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open The Untold Power Within (IC RP)

Thunder Tinker

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His words seemed to be truthful from his point of view, yet I could easily bounce through the void if I wanted to...

"Perhaps we do not speak of the same place." I say, drawing an intrigued look from Disruptis. "From where I am speaking is an emptiness between time and space, where the rules of reality have no grip. It may not be the official 'void' you know, but it is a very real place indeed. And the extent of my powers is something I know far too well..." I shut my eyes, fighting off painful memories "but I have come to realize that I am bound by no rules, of this world nor of one from above. For my domain is far from their reach."

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"We're near-ish the station, so I guess the wreck site shouldn't be too far away. Why'd you ask?" She might've looked crazy talking to lizard on her back but no one paid her much attention. "Something's wrong isn't it?" She stood infront of the main entrence of the hospital, in the middle of the rush.


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Elia followed Pyrus to the wreck site. She was slightly worried he'd get crushed by any passing hooves. But seeing his quick nimbleness, she flew overhead.


Mellownius didn't enjoy poking through rubble but he felt obligated to find the cause of the wreck. He usually didn't possess such motivation to do anything but he knew it would mean a lot to Elia if he just tried. He was wary of the broken pieces of debris scattered around the tracks, the lumps of metals, the odd bit of luggage strewn about and those other things he'd rather pretend weren't there. He was sure that the site would soon be declared off limits if it wasn't already. He had to investigate fast, before his will failed him or authorities kick him out.


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I sigh.

"That seems more reasonable, and for the sake of time, let's leave it at that." I glance around, scanning the area. it seemed like my eyes were searching, but my head had forgotten what for.

"I believe someone is listening in..." I whisper to Disruptis cautiously. "And I'm pretty sure they aren't just some curios filly..."

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"I..." I pause, lowering my voice further. "Will handle it." After a quick nod from Disruptis, I focus, drawing time closer to a standstill. Time freezes and I swipe downward once with my horn, opening a small rift. I step through, finding myself adrift in an infinite blackness. After another quick swipe I find myself outside the hospital, several hundred meters away, where a hooded unicorn crouches, magic sparkling from their horn.

"Getting nosey?" I ask, watching as the pony leaps backwards, startled. "It isn't nice to eavesdrop." I growl, pacing toward them.

"But I already know too much!" The pony says, swiping a blade towards my neck. I step back, dodging the blade, but feel something change. "Now I have your power!" I hear a shrill cry rise into the air as my gem fastens around the pony's neck. Suddenly the pony crumples, and the hood falls from their head, revealing a mare's face.

"But... Why do I feel drained?" She barely utters, looking at me with questioning eyes. I feel rage boiling inside, pumping faster and faster!

"You should have heard."

I loose control.

A massive beam tears from my horn, knocking the mare high into the air. I'm suddenly above her, and with a swift kick, she rockets to the ground, followed by a loud explosion. I land softly, feeling a satisfying crunch as I trot over the smoking corpse. I lift up the gem and tie it back to my necklace.

My vision flashes.

"Oh Celestia!" I whisper, looking at the body. "What have I done?!" I fight off tears and race back to the void.

Alone. Adrift in silence.

"This power is becoming too much..." I whisper to myself, trying to force my brain into thinkin it would get better, but I knew too strongly that it wouldn't.

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Dusk Shade teleported toward the attack on the mare not yet knowing that that was what it was. Seeing the pony had been killed rather violently, he sent a silent praayer for her soul. "Too much sin...", was all he said before blacking out. In a brilliant flash of light, the black stallion's white eyes fell to blackness and his coat shone white. "All sinners must atone....no second chances".

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"Hold on tight!" She headed towards the site of the wreck. She was uncertain what she would find. To be honest she was afraid. From a distance she could see a faint outline of a stallion picking through the rubble. "Pyrus, I see someone. Are you sure we should be here?"


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Mellownius heard faint voices, he couldn't see anyone but he was sure someone was watching him. He looked around him, nothing.he carried on with his investigation. Dismissing the voices he heard as pure imagination.


