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open New Beginnings [SoL]

Azure Envy

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Dash noticed someone fly up to her house while she was busting clouds.


"Who the hay is that?" she thought, 


She looked closer and smiled


"I was wondering when he would be back for it."


His fathers sword, the Masamune, the only thing found by Dash of Slash's father after that terrible night.




"Hi' said Dash landing behind them "Your a few years late, I knew you wern't dead." giving Slash a head rub


"Who is your friend"


"Riley" said Slash "You can let me go now"


Getting his balance Slash asked "Whats up Dashie?

Edited by BackSlash2554
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Astra nodded as she listened to Astral. Though she never had a job she hated, she did understand being fed up with the status quo.


Although she didn't have a perfect memory, a few parts of his story stood out to her. Friend who owns an antique store and working at an apple farm she thought to herself.


Astra was about to answer when she saw Astral fall from her view, crashing onto the stone path. She rushed forward to help him to his hooves.


"Are you OK?" she asked him, looking with slight concern upon him.

Edited by SeraphStar
  • Brohoof 1

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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Dash Invited them both in.


There was a display case on the right about 5 feet in length.


"Well there it is." said dash


Slash slowly walked toward it and nosed open the case. 


"My...Fathers sword huh?"


he picked it up and with some difficulty strapped it on his back.


"It was good to see you again after all these years Slash" giving him another head rub.


"This is Riley...." he trailed off coughing up blood, "Heh guess im not ok" 


He lay down not able to move.


"hey Riley can we go back to going to the hospital?

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“Ha ha… yeah… I’m fine, no worries!” he said, getting back onto his feet and dusting himself off a bit. “Probably should’ve been paying a bit more attention anyway. It’s a good thing there are so many streetli---“


Before he could finish the word, the light immediately above went dark.


He sighed and shook his head, “…other than that one, around.” Astral started to walk forward again at a slower pace than before. “Place sure looks different at night with nopony around, doesn’t it?”


“So before I so rudely interrupted, you were saying?”

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Riley was getting confused, with no idea of what was going on. His father's sword? Slash and Dash seeing each other again after all these years? Nevertheless, Slash was still in bad shape, and needed the aid of Ponyville Hospital.


Riley carried Slash to the hospital.

OCs: RileyAnala

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"Heh, Its a long story Riley, one im sure you don't want to hear. Not saying that I'm not willing to share mind you."


Slash was doing his best to walk under his own power, stumbling every so often, he didn't like feeling helpless.


"I'm ok," he said with a cough falling to his knees, attempting to get back up and failing miserably.


"Ok i guess I am not ok" he said before passed out, the smell of muffins and cupcakes filling his nostrils,


"mmmm muffins....."


his face hit the ground

Edited by BackSlash2554
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Astra grinned, offering a pfft before saying, "Not exactly 'rude'."


Trotting near Astral, she too gazed along the deserted paths winding through buildings. A bit strange... she thought to herself. She tried to discreetly stay close to Astral, thinking ... but I'm not scared while making an effort to avoid staring at any ubiquitous shadows being amplified by the dark.


"I had a ... less-than-happy foalhood..." she trailed off, searching for what to say, sighing a bit. "I mean... it just wasn't good for me. Growing up in a tiny village, I would've just ended up working at the local store."


There, thought Astra, that's... kind of true. She smiled at Astral, not wanting to trouble another pony with her own problems.


"So, farm work? That must take some serious muscle to keep that up. How're you liking it?"

Edited by SeraphStar
  • Brohoof 1

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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Slash woke up in the hospital, 


"Ugghhh........where, where am i?"


Slash panicked, he was confused, he had bandages on his neck, he opened the window and flew down the street towards Sugarcube Corner,


"Wheres Riley?" he thought looking back his eyes catching a small bag near the Horseshoes Hotel.


Slash picked up the bag and peered inside, "Woah! Theres gotta be 500 bits in here" he thought,


he took off down the street "i hope they are still...." BAM Slash ran into the other stallion he saw at Sugarcube Corner.



(OCC just roll with it for now. I cant wait for everypony)

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Astral grinned back, “Right, my mistake.”


He trotted slowly down the winding path, the overhanging roofing, signage and an assortment of other knick-knacks suspended from ropes shrouding the already poorly lit alleyways.


“Ah… I’m sorry… I’m guessing you felt kind of how I did, bottled up back home, but I won’t pry…,” he said; narrowly avoid tripping over a coiled bundle of rope. “Anyway… the farm work? It’s a bit more than I’m used to in my old job back home, but you know it’s something different and you can’t beat the free apples and cider,” he beamed.


