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private Contractors : Operation Sandstorm


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If anypony is still interested, spots are still available. At here : http://mlpforums.com/topic/110997-contractors-the-saddle-arabian-conflict-military-based-rpaction-adventure/#entry3122548


Welcome to Saddle Arabia, time to bring home the bread. Whatever your reason for joining one thing is in common, this will be one hay of an operation.


You awaken at the knock on your cabin door, remembering your location: you are on a ship heading along its way to dock at Saddle Arabia.


"Hey! Get your gear and let's get going! Just arrived to shore." A voice says.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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I put a hoof over my eyes. "Sssshhhiiittt." I said. I got out of bed slowly and went to a box lying in the corner out the room. I opened it to see my gear in it. A desert camo PASGT helmet and a desert camo PASGT combat jacket. I put it on and opened my door. I walked outside to receive my orders.

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Void looked up at the pony who was telling him to get ready with a sigh.

"Give me a moment" He hovered out of the bed and equipped his armour which he painted a pale orange to match his environment since magenta armour was very obvious. He then grabbed his saddle bags put them over his orange armour and buzzed out the door with a large grin on his face since he doesn't get abroad much before he realized this ain't no holiday.

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Exiting from the boat the sun shines brightly as they are greeted by the intense heat. Making their way about, the ship has docked along an open harbor.


Out onto the ocean a small fleet of vessels remain out into the open sea as a blockade. The harbor is occupied by Operations camp, armored ponies line up along at the port dock.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Void was thinking to himself that if he wasn't a Changeling with a hard outer shell that he would be much hotter than he is, doesn't mean he is still very heated since he is black and black attracts sunlight.

*Mutters* "I have got myself into something much bigger than I thought Haven't I, being a support role could be cool though since my magic will finally be of use to help others, heheh"

He was looking around at all the armoured ponies around.

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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I was standing next to a changeling. I wasn't used to working with things that weren't ponies or zebras and the changeling was definitely something I never thought I'd be workon with. I looked at him. "Hey what's your name?" I asked him. "It's best to know the people you work with. So you gotta name?"

Edited by Red Sage
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Void turned to face the pony talking to him.

"My name? I am Void Crawler, but just call me Void, it does look like we will be working together so what is your name?" 

He grinned showing his large pointed fangs in full as he did this and he didn't notice he did this.

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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A tall stallion approaches the group, "Alright lads eyes forward, got us a special guests." Thegruff pony says, stepping forward next is a sleek young.mare dressed in a business attire along with a protective helmet hiding away her peaking blonde mane.


"Gentlecolts, you all look simply dashing." She says in an alluring tone.

"Im a representative with the Equestrian Strategies Corp.. Your soldiers



A tall stallion approaches the group, "Alright lads eyes forward, got us a special guests." Thegruff pony says, stepping forward next is a sleek young.mare dressed in a business attire along with a protective helmet hiding away her peaking blonde mane.


"Gentlecolts, you all look simply dashing." She says in an alluring tone.

"Im a representative with the Equestrian Strategies Corp.. Your employers in case you forgot. I'll keep it short. You're not here directly on operative missions unless authorized. Your main goals will be providing support and logistics.

You do your job right. You get your pay. Simple. Any enemy forces encountered, you will not engage unless provoked. Am I clear?" She asks, the ponies stammer, "Yes Mam." They respond out of sync.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Void joined in on the very out of sync contractors and mercs shout yes ma'am but Void did not stammer or stutter since he was used to this in his Hive day's as a Changeling Commander except he was the one doing the shouting back then now he is on the other end.

"I have no reason to fight back unless ordered anyway since I am support after all" He said to himself as he was being told what to do to get paid, but the second he heard the word paid he shot up and started listening again to make sure he got his money at the end of the day.

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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The mare gives a smirk and trots along.

"Alright now." The gruff stallion says, I'm assigning camp listings, when I call your name step forward and take your company tag." He says, another pony joining by his side holding a bag.

"Masher Mouth." He calls, a large red muscular earth pony approaches taking a tag and heads on toward the barrack tents.

"Orange slices." He says, next a small orange earth stallion approaches, his torso equipped with a leather chest piece and front hoof guards, a sword draped on his flank....the names continue.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Kelly after many years of intense training and start a new life, she was looking for new adventures, After spending hours on that boat that was interesting to meet the other Ponies, but do not leave your head the first time she had turned a year ago, but the thoughts were all broken in a few minutes. The boat had arrived on site. 

Kelly got out and walked a few meters to sight the area she did not expect any pony, but it ran its course forward. 

