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private Mysterious Companion

Sir Xarthas VI

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Sign-Up Thread / OOC Thread

- Lightning Spark (@)
- Spirit Watcher (@)
- Betta Fish Freak (@)
- Blaze Wing (@)
- Disruptis (@)
- Midnight Flash (@)
- Rising Shine (@)
- Riley (@@Rainbow Eclipse)

Starting Sequence:
You find yourself in your house, looking through the fridge for something to eat. You don't really find anything, and decide to put eating off for another time. You think for something to do, and find that you haven't checked today's mail yet. You trot out to your mailbox, open it, and look inside. You only have 1 letter in there. You pull out the letter, open it, and read it. This is what the letter says:

Hello Pony!

I know you're wondering who sent you this, but you don't have to, I'm not going to harm you or anything. All I want is to have a friendly get-together at my house tomorrow afternoon. Free food, free fun, and an open bar. There'll be other ponies there, so don't worry about being the only one, and don't worry about pain, because there definitely wont be any! If you're interested, just come on by my place tomorrow afternoon at 14:00. The adress is on the outside of the envelope. Can't wait to see you here!

Your Friendly Pegasus,
              Spirit Watcher

You wonder why you got picked to be at this 'get-together', but anyways decide to go, because you have nothing better to do.

1. Don't go super far into the romance part of this (such as NSFW posts or anything like that).
2. Swearing/Cursing is allowed, and there's no limit on it, because I really don't give a shit. If someone has a problem with it, I might say lower the swearing/cursing, but probably not.
3. There are no more rules.

Have fun RP'ing!

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Rising walks to the fridge. Pretty hungry, he looks through it, but nothing here anymore.


"Great ..."


Hungry, he think, what to do now, when he realized, he didn't checked the mail yet. He walks out of his house and opens the mail box. He find 1 letter there.


"I expected more today."


He open the mail and reading the message. He grins at that.


"Mayby there is food for free. I should check it out, I have nothing planned anyway."


He looks to the adress, from where the mail comes and start walking, making his way to the house.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Blaze was looking through his fridge for something to eat and sighed. "I got nothing in my fridge to eat..." Blaze said as he remember he still had to check the mail. "I guess I'll eat another time then" Blaze said as he headed out to his mailbox and saw a letter for him. He read it and hummed. "Interesting...how did she get my address in order to send this letter to me" Blaze said reading the letter. "Whoever this Spirit Watcher is...eh I got nothing better to do anyways so maybe I should go" Blaze said to himself

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Midnight rummaged through his fridge for some food, he could only find cold pizza, he was so damn sick of cold pizza every day (and the green fuzz growing off it indicated that it probably wasn't safe for consumption anyway) so he went outside and tossed the pizza box in the trash, when he exited the house he just caught derpy in her delivery pony uniform put something in his mailbox and leave. He tossed the pizza and went over to see what he had received, it was a letter. He opened it and began reading "blah blah blah blah blah not going to hurt you blah blah blah free food, free fun and open bar blah blah blah tomorrow afternoon blah blah blah your friendly pegasus, spirt watcher.... Seems legit"

Edited by Rainbro dash 16
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Spirit Watcher quickly heads home after delivering the last letter, and hopes that they'll all come. She really does need to meet new ponies, and perhaps gain friends. But what she doesn't know, is that Lightning Spark is currently following her, and since he doesn't ever speak, she won't ever know. She watches some TV, in hopes of finding something good to watch, but nothings on. When she flips it off, Lightning Spark suddenly jumps in front of the TV, surprising Spirit. Spirit Watcher stares at Lightning in frustration "How many times have I got to say it? Stop doing that!" She yells as he just stands there. "What do you want?" She asks him, and he walks over to some paper, grabs the quill, and writes on it. Spirit walks over and reads it:
I'm here because I got the letter you sent me. You don't realize that I always come early, in case I miss out on anything.
She looks at him again "You wouldn't miss anything, and you're not going to. Besides, we're not even going to do anything until tomorrow. So just go home and wait" She says as she grabs a book and sits down. Lightning thinks about it for a moment, then leaves.

24 Hours Later

Lightning Spark shows up inside Spirit's house, while she was still asleep. He looks around for anything interesting, finds quite a few things in her safe, and then goes to wait in the living room. While he waits, he hears ponies walking to the door.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Blaze walked up to the door and sighed before knocking on it. "Still don't know how the pony got my address..." Blaze said as he waited for the pony to open the door. "Then again the letter was probably was meant for somepony else" Blaze said to himself and he thought on leaving

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Rising making his way to the adress. It's taked him for a while, before he finally see the house ... and a pony, waiting on the door. *Looks like, I'm not the only pony, who get that mail* He walks to him.


Did you get the mail too, to go here?


Rising looks to the pony, waiting for a reply.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Lightning Spark hears Spirit Watcher clamboring out of bed, so he doesn't move. Spirit Watcher quickly runs out into the living room, and see's that Lightning Spawn is sitting there, waiting. "How the hell did you get in? Oh never mind. Did someone knock on the door?" She asked him as she quickly brushed her mane with her wing, while Lightning nods yes. Spirit then walks over to the front door, looks through the peep hole, and see's two ponies waiting. She opens the door slowly and pokes her head out. "You must be Blaze Wing, and you Rising Shine. Please, come in." She says as she opens the door even more.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Before the other pony could answer, the door opens. Another pony standing there, offering to come in.


