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Pokemon Gjinka War(RPers needed)

Hive King

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Damien still fidgeting, he never felt comfortable without being in the darkness, nodded at him and replied grinning his sharp jagged teeth showing, "Alright then, I call first blood though." He was excited, no amount of food or drink could quench him as well as looking at the fear in people's eyes.

Edited by PsychedelicPony
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@,@@Suitaloo, @,

He listened as they spoke, and looked over at the accused thief, and gave her a light nod. He seemed to be thinking for a bit.

"A thief, you say?" he said, coming a bit closer. "That is no good... What did she steal? Important information? Lifesaving medicine? Otherwise, I'd say you might be wasting your time on her..."

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"Food. Not only for our soldiers, but for civilians as well as the enemy forces' soldiers. I coordinate Viral's civilian aid effort in this region, and she is the kind of rogue element that makes my job even harder." Kachina replied. "Civilian food may not be lifesaving medicine, but it's just as important, especially for the more poverty-stricken areas around here and for those who have been driven to poverty by being unlucky enough to be caught in the middle of the war."

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Noda: "Cocky, aren't we? Very well my friend. I think you can entertain me for a little bit." Using his sword, he blocks the attack and takes flight. "Can't reach me up here? Too bad, because I can reach you fine. Let's see how you like aerial attacks. FLY!" Noda then dive bombs him.

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Damien wandered around the camp completely spaced out, he never really could keep his mind on anything with the constant three-way conversation in his head. He and the voices agreed they were itching to get out and get down to the mission. He really wished that William would just get on with it, but he knew you don't want to push Ribose. However, unlike the others Damien wasn't scared at all really of Ribose, he accepted death a long time ago and was just crazy enough perhaps push her buttons. For this reason he tried to stay away from her, but sometimes that didn't work as while wandering aimlessly he ended up going straight into Ribose's abode where she was meditating.

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Ribose was panting at this point, barely constrained nightmares of her cloning coming to life. Machines poking about her insides. She whipped around at the sound of someone entering, eyes wide and red. On instinct, the tall woman used her strongest move, Dark Pulse. A move powered by horrid thoughts, Ribose had plenty from her time as a guinea pig.  

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Ribose was panting at this point, barely constrained nightmares of her cloning coming to life. Machines poking about her insides. She whipped around at the sound of someone entering, eyes wide and red. On instinct, the tall woman used her strongest move, Dark Pulse. A move powered by horrid thoughts, Ribose had plenty from her time as a guinea pig.  


Damien instinctively dodged the attack and snapped back into reality and found himself staring Ribose in the face, utterly confused as how he got there. He froze in place and his eye's widened, and then the worst possible thing happened. Saint, the lighter voice, took over and made Damien laugh heavily and say, "You missed me!" followed by sticking his tongue out at her. Damien realized he was in serious danger and opened his mouth to explain, but realized he did not know how to explain to his commander he was unstable and had voices in his head.

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Trixie wandered into the forest slowly and recognised the trees. She was close to the base now. Nonetheless, she still held her side as it flared in pain every so often. "I can barely walk as is. That Mew is powerful, I'll give him that." Trixie muttered. After about ten or so minutes of walking, Trixie spotted Ribose's main camp. She was relieved to see it but it didn't show on her face. Emerging out the other side, her first call of action would be to tell Ribose of what she saw so she managed to turn into slime even though it took a lot of strength now. She found the crack that she always used to get to Ribose's office quickly and took that route. Coming out the other side, she immediately reverted back to being human.

@@Hive King, @@PsychedelicPony

Trixie looked around for Ribose and spotted her hitting someone with a Dark Pulse. He must have interrupted her meditating.

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Ribose's reaction was less than pleased

"LEAVE ME IN PEACE!" she roared, grabbing Damien with Psychic and slamming him into the unfortunate Muk. Walking up to the fallen gjinkas, she grabbed them by the collars and slammed their heads together before letting them drop. Ribose panted, not from exertion(it had taken little effort) but from being woken from her waking nightmare. She shook her head and dispersed energy growing in her hand. 


"My apologies, I had a vision. Report, Trixie"

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Ribose's reaction was less than pleased

"LEAVE ME IN PEACE!" she roared, grabbing Damien with Psychic and slamming him into the unfortunate Muk. Walking up to the fallen gjinkas, she grabbed them by the collars and slammed their heads together before letting them drop. Ribose panted, not from exertion(it had taken little effort) but from being woken from her waking nightmare. She shook her head and dispersed energy growing in her hand. 


