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planning Let's Explore Japon!

Samurai Equine

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Okay, so I am very new to this message board and I am still trying to figure things out. I understand this is where we plan things before we actually do any roleplaying, so I guess I'll ask my question...


Is anyone interested in a roleplay involving war horses and asian-inspired ponies like mine? There can be some super hero elements involved too, as long as it's not way over the top exaggerated like in the Power Ponies episode.

If you are interested, how would it work out? I don't understand the different kinds of role plays here. I'm taking suggestions of all kinds. Please help!


For now, I'm just calling my OC's mane land "Japon", but if the makers of the show create an asian-themed place in Equestria, I'll probably go with that instead.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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You need to be a bit more specific on what you are trying to do.


P.S. If your rp is WWII or war that envolves guns I'm in. As long as it doesn't have space marine shit.

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If it was WWII themed, I feel I'd be on the losing end of it. I'd rather make something a little more generic so that everyone can win or have a part. I don't mind creating a few "enemies" or rivals for the sake of the RP.


Does anyone else care to double up as enemy characters? Diamond dogs, apparitions, and other things are perfectly acceptable. I might include snow leopards. If not, I don't mind being in charge of that. I feel like I'll have to have majority control, but I don't want that to impede anyone else's roll or creativity.


I really don't know what else to suggest. I guess the RP would be more like a narrative. That's what I'm use to. I was thinking of having it set sometime after Starswirl but before the Mane 6. Creates more possibilities for villains, especially minor threats that Celestia shouldn't be bothered with too much.


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OKAY EVERYPONY! I have a big announcement!


Is anyone familiar with Moonstuck?

I have decided to make an RP like that, minus the art work. There will be no sign ups. All are welcome to join. I'll set up scenarios and you get to vote what happens next. I might give some choices, I might leave it open ended. Majority vote decides what happens next.


The RP will be all about exploring Japon, the homeland of my fan character. There will be missions, side quests, sight seeing, special events, some battles, and hopefully more. There might even be some major story arcs.

These story arcs could include guest appearances from your OC, the mane 6 and other canon characters (if anyone is willing to RP as them), and more.


If this interests anyone, just let me know. If you want volunteer your OC for a later story arc or volunteer to RP as a canon character or something else, just let me know!


I hope this kind of roleplay is okay. I know it's not very traditional, but this is my first time leading an RP with an entire message board of people. I really want to get in some practice before I start something traditional.



Thank you! I will keep your character submission in mind for a future role. :)


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