Elia chose to take the safer route above clouds to hide her shadow. She wasn't very stealthy or fast so she had to made do with caution. As she got nearer and nearer, she could see him flipping over bits of scraps. Was it Mellownius? It wasn't too cloudy and she was running out of cover. She got as close as she could and turned to Pyrus. "What now? He'll see you! And probably me. Mel is pretty observant. He'll spot us both and it'll be the end of us!"


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The only place I can be safe... Maybe not anymore because of the Disruptis stallion... All I can hope is that he can't reach me here. I look around at the infinite darkness.

"Why am I cursed with such power?" I cry, but the words are lost in the void. I just float there, on the verge of tears.

"Why must I take so many lives?" I whisper.


I find myself on a hill, surrounded by an impossibly dense wall of trees. One stone sticks out of the top of the hill, with words engraved upon it. I trot up to the stone and lie down next to it, shutting my eyes.

"You would know how to solve this." I tell the stone, remembering the face that I would have been talking to instead. I press my forehead to the stone, and open my eyes. "Please..." I lie like this for a while, just feeling the minutes tick by. I finally work up the strength to stand. Looking at the stone, and the engravement: 'the end of one path to save the paths of many', I slowly trot out into the everfree forest, in search of the only pony who wouldn't know of my crimes.

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Elia watched as he landed on the grass. Her heart was beating out of her chest, waiting for his signal. She also kept an eye on Mel. Why is he here she thought. She watched as he pried through a case, she had never seen him so actively perusing anything. If he bothered, it must be big. There's something going onaand nopony is telling me. She was determined to find the truth.


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I walk into the small hut, instantly catching the smells of various brews and spells.

"Welcome, warrior." The words come out from the hut as soon as I set hoof inside.

"Um, excuse me?" I reply, a bit caught off guard.

"I have been keeping track of your 'adventures', to say the least they are exciting. Panic clutches at me suddenly.

"Have you seen anything as of late?" I ask, mortified that she would know the lives I have taken recently.

"No, but I have a feeling I do not wish to."

"That is true..."

"So, what do you need?"

"Magic limiters?"

"Really? That's a bit odd of a request, but let me look." She trots off into a cut off room.

"If you have really been watching me, then you would know..."

"Ah, but I thought the gem and further limiter on that would have been enough."

"I wish it were..." The zebra trots back to me holding a strange, crimson feather.

"Please kneel." I do as she says, and I feel the sharp tip of the feather scratching my horn. A few minutes later, she steps back.

"I'm afraid I've done as much as I can, the rest is up to you." I now, and with a word of thanks, make my way back into the forest. As soon as I leave, I summon a mirror using my magic and examine the glowing glyphs engraved upon my horn.

'I hope this will be enough...'

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Elia was hit with a sudden blinding flash that hit her straight in the eye, making her see stars. She shook herself out of it and brace herself for a steep dive. She swooped down and caught Pyrus. She immediately did a steep dive upwards, hoping Pyrus had good grip. She was left breathless. "What is that thing?" She wheezed.


Mellownius was on his way back home when he noticed a burning safe he had not noticed before. He was about to dismiss it as looting but it struck him as odd. Why destroy this safe in particular when it's so much easier to just rummage through baggage. He had seen quite a lot of priceless jewelry and riches which he left alone of course. It looked like a sturdy safe, still burning hot when most of the rubble had begun to cool. He made up his mind to get his hooves on the passenger list as soon as possible. He smelled foul play at work.


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"Sure" She decided not to question him any further though her curiosity was killing her. She cloud hopped back the direction they came from to the hospital. The hustle had begun to die down a little but it was still as lively as ever. "When will I see you again?" She asked as they passed the doors of the hospital.


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"Thanks!" She gladly took the amulet and slipped it on. It wasn't her usual type of jewelry but it looked cool. Not sure if Mel is going to like this she though. "You should stop by my place sometimes. I bet my brother would love to meet you. I better head back. I hope we do meet again." She waved as she left for home.


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Trotting back into Ponyville, I sigh.

'Maybe Disruptis won't tell anyone... Maybe he has, and I'll be arrested...' The painful thoughts keep looping through my head as I walk towards the... Nowhere really. I stop moving at the center of the town, and just look around. Through a groan and tears, I sit, head bowed. I hear hoof steps and the clink of metal.

'Wait!' I bolt up, and follow the sound. 'Could he be...?!'

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