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private The Rise of Nightwind Boreas [Adventure] [Rainbow Power] [Villains]

Wind Chaser

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Shining Armor and a significant detachment of the Royal Guard had arrived in Ponyville, armed to the teeth with spears, protection spells, and one interesting document...


It was a list that had the names of ponies on it, many of whom had a knowledge of the ponies who had turned evil. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to Shining Armor or the Guard, many of them, too, were out of town.


They began an exhaustive search of Ponyville, going house to house while keeping an eye on Twilight's castle, for as many willing ponies as they could.


@Wolf Smith@Rainbow Eclipse, @Snowflake Frostflame,


It was as dark as ever in the Everfree, but it was a bright day with burgeoning sunlight in Ponyville. He knew everypony's powers would be the greatest at night, but the sight of the Royal Guard swarming Ponyville from afar made him impatient, as if his patience hadn't been run out already by the transformation itself.


"We have to do something! We have to get in that castle!" He couldn't stand it anymore.


"Any bright ideas here?"

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Bright? He had no bright ideas...he had a dark idea. "We kill them. Drink their blood...burn their souls and I'll make sure he has a hell of a time."


Night ran off, hoping to have some fun and maybe somepony new. New blood means new food. "Bahahahaha" The darkness lives

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Snowflake turns to Night "no killing the guards will only make the situation worse trust me they will only keep sending reinforcements until we can no longer fight..." Snowflake pauses in shock as if he remembers something tragic, a tear goes down his face from his only good eye he then says "stealth is our best option if we wish to infiltrate the castle"


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"I have to agree with Snowflake here. Killing the guards will be a bad idea, but sneaking around undetected is a good idea. It's the best option we have right now." Hazardpoint said to Nightwind. "Hell, we could even disguise ourselves as regular ponies and get into the castle without anyone having any suspicion."



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"Indeed... No need to draw undo attention to ourselves just yet fellows, I believe that stealth is our best choice at the moment... we should proceed with caution." Shade stated carefully. "I'm not the best in a fight.. My skills are of a more... Subtle persuasion." He informed his new allies. "I am skilled in the arts of deception, persuasion, and planning. Unfortunately, even with all my physical ability, I am not good in a straight fight... Unlike like my stupidly naive 'Other'..." Shade told them.


"However that might be good..." He mused aloud. "I am the least suspicious, and the least physically changed pony here... Meaning that if nopony finds what I look like or sound like, or that I'm with you, I might be able to infiltrate and gather information or discreetly distract guards and such." Shade proposed. "I could more easily gather intelligence on the enemy, and possibly cause panic, confusion, or dissent among their ranks..."

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Wolf Smith


An orange and white teenage unicorn wanders on the outskirts of Ponyville, slightly near Everfree Forest. He sees an alicorn. Wow! An alicorn! Maybe he'll be friends with me! Well, I hope he'll be friends with me... the unicorn thought to himself. He raced over to the alicorn. "Hi!" the unicorn said, with a little cheeriness to his voice.

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Night turned to the young unicorn. He tilted his head as he smiled to show his fangs. "Hello~"


Nights tarted to walk around the unicorn. He licked his fangs...new blood, new life, new death. "Will you care to be my dinner?" Ngiht grabbed the unicorn in his magic.

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Wolf Smith


The unicorn struggled in the alicorn's grasp, but his weak and unrefined magic was too weak to counter the alicorn's strong and powerful magic. "L-LET ME GO!" the unicorn cried in a panicking tone of voice. "I-I'LL DO ANYTHING! JUST DON'T BITE ME!" he continued.

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Night brought the unicorn closer and licked his neck. "Warm blood." He scrapped his fangs across the unicorns neck and smiled. "So..warm...so weak."


Night bit down hard and began to drink the unicorn's blood, he hasn't drank blood that was so young before...he loved it

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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@Nerd-Letter, @Wolf Smith,


The Royal Guard, in addition to their mission of protecting the castle at the center of town, had been sweeping Ponyville for answers as to what was behind the disturbance in the Everfree and anypony who could help them fight back in Twilight's absence.


One particular unit of five Guard unicorns had been going door-to-door in the edge of Ponyville and had noticed an alicorn assaulting a young orange unicorn.


"Hey! What are you doing?!" yelled the detachment's leader.


The other four stood ready, and charged up their horns, ready to strike...

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@Wolf Smith


The unicorn continues to struggle, but as Night drinks his blood, he becomes weaker and weaker. The unicorn groans in pain. "Stop...it...hurts...please...stop..." he moans. His eyelids start to close. When the unicorn is near the point of losing consciousness, he twitches a bit, and a slightly insane smile crosses his face. "Watch your back, son of Luna. The insanity of somepony can affect others very...harshly," he said, sounding more cool and a bit cold-hearted. Then he laughed like a madpony.

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*After giving up trying to talk to the pony in the purple coat, alamo see out of the corner of his eyes a alicorn bearing down on a orangish ponie* "Never seen that black alicorn before but what it doing to that pony, because from my view that alicorn is giving that orange one some trouble, I best take a look." Starts trotting over to what appears to be a fight.

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Night stopped, dropping the pony as he turned, spawning two more swords. "Don't you feel it! It's around!! When the horizon meets the sun! It controls me!"


Night turned back, still laughing. "DARK MAGIC!!!" He flapped his wings and flew off before anypony could get there.

Chaos: A condition or place of great disorder or confusion. Yep, that's me. Night Wolfe son of Discord and Nightmare, nice to meet you. Don't worry I won't bite...Hard

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Vested Interest had been watching the forest intently, listening for disturbances. She had heard some speaking coming out of there, and some of it sounded familiar.


