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private Slice of Life Romance thing!


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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/109093-slice-of-life-romance-thing/?p=3046836


The dawn broke on the calm streets of the peaceful town. The sun had begun it's ascent into the sky, but it seemed that most of the ponies were still asleep, with silence still shrouding the houses like a blanket. Even so, it would not be long before the area began to wake...


Jazz smiled, throwing open her window before inhaling the fresh air with a contented sigh. It was rare to see the mare so positive, but that was probably because, right now, she could entertain the fancy that she was the only pony in the world. Stretching, she began her morning preparations, whistling a jaunty tune to herself (and occasionally bursting out into song). She loved early mornings, and wanted to get outside before other ponies really began to appear: it was easier to stay away than to have to talk.

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Lexi Rosa had been out for a little while now.She just got to Ponyville from Cloudsdale.She wanted to see more than Pegasi all the time.She breathed the fresh air as she lifted into the sky.She looked around Ponyville seeing what it had to offer her.

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One of my main ocs:Lexi Rosa  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/lexi-rosa-r6583

Profile pics are usually mine,so please be respectful and dont save/download them,thank you ^^




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Fire Lily rolled out of bed and landed layed out on the ground with a loud "thud". She never was an early riser and tended  to stay out later than what any normal mare should. Halfheartedly stretching her wings, she gave a few flaps as she stood up. She let out a small groan and made some coffee while starting out her long morning ritual. In spite of her usual somewhat ruffled appearence she always made sure to take out some time in the morning for herself before facing the day. 

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OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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After waking up and getting ready, Shadowhide went to Ponyville's marketplace to look at the various stores' wares. She didn't have any particular shop in mind, and just went from shop to shop until one of them took her fancy. She eventually stopped at a stall selling apples, and purchased one from the orange earth pony there.

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Thanks to Pink for the lovely avatar and W.G.A. for the amazing signature!

My OCs: Aero Wind, Shadowhide, Ebony (WIP)

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Code Junkie had gotten out of bed early, though not in the best of moods. "I hate physical training." He mumbled as he stretched. "But if I don't do it, my captain will kill me." He added as he sighed. He looked at his workout schedule that he usually never did anyway and saw that today was a core workout day. He sighed again. "Screw core, I'm just going to run for a little bit." He said as he tiredly walked out his door. He looked left and right, seeing the sun peak over the horizon. "It's too early for this..." He groaned as he turned right and began to jog.


(First male. :P)

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Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Not quite awake yet, Cassidy ended up sticking his hoof out and knocking the alarm clock right off the cabinet beside the hotel bed. His mindset was basically, 'There's a loud noise disrupting your sleep, locate the source and eliminate it,'.


He looked down at the time. Roughly 10AM.


He had a fruit and nut bar for breakfast, and went outside. Perhaps Twilight's castle would have some fascinating books. Fiction or non-fiction would satisfy his interests.


He bumped into two more ponies. "Uh... sorry about that.."
Edited by Rainbow Eclipse
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OCs: RileyAnala

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Jazz had still finished everything she needed to do pretty early up in the morning, and couldn't help but smile as she noticed that there were still few ponies about. The sunrise was glorious, and she was thoroughly enjoying herself as she soared a little and did a couple of lazy loop-de-loops, singing a short tune to herself. "♪ La da da de da ♪" she sung, spinning a little in the air. She was about to land, before spotting a grey pony down far below, jogging along []. She tried to stop her descent to avoid him, but a draft caught her just as she spread her wings wide, causing her to wheel out of control. "Ack!" she cried, flapping desperately as she plummeted to the ground below.

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Now that Code had started running, he started to feel better about it. For him, it was always the initial feeling of having to do workouts that made him irritable about it, but once he was actually doing , he felt great. He had been jogging for a bit of time now and had found a nice steady pace. Code was about to call it quits when he heard something. He looked back, but something ran into him before he could see what it was, flattening him to the ground. "Oww..." He groaned, his voice muffled by the ground.

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Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Tension woke up in a soggy tent. He stretched and rolled around. He should get up, but soreness said no. Than a drop of water landed on his nose, and he decide to get out of his tent and find some food, maybe spear some bread from a bakers and fish for apples. He unzipped his tent and came out yawning. The Everfree was beautiful in the morning. "You know what, I feel like going to town. Can't go camping all the time." He said to himself. He undid the tent and stowed it away. "I'll be back for you later." He said, starting the walk to town.

(Looks like I'm a few minutes late to class huh.)

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Jazz was still tumbling through the air when she realised that, basically, she could seriously injure herself. Squeezing her eyes shut, she braced for impact into the cold, hard, ground, when, instead, she slammed into something soft and warm. That groaned in response. And breathed. Letting out a squeak of surprise, Jazz jumped up and off, brushing herself off quickly before spreading her wings, aiming to take off and leave it. However, something stopped her. Something made her feel guilty, and like she should apologise or maybe thank the pony who "caught" her. Turning slightly, she bit her lower lip, taking a deep breath to build her courage. "Uh... I... We... Sorry about... Yea. Thanks...?" she managed to stammer out, quickly running a hoof through her mane to hide her flushed features.

