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open The Doctor Is In!

Anon In Equestria

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OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/110225-the-doctor-is-in-adventureromanceactioncomedy/page-3#entry3235778


It was an ordinary day in ponyville, the sun was shinning, the birds were singing and a blue pony call box was flying through the air... Wait... what?


The box crashed into the library, tearing a hole in the tree and a loud bang rang as it hit the floor, smoke started to funnel out of the hole left by the blue box.


Post when your ready guys!

Edited by Mr Suit And Tie
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@, Inside the Tardis, a dark teal unicorn mare with a black and white mane and tail staggered to the centre. Wish could hardly believe what had happened as she stared in shock at her new body in the mirrored surface. She was a pony! Just where had they ended up?


"Doctor!" she called out. "Are you there? What is this place?" She groaned as she sat down on the floor. The landing had been very bad, goodness knows what the owner of the building they'd hit would think. Wish had been the Doctor's companion for a short time, but had thought herself immune to all the weird and wonderful happenings... at least, til now. Never had the Tardis ended up someplace where her entire self had changed!



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((OOC: I'm sorry I took so long to reply.))


Derpy Hooves was just flying about, Doing her normal mail run. She stopped at Twilight's mailbox to deliver her mail... or is that the nieghbor's mail? Then she saw the smoke billowing from her house, and flew up to the hole in the wall.


"Twilight?... Twilight, I think your lunch is burning! Are you home?"


She tried to get her attention.


"I don't think she'll mind if I check to make sure everything is OK."


She went inside, and immediately saw the big blue box almost on its side, propped up against the wall. 


"OOH! What's in here."


She climbed on the doors and began knocking.


"Twilight? Are you in there?"


She called.

Edited by Pat.Rio.T.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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@, Ooc: Have you forgotten about this RP? :(


@@Pat.Rio.T., Wish heard the knocking. She waited for it to go away but it continued, with someone yelling in accompaniment. Wish decided she could not wait for the Doctor, but ought to go and see who it was. If it was an enemy, then so be it, but she couldn't just wait in here forever. Wish stumbled to the door of the Tardis and cautiously opened the doors a crack. Poking her head thru, she said, "Who's out there?"



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(This is unicorn Twi)

Twilight groggily sat up. She had been knocked into one of the bookcases, and was now covered in the Science Section. Looking around, she saw that there were charred splinters all over the floor, and smoke rising up.


" What in Celestia just claimed itself my library!?"


Shakily, she stumbled over to the strange blue box, which was leaning against the wall. Suddenly, she had a fretful thought.


"Oh no...where's Spike? Wait, he went to help Rarity with her shopping. Whew."


Looking out the shattered window, she spotted Derpy Hooves.


"Derpy! Get some he-"


The purple mare started to wheeze. As the edges of her vision started to cloud, she thought of what could possibly be inside that strange box.


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Meanwhile, somewhere in the darkness, a set of lights where eyes would be are peering down on the planet, very same planet that houses Equestria.

3 identical voices speak.


"The trail ends here. The Doctor must be on that planet."

"We must infiltrate, confirm his location, and EXTERMINATE him and anyone else who impedes our search."

"Find the Doctor before he can regenerate! EXTERMINATE! EXTREMINATE!"

The three voices chant that final word in unison.


Trouble is brewing from afar. A threat will soon be upon Ponyville...


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"Oh, there you are Twilight! Don't worry, Derpy, to the rescue! Hey, if you are out here, then who is opening the door of this big blue box?"


She asked as the doors began to open underneath her. Being on top of the doors, she lost her balance and fell into the blue box


"Whoa, WHAAA!"


She exclaimed.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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Twilight woke up just as Derpy plunged into the interior of the box. Her eyes widened as the doors shut.


"I-I'm coming Derpy! Hang on!"


She came over to the edge of the object, and opened the door with her hoof, taking a peek inside. To her strange delight, she found that the box was...bigger on the inside?


