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private Fallout: End of the Road

Stone Cold Applejack

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Malt put away the pistol and psycho. "Like I said, any Cateye would be great. Either that or some Nuka-Cola Quartz, since that has a similar effect for some reason. Any stimpaks are always helpful as well, even if we don't use them tonight. I'm sure strike would appreciate the psycho though, he seems to me like the kind that would pump himself up with psycho and med-x and go around with a length of rebar with some concrete still on the end and smash some skulls in." He explained, chuckling.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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While the others searched the building again, Quick Strike leaned back against a post, spinning around his father's revolver.  "Hope we get move'n soon," he said, more to himself then anypony else.  "Getting rather board just stand'n around here."  Looking around the town, he spotted something just poking out from around a wall.  "Well now," he said, "what's this?"  He holstered the revolver, dropped back on all fours, and wandered over to check it out, finding a large, metal trunk sitting against the building.  After looking it over, he noticed that somepony had already attempted to pick the lock.  "Heh, heh," he laughed, "I can fix that!"  Pulling out his revolver, he took aim...




"That got 'em!" he hollered, putting the weapon away.  "Now-" he reached down to grab the lid, ignoring the smoking hole where the lock once was "-let's see what I won..."


Search large metal trunk





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4 pre war bits

12 caps

.357 revolver

15 .357 bullets

Ranger hat


"I could use that psycho as well. Remember me and Strike are the fighters of this group." I reminded Malt. I walked over to a longer medical box. Inside I found...


23 7 oz. bags of healing powder

3 boxes of bandages

2 spools of guaze

4 Bottles of pain pills


"Huh got lucky." I said to myself. I took everything in it and tucked it away. "So you find anything yet?"

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"Well now," Quick Strike said, while holding up the 357, "lookie what we got here!"  He popped open the chamber, loaded in some rounds, and gave it a spin.  "Heh heh," he chuckled, "this'll do nicely."  He flicked his hoof to pop the chamber back in, and set it down next to the trunk.  Pocketing the bis, caps, and bullets, he held up the Ranger hat.  "Hmm..." he thought, "not really my color.  Might come in handy, though."  He stuffed it into his bag, along with his old revolver.  "Sorry Pops," he said, picking the 357 back up, "but this had a little more kick, heh heh!"  He slid it into the holster.  "Hmm... If I get another holster, could dual wield these!  Heh Heh!"

Edited by nx9100





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I thought of something for a moment. "Hey Malt I just figured this out." I said to Malt. "If we get into a fight, then me and Quick Strike would be the ones mainly doin all the shootin seein as we both are experts at that kind of stuff, you would be the medic batchin us up if we get wounded, and-" I paused. "Wait what's Soprano and Re gonna do?" I asked Malt.

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"That's... That's a good question. I guess they'd be the ones watching our backs making sure if there were any of them still out on patrol, maybe checking around and doing the looting." Malt suggested. "Really, I'd have to ask Re and Soprano, because I don't know what they're really good at, I mean, hell, I've only been with the group for about a day now."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"One could be your assistant. Helpin carry the load of the medical supplies and helpin you out if we get wounded. That sounds somethin like Soprano would be able to do." I paused. "But that still leaves Re. We'd have ta ask em." I looked at the remaining boxes then turned back to Malt. "Better get back to searchin...unless you got everything you need." I looked at the stuff in my saddle bag. "But if we ain't done what else do we need?"

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"I suppose that's enough, and if they have any kind of first aid knowledge, that'd definitely help." Malt said. "For the most part, I'm ready to go. If we could pick up any knives or whatever though, that'd definitely be nice. Bladed weapons are nice and quiet." He suggested. "But other than that, we should probably alert the rest of the group that we're ready to head out. Probably would be a good idea to run through the plan once more before we execute it, however, make sure everyone's on the same page."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Soprano got up from sitting, and heard Malt talk about first aid experience. "You are away that I have a lot of experience, right?" he said, getting out his bandages and one adrenalin shot. "Only got bandages and one shot of adrenalin at the moment." he said.


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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"If we gonna kill those fucks then we need to get moving. Probably don't have anytime for searchin. And I got a knife and I found this." I showed Malt the bayonet. "A bayonet. A knife that attaches to a gun." I put the bayonet back. "So lets get movin." I walked to the steps. "Hey guys get ready! We're be leavin soon! Make sure you got everything!" I yelled so they could hear me. I motioned to Malt. "Come on. Lets go."

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Malt nodded. "That bayonet attach to my shotgun? If not, I can still use it like a knife, I'll just levitate it." He asked. "Anyways, Soprano, that means you'll be on med duty with me. Try not to brick Star this time, though, Capiche?" Malt stated. "By the way, where's Re and Strike? We need them to go over the plan once more before it's executed."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"Howdy, pardners!" called Quick Strike, walking back into the building where the others were.  "So, y'all ready to take off, or ya still sittin' around looking for presents, heh heh!"  Moving over to join them, he pulled out his new 357 and started spinning it around his hoof.  "We's all got a plan yet, or what?"