"My apologies, I had a vision. Report, Trixie"


Damien was lucky he made it out this way, and had a ear-splitting headache from knocking heads with the Muk chick. He was fairly dazed and was having trouble getting up and leaving he decided to try to go as translucent as possible which wasn't much due to his injury and crawled into the low-lit corner of the room. He stayed there hoping Ribose wouldn't realize he was there so he could escape at an easier time.


(EDIT: Sorry I messed up Haunter's typing and forgot Poison/Psychic interation)

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"And as for you, if you ever wander into my chambers whilst I am..indisposed, you shall suffer far worse a fate than death" Ribose hissed, absolutely furious that she had been made to look like an overly emotional little girl, like she had when she was just being clon-no! No thoughts about that! 

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@@Hive King

Trixie groaned from getting slammed into and getting her head knocked about. "I'm in already enough pain as it is." Trixie grumbled and looked at Ribose. "My report. Right. Everything appears to be fine over at Viral's camps. There doesn't seem to be any activity other than the usual helping out of neutrals. I passed by a Viral camp near one of our food productions and ran into someone called Nox as well as Viral but I managed to get away by lying. Told them they mistook me for my fake twin sister. Viral thought I was a neutral so it was fairly easy." Trixie reported

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@@Hive King

Trixie groaned from getting slammed into and getting her head knocked about. "I'm in already enough pain as it is." Trixie grumbled and looked at Ribose. "My report. Right. Everything appears to be fine over at Viral's camps. There doesn't seem to be any activity other than the usual helping out of neutrals. I passed by a Viral camp near one of our food productions and ran into someone called Nox as well as Viral but I managed to get away by lying. Told them they mistook me for my fake twin sister. Viral thought I was a neutral so it was fairly easy." Trixie reported

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"And as for you, if you ever wander into my chambers whilst I am..indisposed, you shall suffer far worse a fate than death" Ribose hissed, absolutely furious that she had been made to look like an overly emotional little girl, like she had when she was just being clon-no! No thoughts about that! 


Damien moved to a darker area and stayed there. He knew Ribose was powerful, but he had never met anyone who could see him the dark. That was part of the reason he hated being around during the daytime. His voices were getting louder reverting to his vengeful personality. He would hold a grudge but made sure to bide his time and wait until he could exact it well and without getting caught.

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Ribose turned a shade of white that would make paper look rosy.


"Viral...caught you?" she sputtered out, snapping out of her horror before sending out a telepathic message. "PREPARE FOR CODE RED, TAKE DEFENSIVE POSITIONS!" Ribose commanded, she herself floating into the air and looking to the horizon. Viral wasn't stupid, he must have known about this



While Viral watched the sparring match, he also idly moved the wind about. He had been chipping way at the ice holding up several thousand tons of snow for about a week now using wind, and his work had finally paid off. Just in time too, that spy could have caused problems. A clench of his fist and the avalanche was on its way. Sister should worry more about him, Viral thought, as he returned his attentions to the fight




Ribose swore as she heard a cracking noise from the mountain. She had underestimated her brother...and overestimated herself. Making a base here...what was she thinking? Ribose relayed the orders once more, cursing the fact that her brother had out thought her once more. All they could do now was brace for impact. Well, everyone else. She could make a personal shield that would protect her

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@@Hive King

Trixie looked around wildly as she heard something crack on top of the mountain. "Is there snow on top of the mountain? That will be bad for the camp. I'm sorry he caught me. I didn't even know he was there. He just appeared blasted me with Psychic thanks to a stick that was in my slime and disappeared in a pink light!" Trixie told Ribose.

Edited by Dji
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"Food. Not only for our soldiers, but for civilians as well as the enemy forces' soldiers. I coordinate Viral's civilian aid effort in this region, and she is the kind of rogue element that makes my job even harder." Kachina replied. "Civilian food may not be lifesaving medicine, but it's just as important, especially for the more poverty-stricken areas around here and for those who have been driven to poverty by being unlucky enough to be caught in the middle of the war."