"But this isn't possible. The laws of physics don't allow this. I've studied too much to see this. Is this a hallucination? How can thi-"


A brown hoof suddenly appeared over the lilac mare's mouth, stopping her rant.


"It's a purple UNICORN! Teehee! This is so exciting!"


Twilight Sparkle looked at the pony in confusion. Why would he be talking like that?


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@@Pat.Rio.T., @,


Wish stepped back a pace as two ponies entered; well, one fell, the other entered. "Um, sorry to burst in on you, but it was an accident," she said to the two strangers. "Do I really look as weird as you two do? Anyway, the Doctor and I were escaping from a Dalek ship when the Tardis fell thru a wormhole. We ended up here and I kinda ended up like this."



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  • 2 weeks later...

@Pripyat Pony, ((Sorry if you guys were waiting on me, I was waiting on Mr. S&T))


"Well as weird as we are, I think you are stranger! He He Ha Ha Ha! That was a joke! HaHaHa!"


She laughed for a little while before asking a name of the pony in front of her.


"So what is your name stranger? HeHe! And how does this huge box fit through a tiny little worm's hole?"

Edited by Pat.Rio.T.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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Derpy that was a terrible joke. You should re-


Twilight had an idea. All the ponies in the area around her could almost spot a light bulb appear over the pony's head. She galloped over to the W section, and found a very small book about wormholes.


Yes! Even better, Starswirl the Bearded wrote it!


The two ponies in the now-crashed contraption were looking at her quizically. Twilight groaned.


You really aren't from around here are you?


Twilight slowly started to climb in, and slipped. Soon, she had crashed on the cold golden floor.


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@@Pat.Rio.T., "I'm Wish," the teal unicorn mare replied. "And this is the Doctor. We're not from round here, no."


When Twilight fell into the Tardis, Wish rushed at her in alarm. "Be careful!" she said. "You don't want to touch anything. Altho the Tardis is damaged a little and won't fly, better be safe rather than sorry."


Wish was in fact a bit nervous; they had escaped the Cybermen, it was true, but the Cybermen certainly had the technology to find where they were and come after them.



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(sorry about the whole quizical thing, didn't mean for that to happen. I'm so new to this, so I'm not exactly perfect.  :please: )


Twilight wobbled onto her hooves, looking around. What is this place? Suddenly, she remembered the two ponies who were in the slightly-tilted room with her. Wow Twi, she thought, you have a GREAT memory.


You've crashed into the Ponyville library. You have also torn a hole through it.


She sighed. What am I going to do about this mess?


She then heard the door creak open.


Twilight! I came as fast as I-...woah.


Oh no! Spike came at the worst time!


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A series of coughs rang out through out the Blue Box, and after a few more bangs and sounds of electricity, followed by a brief scream of pain, a brown coated pony wearing a blue jacket walked into the room, his hair standing up, and his face slightly scorched, he looked at the ponies inside, and spoke in a welsh accent, which must of been odd, considering wales didn't exist here.


"I have two things to say to you Wish, One, you was right when you said I shouldn't of been making toast in the pool room, Two, why are there so many colourful ponies in here, and why are you one of them?"

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@, "Pardon me, Doctor," Wish replied, "But you're one of them, too. Perhaps you'd like to look in the mirror?"


Wish always felt a little exasperated with the Doctor; it was part and parcel of being the Companion of the Doctor. She could just remember yelling at him for making the toast and bothering with such a mundane task when she was desperately aiming the Tardis for the wormhole to escape the Cybermen's ship. And now, the Tardis was in all likelihood so damaged by the crash that they would be staying here for some time, which wasn't really a good thing.


"Could we at least put up a scanner so if we're going to get company here, we'll know in advance?" Wish asked the Doctor. "You know, the Cybermen who were tracking us before we ended up here."



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The Doctor looked down at himself, then back up to wish, and then back down to himself, then back up to wish, frowning.


