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private Fallout: End of the Road

Stone Cold Applejack

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Spinning his 357 back into his holster, Quick Strike dropped back to all fours, and followed Star out.  "Awl, right!" he called, "we finally get to go have some fun!"  He reached up to adjust his hat.  "Hey Star," he said, as a thought occurred to him, "think I might borrow that knife of yours?  Would make it easy to take out the guards real quiet-like, ya hear?"





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"Huh? Oh yeah. Sure. I'll just beat the guards up." I slid the knife out of the sheath and gave it to Quick Strike. "But when we take out those snipers out I want it." I looked up into the sky. "Sun's startin to set. We better get a move on." I called to the group still inside.

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Mister Re brought up some notes in his pipbuck: Stealth 101. "I can choke a few people out. But I'd prefer the loud approach if we weren't so unequipped." Re slung his weapon to his backside. "Do you think that there's gonna be cave monsters? Star? If we can't fire our weapons inside, then we'd be pretty undefended against them."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"If there was cave monsters, you think they'd still be livin there?" I answered. "I didn't see any when I went in there but we didn't go in deep. But if there were any The Golds would've clear em out." I checked the time on my Pip-Buck. "Alright we're leavin. Get your stuff and come out outside."

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He strapped his new shotgun to his back, and moved out into the open road.  "Alright," Quick Strike said, "Y'all ready to move out yet?"  Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a bottle, and took a long swig.  "Ah, that's better," he said with a smile, corking the bottle and packing it back up, "now, let's go gets us some action!  Yeeee-Haw!"





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Malt facehoofed. "Strike, how many times do we have to tell you, we're doing this quiet. It'll only go loud if shit heads fan-wards. The last thing we need is you getting shit-faced and running in and being swiss-cheesed." He lamented. "Just take a bit to calm down. I hate to kill the party, considering that's basically the exact opposite of what my job used to be, but running in piss-drunk screaming is only going to get you killed." Malt turned back to Star. "I'm ready to move out whenever myself. I've got about half the first-aid supplies, Soprano should have the remainder."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"Alright, alright," Quick Strike said, visibly calming down, "I get ya.  No noise-makers, keep it real quiet-like."  He pulled out the knife borrowed from Star, and ran a hoof along the edge of the blade.  "Not quite as much fun, but if it keeps my hide in one piece, I ain't gonna argue..."





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"Alright lets get a move on." I turned around and walked down the road to the cavern. The song on the radio ended and a new one played. "All I us this thing for now is the radio." I said looking down at the Pip-Buck. "So while we walk why don't we introduce each other. Since we haven't been properly introduced." I said to the group. "Who's goin first?"


THE SONG: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LwwFPraUNF8

Edited by Red Sage
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"Alright then. I guess I will. I'm Malt Mix, former bartender, currently surviving as a trapper and prospector out here in the wastes. I know my way around some first aid, but I've never really had any formal medical training. I'm not that useful with a gun, but I can lay traps, generally for wildlife, but if need-be I probably could adapt them to work on ponies as well." Malt said. "I'm after these thugs considering they were the ones that destroyed this town, my former home town. I want to see them exterminated. After that, I don't know what I'll do. Probably just continue on with you folks and go on adventures or whatever you guys do."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"Good, Malt. We need you anyway. Okay, my turn. I am a Mister Re, self named and the most intelligible pony in stable zero-three-three. My parents died sacrificing their lives, when there was no need to. I was banished by my fellow compatriots a few days ago but I snagged their most important thing: Something I refuse to tell you guys about. My only mission now is to survive and to find the thing that I lost."

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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Soprano noticed that it was his turn. "Oh, uh..." he said, thinking of what to say. "Soprano Aurora. Born in Canterlot, 1954 (years from Luna's banishment), and died sometime in the probably near future. I don't have any deaths in my family. Don't even know the lucky bastards. I'm learning Japanese, shorthand, and i've been dictating this entire plan." He bows.


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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"Well," Quick Strike started, while walking with the others, "not much ta tell.  Was born in Appleloosa, Pa was shot when I was a young'in, and never really new my Ma.  Grew up with the slavers in Appleloosa.  Taught myself ta shoot, and spent most of ma time," he paused, and a wicked grin formed on his face, "working jobs, if ya get my drift, heh, heh!"  He reached up to fix his hat.  "Was between jobs, when I ran inta Star there," he gestured to Star Gaze, "and figured I'd lend a hoof killing what needed ta be killed."  He shrugged.  "Figured I'd stick around, see what kinda 'fun' we could get into.  Reckon this group here's better off with me around, heh heh!"


(yes, QS loves to boast, and has a big ego, lol) 





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"Names Star Gaze. I was born and raised in the Zuluian zebra tribe with my 2 older brothers Moon Light and Nova. My dad was a guardian my mom was a doctor. Which is were I learned to shoot. When I turned 18 I joined to become a guardian. When I was 22 I met a zebra mare and we had a daughter. One day the Gold Star Cavern raiders attacked a pony tribe that were allies. We went to stop them but came up getting attacked. Mostly everyone died but a lucky few got out. After that I just wandered the wasteland doin odd jobs snd stuff. That's basically it until I met Strike." I paused. "Hey Strike you remember that zebra mare at Maneford Point?"