I can't go in there. Celestia help him! she thought. I never thought he'd turn like this, he was such a good pony!


She was so deep in thinking, anguish, and worry that she completely missed a green Earth stallion speaking to her, and her concentration was broken by the sounds of a struggle nearby.


She knew from her street smarts not to play hero. Just move away...


Vested Interest tried to go to get help...little did she know it was already there.


She saw the swarm of Royal Guard ponies all over the town, and knew this had to be serious. She tried to keep herself from worrying too much. Stay strong, it's going to end well for Wind. Usually does, no matter how much he gets worked up over it.


@Wolf Smith, @Nerd-Letter,


The Royal Guard, with furious and intent looks on their faces, aimed and fired a magical beam at the alicorn who was as black as night. One stood at the ready to call in reinforcements, should it be needed.

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@Wolf Smith, Castle, and Nightwind Boreas


The orange unicorn suddenly becomes normal again. I blacked out...or did the curse happen again? oh god, it was the betrayal one, wasn't it? Well, I guess that alicorn deserved it for trying to kill me. the unicorn thought to himself. He turned to the guards. "It's okay, I'm fine..." he said. He then looked back at the direction the alicorn went. I have a bad feeling that something is going on...I hope I'm wrong... the unicorn thought to himself. The unicorn was about to head back into town, before he saw an earth pony. He walked up to the earth pony and said, "hi!"

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Nerd-LetterWolf Smith,

*Watches the alicorn fly away, turns and looks at the orange unicorn and see's the guards run up to him* They are awful at their jobs, should have noticed this downright quick not like the old ones *said
Alamo in his breath* *walks up and starts talking to the unicorn* You ok kid, that alicorn seemed to be causing you trouble but who was that, anyways, can you tell me your name, help me find out who is your family member is they must be around here somewhere? 

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"My name's Nerd-Letter! And I'm fine. I've been through worse situations...And I had no idea who that was. And I don't really have any family members...not any that I know are still alive anyway..." said Nerd-Letter. He hoped that he could get along well with this pony! Maybe he'll finally be friends with another pony!

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, @Nerd-Letter,


As the orange unicorn turned towards the green Earth pony, the squad leader produced his copy of the document Shining Armor had arrived in Ponyville with, which every other commander in the Royal Guard had been given as well. He couldn't help but notice something, and he went after the two of them.


"Hey, you! Both of you! You match the description!" He went up to them and told them what he had to do.


"You both have to come with me. You're not in trouble, we just need you for something!"

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@Nightwind Boreas


"Uh, okay?" Nerd-Letter replied. He wondered why he and the earth pony had to follow them...and what description did they match? "What's this about?" Nerd-Letter inquired. "And where are we gonna be going?" He asked them. "In fact, how do we know you're not just someone like that alicorn earlier in disguise?!" He demanded. After the encounter with that alicorn, he started getting a bit suspicious.

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@Nerd-Letter @NightWing

*whispering towards the unicorn* "Watch out for what the guards are asking they might be looking for certain ponies try to keep your self in tact who know who they might think you are." *Thinking to self* "Hope that bounty on me isn't still going on." "Ok we will come

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"What do you mean by 'certain people'?" Nerd-Letter whispers to Alamo. He started getting a bit suspicious of Alamo. "Besides, I've been in worse situations than anypony could have dealing with royal guards. If we get into some kind of mess with them, trust me, I would be able to defend us both," he whispered.

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*Whispering to Nerd-Letter* Trust me I had my share of fights but they outnumber us, so try to keep guards counfused so they don't ask to many question when you repeat answers, It'll save you the time of going through all their systems and remember you know me as a distant cousin.

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@Nerd-Letter, ,


The guard said nothing more, and quickly led them straight toward the giant crystalline tree in the middle of Ponyville -- Twilight's kingdom.


Meanwhile, a Pegasus guard had been on patrol in the southern portions of Ponyville as Vested Interest was trotting by.


It was just what Vested wanted to see. "Excuse me, sir, believe me, but I just saw this black alicorn assaulting an orange unicorn on the edge of town over there!"


The pegasus replied, "The black alicorn? We were just over there, we've got another squad over there dealing with that already." Then he checked his copy of the document.


"Name: Vested Interest, gray unicorn with red mane and frequently wears brightly-colored accessories...come on, we've got to go!"


"Wait, what?" Vested replied.


"There's little time to explain, we need to get you back to Twilight's castle as quickly as possible!"


, , @Rainbow Eclipse, @Snowflake Frostflame,


"These are good ideas, but...Shade, you can go in on that plan. I don't know if the rest of us will be able to, with all the guard around there. Unless there's somepony here versed in magic who can make magical disguises for us, I think we'll have to wait a little longer. It's still quite a few hours to darkness..."


Nightwind Boreas moved towards the edge of the forest, but far enough out so that nopony in town would be able to notice. He watched intently on Ponyville.


"I'm going to keep watch over here. Once there's a shift change on the south of Ponyville, we'll move in. This is a bit of a gamble, hopefully there will be a hole at Twilight's castle as well when this happens."

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"I doubt they'll believe our story. They probably know how to tell when a pony is lying, like body language and stuff," He whispered. "And why do you want to stay so secretive? Did you do something bad you regret you did in the past?" Nerd-Letter asked. I'll have to try and control my emotions, unless I want the insanity curse placed on me to take hold me while I'm around these guards. Nerd-Letter thought to himself.

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"Just go with it, I've got a some past troubles i'm trying not to cause again, just go with it, their system is still broken aright you are my cousin and my name is grassist I have come to watch over you after your mother died, I've just arrived today, but I will tell you this something definitely wrong here." Alamo whispers to Nerd-Letter

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