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private The Rise of Nightwind Boreas [Adventure] [Rainbow Power] [Villains]

Wind Chaser

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Night backed up at the sight of the pony. A..corpse if you will standing in front of him. He had uses dark magic...but this was new to him. " I see...may you find peace"


Night kinda felt bad for the pony. Night had came close to death before, but a shadow saved him...A friend.

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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"I don't need peace I have been brought back for some reason" Snowflake turns to Night "you don't need to feel bad for me in this state I'm kinda alive but at the same time not so much, the only down side is this eternal sorrow I have to put up with" Snowflake pulls out a old photo of 10 ponies plus Snowflake "these were my friends 6 of them were murdered in front of me I died years later when I took on the Cloudsdale guards  3 of them died much later from being murdered by assassins or simply there time ran out, only this one pony remains" Snowflake points at a green stallion on the photo "I believe he is the reason I have returned I need to regain all my powers then I will find him" Snowflake notices Boreas in the distance "ah there you are, you can come with me or wait here and hope to find someone who isn't dead to feed on"


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Night looked at the photo and felt worse for the pony. Too not know if his friends were a live must be bad. "I'll come"


Not to far from Night was a shadow waiting. Comprised of the same magic that turned Luna and wanted to turn Night, being born from their magic and Discord's

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Hazardpoint Radiation was trotting in the Everfree forest for a while till she saw two bright green lights from deep in the forest.



"Hey, those look like my eyes!" Hazardpoint quietly said. "There must be another creature like me there!"


She ran over to the green lights and saw and other ones.


"Can I help you?" Hazardpoint asked.



copyright-Pin Point-2014


"All my friends, are my best friends."- Pin Point


Thanks to DJSpacer for my avatar!


Now a RisingChaos shipper


My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pin-point-r7420


Ask me anything: http://mlpforums.com/topic/116218-ask-pinny-something/

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@@Rainbow Eclipse



Shade smiled. "Good to hear you find yourself and your goal important...." He commented. "After it would be a shame for such darkness to go to waste..." Shade glanced at the moon once more. "This is a night of opportunity indeed...To think that there would be so much darkness tonight, what luck... There are more dark presences approaching even now..." He thought, before turning his attention back to the other Pegasi. "I must admit that I am curious..... What are your goals now that you've cast off the shackles restraining your potential?" Shade asked Riley "And what shall we call you?"

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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, @Rainbow Eclipse, ,


For once, Nightwind Boreas had been influential on another pony's life. He, too, was interested in what this new Riley could bring to his alliance, and bided his time making a plan until he felt his crew was large and strong enough to execute it.


Then, looking off his corner he saw another pony with blazing eyes and a corruption similar to his own, and it looked quite familiar to him, asking him for a placement within his crew.


"So, here you are, in one life known to the pony formerly known as Wind Chaser as 'Pin Point', and now it seems you've made the jump, too. I say these transformations really are getting to be an epidemic around here!"




Vested Interest could not sleep that night. Call it a case of itchy hooves or an intense gut reaction, but she felt as if she was compelled to not to open up shop next day and go to Ponyville instead.


She wanted nothing more than to find Wind Chaser. When it comes between ponies and profits, she takes the ponies first, always, especially her friends. She had the hunch he was there. After a few trips there, Wind Chaser had been originally apprehensive about the town but later grew to appreciate its way of life and the positive attitudes of its inhabitants, and longed to leave his hometown.


She couldn't sleep bearing the thought that a friend was gone, not even in the dead of early morning before dawn like this.


Luckily, Manehattan was a 24-hour city. The place was always busy and she could go whenever she pleased...or needed.


Vested Interest couldn't bear it any longer. She turned on a lamp in her room and jumped out of bed, her pajamas flying to the floor as she rushed to pick out what she was going to wear. A bright violet coat and bright violet boots...maybe that would show around Ponyville well. But that would be the least of her concerns. This was important business, and not of the profit motive variety.


Despite the long late-night headways, Vested Interest made it to the Manehattan train station just in time to hurriedly buy her ticket for the first Friendship Express departure for Canterlot, Ponyville, and Las Pegasus. The ticket agent saw the urgency in her face as he sold her the only out to Ponyville she had at this hour.


The train left promptly on time and chugged through the Equestrian night all the way to Ponyville.


Vested Interest disembarked as the train finally reached Ponyville, still in the dark of the early morning, with its soft lights from some of the town's small buildings and the starlight from above being the only guides for her to see the defining characteristics of the town.


She felt the effects of an abnormally cold breeze that came over the town from the direction of Manehattan that was still lingering over the town. Odd considering that these kinds of cold air masses usually came from the northwest or due north, that she learned from Wind Chaser when he was in that phase in which he was obsessed with the weather. She looked to the south and the Everfree Forest, where the train had just disappeared to on its way to Las Pegasus.