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"Yes, actually. We were just going to discuss that, as soon as we can find Re." Malt said. "I would guess he's upstairs as well looking for something, so we should probably find him before we head out or even go over the plan, because I don't want to go over it once and then he would walk down the stairs and have to go over the whole thing again."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"Well while we wait for Re might as well tell em there roles." I looked at Quick Strike. "Strike. You and me are the ones doin the fighting. That doesn't mean we're the only ones fightin, it just means we'll mostly be the ones shootin." I looked at Malt. "Malt I've told you your role. Your the medic." I looked at everyone. "If you get hurt call for Malt. He'll be the one carryin the medicine." I looked at Soprano. "Soprano you'll be helpin Malt carry the medical supplies so he doesn't get weighed down. Our medic needs to be fast so you help him carry the stuff." I stepped back. "Does anyone have any questions about there job?" I asked the group.

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Soprano was a bit confused as to why he simply carried the equipment, but he didn't argue it. He wanted to get good with Star again. "Alright then." he said. "I'm really sorry about the whole... incident. I just do that when people go through my private notes." he apologised.


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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"I've been busy thinking a little." Re came into the group from a unknown location. "Sorry I've been gone but I had to take care of some business. Mind business. What was my role again? My skills are according to my test are Huge Guns, Speech and Science." Re was hesitant to reply... Something was bugging him

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"It's alright Soprano. I know how you feel." I opened the box attached to my holster and pulled out a note. I showed the note to Soprano. "If anypony did something to this I'd fuckin fry em." I looked at the note. "It was from somepony special. Somepony I loved and protected." I paused. "It was from my daughter." A tear formed in my eye.


(OOC: eyeup Star has a daughter. Wanna know about her post it on the rp.)

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"Based on that, Re, I think you may want to be our lookout. That pip-buck there has those 'SPECIAL' stats right? And 'P' stands for perception if I remember correctly, what was your Perception rating? We'll need a good set of eyes watching our back so it doesn't go south." Malt said. "Otherwise, you may have to help carry out our loot or medical supplies."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"My dead parents set my S.P.E.C.I.A.Ls to all tens. I don't really know what my attributes are besides from the test that I took. But yes, I'd gladly take lookout. My compass can detect life nearby." Re Looked at his pip buck compass and saw three friendly blue lines. He then took a 360 turn and saw nothing else. "This area is clear."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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I wiped my eye and stood up. "Alright Re yoou our lookout. No need to explain your job." I looked at the group. "Alright everyone listen up. Malt formulated this plan so listen to it clearly. We won't repeat." I looked at Malt. "Alright Malt tell em the plan." I stepped back to let Malt explain the plan.

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"Alright." Malt said, stepping forward confidently. "First off, this is a night mission, so make sure to have any and all light sources on yourself turned off, specifically your pip-buck Re. Now, for the plan itself: Strike, when we approach the cave, we're going to scout out the location first, check and see if there is any way up to the sniper towers without being spotted in order to take them down without causing a ruckus. If so, we'll take them out and stash their bodies somewhere they won't be found in case the snipers rotate throughout the night. Once we've done that, we'll sneak up on the guards at the front entrance and take them down as quietly as possible, and dispose of their corpses similarly to the snipers. Once they are dealt with, we'll move in and progress quietly as possible, taking out guards and stashing their bodies as we go. So we don't have any surprises, I want Re to be monitoring the compass on his Pip-buck as much as possible, but at the lowest light setting so as not to tip anypony off. If all goes according to plan A, then we'll be in the chieftan's room with him bound to a chair with a stump where his neck should be an his head on a pike out front." He explained. "However, Plan B is basically run-and-gun. We'll have Star and myself sneaking up towards the sniper towers, in order to take them out, while Strike, Soprano, and Re will be watching from a distance, Strike will be providing overwatch with his rifle, ready to take a shot in case things look like we're having a problem with the snipers. If we can't find a way up the towers without being spotted, we'll just have to go in and unleash Ragnarok, but that will be much much more difficult, as they'll likely be waiting for us with a large number of guards in the Chieftan's room. Strike and Star doing most of the combat, Re watching our asses, and Soprano and I patching up you guys as needed." Malt continued. "Do we have any questions?" He asked, stamping his hoof.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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spinning his 357 while leaning against a tree, Quick Strike listened and Malt outlined the entire plan.  Wow, he thought, this pony talks more then Mega-jerk!  Once Malt finished, he spoke up.  "No questions here," he said, "I got this.  Plan A: i kill 'em real quiet-like.  Plan B," he pulled his hat down a bit, "I kill 'em real fun-like!  Heh Heh!!"





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"We only resort to plan B if plan A works Strike. We ain't got the firepower to go in there like a bat out of hell and slaughter em." I said in a very serious tone. I stepped forward. "Now I need you to be on high alert at all times during this. Needless to say no fuckin around or runnin off." I grabbed my shotgun. "No questions? Good." I looked over the group. "Move out." I commanded.

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"On it." Malt said, heading out the door. "First and foremost, however, we need to know where the actual cave is. I doubt they could have moved the whole thing since the last time you were here Star, so where is the entrance? And what direction do you think we should come from in order to not be spotted by the towers?"



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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Well the entrance might be the same. It's just they might have made new passages and stuff to suite their needs." I looked North. "The last time we went, we headed North." I turned back to Malt. "So more than likely that direction. Hopefully I'll remember some sites on the way." I walked outside. When I find that bastard I'm gonna tear him limb from limb. I thought. I turned the radio back on where a song just now started to play.




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