Yeah, it's me ... whoever actually you are. Thanks still.


He smiles and walks in, looking around. He see another pony, sitting there. *Another pony who get a mail? This could be going interesting ...* He turns back to the others.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"Yeah I-" Blaze stopped as soon as he heard the door open and heard the mare. "Yes I'm Blaze Wing" He said entering the house. "And if I may ask what is your name" Blaze asked. "And how did you get my address to send me this letter" Blaze asked another question.


((Prepare for bombardment of questions))

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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(OOC: I've already been prepared for tons of questions.)
Spirit Watcher looks to Rising Shine, and then to Blaze Wing. Spirit closes the door, and walks into the living room. She peers over to Lightning Spark, who nods at Rising Shine. Spirit Watcher then looks to Rising Shine "That's Lightning Spark. And yes, he did get the same letter that you did." she says, and then looks to Blaze Wing "I'm Spirit Watcher, the one who sent the letters. And I have friends in high places. You might know of one of them, Shining Midnight. He's the Royal Watcher, he watches over everything that happens in Equestria. He gave me the addresses of a few ponies, and then I sent these letters." She says as she sits down. "Oh, and to answer any future questions about Lightning Spark, he never speaks. He never talks, to anypony, not even me. And he's just a friend, so don't start thinking anything. Anyways, you can ask him questions, but he writes them down instead of saying them. So in case you give him a detailed question, prepare for an essay, because he loves to write."

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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I heard from Shining Midnight, yeah. And thanks for the info about Lighning, I keep it in mind. So, you just wanted to make new friends, or is there more?"


He looks to Spirit. Rising don't know why, but he get the feeling, there is more behind it ... or does he just think bad again? Rising don't have much connection to other ponies, so he should be happy, that somepony want to be a friend.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"Yeah...never heard of him and maybe it would have been nicer to ask if it was okay to give my address to you...I'm pretty laid back and plus I hate knowing some pony can just give where I live to another like you" Blaze added. "But enough questions from me"


((Damn it I was ninja'd))

Edited by ~Dishonored Luna~

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Spirit Watcher looks to Rising Shine and smiles "Well, yeah basically. I just wanted to talk and get to you all you ponies. As it seems I haven't seen you around before for some reason." She says as she looks towards Blaze Wing "Well it seems that you and I have something in common. I hate having my address out in the open too. But since the only reason I got the address was because Shining owed me a favor, I really don't see any reason to fret, in your case anyway. Besides, I'm not telling anyone else your address, unless you want me to." She says with a smirk.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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I'm a famous writer, everypony who likes my books, knows where I living. It's fine for me, so long it's nothing bad.


He smiles to Spirit.


Are there more coming? Or are we 4 all, that are supposed to come here? And ... do you have some food? I'm pretty hungry and I have nothing left.


His stomach growls.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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"I got nothing to eat...and if you give my address to others I won't hesitate to give your address to others" Blaze said in a cheery tone. " Anyways It is nice to meet both you and Lighting Spark" Blaze said. "Also Midnight didn't give you any info on any of us did he?" Blaze asked

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Spirit Watcher smiled to Rising Shine "Oh, yes. The food. Lightning, you have magic, why don't you use it and bring out all the food?" She said as Lightning grudgingly went into the kitchen. When he came back out, he was using his magic to levitate a table of food out and he set it right in front of Spirit. Spirit smiled at him, acting like he isn't pissed off. She then looks to Blaze Wing "Just the addresses and names. That's all I asked for. I could've gotten more, but I didn't really want it."

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Wow ...


Rising looks to the food, his muzzle nearly drolling. He takes one of it and start eating.


Mhhhhh ... delicious! Did you done that by your self?


He takes something different, with the same end. It's just taste incredible good for him. *I really need the recepts for all of this*

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Spirit Watcher looks over to Disruptis as if he just walked casually through the door "Ah, you must be Disruptis. Yes, this is the place. No party, just a get-together. I don't do parties. I know too many ponies who are experts at doing those already *cough* pinkie *cough*" she says, and then smiles. She walks to the end of the table and grabs a cookie, looking at it before swallowing it whole. She then looks at Rising Shine "Yes, I made it all myself. If you want the recipes, I can give them to you later."

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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Rising eat more, his starving sisappearing more and more. Then he realized, what Spirit told to him. He swallows his food down.


Really?! That would be great!


He grins happily. He then looks to the newcomer here, Disruptis.


Are more coming? Or are we complete now?

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Spirit Watcher looked to Rising Shine "There should be 2 more coming, but I'm not sure if they will, since I thought they would have by now." She said as she looked towards Disruptis "And foods on the table in the middle of the room. I'm standing right next to it. Oh, and I know a bit about you, how you relish other ponies' confusion. Don't try me, I know a couple ponies who could do way more than you can." She says with a grin.

For those who are curious:
My main DS3 character is SL709

My Main OC: Clyssora

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What are we doing, when they are not coming? Just continue normally? Beside, what are we gonna do anyway?


Rising takes more from the delicious food and looking around the room.


Looks nice, by the way. How long do you live here then already?


He looks to Spirit, smiling.

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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