29, right on time, and before she could think about anything else, she heard someone speak near to them.


A fairly young man, his brown hair close cropped and his brown eyes curious, glanced at the group. Glitter could see a blue guild mark poking out of the top of his plain white shirt, a dragon head. She hadn't been paying attention to what he was saying, and so, feeling stupid (yet again), she asked "could you please repeat that?"

"I asked if you're the Phoenix Wing group," he said, eyebrow raised, and Glitter flushed, but after a few moments regained her composure, smiling at him politely.

"Yes, we are the ones who were summoned," she said, bowing. The man snorted a little and muttered something under his breath that sounded distinctly like "bunch of brats".


"I'm Eric, member of Dragon Breath," he said, crossing his arms. "Sent here to debrief you, though there isn't much to say. Bastard's holed up in some cave to the northwest, hasn't attacked in a few weeks. Last time, he set the whole church and houses around it ablaze." He spread his arms, as if mimicking what had happened. "Boom. Nothing left. Hear even the graves have been reduced to rubble, not to mention the people in those houses." Eying them carefully, he added, "you sure that you're the ones that've been sent? Any, you know, of your S-Class?"

Glitter frowned at this new tone, but nodded. She didn't like his indifferent attitude to civilian casualties.

"I guess we have to live with that," he said, but doubt marred his voice. "Look, we rented you guys two rooms at a local inn, but since there are..." - he did a quick headcount - "six of you and only two beds a room, a few are gonna have to rough it on the floor. Anyways, I have work I need to get back to, and I'm sure your Guild Master briefed you on the dude. Big explosions, real scary, that sort of thing. Is there anything else you want to know before you head in, or can I go?"


Glitter glanced at the others, then added her own question. "Are any of you Dragon Breath members coming? Like the S-Class members you want?"

"Hell no," Eric replied almost instantly. "What else would we have hired you for? We're not risking our lives. Don't ask stupid stuff like that."

Forcing her temper down, Glitter knew she was representing the guild, and she gave a tight nod and waited to see if anyone else wanted to say anything.

Edited by Shizune


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Keeping his hand on his iato, he stares angrily at the dragons breath member. "You need to grow a pair, after all you want to talk to your only hope like that? really? Because I won't have it. Now apologize right this damned minutes or I will make you. Stupid coward."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Glitter placed her hand on Kenji's sword, giving him a warning glance. As much as she would also like to biff this windbag up a bit, they couldn't afford to antagonize the guild they were working for, lest it give them a bad reputation.

"We can do this after the job's done," she whispered, "you don't want to waste your energy on anything but the real threat."

Eric just stared at them with a mixture of amusement and boredom, as though he was used to this.

Glitter hoped her words were enough to quell Kenji's anger, and she gave Eric a smile, though it was small and tight this time.


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"Your not worth my time I guess, be glad, now where us this church? I feel like getting out of this damned town and back home." He says, requiping into his dragon armor and zanbato, emitting an aura of fear. "Now let's get to work, before the situates worse than it is."

So, people have mistaken me for a nice guy. I'm not. Don't like it? Tough. Your loss.

mirrorwing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mirrorwing-r5649?do=edit

obsidian wing http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/obsidian-wing-r6014

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Ahiko pulled out his revolver with a couple of bullets which had magic circles. He loaded them into his gun as the man was speaking. "Talks like he is high class but hasn't done anything....I hate people like him." He whispers to Glitter as he holstered his revolver. He felt bored considering no one else was there other than Kenji. He regarded glitter as she acted like she had something to hide. Her magic was peculiar sure but she just might be good (seeing as he has no idea about make magic) He just thought he was being critical and decided to focus on the dark wizard. 

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Ishu looked at the member that was sent to meet em and muttered to himself after he was done talking ''you really dont have a clue how much all of us wanna punch you in the face'' and decided to wait for the others to move before speaking seeing as this guy who was from the guild they were hired by just acted like he is so much stronger than any of them.


(Night, everybody is there. And shizu could you reply to my message?)

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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The member of Dragon's Breath came to greet the group of Phoenix, in a rather rude type of manner. Tabris didn't much care for the man's tone, and didn't argue his fellow Guild members stating their minds harshly true. With the information that Eric had, Tabris tried to piece up something useful. The Dark Wizard had apparently been absent for the past few weeks, a rather long time. Eric had informed them that he knew the current whereabouts of the target, being in "some cave" at least the direction being in the Northeast the Phoenix's would know which way to head.


Kenji inquired about the Church that had been destroyed along with a few neighboring houses during the Dark Wizard's last sighting. Tabris figured that it could prove beneficial to check out, but also may prove to be nothing more than a waste of time. However if it had indeed been so long since the Dark Wizad had made a move, time would most likely be on their side. "I'm not entirely sure what we could find at the Church, but it might be worth looking into. That is unless anyone objects?" Tabris finally spoke out looking across the others, while seemingly ignoring Eric.

Little Pony that happens to be Mine

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