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He frowned, trying to think.  "Oh yeah," he replied, "Zenik, Zekith, or some'tin, wasn't it?  The one ya blew up with that bomb, right?"  He laughed.  "Ya, I remember.  That was a real blast, Heh Heh Heh!"  Still laughing, he reached into his pocket, and pulled out the tribal beaded necklace.  "That's where I picked up this here trinket."





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I looked at the necklace. "You could probably sell that a merchant." I said to Strike. "If we can find one that is." It got darker. The sun had set. "Well that's good." I said looking into the sky. "Won't have to wait for the sun to set when we get there." I became uneven during the night because you couldn't see the mutants as clearly. "So what are you guys gonna do when we get to New Pegasus?"

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"Depending on how many caps we can find, probably do a bit of gambling, see a show or two, then spend a night with somepony." Malt mused. "As for specifics, I couldn't tell you until we get there, it'll really depend on what's going on. It's New Pegasus, you'll plan one thing, then get distracted by something else, and then completely forget what you wanted to do in the first place. Or so I've been told."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"Yeah. Can't wait to get there though. Lots of stuff to do up there." I replied to Malt. "Hopefully we'll have enough caps by the time we get there." I looked at Quick Strike. "Hey Strike. What you'd get your mark for." I asked. "It's just a scorpion. Like what'd you do to get it."

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"What, this thing?" Quick Strike asked, looking back at the mark on his flank.  "Not really sure, honestly," he replied.  "When I was a young'in, I first started learn'in how ta use my Pa's revolver.  Ya'know, after he was tak'in out.  Got real good at trick shots.  Then, on of the other slavers started claiming I couldn't shoot as good as him.  Of course, I said I could shoot better then 'em.  Then the punk challenged me to a shootout."  Strike looked up, a hint of pride in his eyes.  "He called 'Draw!', but by the time he finally got his piece out of the holster," he smirked, "I already put a hole in his head!  That's when my Mark appeared."  He turned to face Star, "Somepony said it ment I stung as fast as a scorpion, and that's that.  They're the same ones who named me Quick Strike too, since-" lifting his head with pride "-I'm the fastest draw in the Wasteland!  Heh, heh!"

Edited by nx9100





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"When I get to New Pegasus, I gotta find someone and settle some old score. You wouldn't know her but she carries a burlap satchel containing something very personal to me. If any of you find her, I need to know." Re cracked his neck, back and forth. "I need... to know."


Re held his pip buck up and added a mission.


-Get to New Pegasus.


"As for my cutie mark, I never got a real one. This is just permanent marker." Re stroked his flank revealing a fade.

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"Heh, trust me, i've seen worse attempts at a cutie mark. I've seen a guy that had his drawn with a pencil. It didn't even show up!" he said, laughing. "I've never met someone else that can either write shorthoof, or can speak Japanese. It's hard to practice it." he said.


(I am studying Japanese. If I am, don't talk about ponies to me.)

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I grinned at seeing Soprano laugh. "You kiddin Soprano?" I laughed. "Got mine when I was with my mom when I made a potion." I paused. "After that I found out I had a knack for mixing shit together and makin potions and stuff." I thought for a moment. "Back then it sure was fun. Scared the hell out of my brothers with a few of em." I grinned. "So any ideas of how we're gonna get up to those snipers when we get there?"

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"Well, I was thinking we'd probably try to walk around the back of the cave and climb up the hill, mountain, whatever you call it, and go up that way. Otherwise, I was thinking if we could sneak our way up to the front and take out the guards without being spotted by the snipers, we wouldn't have to worry about them unless things got loud, in which case we'd have to just watch our backs." Malt said.



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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"Or, Malt I could pose as a distraction and you take out the snipers. I can cover myself with desert sand and make loud noises. I just hope they are not a good shot. Divide their attention and conquer. But my plans are mostly single handedly... suicidal. What can I say. My parents had the most influence on me. So what else is on the planning menu? Quick, Have any silent type ideas?" Re looked to Quike Strike.

"Every time you say you can't, you can."


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"Unless I'm getting up close and personal, I'm not going to be able to take them out. That'd be more likely to be Strike or Star's job." Malt said. "Though, I do remember a long time ago when I had my bar open for a party one night, some idiot decided to get high on this crazy shit that some other junkie called 'Turbo' and he was running through like a bloody whirlwind, and when he finally crashed, he woke up a few hours later saying that it was the best rush he had ever had, and that everything was going in slow-motion, except for him, he was going normal speed. That would be risky, especially if anypony had any heart problems, but I'm sure you could dodge bullets with it, or at the very least speed in to the cave, stab ponies in their throats, and keep running. It's probably pretty rare though, so I doubt we'd find any here."



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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The song playing ended and a new one played. "Well I don't we'd find any turbo. Hell I've only found it once and I just sold it for caps." I noticed something up the road. I pointed to it. "Hey what's that?" I stared at it for a moment. "Better go see what it is." I slung out my shotgun and walked forward.


THE SONG: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pPArO-OI_3U

Edited by Red Sage
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