"Why did I assume that your a pony? You could be a horse! Or a oddly made donkey... Oh for pete's sake I left my toast in the other room... Why is it pete's sake? Why not bob? Oooh... Wish! I have to ask you something and its really important! Am I Ginger?"


He said full of hope, one wondered why he just didn't look up at his dark brown hair, which was just a tad darker than his coat.

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"Doctor? Doctor who? Is your name Doctor Ginger? Oh how could you forget your own name, silly?"


Derpy asked after hearing his question. She made her way over to the control panel at the center of the room, mesmerized by the flashy lights and buttons.


"OOH! What do all these do?"


She poked something blue.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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Derpy you really shouldn't-


All of the sudden, the box started to vibrate. The strange green tube connecting to the control panel pulsed, wheezing and groaning up and down. Twilight looked around.


How did I get myself into this?


The contraption landed, and Twilight was very, very scared.


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The doctor smiled as the box started to shake and stopped only moments later, he went to the door and opened it, before returning covered in drool after a loud roar was heard, he looked at the grey... Equine, and narrowed his eyes at her.


"You... No touchy my toys... Not until I teach you how to play with them properly..."


He groaned and pressed a few buttons, and the blue box found itself back in ponyville.


"Now... Any Questions?"

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Do I? Do I have a QUESTION?!


Stomping out of the machine, she looked in horror at the now-ruined library. As she galloped in, she spotted Spike trying to clean up. rummaging through the decimated pile of torn literature, she tilted her head outside and yelled as loud as she could.


Get in here and explain what in Equestria is going on!


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@, Wish sighed. This was oh so familiar and it never got any easier or less irritating. "No, Doctor, your mane is brown. Funny that you ended up a brown pony and I ended up teal. Tho at least my mane is sort of close to how my hair was."


Wish's hair had been dyed black and peroxide blonde back when she was human so this was at least close. When the Tardis lurched into life, she gasped but quickly righted herself. "I wouldn't touch that if I were you," she said to Derpy. "Tho, at least we know that it's not that damaged."



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Meanwhile, in the peaceful town of Ponyville...


"Come one! Come all! We got a special today!" An off-white unicorn shouts from in front of his store. "Half price on ball caps, boaters, bucket caps, and fez's! That's right, fez's! Everything else is going 2 for one! Impress that special somepony with a white fedora or a brown fedora! Don't like fedoras? How about a..." But he doesn't get to finish when his shop is suddenly blasted by a laser, causing it to explode. "MY HATS!!!" The off-white pony says, falling to his knees before sobbing over his loss.

(This is one of my fan characters, Trilby Hatter. Don't worry, it's just a cameo. ^_^ )


"Find the Doctor and Exterminate! Exterminate!"

A group of 3 Daleks; black, white, and a red leader; have appeared in Ponyville, and they're reeking havoc all over the place! They are firing their lasers at buildings and ponies that are in their way. Luckily, they don't hit that many ponies. Most of them are running and flying away in fear and panic.

But it's obvious that they are headed in a straight line for the place where the Doctor crash landed.

Edited by Samurai Equine


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The Doctor rolled his eyes and Walked towards the door leading out of the small blue box.


"No... The Tardis does not make Muffins... That's what the Tardis kitchen is for, now..."


The sound of panicked Screams and explosions found its way to the Library, and the doctor quickly ran outside the Tardis.


"Is there a Fireworks show going on today?"


He asked the purple and Grey equines.

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"Um...there shouldn't be. The summer sun celebration isn't for another 3 months."


The purple unicorn peeked outside the TARDIS, looking in horror as she saw ponies galloping around everywhere, screaming and hollering for help.


"Oh my Celestia! We have to help them!'


Running outside, poor Twilight Sparkle didn't realize that a red robot was heading her way, readying its laser for firing. She felt hot searing pain rocket through her body, then everything was black.


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