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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Synth had been running from the infirmary quickly towards the docks where everything was happening. She trotted up just in time to hear some names being called. She stops the mare who is leaving to ask her a question. "Excuse me, I am the mare from the infirmary, I heard there might be a pony on this um... oh yes, on this ship that was going to help out. Can you point me to which one they are or should I just wait a bit?"

  • Brohoof 1



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@@child of the night,@,


Kelly saw that there was one pony will she directed, and she was confused by the question of the pony in front. 
"Could you repeat the question please? "

Kelly eventually leaving the vessel, and was confused by the question ... 


"excuse being rude is what I got now."

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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Synth turned to the mare who had just gotten off the vessel, "Well I have been here for a small bit of time but lately ponies seem to have been getting hurt more." She stops to look in a black book she pulled from her bag and read. "Well somepony said that there was going to be another pony coming soon that would help me at the infirmary. Shouldn't you be at the name calling, they are assigning ponies to their stations. At least if I have that right."



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@@child of the night,@@Mrbrunoh1, @,  


Void was listening to the names being called and waiting for his to be called out so he opened his saddle bags and began checking and sorting his equipment whilst making sure his camouflaged armour was strapped onto him fully.

*Mutters* "Training finally over, now onto the field. Yes"

  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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@,@, @@child of the night,


Kelly looked up and answered. 
"You'll excuse me about it, I'm new here too, surely must have a location that you are looking for in the ship, but now I'm looking for some ponies" 
Kelly said looking ahead waiting for the response of the Pony. 

"Nice to meet you, my name is Kelly" 

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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,"Void Crawler." His name is called, trotting up and he receives his tag, with the number 4 on it.

"Report to brief tent number four for assigning."

The pony says.




One of the armored ponies approaches,

"Hey! What are you standing around for? Get to assigning process." He commands pointing to the line of ponies

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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She suddenly stopped the conversation with the pony in front,Kelly looked at the pony with armor, and looked to he and responded quickly for he. 
"Yes sir, no problems" 
Responded showing their respect to the pony in front of her.
Kelly walked to ponting.

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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Void puts on a smug smile showing his fangs as he takes the tag with a four on it.

"Yes sir, I will go to Tent number four sir"

Void starts to walk towards the Tent. He thinks about what job he could be assigned to, so many different roles he could get for his skills.

  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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The changeling arrives at Tent four, a sign outside says, operational assigning.

Entering inside, the air is a bit cooler, stuffy yet cool. You and other ponies wait about near a center table, from the other side tent flab another pony enters, this one different from the rest.

Unlike normal Equestrian ponies, this ones legs are slimmer and his head a bit more narrow, the pony pulls down his shemag revealing a familiar face (Ahaban) .


Kelly marches along lining up with the mares.

"Thorny Rose " an operator says, a pink and white mare approaching taking her tag.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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I am sorry mister, I mean I'll go to the line but I am not sure why, after all I have been assigned to the medics area." She trots over to the line up and stands at attention for a few seconds before beginning to wonder where she is. She begins to talk to herself quietly, "Haven't I been at this camp for a couple of months, why am I in this line?"



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The line continues decreasing smaller size as each are assigned to a task force.

"Kelly. Hmm simple name." He says as he waits for the pony to step forward,

A nurse, pony approaches Synth, "there you are what are you doing here? The infirmary needs you." The nurse pony says pulling her out from line.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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Kelly keeps doing everything they ask for it following his orders and waiting for the next, she sees the other Pony pointing at her with his paw, and begins to follow the line .. She talk with yourself.


"This looks like something well-differentiated "

My Ocs: Violet Margaret  ,  Violet Niwy


I'm a Illustrator...SPITFIRE IS THE BEST PONY  :fiery: 





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Synth lets the pony pull her, "Well to be honest I don't know what I am doing here, I think it had something to do with a new nurse pony coming in. Oh well, lets head out, maybe I will meet them later." Synth begins to walk with the pony back to the infirmary trying to imagine the pony she had met but to no avail.



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"Report to tent number 4. Better hurry they're about to start." The guard pony says.

Kelly then begins making her way toward the tent barracks looking for number 4.

The heat was blazing down onto the camp as the afternoon approaches.

(minor filler la filler]


Synth is returned to the infirmary tent, a couple of injured ponies lay about onto the the beds lated out, the nurse brings her to a small office space,

"The head doctor will want to see you. Now." She, says opening the door.

Inside awaiting is a brown stallion dressed in his medical coat, "Please come on in." The doctor says

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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