There was a lot on her mind before, but there was only suspicion now as she looked into the dark expanse of the untamed wilderness.

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*After a while of knocking on doors and asking for sleep* *Some simple stallion let Alamo rest in his home till the morning as it was late in the night, the stallion would try to ask Alamo why he was here but, Alamo only asked about the weather as he was only trying to find out why its so cold even in Appleloosa, and went to sleep in the bed that the stallion had offered him.*

Edited by Castle
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"Physical transformations caused by hatred and darkness? Interesting..." Shade said, glancing at Nightwind. "You would think I would have changed to be physically different from Shine, being a manifestation of his rage, anger, and darkness.... But all that's changed are my eyes...." He mused thoughtfully, Either not noticing or not caring that he was speaking aloud. "Then again, It's likely because Shine still exists... A pity that I cannot simply erase his existence...."


(OOC: BTW I'm usually on between about 4:30 PM - 8 PM on weekday's... almost all day for weekends until further notice (Eastern Standard Time). Except this Sunday, gonna be offline possibly all day due to a friends birthday. =D)

Edited by Storm Shine

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Wolf Smith

"alright then we need to keep searching the forest for the demonic looking pony, I'm never a follower but we can use these ponies to our advantage" Snowflake turns to Night "also I never really properly introduced myself I'm Snowflake Frostflame but you can call me Snowflake"


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@@Snowflake Frostflame,


Night bowed and followed. "Night Wolfe, son of Nightmare and Discord." He felt good saying that. He looked around...felt like he was being followed


"Perrrfect." A voice said, watching Night as he walked. "He is the one...out master's son."


The shadow shoot out after Night

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith

"what in tartus" Snowflake turns around "Night! Look out!" Snowflake casts a Ice dome to protect Night from the Shadow he then takes a closer look at the shadow "hello? what might you be" he then turns to Night "what is this thing and is it safe to let you out?"


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The shadow enters the ice shield and is absorbed into Night. He screamed and yelled as he felt a dark power awake.


"BAHAHAH!!!" The ice shattered as he looked at Snowflake, he fur was black and so were his eyes. "So..powerful!"


Night flew up to the pony and smiled, showing his long sharp fangs.

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith

Snowflakes ears go down "well that's just great now what" Snowflake thinks "hmm well the shadow seemed to give you powers now are you still able to reason cause I can't have you destroy everything" Snowflake continues to walk "come on Night we need to find Boreas"


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" Night? No my dear weakling...I am Dark moon!!!"


Dark or what was Night had changed. The shadow is what helped Nightmare, now it was in control of Night. His eyes were black, not a bit of him had Night's figure. "Now if you will...tell me where I can find Celestia so I may kill her"

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Hazardpoint Radiation looked at Nightwind and said,


"Yes, I have made the transformation too. Pin Point was a big push-over. I, Hazardpoint Radiation, am here to pick up where Pin Point had left off many years ago. I didn't want to be this way, but they forced me to become this. They made a big mistake."



copyright-Pin Point-2014


"All my friends, are my best friends."- Pin Point


Thanks to DJSpacer for my avatar!


Now a RisingChaos shipper


My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pin-point-r7420


Ask me anything: http://mlpforums.com/topic/116218-ask-pinny-something/

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, @Wolf Smith, @Snowflake Frostflame, @Rainbow Eclipse, ,


"Good. They will pay in due time," said Nightwind Boreas to Hazardpoint.


Nightwind Boreas then saw Snowflake and a darker, more corrupted Night Wolfe returning to him.


"All well and good," he said flatly as he trotted up to the new Night, and had a few choice words for him especially...


Nightwind walked up to Dark Moon calmly, then raised his spiked boot and took a slash at his face,


"We have a special way of dealing with those who desert us. Now, will you aid us? This is the only possible way you have of getting any closer to your goals than you are now. If you try this again, the Rainbow guys won't be the only ones coming after you! So, now what? You fight alongside us, or you fall alone!"


Boreas realized something needed to be done now, as dawn was coming in a couple of hours,


"We're here for purpose. We're here to take what should've been ours...we're going to break into that new Rainbow Kingdom monstrosity that just went up over Ponyville. There is great power hiding in there, the manifestation of friendship known as Rainbow Power. When everypony's special talents and magic were stolen from them by Tirek, this power was the one which set things right by restoring them.


This is a very fortunate time for us. Twilight Sparkle and many of her friends are all out of town in separate locations all across Equestria. This leaves them defenseless for the most part. We will use the strength of our alliance to replace their friendship. Rainbow Power will become ours, and Equestria will become dependent on us. That way, you will be able to have whatever you want and you can finally have the purpose in your lives which was taken from you."