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Almost right after he got laid out on the ground, whatever ran into quickly got off of him. He then slowly got up, stretching out his wings and legs. A few joints popped as he stretched out and he shuddered when he was done. "You know, that really could have hurt someone. Why did you crash into me...?" He said as he turned around and was surprised to find a mare standing there. She was stammering and stuttering to make a sentence, putting parts of different sentences into one long chain. "Are you okay?" Code asked the mare.

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Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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@, (guess it's just you an me now friend)


She heard a few joints pop as the pony behind her got up, and she cringed a little. The thought of having seriously injured anypony was weighing heavily on her mind. "Uh.. I... Lost control. Kinda." she said, gulping a little. Talking was so hard. But he deserved to know, considering she had just smashed into him at terminal velocity. "I'm fine." she responded, beginning to gather her wits and piece together her facade. She hated to do it, but it was the only way she could hold up a steady conversation. 

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(It seems that way.)


"Lost control?" Huh." Code said as he extended one of his wings into air to feel for a breeze. When he checked, nothing felt out of the ordinary to him. "Must've caughten a weird draft." He said as he retracted his wings. "I guess it was a good thing I broke your fall then." He added with a smile.

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Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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"I... guess you could say that." Jazz stated, turning so she could face him slightly and see him out of the corner of her eye, yet avoid direct eye contact. "Yea. Or else I may have broken something bad." she said, flexing her wings a little to prove her point. Glancing around, she noticed that it was still early, with the sky still stained pink. "What are you doing out so early?" she asked, an apathetic expression on her face.

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When she replied, Code noticed she was acting a bit skittish. But, he put it off as being normal. If he were to crash into someone, he'd be pretty nervous not make make the other person angry. "I was just out for a run. I was about to be done too when you dropped in." He said the last part jokingly. "Oh, almost forgot to introduce myself. I'm Code Junkie, but everyone just calls me Code." He added.

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Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Jazz nodded in response. Running. Guess he also like to be alone. Jazz glanced at him, unsure how to reply to the last comment. Flipping her mane to hide her expression, she shrugged. "Sorry about that." she stated, still not meeting him in the eye. "Guess you'll want to know my name now that you've told me yours." she sighed, before turning and offering him a hoof. "Jazz Sonata. Call me what you want, I'm not picky."

Edited by MiniKirby123
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'She's still avoiding eye contact and fidgeting. It's like if she killed me or something.' Code thought as he listened to Jazz talk. He saw her extend out a hoof and he bumped it with his. "So... You don't mind if I call you... Crash Alotta?" He said with a playful smile, trying to provoke a more postive reaction out of Jazz.

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Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Jazz was just retracting her hoof after the bump when his comment made her freeze. With her mane casting a shadow over her eyes, she turned to him slowly and glared straight into his eyes, the sunlight making her irises glint. "No." she said simply, narrowing her eyes as if to prove her point. "No."

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After his comment, Jazz looked like she was going to kill him. Her stare was like daggers cutting into him. "Not exactly the reaction I was trying to get... But I still accomplished something." Code said haphazardly, scratching the back of his head with his hoof.

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Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Jazz snapped out of it quickly, and reverted to her normal self (which, in the eyes of several ponies, was not that much better). Jazz contemplated turning away again, but since she was already facing him, she may as well stay that way. "What reaction were you aiming for?" she asked, watching with interest as he scratched the back of his head. She hadn't seen a pony do that before. Then again, she did avoid them at every available turn, so that probably explained it.

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"Well, I was trying to get a more playful reaction, but that kinda backfired and made you basically want to kill me." Code said kinda jokingly. "Otherwise, you have been avoiding any eye contact with me the whole time that we have been talking and now you're not." He added, smiling.

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Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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Jazz flushed a little in embarrassment, using her mane to hide her face. "Oh. Sorry... I took it the wrong way." she mumbled awkwardly, feeling bad for imagining intentions that were never there. "I thought you were making fun of me, but I guess I was wrong." Shuffling her hooves awkwardly, she smiled. "Yea, the lack of eye contact was cause I felt bad for crashing into you." she said, giggling ever so slightly. She normally wasn't this open, but after crashing into someone, she basically felt slightly less awkward.

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"Nah, it's fine." Code said to her apology. She was getting somewhat defensive again, but that just might be her normal behaviour. "I was trying to poke a little fun to get you to relax a little. You seemed really nervous." He added. He heard a slight giggle and seemed that it worked.

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Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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"That's not really too much of a bad thing to be nervous." Code said to her. He saw the smile and took it as a small victory. Even if it was very slowly, he was getting her to come out of her shell. "As for friends. You just gotta try. It's not like they fall out of the sky." He added, realizing the irony in his statement after he said it.

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Cupcakes baked fresh DAILY

Signature by me.

My OC: Code Junkie

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