Kenji: As he reaches the group, he sees one being held captive with three surrounding the captive. Listening to the conversation, he prepares an attack. Using his psychic powers, he pucks up three nearby boulders, and throws them at the three captors. "I doubt I could win and actual fight, but that should help a bit, even if it is three on one."

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"I don't care about that right now!" Ribose snapped, thrusting her arms forward and making a dark purple shield surround her. Viral had to have planned this for months for him to have slowly taken apart the mountain without using enough power to be detected. She had relied on the fact that she had more troops, but this avalanche was about to make the numbers far more equal 

Kenji: As he reaches the group, he sees one being held captive with three surrounding the captive. Listening to the conversation, he prepares an attack. Using his psychic powers, he pucks up three nearby boulders, and throws them at the three captors. "I doubt I could win and actual fight, but that should help a bit, even if it is three on one."

Nox gagged, air driven out of him as the Weavile was tossed to the ground.


"Ugh, why me?" he moaned, claws scrabbling at the boulder in an attempt to pull himself free. It did almost nothing, it would take hours for him to break free by slashing the rock down to a manageable size

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@@Suitaloo@@Hive King, 

"I see..." he said, sighing.

"I guess there's not much to do about it then..." he continued, taking a deep breath, looking down.

"Would you mind if I at least tagged along? I have little else to do..." he finished, adjusting his sword a little for the potential walk to come.


Suddenly, someone came seemingly out of nowhere, and hurled a bunch of rocks in their direction. Being a little slow, he had no time to grab his sword, so with a powerful swing with his arms, he parried the rock as best he could, though he could still feel the blow hit him.

Managing to stay on his feet, he prepared his sword to defend himself.

Edited by Zhooves
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@Hive King,@Suitaloo


Damien heard the battle orders and stayed still, he knew he wouldn't be able to anything while the Sun was still up and he wasn't going to risk his life trying to. He would wait until at least dusk before trying anything. No one would notice him missing except for maybe William, but that was neither here nor there. He knew William would rather let it slide and have Damien's skill set for his plan than hinder himself and perhaps fail and feel Ribose's wrath. 

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Trixie flinched at what Ribose said and heard the order she gave out. Sighing, she gave a wave to her and winced as she turned into slime. Oozing through a crack, she made it outside and oozed along the ground until she made well within the camp. Poking her head up for a bit, she located William and oozed towards him. "Down here William. Not sure what to do in this situation. Mind telling me what to do?" Trixie asked him in a gurgly voice.

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William was snapped out of his trance when he felt the earth tremble. He stood up and ran back to base as fast as he could. "What the hell?" Was all he could muster as he saw an avalanche started to tumble down the mountain and destroy parts of the base. "All Rock, Ice, and Psychic type Gijinka! Come with me! Your assistance is needed!" William called as he ran through the camp, repeating the same phrase as he headed towards the avalanche. "Rock types! Erect walls of stone to stop the snow! Ice types! Do the same thing with Ice, or just redirect the snow to a safer location! Psychic types! Assist the Ice-types in re-directing the snow!"




As he was barking orders, William noticed Trixie in her puddle on the ground. "Trixie? You can't really help stop the snow, help evacuate. Get all non-essential personnel to a safer location and tell any Rock, Ice, or Psychic-types to come help stem the tide."

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Ribose snarled as the avalanche pounded against her barrier. She could have erected a barrier to cover the whole base, but doing so would take too much power, and was no doubt expected by Viral. It made her feel sick. She had promised to protect gjinka from oppression, but here she was, forced to sit in her energy bubble while the avalanche passed

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Kenji: "Damn, the big one parried it. Invisibility might work better here." He whispers as he renders himself invisible. Sneaking towards the big one, he finally gets a good look. "Damn, he won't be going down easy. Let's see, Maybe I can pass myself off as Ribose? No, too risky, I will just have to throw him." Using a psychic pulse, he targets the biggest one of the group.

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Trixie nodded and changed back to being human. She ran around camp and helped evacuate the civilians to safety, making sure that where they touched that her slime didn't get in the way. While doing all of this, she managed to spot some Ice-type gijinkas lounging about. She finished up her current evacuation and made her wy back to them. "Oi! Ice-types! Do you see that?!" She pointed towards the avalanche of snow cascading down the mountain. "Either help with that, or get a load of poison in your face! Got that!?" She yelled at the Ice-types to move and after seeing that they did, Trixie continued helping with evacuations.

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