Vested Interest looked around the frigid, dark, dimly lit Ponyville. She was tired, having had her sleep interrupted by this worrying gut feeling. She had tried to get some sleep on the train, granted it was the best sleep she got all night, it wasn't enough to clear this worrying feeling, that something was wrong. She didn't know exactly why she was there, but she knew she had to be there, and given the goings on in the Everfree, she may have been closer and closer to finding that out.


In Canterlot, Celestia awoke with a start. As she was ready to take her post of rising the sun to start the morning, she heard the words "where...find Celestia...I may kill her" come to her in a dream, or possibly another vision. As she went to her balcony to bring the sun up, she felt a disturbance in the Everfree. She knew something was wrong again, and she wanted to be sure to take the necessary precautions, reminded of the time she and Luna were kidnapped by out-of-control growth from the forest.


She didn't want to take any chances. She went straight to Shining Armor, the Captain of the Royal Guard.


"Shining Armor, I have a feeling there is a strange disturbance coming from the Everfree, there came to me a vision, and I heard somepony making a threat against me. Twilight and her friends are out of Ponyville. There's a great power there now, should it fall into the wrong hooves while they're not there to protect it, it could bring great devastation to all of Equestria.


"We cannot reassemble all of Twilight's friends, it will take too long. I need as much power as you can send down to Ponyville to be there. Protect Twilight's kingdom, I have a feeling that's what they might be after first!"


Shining Armor complied and sent a rather sizeable detachment of the Royal Guard down to Ponyville as dawn broke.


As the sun rose and Royal Guard reinforcements arrived in Ponyville, all Nightwind Boreas could do now was wait until night fell again, and redraw his plan to account for this new presence.

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Night looked at the new pony. He did hate the rainbow and want revenge for his mother. He took a second to think and smiled. "How soon can we start?"


Somewhere in his mind this felt wrong...but he didn't care he loved it. Loved it more than anypony. "Yessssssss."

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith

"no I cannot allow you to do that do you not realize how much chaos this world will be in if just one of the goddesses die that will be bad even for us"


"hmmm I like the sound of that me and my friends were mercenaries and normally would expect pay but this reward is far better then money, I'm in!"


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"Sounds like a plan." said Hazardpoint. "I shall get revenge on the ponies who turned me into this. It's a reward that's better than all the bits in the world. I am so in!" Hazardpoint said sounding very excited.


"Look out, CloudsDale, Hazardpoint Radiation will soon get you!" Hazardpoint thought.



copyright-Pin Point-2014


"All my friends, are my best friends."- Pin Point


Thanks to DJSpacer for my avatar!


Now a RisingChaos shipper


My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/pin-point-r7420


Ask me anything: http://mlpforums.com/topic/116218-ask-pinny-something/

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*Waking up* "Well I got to ask about whoever makes the weather here to cold even in the south" *After asking the owner, Alamo thanks him, even tho he had been given the news that she was not here.* "Well that means the cold shouldn't becoming from here but it seems like it is so I guess I'll ask around, someone got to know what going on, and I got to talk to the mayor about them voices in the forest."

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Night smiled." What's your name?"


He looked at the other and laughed evilly. He loved the darkness that slowly leaked into his mind and magic...it felt right some how. To feel this magic...made him. "I want to kill Celestia and her friends...change Luna back to Nightmare

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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"I can feel the evil within you but I cannot let you kill Celestia the world would fall under complete chaos it would be catastrophic even for us you need to under stand that I know you want revenge on her but this isn't the way to do it" Snowflake turns to the others "oh a thousand pardons I'm Snowflake Frostflame but you can call me Snowflake and this thing was Night now I'm not sure what it is, Dark Moon"


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"Well I will certainly join you all...." Shade stated. "I simply wish to cause pain, make the world lose hope. All shall fear the storm, as the shadows consume their world." He smirked. "Smiles shall hold no place on any muzzle, as Equestria despairs... For I am an embodiment of anger and wrath, Storm Shade!" Shade exclaimed, laughing darkly.

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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Chaos...he liked that idea. So did his father, Discord. He could turn Luna back into Nightmare, he could kill anypony y he pleased and he knew of one right now. He drew his sword hight as the moon slowly rose and turned black. "MAY THE SHADOW ARMY RISE. BAHAHA"

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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*After looking around for any locals that have to work early in the morning, Alamo decides to have a break, but out of the corner of his eyes spot somepony out by the trees to everfree which he had to come through last night, he ran to her to ask her questions, about what she was doing and if she heard the voices from the forest last night. 

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