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Steel shrugged "maybe because we're up against a pony that almost killed the princesses and now has vessels containing great magical power " steel said " and I prefer the devils wine " steel said "it'll knock most dragons on the tails it's strong and has a mighty burn to it"

"oh please....i rather extracted love.....a wine made for changelings.....it leave me with a feeling of fulfillment.....what! don't look at me like that its pony free....this one is made from the love of animals....and they say you can't tell the difference ...sure it less healthy but yeah....." said smiling sun as he takes down a gillon of the stuff....."oh yeah...i could drink that all day....yeah you can find this stuff from any changeling in the black market...ha ha!" his eyes then start to glow green...." i've any started drinking this stuff a week ago....i don't usually get things from dark pony hatred.com but.....it is enjoyable....also it great call back to the family....oh papa so evil but the best father anyone could ask for....all the chnageling kids loved me....until i had to kill most of them when my father engage in war.....also steel you forgot the fact i'm also a tactical novice!"


Youtube: Swoop productions

OC: Smiling Sun

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Steel nodded "you don't need to be a tactical expert to be a distraction" steel said "and be careful I do work for Luna literally I answer to her alone so illegal stuff is quite dangerous and no drinking both of you we need our minds sharp and our bodies at their peak " steel said

((sorry it took so long ))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Snowflake take one last sip and chokes a bit on it "*cough* *hic* aww no that *hic* I had a little too much but don't worry I will be fine" Snowflake puts the bottle of Applejack in his saddlebag "alright so were up against something that will most likely kill us in a heartbeat so..... where should we search first?" 

Edited by Mike Schmidt


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"I'm guessing you never hunted a pony before" steel said " first we know what the pony looks like and a general area where he was last seen look for tracks and if you see anyopony ask about him " (

there's a prank link going around facebook saying Mlp is cancelled it's not true if you click the link it says as much

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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"I'm guessing you never hunted a pony before" steel said " first we know what the pony looks like and a general area where he was last seen look for tracks and if you see anyopony ask about him " (


"I'm guessing you never hunted a pony before" steel said " first we know what the pony looks like and a general area where he was last seen look for tracks and if you see anyopony ask about him " (

there's a prank link going around facebook saying Mlp is cancelled it's not true if you click the link it says as much

"aw...skip the boring stuff....i can't wait to fight! fight! fight! i'm not usually one for violence but i do enjoy a good hunting game yah know what i mean? on the side note......i see a cloak over there oh a note..hmmm....i wonder" said smiling sun as he read the note *it reads (so your looking for me huh?.....you fools......but......you could be useful....go on continue your pointless search and watch the fate of your princesses when they start back where they began (clue: filly hood) ) * " oh thats right are you seeing this....i think i might be a little to drunk to make out whether this is real or not.......but the guy seems to have left us a clue.......hmm......OH MY THE DRINK IS KICKING IN......EVERYONE GOOD NIGHT..." *dreams ( oh whats this.....oh... a pony blood festival huzzah!.....wait who's he.... "OH so you do have a dark side....oh yes....and remember my note...." "i need a working buddy and your weak heart is the perfect subject for it ain't that right you little inner changeling you.......well good bye" said ??? as he left his dream "wow....weird aw who cares ..time to dig in..AHHH!" *wakes up from dream* 

Edited by Luna Dragons


Youtube: Swoop productions

OC: Smiling Sun

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Steel was confused he seen nothing over by smiling sun he sighed walking away he began lookin for tracks he went deeper im the everfree and stopped "both of you come this way" steel said lookin ahead he saw a path of dead plants and animals but worh no sign of beimg injured or sick "i think i found our trail"


Shadowheart began trying out his bew found power

Grell was walking through the dense forest and came to a cottage he heard rushing water an followed the sound he soon found a river with polls of wood sricking out an a mare balanced on one hoof on a pole fliping form one to another with grace she seen hom and flicked three theowing knives at him

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Steel was confused he seen nothing over by smiling sun he sighed walking away he began lookin for tracks he went deeper im the everfree and stopped "both of you come this way" steel said lookin ahead he saw a path of dead plants and animals but worh no sign of beimg injured or sick "i think i found our trail"


Shadowheart began trying out his bew found power

Grell was walking through the dense forest and came to a cottage he heard rushing water an followed the sound he soon found a river with polls of wood sricking out an a mare balanced on one hoof on a pole fliping form one to another with grace she seen hom and flicked three theowing knives at him

"Okay! i'm coming....wow i had a crazy dream.......i was just enjoying some nice pony flesh when a guy in a cloak said he wanted my weak heart to be his servant or something.....also when i woke up i saw the words (the heart is weak. your path is strong you can't save the princesses but you can take them back to were they began) then in brackets (To my future servant) isn't that crazy right!?!?!??" said smiling sun following steel..... "anyway what are the princesses like....."(voice in head says "ASK him there weaknesses..muahahahahaha!) after hearing this voice in his head he replied to it "Oh silly head you can be some crazy thing" he smiled at steel and continued walking on....