Smiling, he took a deep breath of the crisp night air and gestured to the building across the street lit up with a big sign in front in the shape of a horseshoe. “Looks like this is the place…”


And with that, a blue stallion bolting out of the shadows collided with Astral sending him to the ground once again.



  • Brohoof 1
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Astra smiled. "No, you definitely can't beat free apples or cider."


Looking to the building Astral indicated, she felt a bit crestfallen — walking and talking with Astral had been the most fun she'd had in a while. That's not sad, is it? Nah, she mused to herself.


Astra opened her mouth to thank Astral, but instead could only scream in shock as he was seemingly tackled to the ground.


Oh gosh! What just happened?! What the heck?! were the only things running through her mind. Unsure of how to respond, Astra approached cautiously, not knowing what would happen.


Please don't be hurt.

  • Brohoof 1

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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"Im Sooooooo sorry here let me help you up!"


"Your friends with Riley right? He wasn't at the hospital when i left. Oh yeah check this out!"


Slash showed them the bag of bits.


"Im rich! You two wanna room, and i haven't had a room to sleep in for..........well for a long time now.......

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Astral shook his head and blinked several times in somewhat of a daze, “Uh…? What?” He rubbed his head and groaned, “That’s the second time today we meet, ground…”


He made out only a silhouette of the strange blue pony against the light emanating from the giant horseshoe sign. “Uh... yeah, don’t worry about it. I’m uh… fine…”


“Your voice sounds familiar… yeah, Riley… you came by the bakery earlier. Then you took off in a hurry… sorry, I didn’t catch your name?”


He looked to Astra and smiled, “You just run into all kinds of ponies out here in Ponyville, huh? Hah, ha… bad joke. Sorry.”

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@, @@Lunatic Envy,


Riley looked out of the window and noticed a flock of birds. 'Feeding time!' he decided.


He took a slice of bread and broke it into tiny squares. He threw them out of the window. However, he didn't notice Astral and Back Slash until afterwards, and the bread landed on them. "Sorry, guys!" he called apologetically.

Edited by Rainbow Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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"I'm Back Slash! Nice to meet you!"


"I camp in the Everfree forest, so far Riley is my only friend, but your his friends so is it ok if you be my friends too?"


"Meet me in the inn ok?"


"huh? What the?" 


Slash looked up, "Riley? Where did you go? Do you have my sword?"


Slash flew up to Riley and Brohooved him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Watching as the blue Pegasus rose up and offered his hoof to Astral, Astra recognized him from earlier at Sugarcube Corner. She wondered briefly where Riley was before returning her attention to Astral and the blue pegasus, Back Slash.


Stifling a bemused chuckle to Astral's quip, Astra merely responded with, "You certainly do."


As she listened to Back Slash mention being rich, she noticed a few broken bread bits land on Astral and Back Slash. Searching for the source, she saw Riley leaning out of an open window.


Oh, that's where Riley was, she thought.

♪If I could find you now, things would get better, We could leave this town and run forever, I know somewhere, somehow we'll be together, Let your waves crash down on me and take me away♪ ~Yellowcard

Bangarang, Peter Pan. May you find Neverland. Thank you for teaching me how to fly. ~???

(RIP Robin Williams)
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Astral glanced over at Astra then back up at Riley. “Huh,” he uttered, dusting the crumbly bits of bread out of his mane. “And here I was wondering where everypony went running off to earlier...”


He reached down to pick up his knapsack and swung it back over his shoulder. “Well… we’re here. I guess we should head on inside and meet up with Back Slash?” he said, rubbing his forehead. “I’m beat… wasn’t expecting to stay out this late.”


Yawning and stretching, Astral trotted up to the front door, opening it and waving for Astra to go in, “Come on, it’s getting kinda chilly out,” he smiled.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Slash was addicted to muffins, he couldn't get enough, He started looking around when he came in. 

"Sooooo WHeres The Muffins!?"

Slash started to drool, he wiped his muzzle and looked around.

"Riley? Were you teasing me about the muffins? Cause i would need to.........."

Slash got dizzy all of the sudden, he still had not recovered at all, he was running on adrenaline till now

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"Um, Slashy, I said 'awesome muffins' as an expression," explained Riley. "However, it does so happen that I have some muffins!"


He swung open the cupboard and pulled out a discount bulk pack of muffins.


"Wanna play some video games?" he asked, gesturing to his Super Neightendo.

OCs: RileyAnala

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