Youtube: Swoop productions

OC: Smiling Sun

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Steel sighed "well i dont know celestia at all but luna is nice one of the nicest bosses ive had the pleasure of serving shes kind with s geart of gold but also a ruthless warroir with expert form ive had many practice fights with her" steel said "now please calm down"

Grell flipped dodging the blades "aiko" grell said usin magic to teleport to a ploe they began fighting flipping and jumping from pole to pole

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Snowflake checks his surroundings and sees nothing of interest or usefulness "there are dead plants and animals this seems to be our only lead to finding this assassin" Snowflake tightens the grip on his mask "I don't like this one bit, be on your guard"


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Steel sighed "well i dont know celestia at all but luna is nice one of the nicest bosses ive had the pleasure of serving shes kind with s geart of gold but also a ruthless warroir with expert form ive had many practice fights with her" steel said "now please calm down"

Grell flipped dodging the blades "aiko" grell said usin magic to teleport to a ploe they began fighting flipping and jumping from pole to pole


Snowflake checks his surroundings and sees nothing of interest or usefulness "there are dead plants and animals this seems to be our only lead to finding this assassin" Snowflake tightens the grip on his mask "I don't like this one bit, be on your guard"

"it'll be fine....right?...." replied smiling sun to snowflake then he turned to steel "oh....so wait do you know anything about Luna's" as he was about to say hobby interests he gets a voice in his head (Oh... you mean battling style) he then continues quickly without thinking "Battling styles" he then blushes as he thinks (i didn't want say that...what are you doing head is it that changeling wine i should stop buying that stuff) the voice in his head replied (oh foolish boy..........you'll soon be mine) text appears in his head (corruption 10% complete

Edited by Luna Dragons


Youtube: Swoop productions

OC: Smiling Sun

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Steel nodded " shes adoptive so she has no set style thats part of what makes her a great warrior my advice dont even try to hurt her youll have to face me and i will kill you no questions ask" steel said then he turned to snowstorm "i slways have my guard up now follow im used to hunting ponies "

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Luna is adaptive alright and a great leader, but you know your time has come when your fighting Celestia......I'm surprised this assassin managed to take them both on and become victorious they must be using some relic or trinket to their advantage because Luna and Celestia together can easily take on every pony in Equestria all at once and for both to fall just to one pony makes no sense"


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Lunar Eclipse was exploring the Everfree Forest, looking for Princess Luna's attacker. She had just delcared Lunar as her personal student, then got attacked as soon as she made if to Canterlot??? She wanted to get to the bottom of it. She heard voices, quickly putting the hood on her cloak up. She hid behind a few bushes. She noticed Luna's guard Steel and smiled brightly. She took her hood off and walked over. "Are you Stained Stell, Princess Luna's guard???" She looked almost identical to Luna's nightmare state, except she had a purple coat and a grayish purple mane. Her eyes were a glowing gold, her cutie mark a lunar eclipse. She was absolutely flawless, and had an aura of intense power emitting from her. She was as strong as Grell, but could more than likely stand her own against him

Edited by rainbowdashlover19

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Steel looked to snowflake" first off your the only pony to say anything good about celestias fighting I've been told she's predictable and only uses magic to fight" " this is snowflake master of ice magic ((right))" steel said to lunar" never would I'm saying follow orders"

(It was two sadly I have to remove Luna dragons he hasn't been posting or on so its just one))

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Steel sighed "I don't care I have his trail now out will follow orders or I will have shining armor take you into custody for preventing me from working do I make myself clear" steel almost growled he wasn't one for working with others and he hayed that these ponies thought they knew better then him he was an assassin and had been hunting NAD killing ponies almost his whole life

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Lunar glared at him. "Of course. I'm not an idiot. Could you possibly talk to me with a little more respect? I have done nothing to you, and I'm quite tired of of being treated like I'M the enemy..." she snapped. -You'd think he'd have a little more respect for his precious Luna's student... I'm definitely reporting his bad attitude to her highness when we get back...- she thought.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Lunar sighed, looking away. -So rude... He better stop this stupid attitude before Luna catches wind of him being so mean...- she thought. "Anyways, where do you think he went?" she asked, looking at the dead plants surrounding them. "Or are you just following this decaying path until you stummble upon him?"

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Steel sighed" we're following the path since we have little to no information on him I have ponies dealing with Intel already" steel said

Meanwhile Grell and aiko fought with speed and agility they stooped "aiko I brought the vessel for you" Grell said

Aiko smiled holding her hoof out as Grell tossed it to her "you know what to do take the power of the mare of the blades and await my institutions if things happen that force you to leave go o the safe house" with that Grell jumped down firm his perch and walked away

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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